(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

mashy, noelle and kim, thanks for input, guess most of 9 months are eating more and drinking less ahhh...mine also on a good day can drink 3x n bad day 1-2 times.

btw can i ask wat is the difference between cooking porridge wif minced meat vs sliced lean pork? taste same? if the sliced lean pork we minced after cook n put in again, will it be soft?

twinkle, yah he wakes up n entertain himself, but once eye contact wif me, he will cry for attention. my #1 gets up 6am get ready for school, so he will only go back to bed after taking sending big sista off, and i can also take cat nap too...hehehe
Coolkero, actually they are pork.. I used the loin for slices cos I have spare. This meat is lean and very little fat, so also less stringy. The normal mince pork u get from supermarket is from any parts, if you get from wet market, you can specify which part of meat you want the butcher to help mince. ask him to mince twice so that it;s fine enough for little one to "chew".
If you use the sliced lean pork like loin, which is meant fro soup or long cooking time, yes, it'll be soft.
Loin is more expensive than other parts of meat, its call "yao (waist) rou (meat)" only 2 in each pig. there is another one call "fake" yao rou, which is cheaper and less tasty.
has any mommies tried to go out whole day wif baby? wat food u guys bring out? bottled baby food? do u heat up the jar?? if bring porridge, wat if thermos not hot?? planning a day out during june holidays, but dunno how to pack...
thanks kim, normally i get pork fillet from supermarket, maybe i should try going wet market sometime to get the yao rou. so far i havent let tomi try, i usually throw the meat away, so hope he will like it. sorry can ask u one more question, with the minced pork, do u put in when water boil or like noelle put in 10-15 minutes before turning fire off? i'm not a good cook...hehehe

etoger jar confirm hot! i out fr 10ish till 9 at nite..both meal porridge eat whn out...by dinner time still piping hot!
Thou Char is nursing abt 4-5 times/day, the amt she drinks at each session is very low, probably ard 3 oz or less... so it works out to be abt the same as what K takes in 2 milk feedings.
Han Bao Bao
Where did you get the Etoger jar from? IS it really that efficient in keeping the temperature of contents? How much you paid? Better than Thermos or Zojirushi?

My MIL cooks porridge for Kasper's dinner usually around 5-530pm. Usually throws in a large chunk of pork (not sure which part, but she buys fresh fr wet mkt), maybe he gets a few shreds if the pork manage to disintegrate but she puts in potato, broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, "ngo hee" fish. A diff ingredient everyday. The base is either ikan bilis soup or pork. I only feed him brown rice with frozen breast milk at 8-9am and 12-1pm. He drinks FM around 9pm again.

He lurrves his milk, can't do without his dream feed. Must drink 150ml before bed each night around 9ish then he wakes between 12-2am for a feed and might last till next mrng 8am, sometimes he cries for milk again 4-5am, erratic lah.

Wow your baby poos alot. Kasper usu poos once a day in the mrngs, or else once in 2 days. Got constipated once and I got so worried.

i usually get the lean pork, then ask the butcher to mince it 2-3 times. I don't use the normal minced ones coz they're more fatty.

Pork loin in supermarket is 'Ba tao'. It's very tough... The tender ones are called tenderloin.
Han Bao Bao,
No worries. Thought Etoger was some new brand.LOL. Which model you use? There is a BP selling Thermos food jars wonder if the Thermos brand is good?
HBB, izit the tiger jar that u guys bought from isetan the other time? yah i'm interested too, let me know model number. today day out, i just took a normal food thermos container, but porridge was kinda warm turning cold by 3 hours. so really need to get one asap.

thanks mashy, will look out for tenderloin when i go supermarket... =p

ELchan, wah ur baby porridge surely yummy wif soup base, mine plain plain, sigh, i'm a bad cook....hehehehe

ya, that's the one from isetan.

Just that it's 0.7l instead of 0.9l shown here.

I also don't use soup base. Too lazy. :p
thanks mashy for link, now there is a reason to go shopping...too bad missed the boat to get discount the other time, wonder if the promo will start again soon???
My babies routine:
5.30-6am 200ml milk.....after that go to infant care
9.30am cereal (sometimes with juice or puree)
1.30pm 200ml milk
4pm baby biscuit
6pm reacch home and eat porridge - cook with drumstick n vege (I'll eat the drumstick...not them)
7pm bath....then sleep
10pm last feed of the day - 200ml milk

I feel sad when I'm typing this. as you can see I have no chance to play with my babies....they stay at infant care for 10 hours and I dunno y they cannot sleep well there....once they reach home they fall asleep. Both of them having same problem...avg they sleep for 2 hours (total) each day at infant care. sigh!
Teething pains
Anyone can share your encounters pls?
Baby Kasper was wailing his hearts out in the past hour half way through his sleep. This is the first time he cried so hard and for such a long time and I could not satisfy him with his cold teething ring, pacificer, drink of water, oil for his tummy thinking he had a tummyache(which is the usual suspect when I hear this type of cry at night). Finally I resorted to using Earth's Best toothpaste on a Gum brush. He happily chewed on my finger. But after falling asleep for less than 5 mins, he woke again, then I decied to offer some children's panadol, now he is fast asleep (fingers crossed) on our bed!!

I was at my wits end. Anyone can share your experiences and remedies used? Is this a 1 or 2 day episode or longer?
I was rather worried at first when Darius milk intake lessen cuz I read frm everywhere that milk should b their main source of food. now I see the mummies posting their bb routine I'm rather happy that Darius takes more den others.

he doesn't haf a routine of wad time he eat n such. so a bit irregular but around there. his routine as follow

morning (ard 9-10) 200ml + 4 spoon cereal and 2 cube purée
4hrs later 5 spoon macaroni + 4 spoon cereal + 3 cub purée
3hrs later 150ml milk
4hrs later porridge
4hrs-5hrs later (ard 11) latch on
frm 1-7 will wake up about 1-2 times n latch on
If the exercises will help C, just do what your gut feels right. All the best!

The tiger food jar. Occasionally, I spot it at Isetan normal sales or Carrefor, for $47 and up, RRP: $55. Personally, I don't really keep the porridge in the thermos for too long, so I didn't get the food jar and the quantity is quite big for the babies at this age. If no hurry, can just wait for a sale to get it. Oh yar, forgot to add, try to keep your thermos for hot food usage and avoid mixing with cold use, for it to last longer.

For my porridge, I do a simple veg soup base with carrots, potato and white onions, sometimes with a piece of pork bone, and then store the cooked veg for my meals like pasta, or just add some to her porridge. I cube the veg, so it doesn't take forever to boil the soup, and then store the soup in milk bags or containers. Usually a pot is about 3 bags, 1 bag for a day's porridge of 2 tbsp of rice. Her porridge recently has been threadfin, cod, frogleg, and pork. I haven't introduced chicken or beef yet cos these meats, I feel belong to the range which has more instances of hormone injections, but of cos each parent has their own gut feeling, so don't have to follow.
ya tats the jar!

ehh i dun use soup base also.unless im cookin for 5-6 babies.waste time t make base just for 2 meals haha bt its still yum!
lol that's why I'm resistant about borrowing the travel cooker from you for my Macau trip! I faint from having to think about cooking in a hotel room for J. She'll just have to do cereal for a week. I might bring the pigeon foodmaker set to mash some foods for her. Chiyojade just reminded me the other day to bring washing sponge for cleaning the baby's stuff... boy, a lot of barang to bring leh...
BTW, anyone has any idea how much does a stroller bag cost locally? Want to protect the stroller in case I'm required to check in the Maclaren XT. I'm considering whether to get one online but worry the shipping period to get it before my trip in a couple of weeks. dh laughed at me when I asked if he's got a lightweight foldable golf bag cover.
HBB, Sam,
You mean cook for baby when travel? possible? really alot of things to bring leh...I wanted to get a travel kettle/jug as I dun really want to use those in hotel rooms to boil water for babies. dunno clean or not. so if cooking is possible, i might just get a travel cooker?
Sam, you may also want to try pigeon cooked rice (porridge). I bought 2 boxes but have yet to try. Just need to immerse in hot boiled water for 2-3 minutes and the food is ready to serve.
Mummies i need some advice here.. appreciate it.. i'm desperate.

Is it alright to have aircon on at 23 degrees and baby dressed in only in sleepsuit, no blanket? Is it alright that baby's hands are cold to the touch?

Should baby's hands and legs be always kept warm or ok to be cold?

try calling the Baby Hypermart. Think they sell and they should be able to tell u how much it is. I'm also thinking of getting a stroller bag for my Peg Perego if I should succeed in my hol plans. That one cost about $59.90.

I carry a lemon when I go for hols. Before I use their kettle, I'll squeeze some lemon juice into the kettle and do a first boil to clean it first. Alternatively, u can get some citric acid.

My aircon is at 26deg and a swinging fan. My gal is also dressed in sleepsuit only, no blanket coz she'll kick it away anyway. It's ok so long as it's cool but not ice cold to the touch. Warm hands may mean too hot already coz bb lose heat very quickly.
sam... ya beverly mention e pigeon porridge worlks well too...xav eat tat occasionally

i gt this metal heating coil. bk in europe i bring it everywhr i go w a metal mug n i boil water in it cos back packer hostel dn hv kettle!along w e travel cooker..we always hav party in hotel room LOL
Thanks TJE, what temp is the aircon when your baby sleeps with only singlet and diaper?

really? thought babies should always be kept warm.. didn't know warm hands mean too hot!
Hi poohbear, there are quite a few babies and a couple of #1s who don't or didn't crawl at this age. So yours is not the only one. I'm just wondering if your physiotherapist knows enough about dealing with babies and their development?
Think about it - do we hear of any adults who say that they cannot crawl properly now cos their parents told them that they could not crawl as a baby??!! Ridiculous lah.

And regarding flat feet - I was looking it up cos a few kaypoh aunties commented that T has flat feet - maybe inherited from MIL - YUCK (I have nothing against flat feet..but..)
What To Expect The First Year has a section on that. It says that babies are flat footed at this age, foot has lotsa fats. This is cos they do not walk much now. A few years later the arch of the foot will develop and look more obvious.

So I don't understand why the physio was making a big fuss over flat feet.

If I were you, I will just take it easy cos I don't think there is anything wrong with your girl
beverly, dun feel sad, you can bond wif them when they are a bit older. my #1 dun remember anything when she was a baby, she is 7 now and only vaguely remember we brought her tour to guilin (china) when she was 2 years old, but she remembered the trip to states when she was 4 years old.

lynn, darius take the milk after cereal + puree or before. yes it's good he's drinking more, hehehe. mine average only drink 2-3 times. last few weeks can do dreamfeed, now dun want, headache, dunno if teething again.

ELchan, how many teeth? this one number wat? tomi also went thru hard time when his 5th and 6th tooth out, refused milk until i panic. last time for my #1, my pd recommend teething gel and she love it. maybe u can ask our expert, muffingirl.

sam, interesting about soup stock, how long can keep the stock? when u freeze the tray, do u put extra plastic bag cover tray?

TJE, wah u training ju en for winter ahhh...

newmum, my tomi sleep in sleepsuit (sometime short sleeves) and my aircon on 22 degree, he'll surely kick his blankie, but i still put on for comfort.
Hi Muffingirl,

Thanks for sharing what you found out abt flat foot...come to think of it, C has very ba ba feet at the top like a little hump so hopefully the arch of the foot will develop later like the book say

Actually the physio who saw my girl is a personal friend who was just helping me check C cos I mentioned to her abt my concerns. She deals with babies with developmental problems that's why I was quite concern after hearing what she had to say. I'm not so worried abt the flat foot part cos the most C will be clumsy and run like elephant next time when she grow up
but am just worried her physical development will be slower and affected and also studies have shown that some kids who dun crawl have slower cognitive developement as well.

Maybe I am just being too kan cheong spider...shall just continue to work with C on her exercises and hope for the best

Thanks to all mummies for your concern and encouragement! Great to be on this forum where I can share and get advise from the more experienced mummies
Mashy, eh I never tot of lemon....next time I will try this method to clean the kettle for myself...believe it or not I nvr use hotel kettle....I normally just drink mineral water n wouldn't touch hotel kettle :p

HBB, sounds great! I went to check on travel cooker today but can't decide which to buy....I wanna cook instant noodle in hotel room!!!...LOL...hubby suggested to get a small rice cooker since we dun have rice cooker at home but if use rice cooker to boil water got funny smell...yuck!

coolkero, thanks...agree that they may not remember since they are too young...but as mummy, I feel I should spend more time with them....I plan to switch to PT next year so that they dun have to stay 10hrs/day at infant care....I'm quite worry as it seems they can't sleep well at infant care. sigh.....
i tink mine was toyomi(i forgot and cooker not w mi now)
very compact! comes w a mess tin (or is it 2? and a spoon!! i bought it before preg and i nvr use a single time.. everytime loan to others lol)
Kasper has no teeth yet
Slow right?
Tomi has 6 teeth already? How long does the difficult period last? Is it one tooth at a time and over how many days at a stretch?

Do you know what's the name of the teething gel?
dun worry too much wor... my dino also cant crawl yet, she also seems to have flat feet (same like daddy)... who knows she might skip the crawling stage and start walking straightaway...

Btw, any mummies even went to Hei Sushi? I went today with Gen and was puzzled when the manager asked us to keep the bread (maple flavour) away saying that theirs is a Halal restaurant and wont be nice for other customer to see the bread lying ard... eh... the bread was solely consumed by lil Gen while we are having our dinner and it is not char siew (pork) bread... anyone encountered the same thing in other restaurants as well? It is the first time I kena, no problem at other restaurants even though we took out Gen's porridge and feed her while one of us eat our meal first...
ya lor... I thought I'm being too sensitive... but i'm not gonna step into Hei Sushi again... there are some muslim customers in there so I :X and obediently keep the bread away... the halal issue too sensitive liao... hengz i'm not feeding Gen with her porky porridge in there atm... sure kena kick out right away...
dino mum
ehh yes.. i avoid feeding edna certain thgy at halal restaurant. seems like they r quite strict.
even at macdonald.. when i feed her i make sure no pork in the porridge. cos i tink they prob scare the food on the table and other customer accidentally touch it.
tat is the reason why i dun giv edna pork now LOL
not sure wat maple bread u gave Gene but some bread r not halal cos of the cream/alcohol added into the cream. 1 of the bread is that hokkdaido bun. mayb thats is wat the manager is afraid of.
aiyo... talking about Macdonald & etc, i better avoid going there to feed Gen le... next time must choose a chinese restaurant to feed her le... Gen usually dun eat pork porridge coz her daddy is a halal guy... he dun dare to touch porky stuff let alone eat them so the dino can only eat pork when she's with her ah-ma...
i dunno if the bread is halal thou, bought it from 7eleven... but i remember seeing some japanese wording when i open the packaging... hmm... even cream got halal, non-halal?! wah... ~faintz...
ya cos of e flavouring.even if cake or bread tat uses the v innocent vanilla extract malays r not suppose to consume cos the vanila rextracted w alcohol! bt i would tink mac is more flexible. those high class restaurant prob will b mre particular.bt i still try to avoid since our chicken r nt halal! hehe
re pork porridge, i use minced pork (bought in mkt, minced twice). but it seems that it's still not soft after i cook. did i overcook?
so i blend it again after cooking...which is troublesome. any advice on how to do the correct way?
ELchan, each baby different progress lah, dun worry. although tomi has 6 teeth but cannot crawl, hehehe. well i think for tomi, it's 2 teeth at a time. the first 4 was not that bad, the 5th and 6th was kinda bad in terms of not wanting milk, a bit of loose stool, a bit warm, and cranky. i cant remember exactly how long, but a few weeks i guess. everyday i keep touching to see if cut teeth, finally out!!!
can buy at taka/isetan/metro/kiddy palace

try mixin e raw mince pork w water make it watery 1st before adding to the rice to cook.. usualy minced will lump together whn e cook.v hard to seperate so it seems v hard. bt if u mix w ater n stir..they dun bind together..u get e real loose meat all over the bowl.no need re blend aft cookin
hbb,i tried the method but still cannot.
the water u put hot or normal temperature water?
is it i put too big a lump of pork in the water...hmmm
I have that magic thermos jar. still new, unopened. Bought on impulse during the isetan private sale. who want? $39
i'm also using the same method as HBB. just use normal temp water, n mix with the pork. stir until all become loose, then add into the rice mixture to cook.

re tiger thermos flask
does such product lose the insulation over time?
i find mine doesn't give me piping hot porridge at the end of the day. Have been using it since 2008. N i don't use it to store cold food. only hot porridge. anyone has similar experience?
lv neverfull - yes, that is an embarrasment. it just screams 'matronly' all over. bot it in my 8th month of pregnancy, with hormones all supped up and motherly. want to sell it now. anyone want to buy ? $600. heh, after my advertisement here, dont think you want to go near the bag. am still using it now, cos despite its unattractiveness, its really a good dumping ground for all my wallet, phone, bills, receipts.

not walking/crawling - i agree with muffingirl on whether your doc is correct. did she say your bb is actually like that, or there is a RISK that she is like that. we mums tend to be overanxious and misread cues. 9 months is too early to tell. do take it easy. hope she'll learn to walk in no time. if you worried, maybe get a 2nd opinion first ?

bev - oh, my heart stings when i read what you said. can totally understand. sometimes i'm so concerned abt their well being, and so tired out by them, that i dont play or dont know how to play with them. thats why i bring them to my mum's place on sundays. at least my family helps to play with them and they laugh the whole day. otherwise, always facing tired and unintersting mummy.
mummies - do you still blend the food for bbies ? i'm still using my handheld blender, cos 1 bb has 6 teeth, 1 has 2. so i make it almost puree - like still. but the 6-toother like to bite my hands, shoulders, wonder if its cos she does not get enough 'bite' from her food ? like rabbit need to bite carrots ?
i'm still blending. more for my convenience in preparing her food rather than whether she can take unblended food. her way of learning to bite is through eating biscuits and foods that we nibble off for her to eat.

certainf ood i blend certain food i dun,corn npeas i blend n sieve. leafy veggies i will cut into strips n cook, bulky veggies liek brocolli n beetroot i out in to cook whole n use fork to mash when feeding

edna onli got 4 teeth.. v tiny ones... but she liek to do the chew motion..so good to let her practise chewin.. the chewing motion also prep them for speech later on..

ehh shldnt be hard leh... hw big a lump of pork do u use?
