(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

yupz neeciel, i am feeling that too for most of the dinner time. I called it evening sickness instead. haha. But according to doc, it shd still be called morning sickness.

Hi alll these are my Details....

Nick: Celia
EDD: 5 June 09
Gender: -
Expecting: #1
Gynae: dr Prof John Tee
Del. Hospital: KKH
ohhh. err. just email to [email protected] will do?? and they will reply to us? Sorry, your email need to use chinese word or english word?

ethan mum,
sorry this is my first time buying so not too sure. maybe u can check with bluberi?
Shelisa, yes.. email to tis address.. she should reply in 1-2days time. juz type english, she will reply in chinese.

Ethanmum, u wan to order nw or wait till my next order end nov / early dec. i've currently haf a pending order with them.
ohh bluberi,
thanks, i shall try to book 1 piece 1st. see whether the quality is good then book again.

thanks for updating out info.
I dont know what is the name.. But looking at your choice ... it seems abdominal.
That is --> they put some creamy gel on the tummy and use a probe like handheld device to move around the tummy.

Yes... you can SEE the blinking heart. Then you can ask the GYNAE to switch on the volume... then you hear... pik pok, pik pok, pik pok...hahahah
Hi Claire, ya MS strikes anytime of the day, i dunno if my MS can get worse or recover since my gynae told me it usually strikes on week 8...so scary...

how much is the jeans and shipping fee?
i think the jean shipping fee ard $7-8 dollar. not too sure. once i got reply from them will keep i posted.
Oh .. i cannot wait!

Blue beri, what are you ordering?

Btw... what kind of cream to use now as in the stretch mark cream?
Hi Ace, usually the gynae that u go for checking will be the one that deliver for ur wife.For my case my first boy was delivery by different gynae cuz my bb need to be delivered early due to some reason and the gynae im seeing that time was on holiday.
I did mine last night = 7w5d.
Actually suppose to visit Gynae on 8 weeks exactly (which is tomorrow) but we cannot wait to know bb's health.

AT least heard HB is a relief.
But should you not hear, no worries... cos my gynae says some develops heart later at week 10.
hi neeciel,
sorry i didnt order from 艾琳媽咪屋‧i order from 俏媽咪.

bluberi, u got order anything from 艾琳媽咪屋?? can u help neeciel?

sorry, this is my 1st time online buy thing. so im quite blur.
this tread is really too fast, now my eyes are o_O now

want want want, but now cant view all nice dresses, boss beside la

pls wait for me!!!
I ordered from 俏媽咪 earlier and just a rough guide for those who wanna buy bottoms there. I bought 2 pair of pants (XL size) and weigh 870g, ended up paying approx $30 for a pair of pants. Still consider cheaper if compare to local buys.

Postage will be much higher if buying lesser items. I propose to share the shipping if possible. Maybe much better if getting orders from mummies residing in same area so that can pass the item to one another easier. Hehe.
Hi Ace,

I like the way you describe the BB's heartbeat: "Yes... you can SEE the blinking heart. Then you can ask the GYNAE to switch on the volume... then you hear... pik pok, pik pok, pik pok...hahahah"

Looking forward to mine. Should be about 7 weeks and 2/3 days on Fri.
thanks shelisa, i see if anything caught my eye from 俏媽咪

Blueberi, can, will wait for the rest of the mummies then =)

Claire, same here feel like Zzzz cos just after lunch but i dun feel tired anymore unlike 1-2 weeks after i tested positive. Normal or not?

lovelytulips, ya the nurse called me and told me there is a slot for sat, so heng heng lor, gg for the hospital tour as well after my check up =)
oic... wow!
hey any mummies giving birth at KKH?
actually i am pretty confused .. should i get the package or not..
if for KKH i want the private suite..
etc.... and since i am seeing the SNR consultant - i thnk his fees are different as well.
neeciel, u so fast join the hospital tour liao ah. i still thought of going at a much later date. haha...

now, i'm trying hard to eat my food. has not been wanting to eat but most of the time, i just force the food down. how ah...
lovelytulips, ya since timing just nice then go lor =)

ya me too cant eat much, din finish my noodle just now as well... i think is alright not to finish the food, have small and more meals lor, most imptly eat heathily =)
err, can check with all mommies? Suddenly i feel my tummy have like when want to come men pain. Is it common or normal?

Frankly speaking, Dr Yvonne Chan is good, i quite like her due to her steadiness, she say calmly with small smile, make u feel comfortable and secured. but i find tmc is too expensive for me, so i decide not to go to her again. but i still considering
i do get cramps too esp when i sit up from a lying position.. mostly at the sides of the tummy... guess its normal...

Packages for gynae varies from gynae to gynae. Some gynaes start the package from 20th week onwards, because basically, some feel that up to week 20, there is still a certain risk. So it's pointless to have package. In my previous preg, I started my package @ week 21.

cant remove..i'm on medication now hopefully it will dissolve by its own..U will be able to hear the HB in ur next visit
thanks bluberi & kikismom,
im feeling better now. the feeling of men is gone.

bluberi, tmr u gg for checkup, must rem to update us the latest new. i so excited for u.
Ethan_mum, how much did u pay for your delivery of your 1st kid? sometimes i also dont know whether she is very ex compared to other gynaes in TMC....
Blueberi, cos i usually have my appt in weekdays afternoon, this week so heng i got a sat slot and timing is just nice for me to go for a tour, so just go lor =)

Ethan_mum, i oso keen to know her delivery charge cos i am seeing Dr Yvonne Chan too.
Can anybody tell me is it normal that you will always feel very sleepy in the first month of pregnant? I keep on feeling very sleepy lately... think will going to affect my work already.... Thank you very much.
hi bluberi,
haha, ice cream is my life. actually i can eat even more cup. but bcos of bb i control. so i ate 2 cup. but not everyday. so i tell my sub-contractor dun buy or not sometime i will give my worker to eat.

it is very common to feel sleepy. dun worries. actually what i do now is i start my lunch n finish soon and have a nap ard 20mins. i will feel better and refresh.
hapeverafter, nt sure if all feel the same.. but i feel sleep easily during work.. can yawn whole day lor. and i sleep more nw. even on weekend i can nap for 5hrs during noon which i nv done b4.

Shelisa, too much cold things can cause cramps leh. mi missed strawberry yoghurt fm bubbletea shop.. nw oni can see my sis drink. all i can do is smell it. my mum tinks i'm crazy, when my sis order Sarsi (my fave drink) i always take n smell coz i cannot take cold drinks for the sake of bb.
