(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hi mummies, anyone in the west knows where can buy those shoes for kids who just start walking got the sound when they step? my MIL yday then say i must buy jayden a pair of shoes for his 1st bday. wow so excited.. thinking of the last 1 year, time flies.. last year this time , was on the way to go check up not knowing that it's my last check up. count down to 36hr to his birthday haha the feeling so weird...


think most of e neighbours shoe store shld hv them, but designs limited.

but nt u buy, shld b yr mum. :p

I hv yet to buy 4 my boy too although my mum has passed me e $, gonna get him a Crocs Mickey Makin Wave .

bbPotato, my nanny said that it should be my sister in law need to buy the shoes.. er is it different dialect group diff practice?

Anyway, anyone heard abt the items we need to present to our baby to choose on their b'dae. Eg abacas, pen etc..
any SAHM interested to do part time work from home job? Need pple to mark english papers! Good $$$ for SAHM! Pre-requisites: Min A2 for GP "A level"

PM me!
my boy refused the bottle and cant take cow formula.
I've been giving him goat's milk with his cereal when I cant pump enuf.

He's down with fever 40 degrees and brought him to 24 hr last night. Now fever subsided but he needed to latch on thru'out the night.
actually can feel some contractions whenever he breastfeed. at first i throught it is pre-menstrual symptom..
I think any plans to stop bf must wait until he recover. sigh
hope he recover in time for his b'dae party on Sunday
Ah ching
i just read ur boy is sick. hope he is fine now. look lie really need to find a way to stop BF asap contraction no good for ur bb.. does he tk straw? maybe novelty may appear to him.. jayden can drink his full feed from a normal straw and i think he enjoy doing that. now when he drk from btl he do not understd that he must lie down then can finish the milk haha sometime he will sit up trying to drink his milk. maybe he just want closeness will it help if he drink on your lap?
if not then i rem sometime ago tubbymummy or who posted a gadget to feed bb like a tube or what that go to the breast but it's FM.. aiyoh i totally forget what it is call or how it suppose to work.anybody can recall..? paging cassey you rem?
<font color="0000ff">Jess Ma

No leh stopped since December.. his weight been pretty stagnant since 4 months old. Now still 7.4kg i weigh him this morning, and turning 1 in 2 weeks!! alamak.. well, he gained 100g in the last 2 months wor...</font>
styliciously, i read somewhere that green leafy vegetables has iron which blocks the absorption of calcium. and my gynae was the one that told me to take 1l of low fat milk. anyway i don't like veg :p so my preference is still to take milk for calcium.

createjoy, ya time seems to fly past. hope ur knee is ok now. saw ur post on facebook.

Mine is no better than urs, think @ their 1YO review, e PD wouldn't b able to mark their weight, most probably fallen off e chart oredi.

Ah Ching: My boy refuses bottle long ago, he dun wan my ebm plain too... so got to hide it in the HT cereal. But he latches well though.

bbPotato: any happy bellies excess stock?

shoes: My mum told me she got to buy leh, so think it's true loh
Ah Ching : I was about 14 weeks pregnant when i found out. My daughter's just turning one in a few days.... Welcome to the club!

I didn't know i was pregnant so was nursing her till about 3 weeks ago, since the gynae advised me to stop breastfeeding. She's has not been drinking any milk (rejected formula - i tried organic HIPP and Goat's milk) so now i just give her solids and it seems fine.

Good luck with the weaning!
Wow, congrats to all mommies who are preggy! I am 25 weeks preg too.

Now busy with last min preparations of my girl's 1st bday next week. Do you mommies give goodie bags at your party to the kids? My mom says must give but I am still looking around for good gift ideas. Probably $5 per child. Any recc?

Shoes- I think it is supposed to be bought by our mom. Read from some chinese book that says bb maternal grandma must buy shoes for her 1st bday! Will be going to the bb fair tom with my mom to check out if any nice ones to buy.

Ah Ching- Think your boy will be fine by this weekend. My bb was sick 2 week back but she took 1 week to recover cause she had flu, bad cough then fever for 5 days. PD says it is a double viral infection and we went to see the PD 3 times cause we wanted to make sure she's fine. She did not eat much during that period. Milk intake dropped by half and she lost 1/2kg. Very poor thing. Even have no strength to crawl away when we sponge her with cold cloth. Just cry with eyes closed and struggle.. She cries very loud whenever we sponge her. Keeps waking up every other hr at night. Not easy but don't worry! Your boy will get well soon, just have to take abit more care. Guess you got no choice but to latch 1st..

bbpotato- Thanks for the food updates!
junies, congrats!! wow, alrdy 6mths+ alrdy?
is a baby sis or baby bro?

read and heard so many ppl saying abt maternal grandma has to buy shoes for 1yo. dunno if my mum will buy or not...she never buys my boy anything at all all this while. say its not her duty to buy things, we parents shd be buying... damn her!!

so dat means nw u totally no give milk? jus on solids? can ar? my boy also dun drink milk leh... nw put powder into his cereal.
Seems like a lot of babies comin down with flu but don't worry they will get well soon.aug was down with flu some time back and he recovered after a week.they r rather resilient so don't worry.just that mummies have to suffer when they r sick.wake up more often,make sure they have enough fluids.and quite painful to see them suffer also.congrats to all mummies who r preggie!great that u r giving your kids a sibling to play with;) take good care of yourselves.eat merrily and have plenty of rest!
11_beans,maybe see whats he like to eat then give him more.. if not drink milk,think milk better than peanut butter..or consult doc?
<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">Congrats ah ching, newbiemum &amp; junies!!!</font> So exciting to hear about your new buns in the oven again.

bbPotato, was wondering if you were coping ok - especially with those "under-ordered" stuff. Maybe if you have excess stock, ppl will snatch them up! I'm so glad you did this for us.
hi bbpotato,

thanks for organizing. not sure whether you included me. but if you have excess, do let me know


Congrats to all preggy mummies too! Enjoy the pregnancy journey all over again =)
I'm so envy of all our preggy mummies! really miss the preggy days but think i'll wait till jayden is 2 then try if not i cant cope. take care mummies!

Ya lor jayden is having a flu n i got a sorethroat early this week when he having flu. then i slowly become cough &amp; flu now! goodness me! now spreading virus in office hahaha coughing away

thks! i've seen a doc cos also have cough so now the knee wound finally drying up and not much pain. just hope i dont knock against anything till it recvr!

swimmer pant
i saw 1 mum post huggies swimmer pant $1.95 for 2 pc. i went imm dont have. anyone saw it? wonder if it's true?
haha by the way i have a funny post pls bear with me,
anyone wants queen size bedframe. i have a serta bedframe 3 yr old. mid brown with cushioned headboard. velvet texture. letting go cos my mattress very thick + bedframe v dangerous height jayden fell twice already.i'm gonna slp on the matress without frame...pls PM if keen.
Hello mummies,
Read in earlier posts that some babies were on hunger strike. Mine has refused to eat for one week already... hope this is just a passing phase. How long do they take to get out of it?!
Newmum, my boy was on a food strike for 3 weeks. When he was 9 half mth old. I still cooked porridge everyday to try though , but only managed to stuff in max 2/3 spoonfuls when I force fed him.

I was stressed up cos he is not even big n heavy to begin wif. He didn't seem hungry either . He still drank milk though, n took some puffs. Other than that, cereal n porridge was out. I would try all ways to feed him, like putting a puff on top of the porridge , mix fruit in it , etc.

Many pple told me not to force feed , but looking at him like that , how to just let him skip meals ? Very worrying I must say ...

Anyway , after nearly a mth , he somehow began eating again. He did lose a bit of weight while on the strike though but he was otherwise happy still.

So perhaps , u may like to wait a while ? Or intro something diff ? That is if u r sure he is not ill . It's just a passing phase , n got to wait it out . I know it's hard .... But bbs do go thru milk or food strike for no apparent reasons .
Ahnetsan and all mommies thanks for congratulating me! I am very happy to have a boy this time. 1st was a girl.Bein preg now is not easy. My little girl is super active and cannot stop moving. Have to move back to my mom's place. I can hardly carry her more than 5 mins. I can't walk long and tummy is huge. Just like when I was about to give birth last time. 1st preg was a breeze, now I feel tired easily and gained 7kg/25wks! Bb only 700gm.

Now cannot even lie flat with my girl on top of me. Tough. Good thing my mom helps me with everything. Feeding, bathing, carrying, teaching bb.

Re: shoes

Am quite sure it is supposed to be bought by our moms. Have been looking around but can't find anything. Any suggestions?

Re: food strike

My girl went through this. Hated my porridge and only drink milk and eat biscuits. My mil says my cookin is bad but I just ignore her. Now she's ok again. Think it was abt a week or so when she was 10mths plus. Nothing to worry. Now she eat heaps again. She will only stop when my mom says, look at your 'yuanyuan' tummy. She will then look down and refuse to eat. Very funny. hahaha. We use the same words to get her out of the bath tub if she doesn't want to get out. Both times she will look at her tummy and ask us to quickly carry her. hahahhaha

Createjoy- think it is a better idea to sleep on mattress. My girl fell down many times from bed though she goes down feet first. Just yesterday she fell off again. Ear got hit on the floor and it become all red, at the top got bruised and a red/purple blood clot all swollen. Luckily my mom quickly applied zambak and use a cold towel to subside it. She was crying non stop. Looks better today. Just bruised and slightly swollen. This is what happens when I look after for a while. Very careless.. And I can't move fast enough to catch her with my big tummy..
Junies: lucky that you have your mum to help w the heavy duty work.... I'm still doing all of it + bringing my daughter to classes......waiting for helper to start work end of june.

Reaching week 20 soon.....half way there!

Thanks mummies for the well wishes!
Today went for 12-month jab, and at the same time give urine sample to monitor UTI. During the injection, he was distracted by daddy while I hold on to both his hands tightly, cry a bit and soon forgotten after Dr Chan show him some flashy toy. Just hope that he dun remembers that 3 months later when we go for the MMR jab...
Cranky cranky now... and some more his teeth already cut my left boob... now I can see a cut *ouch* *ouch*.. he dun drink water, or ebm or glucolin, only wanna latch... super pain
btw, the Clarks at ION is having sale, just got a pair of shoes there for $39 only... and they are some more left good buy
Poko1 &amp; junies mummies,
Thanks for sharing your experience! It is indeed worrying to have baby not eating (poko, 3 weeks gosh! don't think i can stand seeing baby starve like this for that long *heart pain*). junies -I, too started to doubt my cooking but when baby also refuses bottle food, fruits, milk... now wringing my hands thinking of what to do next. Its no longer about taste anymore! oh yes, their tummies are really cute aren't they? so nice to kiss, warm and soft
saw the huggies swimmer pants promo b4, but was quite some time back. saw it at the ngee an city watson's.

must be hard on you, lucky ur mum can help you. take care...

bought a pair of colettee shoes from robinsons which is on sale over the wkend. good deal, was going for $19.90. rather soft.
thks. i didnt see it anyw near me.. sigh.. well i now know there is really such promo going on.

aiyoh sound scary i cant imagine if it was me handling him aft a fall like this on my own.. i so blur leh didnt thought of rub or put cold pack.. ya lor am hoping to sell off my bedframe soon at least left the mattress 30-40cm not so bad if he fall again.. but i'm also scare with such height he will climb to my bed more often and fall more often..
Hi all,

need to ask a qn. For those who ordered cupcakes for your child b'day, can you recommend the baker? My friend asked me for contact and my baker is busy, cannot take order liao. So gotta seek alternative. TIA!
congrats to all preggy mummies! wish i too can join the club but am going back to school in september so wont be fair to baby and me if i cant take 4 months PAID maternity leave! also Alya is so active now, i cant keep up!

on this day last year, it was my last day at work, kept looking forward to 5pm so i can start 2-week break baby-free before i deliver. but Alya only gave me 1 week break then she decided to see the world. haha!

and this day next month, im moving! yay! so much to look forward to. any teacher moms? happy holidays!
oh any mummies selling their birthday party items? im having a small party for Alya on 20th and if any mummies still have good condition items please let me know by the 10th! else i go buy from shop cos quite last minute..hehe. the theme is winnie the pooh but anything with pink princess also can lah!

thanks in advance!
btw, pls dun go to kidslink PD. i think the management sux big time! the one at kidslink @ sembawang SUDDENLY CLOSED DOWN FOR GOOD without even bothering to call and inform parents! i had a shagged day ytd bringing my boy to see doctor.
does anyone know whether its safe to give pediasure to a baby who is 11+months old? It states that pediasure is for 1 year onwards, but my baby is such a fussy eater and he is simply not interested in eating, so Im thinking of giving him pediasure but he is not yet 1 year old...
<font color="0000ff">i'm giving my boy pediasure once a day just to try.. seems like he shit alot more though so dun dare to give too much...

i guess shd be ok ba.. to gradually introduce..

if not, ask the doc lor..

my boy turning 1 in a week!

bbPP i've also given Alya a lot of things meant for 1 yr and above including cheese, yogurt. my only reservation in giving my girl chocolate is that im such a chocaholic! i dont want her to be addicted to it like me! heheheh...
hi anyone brought their BB to Fidgets?
Am thinking of bringing my son to Fidgets or Kidsexplorer.. not sure if he'll enjoy?

Pediasure: I bought 1 bottle but think wont be giving my boy as he cant take cow's milk..
What should I feed him to top up calcium if he cant take cheese, yoghurt, diary productsand ikan billis?
He will get patches of rash all over his body whenever I feed him these including the baby biscuits. Sigh
Am feeling super stressed out and tired physically.
Having a perpetual blocked nose now and fever for the last few days.
the worst is there is nobody to help me take care of my boy.
It's just me and me alone with my boy at home.
Sometimes I feel so tired that I cant move but still need to take care of my boy.

Tried to get daddy to help but he say world cup is coming so he wont be spending much time at home.

I cant imagine how I am going to cope when my tummy gets bigger. sigh.

I really feel soooo guilty towards my boy. I wish I could spend more time playing with him.
Or cooking healthy meals for him..
Now everyday I just tabao outside food..
Am such a bad and lousy mummy.


Hope you get well soon. Drink more water.

Calcium intake:
think milk is the best but u can try making bone soup (pork or chicken bone) or dried scallop soup/porridge. If your boy is ok, you can share the soup with him too.

Any mummies tried 5 hours feeding interval?

Dear Ah Ching
Perhaps try to catch some sleep when your boy naps? I think tabao food is not an indication whether you're good or not. tabao can mean more time for your much-needed rest since no need to prepare and etc. take care!
