(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hi poohwei,

softs stools problem is not mine is fr GraveofGod la! hehe!

so u ve bought ur 2 kids to pd today how's ur #1?

FYI, baby below 3 mths no oral medication from doc!

Is ok my dear ur gal ll be ok soon! Some x the little one ll pass out the plegm with their stool so is ok!

Hi MummyJan,
I have 2 gals as well. #1 born June 2007 and #2 April 2009. Both of them r on bm as well. #1 will have soft stools depending on how much bm she took. so i think no worries at all.

hoops&yoyo, u r very good!! we r struggling to bf just 1 baby and u r handling 2!! *claps*

my mum has been helping alot for both of my kids during day time and of course during nite time when kids r cranky! without mum's help, i cant imagine myself..

finally my sis in law's helper came back from holiday already and already transferred to me.. she is a super good help!! think Shermay is having wonderful time having helper pat pat, feed milk, shower etc.. and i can express at a very relax mood during evening time when back at home and during weekends.. hopefully no more 'from hell' helper.. whahhaa..

i will be popping by robinson this week.. hope to grab some avent bottles for daily storage..

i have the habit of changing non BPA free bottles and teats every 3 mths even before the BPA thingy came out.. so to me, this is not really wasting of money.. more to protect the little 1.. because plastic cannot be re-used for some times.. and somemore daily kids and babies r using this many times per day..

sharon, sorry to hear abt yr baby! hope she is getting better now.. do take care.. i agree with feb_mum that we have to buy insurance at very early stage. i bought insurance for them when they turned 1 mth. in fact under parkway health group pte hosp, babies r entitled 6 mths of free insurance coverage. i bought riders for them too to cover pte hosp too. i think this is impt.. almost the same concept as storing cordblood..

my insurance agent updated me that there is new coverage for hand, foot, mouth.. not sure whether they have coverage for H1N1 ornot..
Hi Mummyjan,
Paiseh! Blur already.

You mean babies under 3 months cannot take oral medication arh? The PD gave me leh. Precisely becos baby is very young, i brought her to pD. My friend was telling me that thank goodness that baby was on BM. If not, she would have kena infection from the sister much earlier.

As to insurance, my #2 is covered under NTUC imedi-care (Hubby's company's benefits)- $250 a yr. So we just need to pay $15 to see the panel PDs. Injections not included. But the PDs are restricted to a few only. (TMC: Dr Ang PL, Dr Ang AT and Dr Keoy SS) plus a few from the neighbourhood. We chose Dr Keoy. The insurance also cover A ward hospital stay. Touch wood..hopefully dun need to utilise. BUt the visit to the PD one is super impt!! 2-3 visits to pD and the cost is covered liao.

Hi Shers,
Robinson having sales of Pigeon steriliser also. Saw the advertisement on Sat. You may want to take a look too.
Hi mummies,

Why u r getting avent bottles for daily storage.. ? To chill ur EBM? R u buying the storage bottles isit BPA free and how much u ll be paying? I also ve storage problems now I ve bought Chicco Milk container can be storing milk up to 230ml and it come in a box of 4 pcs only $19.90 usual price if got discount ll be lesser, pls chk it out I bought from Tangs worth buying cos later can use as food container too and can pile up plus can sterilise!

Hi Poohwei,
Cos exp go to poly last x when my #1 below 3 mths she is having some cough and block nose so ask for medication but doc said can't cos baby too small n pls go to kkh if u think u need than I went to kkh A&E they only give me nose drop for her and they told me no oral medi fr baby below 3 mths lor!

Mummies pls adv which insurance co is gd for my 2 kids I want to buy H&S for them now only my #1 under Medi-shield, since like kids sick so much and often nowsaday so better get insurance tat cover fully w/o need to pay any single cent rite?

Hi mummies

I've read thru the postings this morning, then was caught up in meetings.. cant remember who asked about #1 having BM..
My #1 is having my BM now as well, she is totally receptive towards BM, and told me Yummy somemore.. hehe

So many babies are sick now.. take care k mummies! it's not easy to take care of sick kids..

since you are producing milk for both yr bbies, one way is to eat a lot more than u usually do.. that way u will be more energetic..
I have been eating like crazy since i delivered my #2.. everyday just eat eat eat and eat.. my weight doesnt increase coz i guess whatever i eat goes to the milk hehe..

Presevere k. No need to stop bf, if you think u are very tired, then can supplement with FM, in that case you wont force yr body to overwork and at the same time babies still get the nutrients of BM
coz u got 2 to take care of, unlike us hehehe..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Fellow Mums,
Just wanto ask if anybody interested to buy diaper bag.
Can slide your baby photo in the photo casing to personalize the bag. Comes also in baby pink with matching changing pad.
Email me: [email protected]
Thank you for time taken. </font>

I do get hungry very often...but sometimes work is so busy that I forget about my hunger.. During my pregnancy, I gained 17 kg..and now I've lost 20 kg..think everything went to the boys. My fren is asking me to take supplements but I dun like...hee..

Thanks for all your encouragement..should meet up with all of you...all of you seem to be old time frens..from the beginning of pregnancy till now.
hi tiny m,

the EBM on my facebook is accumulation of a month's plus of excesses, not really alot per say lar. now i am back at work, i am trying very hard to express as much as his feed coz i dont my storage to deplete so fast. what ever i take down from freezer need if possible replace with fresh supply.

today is my 4th day at work..think its getting better..everyday i get another 10ml more than the previous day. prob my body getting used to new pumping environment bah.

then last weekend i itchy backside go buy a manual avent pump. my first few years sell the bpa free version and was on 20% discount, same price as the normal version at robinsons etc. so i just bought instead of getting from US website. quite like it. just that hand will be tired after a while but it clears even better than my ameda electric and its mobile can walk ard n pump hahahahah...
Hi mummyjan,
ya.. me getting more avent bottles for daily storage during working hrs.. i have been buying alot of milkbags for storage and the price is killing me.. so i think bottles r better after heeding to other mummies' advice.
yes, i will buy BPA free bottles for longer milage. i think retail is selling dual pack at $36.90. BP is ard $24 (cheapest but will arrive 2 weeks time). i will like to check robinson and taka sales then buy.. mean time i just stick to milkbags. i need to buy at least 4 bottles.

jaime, i used to use ameda also but in the end, still need avent manual to empty my Bs. so now i just stick to avent manual. can have at least 2 let downs.. its ok to have tiring arms because that trains us for further carrying of our babies.. whahhaa..
Hi Mummies

I have 2 tins of Mamil Gold Step 1 for sale (the new packing) - cant find the pictures on webby.

Selling at S$25 per tin (NTUC sells at S$28.90).

Pls PM me if keen.Thank you.

I think take some supplements is okay, i am taking betacarotene, DHA, and Vit C daily.. At least i feel recharged haha..
Talking about hungry, i am now so hungry again,bought snackies, will munch later..
Hi Shers,

I think ur choice of avent bottles r more costly for ur storage of EBM, why dont u check out the Chicco Milk container is also BPA free, gd choice cos later we can use it to put baby food too not waste for only use of puting BM rite? Try to check is the Tangs promo of 20% still on? Worth buying!

Hi mummies,

I'm using electrical pump still facing sore nippers and pain all the x, is it normal to u all? If so when ll it stop painful? I've try use cream and even BM on it, still not solve this problem! Any adv?


I had prob with sore nipples during my #1, finally i realise it's the funnel that has been causing sore nipples.
I was and am using Ameda, i find the hard plastic funnel is the cause, after i have use flexishield (the rubber parts like those avent pump's star thingy), i didnt have any sore nipples prob now. Also rec my colleague to use flexishield, it works for her as well..

What pump are u using?

How much u get the avent manual? I am very interested.. coz at home i am using my pigeon manual, can yield much better than medela.. now used to it, dun find it tiring at all ahhahaha.. but at work, due to time constraint i need dual pump (my ameda).
hi tiny m..
my boy also got nursing strike at 3 months. is ur girl 3 months old already.

my bfg journey was also not smooth. i was giving him ebm till 2 month old when i slowly got my boy to latch like 90% of the time and supply is in.

It was because bottle was introduce early due to jaundice/ lack of milk supply and my PD (which i totally dont agree but she is the PD i am not and my kan cheong hubby). So since then my boy prefer the bottle.

but between month 2 till now that i return to work, i manage to get him to latch slowly except during when he turn exactly 3 month, he had nursing strike (according to the book i read nursing strike occurs when baby turns 3 and 8 months).but after that the nursing strike of 1 weeks plus he return to breast.

but since i am back n work n got his favourite the bottle back,the only time i can latch is 4am feed when he is sleepy n drowsy..other times is back to the bottle. since i have no choice now that i am back to work, i suppose i am more lenient now, if he wants the bottle so be it...my only goal now is to keep my pumping supply as long as i can at least til semi solid is introduced.

for my future #2, no more bottles until i can no longer latch due to work etc..i salute those who can tbf and latch whenever and where ever...i love that convenience ..i did have it for 1 month plus
for my #1.
rc cola
i got it for SGD 78 from my first few years. if u shopping on US website like www.diapers.com , u can get it for USD 40 for the same bpa free version.
but u need to add in shipping cost. if u are getting lots of stuff from the website, maybe can get the pump for cheaper.
Hi rc cola,

Thks for ur adv, I'm using Medela single electical pump, its loan from a gf whose not bfg. Oh never know abt the funnel will cause the problem! But now wat can I do, I can't get another pump, cos my hb not working and I'm SAHM for my 2 kids! Pls adv?

how abt just latch?? alot of SAHM also just latch.

i got same problem as u. my gal is ok with bottles and latching until i started work. then she prefers bottles now. i can only latch her before she slps if she is drowzy and ard 5+am..

My #2 don't want to latch on after she is ard 2 weeks later cos I started to give bottle and latch on sometime when she came back to home cos I'm c-sect so very painful and I need to handle my #1 too! so no time to concentrate on latching for my #2. I also know direct feed is better cos much easier and good when go out with bb no need to pump and bring so many stuffs along!

Plus most important is the milk supply will not drop!

Re: Latching vs Bottles
I was also latching my gal 90% during the 1st month. Later, when i started her on bottles after confinement, she had great difficulties. But I perservered and SUCCEEDED!! Yippie. So my gal is now accustomed to bottle feed from 8am onwards till 7pm. Then latch till next morning.
On weekends when we go out, she will just latch. Imagine the amt of things that i will need to bring if i bring 2 kiddos out for the whole day. So when we go out for whole day, i will just need to bring 2 bottles + pump (very light cos its freestyle, pump parts) for pumping purposes, afterwhich, the milk will be given to my #1. #2 will just latch. Very very convenient. All i need is nursing shawl which i have plenty now cos my helper n i just keep looking out for new fabrics to make them.Hehe..

Congrat! u've make it! I've the same problem for my both little one, don't like to latch on after bottle feeding! So I've to do extra work for them, but one thing good is I know the amt tat they took from bottle feed rather than direct feed, till now I ll not know how long and long much ll a baby take from direct feed! hehe :p
Re: Losing weight during BF
Yes..I lost so much weight! 4 kg below pre-preg weight now!! Was 58kg before preggy. Now, 54kg! Aiming to lose another 2 kg before i go back to work in 2.5 weeks time cos i can lose abt 1 kg every week. However, while i lose weight, i kept reminding myself that i must take the supplements!! So i still take 1 x (fish oil + multivit + calcium + milk) each day. Today, i went back to my gynae's clinic to purchase more calcium pills and got ard 10+packs of milk samples. Now, i more or less have sufficient milk sachets to last me in office for 2-3 months.

However, when i cut down on the amt of milk that i express, i would need to cut back on my diet so that i dun gain so much weight. Now, i eat like nobody's business!! Hahaha..drink soft drinks n eat sweet stuff everyday.

In that case you might wanna invest in a manual pump (cheaper and wont cause sore nipples), it lasts quite long and u wont need to worry about the motor goes haywire (anyway it's manual).. My pigeon manual is the best!! i love it, but kinda bored with it.. itchy hands want to get an avent manual hehe

Pigeon pump is quite affordable, cheong choon sells it at S$60..

My boy timing is similar like you.. morning til 6pm he will take bottles, and the rest is on latching on..
As for my girl, she anyhow suckles, suckles one mouth, look at me and grin, another mouth, grin again! told her it will take her whole nite to finish her 200ml if she suckles at my breast that way hahahaha..
I also wish i can latch like before..but now i go out during weekend i need to bring ebm coz i no longer have the confidence that my baby will latch. i sometimes wonder how can babies be so choosy at such a tender age.

i also wish i can go back to old days when i no need to bring ebm/bottle n worry about the breasts.

poohwei, so u use the nursing shawl to cover when pumping also? i thinking of bring my manual pump out also but i have never pump outside of home/office but i guess the logic is the same as latching in public bah..but instead of a baby its a pump.

Hi5, i literally eat like a pig! :p hahahhaa was munching on so much of loacker + biscuits haha! i am now 43kg, so i dun really bother that much keke.. seeing the thick creamy later on my milk makes me super contented ho ho hoooo
Hi rc_cola,
You mean Meg is willing to latch? My En En is also willing to LICK then grin also..Hahaha. She would rather take ebm from bottle.

Hi Jaime,
I normally pump at somebody's place, usually my in laws. I use nursing shawl when latching only.

Meg is willing to er.. i should say "play suckling" rather than seriously latch! I think we should one day bring our girls to play together. My girl has not many frens, most of her time is spent at home with gma, KPOing or watching hi5 hehe.. not forgeting this mummy seldom buys toys for her haha!
halo mummies !

today i put my boy back to ifc...then got a call from them late morning that my boy is not drinking milk again...haiz ! before that i feed him, he drank 150ml...i wonder is it bcos he dont like other ppl to feed him milk...

juju, i always write a note and inform all the infant caregive to wash him with water and remove the bb wipes from my boy's box...hope they follow my instruction loh...else will complain again !

re : latching
since last week, i start to latch my boy again cos he is very cranky due to his buttoks very pain...but after latch for so long still no milk supply leh...really is factory not producing milk ? mummyjan, i got no time to cook the soup...but i do take fenugreek...

shers, any good buy at robinson sales ? can share ?

i cant log in to fb..anyone got this problem ?
<font color="0000ff">Gathering anyone?

Date: 21 Aug(Fri)
Location: HDB @ Khatib
Time: from 12pm onwards
Menu: Homecook Pasta + Bakes

1. Joyce
2. adv_sports
3. Andrea

Or can change of date to 31st Aug, monday instead</font>
ju, it's ok..

I'll be returning back to work on 2 Sep.. thot to meet up again b4 I gone back mah!

BTW, I got my taka card.. in time for the bb fair!
Date: 21 Aug(Fri)
Location: HDB @ Khatib
Time: from 12pm onwards
Menu: Homecook Pasta + mushroom soup + Tiramisu

1. Joyce
2. adv_sports
3. Andrea
4. Gie
dear all,
Thanks for all your concern.
My baby is recovering. No fever, rashes and ulcer has recovered le. But now got runny nose and cough... arghh...
Doc still still need a few days more to recover lor..
<font color="ff0099">sharon
but better than having fever or rashes.. she drink milk den will cough.. den choke.. den so uncomfortable..

den she keep coughing when she's trying to sleep.. then will wake up again.. then got little bit of mucus dripping out. cute la but heart pain. hhaaha</font>
gd morning ladies!long time no post. have been really busy

Re: washable breast pad
Adv_sports, i only used washable breast pads at home. i switched to disposable ones when i go out

btw ladies, can someone tell me where to get the sealing caps for the milk bottles? i went to glen E but they dun sell it leh....thanks!
i just saw yr question whether bb will have discharge.
YES!! in fact not sure whether u mummies realise that baby girls will have red (sticky blood) discharge during 1st few weeks. then they will have white discharge.
last time my confinement lady told me its very normal. and i checked with my PD before, he also said its very normal.. its the residue left by mummies during preggie.. life is so amazing!!

porky, i also dont know robinson got what good buys le.. if robinson has 20% as taka and tangs, i will go taka or tangs because taka card got 10% and tangs 12%. robinson card only 5-6%..

Hi5!! my both girls also dont wan to latch when i went back work. whahhaa.. bo bian la.. i just tell myself that so long they r drinking well, slp well, poo and pee well, growing well, its fine la.. i just need to maintain my supply by pumping regularly as though i'm still latching lor.. luckily for #2, i still can latch her on during nite and morning when she is in blur blur stage..
me also c-sect for both kids.. hehehe.. healing part just need to take care.. other than that, i find it not much different from other pple..

when i'm expressing, sometimes Shermin will point at my neh neh and says mummy, i want yr neh neh.. then she will lick here abit then grin.. whahhaa.. but she doesnt like to suckle le.. i tried to force her b4 but she kept running away..
is there a way to train toddlers to suckle again?
Morning mummies

Shermay is so cute.. I always like to baby girl coz we can doll her up

U itchy hand, also wanna try avent huh?
wait for taka baby fair see if got good deal..

Hubby applied taka card already last week, till now havent come yet.. asked him to supp the card for me hahahaha..

If it is brand new, and it's selling at s$60 for the avent, it's definitely worth getting.. u dun need the box and the manual anyway, quite easy to assemble and really not much manuals to follow

Btw, your yield is quite good, y u need to take fenugreek?

Hope your bb recover soon k.. so young cough, not easy ler.. did u feed her bao ying dan? can get from eu yan san.. it's very safe and good for babies.

Could be your boy is use to having you around him during the last week, i think he needs time to adjust back to the ifc..
Anyone using Pureen head to toe body wash? How much do you all put in the water? I find that after baby knows how to flip, he keep perspiring. How to keep baby smell nice nice?
