(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs


i also dunno le he do VE and scanning for me then tell my hubby my water level too low so need go hosptial tml at 3pm..


yea yea hee kind of excited now.. but abit shou man jiao luan now haha.. dunno what should i do..
correct do VE so pain ... Have smooth delivery tm

another 2 more weeks can see n hug ur baby already. So happy
Big present for u in mothers day.
yuki, happy for u ! so fast u will be able to see ur little boy tmr ! btw, u mean the VE by dr a is very pain ?

SK, ur op is 12 midnight ??
wish you all the best for tmrw!

don't be scare. just think that you are going to hold your precious one in your arms soon.

really so pain plus my headache is getting worst so when i lift my leg so pain...


its pain when kana poke ma.. lao.. now i start feeling so uncomfortable
Lily > Yes, I applied annual leave from next monday already and be resting at home to chat with my gal and rest at home. So exciting!

Porky > Yes, cos I asked a geomacy master and 1-3am and 1-3pm will clash with hubby cos he's a goaty and it's bad timing for goaty ppl for the entire year. My moo moo gal will clash with him so need to do the c-sec before 1am. Dr A not free in the evening so need to do during midnight. Cannot do at daydreak as moo moo starts working before dawn so cannot birth at dawn...ayah mum quite pan dang. She says better to prevent than cure unless it's natural birth...no choice.
when my gynae do that time I can feel the pain

gynae use the fingers to know we dilated or not. I feel the pain n uncomfort after that n having contraction.

i tink i kana tat also recently when i go admit for my gastric...then he dig inside me...ya super pain...then bleed abit..sian...

my hb oso goaty...but we not pan dang la...so nvm...
rest well n relax with ur gal at home. Enjoy the time she still inside u. After that the feeling will be diff

just relax ... I also feel uncomfort n pain after that until I slept n the next morning no pain already.
Cheyanne > Yup, some parents not pan dang but mum says bb will follow us life time so better to be obedient.

Lily > Yes, I will and you too. I have not been feeling breathless when the contractions kick hard or walk to long. Maybe less exercise that is why. Haha, only thing is I groan sometimes when turning my body to sides or adjust my sleeping position cos my baby has been sleeping/weighing on my right tummy since couple months ago. So the pressure is there when changing position.
joyce, my gynae will use ultrascan and show us the area where the amniotic fluid -- will comment whether it is sufficient...

ju, hv dr loh done any VE on u? he did VE for me last wed -- pretty fast n not painful as when MO did for me... thot he use some apparatus to measure the dilation...

yuki, dun worry, juz get ready to receive ur baby 2molo
all the best to natural birth without epi!
Hi ladies, I am also a mummy who is visiting Dr Adrian Woodworth, I am also expecting a baby girl who will be due on 13 May. This is my second baby after my boy is born in Yr 2007. When my boy is in his 37th week +, I got some brownish discharge. Dr Adrian asked me to visit him in the clinic and he did VE. He wants to know if I have dilated and if my cervix is soft. Yes, there will be some pain and discharge after the VE, but not to worry. He told me that I have dilated 1cm and that my cervix is soft. I was to admit to TMC the very night and he bursted my water bag at around 1am. I gave birth to my boy at 7am+ when Dr Adrian's help. I still remembered that he wore his pyjamas to burst my water bag and when he revisited me in the morning, he wore the usual long sleeve office wear to assist me in the delivery.

Yuki, don't worry about the labour hours and pain. Everything is worth it once you see ur little one. Take care and make sure u eat and drink enough before admitting. You r not supposed to eat or drink during the process of delivery.
yuki, wah...i cant imagine the pain leh....but anyway, look forward to ur bb's arrival tmr afternooon..remember to sms me when ur boy is out ya ?

sk, oic...is the master's advise then must listen loh. so good that ur baby will be out on mothers day to celebrate with u..hehe
all the best. start talking to baby now to come out faster.

yep, correct description for CTG machine.

ya, kena poke wif finger & dig some more. but dat's my experience wif KKH MO. maybe gynae do differently

not yet. think this wed will do VE liao. 39 wks...
Gynae told me intercourse is also one of the ways lor... No harm trying ma. Lol!

Yea. i heard abt the sperms helps too... Nipple stimulation too..

Np.! Congrats again!!

U're gng to meet ur lil one very soon.!! Wish u smooth delivery!
Hey Yuki,

You still online?

Just came back...

CTG: They will monitor the fetal heartbeat.

If want to induce, I'll probably do it this sunday, 3rd may. See how, maybe my baby will be out by then.

But I will choose to go in at midnight onwards. Prefer to give birth in the early morning, some more less traffic. ;p
Re: VE

Depends on individuals, some will say painful but for me it's just discomfort.

Some more having another male (unless your gynae is female) put fingers in a private area with husband there.

Only had VE done once a few weeks ago.

You worried about the water level being low issit?
Don't worry too much, not good for baby. Don't stress. At the same time you're excited that you'll get to be holding him already.

no la i nt that worry since tml going to induce but dunno maybe too excited? hahaa nt sure what will happen tml, i am someone who is afraid of pain haiz.. nw only can pray and hope for the best..
Great if really we r rm mates. it's better to rm in with someone u know.. tt time wen i delivered lervin, stay hosp 3 days 2 nights super boring. cant slp. can only watch tv...
good morning everybody!!!

i woke up super early today at 5am... super hungry.. just finished my breakfast and now surfing net..

yuki and cheyanne, jia you!!!
mornin mummies,

wah talk abt ice-kacang... i want Cendol!!!

i didnt feel the pain, just uncomfortable

today my last day of work... tmr start my ML liao..
jiayou all mummies!!!
morn morn..havent been here for a few days, been down with flu. wat a miserable feeling and seriously, wat miserable weather.

seems like lots of mommies are waiting already, so good!!! a few nites before i thot i experience braxton hicks..hehe..that perks me up.

btw, does anyone knows where to get those ABC form puzzles for the floor for crawling babies? i've been looking all over the place for them but cant find any..
xue, icygen
same here. my edd today but no signs. suggest intercourse to hubby but he too tired as bz moving hse at same time. thot of going massage today as I tense also.

all the best! I also scared but thinking sooner beter -get it over with and move on. only mine not happening yet hehe
