(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Morning Mummies,
New week for us n more closer to see ur lil

thanks, hope my girl good listen to me. hee ... btw tm my mum already here so happy

dodo, welcome back. hope everything ok

so excited now ... soon will see ur baby.
mornin mummies,

thanks for updating the list..

Re: Sleep Hours
me too.. night time hard to slp.. bb superb active @nite.. and every 2hrs i must go pee.. sooo tiring @@

my edd is tis thurs... haiz still no labor sign... im still workin.. wed then start ML...
all start ML oredi??

Patient hehe.. my mum will be here on Thurs nite

You got haywire sleeping time huh..

Seems like i am the only piggying mummy, i could sleep from 11 til morning, then taking nap together with my girl haha!

So many ppl popped liao, envy, but i hope to enjoy 1 or 2 days more with my lil naughty terror

talk to you all again, need to get the laundry done and mop floor!

No more work, no more stress from tis week
morning mummies! brand new day, brand new week!

To all mommies that pop:
congrats! Keep us posted on your confinement and how you handle your bbs!

Re: climbing stairs
I just tried climbing yesterday, 14 floors.. bb not out yet. I reasoned that I better enjoy the couple time now rather than hoping he comes soon. :p

EDD - this coming sunday
doc said no signs, may give me max till 10 May. So now gotta wait and see. was a little disappointed, but read that 4 out of 7 pregnancies are pass due.. so those who are waiting, have faith and cheer up!

baby may
- how come Dr Lim do CTG for you ah? what prompted him to do that? How is your contractions now?

still got energy to do laundry and mop floor ah?

Haha.. do laundry easy mah, just dump into washing machine, and hang them up once done.
As for mop floor, not difficult, more squatting will have easier delivery haha! that's what i believe. i can feel my bb lying super low, seems like just at the V entrance there, coz everytime he moves, i feel super pain there and got whitish discharge..

Re: edd
Ya dun need to think so much of over due or whatever, bb will come out once it is ready
morn mommies!!
congrat to those who popped!!

i went for my checkup last fri, gyne commented dat bb is getting too big, if by thursday he hits 3.6kg, may need to induce to get him out sooner than let him reach EDD wait may need to C-sect.
what u all think?

he dun seems 'ready' to come out yet..

currently he is 3.4kg @38wks
Good morning mummies...Hope we are all braced for another new week!

Muffintop - you climbed 14 floors!!! WOW - I have to climb 8 flights of stairs every day while goign to work I already cant tahan... salute you :p

Anyway - gotta start the work day/week now... have a gd day everyone! One week closer to seeing our lil'precious one

Catch you later...
rc, my fren "tear" when she accidentally fell and split. but hor, cos not the natural dilliation, end up many many hrs of labour. Heehee

i sit a lot, tho work from home, still spend a lot of time in front of computer now.

Jen, who is ur gynae? seems like a lot of gynae talking abt bb too big or too small and need c-sect

Haha.. do laundry easy mah, just dump into washing machine, and hang them up once done.
As for mop floor, not difficult, more squatting will have easier delivery haha! that's what i believe. i can feel my bb lying super low, seems like just at the V entrance there, coz everytime he moves, i feel super pain there and got whitish discharge..

Re: edd
Ya dun need to think so much of over due or whatever, bb will come out once it is ready
Hi Jee Yen,

Please do share more about wat happen w Lisa Chin...

I find the assistants ok... except that the snr lady being a bit serious and stern looking...but she's okie...

They actually charge for receipt reprinting... Which I find... it's a bit far fetch rite?...

As for Lisa Chin, I think she's a no-nonsense kind of gynae... her answers were a bit... as a matter of fact...she's pro-epidural and pro-episiotomy...

I'm cool with no-nonsense kind of docs...since every patient is different... so they cant be 100% accurate also...

I'm damn scared of episiotomy...is it absolutely necessary? any other mothers/mum-to-be share more about it?
muffintop - my gyne is Joyce Wong, she scared i got problem pushing bb out n scare e tear will be 'longer' but she said will discuss again this thurs when check on bb's scan again.
morning mummies ! is another working week again...damn sian and tired...

wah biang ! last night i waited and keep refreshing the page until 11.30pm...no one comes in...then i went to zzzz...scarly so many ppl came in after that...
what do u mean by tear? u mean tearing like delivering? how does she end up falling like that.. very dangerous!

I am eng now, onlining only haha
Lily - i'm so excited that i can't sleep at all. i'm feeling tired now but i can't sleep. feel like a little kid going for an excursion.

rc_cola - i think many of us will envy your ability to sleep.

lcyen - i've started my ML last wed when we decided on the delivery date. but i was already on HL for almost 3 weeks before that.

adv_sports - you are still around? jia you!

muffintop - don't worry you still have a week to go. as what rc_cola said, don't worry too much about the edd. it's after all just an estimated date.

JEN - i'm one who listens to my gynae. if he recommends something and able to support with reasons, i don't see a reason to doubt him. he is after all the expert.
rc_cola, haha, me also eng
many frens asked me to enjoy the peace and quiet before bb is out :p

ak, yup, m still ard
no strong sign from bb except more brownish discharge... so continue to wait "patiently" :p you have more rest today -- save all energy for 2molo when u welcome ur bb
so exciting!
rc - ya she said may ve 3rd degree tear is really very big but she only telling us her concerns but everything need to see this thurs.. but i dun understadn yr last sentence?

AK - me too but like dat i not sure which date to choose liao.
i'm patient ... whitish discharge become like jelly is it ok? Me also mop the floor now with hand so will easy for delivery

wait 1 more day n ur baby with u already
actually i wan to work till bb out.. but boss keep asking when i start ML.. :p

i now thinkin of coconut drink.... later after work go pasar malam buy...
lcyen - i really admire you. your edd is this thu and you can still go to work. don't be so harsh on yourself. give yourself a couple of days break to bond with your baby while he/she is still in your womb. not much chance left to do so.
at home like no exercise leh... gynae ask for more exercise... so yday i wash toilet.. :p
and weather so hot... so lazy to bring to my #1 go out... if at home onli hide in air-con room nia

tmr u'll see ur little one.. must b vy excited
Hi mummies
I have 2 packets(4 satches) of sample to give away - Dumex Mamil Gold Step 4 for 3-10 years old. Anyone interested please PM me.

Just came back to work after a 1 week HL. Struggling to travel from classroom to classroom cos baby is still pressing on 1 of my nerves. Now limping my way around the school.
lcyen - you are really good. still can wash toilet. i can't even stand for long.

poohwei - take care.

915 - i left you 2 PMs.

dear all - leaving the house now. going for a good lunch before heading to the hospital. haha
dear all
So excited seeing so many mummies popping! I just started to read this thread though i am one of the "pioneers" in this thread but due to my sch work committment, i stopped coming here to read for the past few mths cos too busy with assignments.

Xue - thanks for taking over the updating of the table
really appreciate it all these while!

My EDD had been changed from 8 may to 4 may and am 39 weeks today. still no sign of labour yet but seeing my gynae tomorrow morning to see whether am dilated already..so sianz of this waiting game..
adv, ya..is quite a common name...hehe..only the spelling is different..

lily, so nice having thai lunch with sallen..enjoy yourselves !
Jee Yen,

That's quite a major flop I suppose... to mistaken bruising for pigmentation...

No wonder u change gynae even when u paid for the package already... I was started on multi-vit and calcium quite early due to low calcium and iron from my blood tests..

I had a detailed medical report + pap smear for her reference prior to my pregnancy... so I guess it may have help a bit...the other lady doc (parkway health@glenE) I went to for my medical checkup did recommend another male gynae in glenE when she hear that I am with Lisa...

I always hear that male gynae were nicer in general and tend to be able to share more during their checks...but i am still uncomfortable... had a pap smear done by a male gynae before... and I just find it so awkward...

I did call a few female gynae at TMC (all busy during my supposed edd) before I called Lisa... My concern was since Lisa only deliver in GlenE...quite ex but old hospital loh... pay top $ but dun get comfort or service...
ak, jia you for your c-sec tomorrow !

anyone still doing housework like sweep floor, mop floor, washing toilet ?? i am still doing...altho back aching like hell after doing...
Muffintop, Dr Lim just say to check my baby's reserve during delivery. Maybe because my baby is quite a big baby at 3.2kg at 38 weeks 5 days with no sign of labour? I guess if baby come out now, it is ok, but if baby is overdue, may be very big? He says he will discusss my options with me next week if baby still don't come out. I hope baby come out before then, so that I don't have to consider other options. My baby has good reserves from the CTG results. I saw 3 peaks from the CTG results so I suppose contractions is about every 20 mins. Dr Lim says since I don't feel anything, it is BH contractions. He says he will check for dilation next week.
I'm 38 weeks now, I still hand wash my own clothes, wipe table tops, wash toilet(w long brush - no bending down) and use magic clean floor wiper for floors...all manageable housework only...
The nurse is also surprised that Dr Lim asked me to do CTG. She asked me whether I complained to Dr Lim about my baby's movement. I said no, my baby is still very active. It also show in the CTG result that my baby is very active. I guess Dr Lim just want to be on the safe side.
AK, All the best for your c-sec tomorrow.

Porky, thanks. I thought AK is going to deliver today cause I saw her posting that she is going to hospital this afternoon.
afternoon ladies...

Just came back from shopping with my gal.

Thanks AK, got ur pm
i was supposed to go to prof biswas too, but too bad he is not available...

eh, ak gone for delivery today liao? i tot her edd is 18 may?

Adv_sports, how are u? still waiting?

Lily, wah u and sallen lunch buddies now....meet so often
915, wah, still so mobile to go shopping with #1
how's ur check up with new gynae @ NUH?

yup, still waiting -- hopefully soon as i m having brownish discharge since sat... will c wat gynae says @ my next visit on wed -- that's if no strong sign from bb :p
baby may
good to hear u got contractions.
wonder what are the options that he will provide you. heard from my fren he is very pro natural unless medically required.

me waiting and waiting..

AK, all the best for your delivery!

i am still quite mobile, but since last nite i feel the my V area very sng when i stand up or turn ard liao...

the new gynae @ NUH is not bad lah...although not as handsome as my old gynae...hehehe...but i am relieved that all the logistics have been taken care of ...so that i dun have to keep dreaming that i dunno where to give birth.

I will be seeing the gynae again this wed.maybe our babies may be out on the same day? *wink*

babymay, i saw the previous posting...ak say admit at 3pm but c-sec is tmr ??

915, so long never see u liao...thot u went popping already...hahaha...i also feel very sng when i change position to sleep nowadays...when open the leg a bit big..can feel the sng more..
