(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Porky: Yup can can. I like to fly kite too!

Now my MIL don't allow us to use her washing machine, some more got 2. She's bias towards her younger son. She treat my husband like a scapegoat or "pai lang". Always like to accuse him. But her spoilt brat son can do no wrong.

Thank goodness got my sister to help me wash my bumwear covers & inserts, to make it more absorbent.

Only going to use it after my confinement, easier to use diapers. Then can rest more and have more time with baby.

Porky > I got Poonwei's hp but think I missed yours. Can text me not ah? Pai seh.

Abby > That's what I will emphasize on my hopes and wants than heeding his advice. Unless, baby decides to come out early but still in breech position then I no choice got to go for last min c-sec loh.
joyce, i experience tat before ! so pissed...kanna dc aft typing so much...now the thread very active, this afternoon so quiet..

abby, i think dr a is the chop chop kind...he dont talk so much...i start seeing him since year 2oo7...but i feel secure with him...

yuki, my wish same as u leh...i wanted a ger before close factory...hope our dream come true ! hey u think dr a got the serious look meh ? i think he looks more like mr bean...wan to laugh but never laugh...
Yuki: wah like that don't know how many kids you will end up with. Hopefully you can get your gal by next try. :p

Joyce: Dr Adrian is different. No need to sign. He keep 1 copy. He ask us to bring our birth plan to the hospital. I make extra copies already. We've went through our birth plan with him twice.

you mean contact no? I only have Porky's n your contact no . Dun have many to update;p

1 less neighbor! We will upate each other on SMH when we pop
How to do up a birthplan? Thought by telling is okay...still need to generate like a report and signed by both parties? Machiam like agreement lah?
abby, i dont like to fly kites...but if got kids, i sure bring them to fly kites..haha...cos i always saw a lot of mummy and daddy bring their kids to the big field to fly kites and take lots of photos

huh...why cannot use w/m...then how u wash ur clothes...u do confinement at mil's house ?
porky, wahahaa yea he always look very serious but mr bean look??? wahaha so funny, i cant imagine that.. he dun even have that wanna smile face lor.. think i will keep on laughing when i see him on monday.. remind me of the mr bean look..
Congrats to jacquise, flommy & oki... so fun to be in same hosp.

Hi Porky,

Really seems so quiet now as more seem to pop earlier than EDD. R u having any signs yet ?

I have been following the thread but not posting much... was too busy with my work. Now took few days MC from Gynae before my AL & ML to rest b4 my ger ger arrival.

Anyone EDD ard 8th May? maybe we can be roomies at TMC ?
Although doctors are professionals but not all of them do right by their patients. Some do according to their preference own selfish reasons. So don't need to listen to them like they're God.
abby, yea lor hope and pray next one is gal then ok liao.. but my hubby dun have any sister le.. he got 2bro instead.. if try all 3boy think i will give up..
btw how come u got birth plan de? dr ad nv tell me anything abt birth plan le..
Porky: Because a few weeks ago some part of her washing machine got damage. She keep on insisting that it's my husband who damaged it just becos he asked her how to use the day before.

She's v.paranoid and never use her brain. But everytime think she's so smart and right.

Yah doing confinement at my in-laws. Ordered confinement catering. My husband took 1 month leave.
sk, i pm u my contact again..

yuki, i saw him smile a few times liao...haha...the most funny thing is he always repeat the same thing when we went for visit...dunno u have noticed that or not...he always say "this is bb head, tummy, legs" ok tats it...btw, he speak mandarin really very funny lah...

firefly, nice to see u post again...long time no see ah...me still early...no sign yet...u gg to due soon ?
Abby, no choice u just got to tahan and tahan until u got ur own flat le.. i understand that feeling.. haiz.. ur husband also ke lian, own mother treat him this way..
Yuki: My husband only got 1 younger brother. The arrogant spoilt brat. That's why he hopes it's a girl.

We got birth plan because we want my delivery to go a certain manner and preference. Which will be more beneficial to baby and me.

Don't think dr adrian will bring up birth plan to anyone unless they specifically want it.
porky, yea yea i notice that.. he always say "how u feeling? bb got kick u everyday. then he check my blood pressure, after that ask me lie down. then show me bb head tummy heart beat. then tell me bb weight. make sure bb kick u everyday ah if nt must call me. so see u next week." haha
when he speak mandarin to me i feel so weird will stil reply him in english..
abby, what is a birth plan actually?? example??? normally younger bro will get spoilt.. haiz.. when bb is out, u can jus focus on bb dun both abt her liao.. i wish my boy will be out so i dun need to bother so much abt the inlaws problem all that lor..
Hey Yuki, I think Im seeing "him" now leh when I read your post. Whahahhahaha...this is so hilarious. Read your post like "facing" him now.

He always cites the same script each time I go to him too.
Porky: Haha! Ya ya. My husband also got imitate him at home. "How are you?" Then sometimes take blood presseure before scan. "Baby's head, tummy, heartbeat. Everything's ok. Don't worry. See me in ? weeks."

Yuki: Yah I also wonder why he got such a mother. Then when she's angry always want to chase him out, when she started the quarrel. Say she's the co-owner. Mei Liang Xin.
abby, oh...hope u dont have a hard time when doing confinement at ILs house...i am still trying to be a good DIL too...but is my own house...i dont give a damn...haha..just ren until ur new house is here loh

yuki, i dont think dr a will ask u for birth plan leh...ya he speaks mandarin to us last visit...so funny...my hubby keeps laughing in a corner...
abby, lao.. really horrible.. what abt ur mum's place?? ever think of having confinement or stay with ur mum instead? like for me now i am staying at my mum place instead until i give birth and finish confinement.. if not think my depression will get worst..

porky & sk, i feel so bad now making fun of him.. haha .. think no spy here right.. hahah..
Yuki: For example if you want to breastfeed your baby straight after birth or within the hour. You just state it in your birth plan.

Sometimes they take v.long to bring your baby to you after birth. It's advisable to let baby suckle within an hour of birth. They are most alert druing this time. To promote bonding, start baby getting use to breastfeeding and start the colustrum flowing. But Dr. Adrian disagrees.

Or you don't want any artificial painkillers, episiotomy, and want to deliver the placenta without Pitocin. Delayed clamping of the cord.
haha...my hubby even say why he dont record down then no need to keep repeat same thing to every patient...but i heard my fren say after give birth he got more to chat leh
Yuki > When I visit him I sure take couple of glances at him then relating what other mummies' experience when talking to him leh. Quite amusing.

Need to snooze liao. Nite all.
yuki, so bad right...i think no spy lah...but other threads ppl might peep into our thread sometimes...

abby, why he disagrees on the bf thing ?
Yuki: My parents are divorced. I don't really get to see my mother. My father renting his extra rooms out.

No choice. I will be fine la. My husband will be at home to help me. He's more gian when he found out I was pregnant on his birthday.

Initially I thought wait for the flat to come first.
porky, yea my hubby also say that, just record down will do lor
i heard my frens saying that too.. but still with that cool cool face..

sk, think i will be thinking abt what porky say "mr bean look" when i see him.. plus the clinic at cck plays mr bean on tv..

u rest well ah.. night..
Abby, feel so sorry for u..

At least u have ur hubby for support, dun bother abt them.. when ur flat is here things will change.. i wish i have my own flat too.. haiz..
Yuki: I also wrote in my birth plan to delay routine checks (checking weight, height..), to check APGAR score with baby on my chest. Cos I want my baby to feed first, anyway all those checks are not urgent. Only the APGAR.

I want contact with my baby as long as possible.

Porky: Dr A says babies normally won't feed till 2-3 hours later. He thinks hydrotherapy doesn't help in relieving pain either.
Abby, wah u know so much le.. u confirm u first time mummy?? hee.. how come i dunno all this de.. nv even hear all this b4 so chim to me.. but the breast feeding part, i read a book it say if bb get feed immediately after birth, the milk will generate more..
Yuki & Porky: What's your hp number? Can keep in contact or in case one of us decide to pop suddenly.

I've never PM before, how does it work? Hee hee...
yuki, at least cck got tv to watch mr bean...sk clinic so cramp and no tv loh...

abby, oic...wah u knw a lot leh...i dunno wat is APGAR and hydrotherapy...
Yuki: I'm a trained staff nurse. But I don't specialise in Gynae/Ob la. So I know the terms and hospitals, what's good/not.

But experience wise, still need to catch up la.
porky, i dunno wat is APGAR and hydrotherapy also haha... cck clinic is share with a 24hr clinic then everytime abt ppl waiting very cramp also.. then the seats is always occupied by those non-pregnant man...
Porky: APGAR is checked (1min, 5min) immediately after birth. Check breathing, muscle movement and vital signs.

Hydrotherapy: Using water for pain relief. TMC got a tub in only 1 delivery suite, rm 6.
yuki, sk clinic also share with another clinic de...but sometimes still got space to sit if go in early loh...else must walk ard and sit at mrt there...i went to cck clinic once...no place for shopping one...
Porky: Went to see Dr Paul Tseng initially. But he doesnt have night clinic, so far away and he doesn't have package.

We though Dr A. is value for $.
abby, oic...no wonder u knw so much abt all these terms...ya he is value for $..i see him cos my frens and cousins recommended and he is near my house loh
