(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

thanks for the info

My flat here dun ve leh. near my place got i think..the blk near Botak jones?
I m staying @ the point blk there..u?

I realise on top of my head got 1 lobang bit bigger than 50cents coin-almost botak liao!! i need to flick part of my hair then ll see..juz found out only...so sad, anyoone like tat?

so much info tat i can find here..thanks to all mommies who gladly shares..

alfafa77 ...

i only latch on for my #1 too and no problem at all ... only started tandem pumping in serious attempt to build up my supply before i go back to work

Jasmine ....

i guess it works for different bb ba ... cos for some of the bb once they are exposed to bottle ... they refuse to latch on any more (it happened to my ex-boss son) so in the end have to pump full time ... even when she is on ML

so for mummies who are able to alternate bet bottle and breast right from the start ... you are v lucky

in any case supply = demand ... if you are constantly emptying your breast then its natural that you will yield more milk then another mummy who just feed on demand

i am 1 lazy mummy lar ... feed on demand only heehee
For my #1, i oso jus direct latch. Din even pump during my ML. It was oni when I went back to work then started pumping... =)

BUT for #2, I really hope to start direct latching him soon. But in the meantime, it'll be pumping & pumping every 3-4hrly.....but i know tat exclusive pumping's ss will not be as much as direct latch....!! so for mummies who are able to direct feed ur babies...I'm full of envy...=)
My baby is such a sleepy one that I don't think I can depend on just direct latching to keep my supply going! She prefers to sleep so much more than drinking during the day that I go through long stretches without latching her. Even if I latch her, she will suckle a little and then sleep. She will wake up and try to drink ferociously at night. So, was thinking if I should keep to a regular pumping schedule and only when her timing coincides with my pumping than I latch her. In between pumping, during the day, I can still latch her and just give ebm at night. Tried this one for last night and realised my ebm still not quite sufficient to last her at night so I still had to latch a little. If what I have just said sounds convoluted, that is because, I am just as confused how to go about establishing a good feeding and pumping schedule and yet still have some "decent" amount of rest.

According to the nanny, the baby was up from 11.30pm to about 5.30am last night. Some dozes in between but wakes up once she is put down. I latched her on from 4 - 4.30am (prior to that, I actually got up at 3am to pump) and the rest of the time, she drank ebm. These are instances when I really appreciate the help of the nanny. But I kept chasing her to take her nap this afternoon so that she can keep up with the baby again this evening!
seabreeze, grace,
yah it's so re-assuring to hear that it works for you. Same here, already damned tired after feeding on demand, let alone still pump after that. :p Plus it took me forver to settle my girl back onto the horrible photolight theraphy machine for the first 2 weeks, doc only just gave us the green light to stop the treatment on Sunday. Would have zero opportunity to rest if I still have to pump after that. Am really glad to hear that it worked for you.
grace ...

at least build up your supply now so tat when he is home ... you can latch him on =)

i read that the best way to empty the breast is thr latching too ... but guess diff ppl have different preference too =p

i love to latch on and HATE to pump cos i v lazy to wash and steralise heehee
seabreeze, high5! Haha I am sticking onto latching exclusive cause I hate hate super hate to wash, sterilise and assemble parts Haha. So ley chey. How long did u latch your #1 before giving him the bottle? I thinking ard 2 to 3months of exclusive latch then intro btl, u think Okie? Btw, no more funny stories from your #1? Haha
I read that in the first few weeks we need to wake bb up for BF if bb sleeps for too long. My girl usually doesn't go for longer than 3 hrs between the start of feeds. Usually much sooner. But there were rare occasions when she slept for like 5hrs straight. Didn;t realise I had to wake her, will do so from now on.

But we need to make sure that BB really wakes up before attempting to BF cos a sleepy bb will not nurse well.
I'm thinking of 3 weeks, cos that's what they advised at Mt Al when I was there. From then on I will introduce not more than one bottle a day for a while, before moving to all bottles for night feeds. That way I can still latch on during the day (I like the skin contact with my bb heeeeeeeee), plus rest more during the night as HB can also participate by bottle feeding.
alfalfa, 3wks still seem a little too soon? Haha, cause milk ss takes 4 to 6 wks to stabilize. Haha. That time #1, I intro btl at 8wks. And took the last 4wks to get used to btl Fm in the day and latch at night. Cause didn't want to pump at work. This continued till he was 10mths and I weaned him off after being preggie with this #2 Haha. This time, thinking if can latch exclusively longer since maternity longer Haha.
<font color="119911">Dear mummies who bb has Jaundice,
dun worries. my boy when discharged after staying in SCN for 32 days is considered a prolonged jaundice bb.
so every 3 days, he will have blood taken to test Jaundice. now after discharged, have been following with polyclinic
since 3/2 liao. this fri, will be bringing him for jaundice test again. so dun worried. just tbf normally but
advice is not to consume too much ginger then.

only now, my boy will e'er ni' and milk flow out of his nose then.

<font color="119911">lilmatcha</font>,
dun stress, my bm is also not much. it will continue to pump up if on continue pump every 3 hrs, need lot of hard work.

<font color="119911">SG,</font>,
6mth tbf is the best.

<font color="119911">miss83</font>,
so far, my boy dun have latch on cum bottle feed problem tough ppls advise not to bottle feed when latch on.
but if the one bottle a day I intro is EBM, meaning I need to pump, then it should not affect my MS ... isn't it? a bit blur paiseh.

Hoping to exclusively feed BM (whether latch or bottle) for 6 months. heeeeeeee don't know if I can or not, but well, am aiming for that. Exclusively latch on ... thinking bottomline is 3 weeks, but if I can, 4 to 6 weeks. But then tomorrow I need to visit gynae again for check up, so during my absence have to prepare a bottle of ebm for my mom to use just in case bb wakes up. By then 2 weeks and 2 days only. Hope she won't get nipple confusion. :p

very heart pain hor? Am so glad that both you and bb are fine now. Was really sad when I read about your complications. Had been really tough on you.

My girl as well. Have been ordered to either admit for several days or rent the horrible photolight theraphy machine to treat her at home. We chose the latter. Only 11 days and several blood tests later than PD says it is breastmilk juandice and not the other more common juandice. Told us can stop using the machine on sunday (HURRAY). But she still has to go for blood test just not so frequent liao. So poor thing, both her tiny little ankles have so many visible puncture wounds from the blood tests. I also got so emotional during the 11 days cos her juandice level went up and down like yo yo. During the last test I worked so hard and was so sure that her juandice level would drop, that when the nurse called to tell me her level actually went up, I broke down and wept. Very pitiful sight, me hugging my tiny little tot and sobbing alone.

Am glad that her condition has stabilised now at least.
Dear Kome, dont be too stressed, give him more time and more patience *jia you and dont give up*

Nancy: my hubby stayed &amp; we do have toiletries and towel to shower.

My problem is baby has no patience to latch on. I am pumping 50ml-90ml every 4-6hrs and using cup to feed him. Dont want him to get used to bottle teat. Hoping to be able to latch him on directly by next 2 weeks...As for drinking more fluids, my SIL recommends at least 8 cups of red dates tea (as benchmark). I'm taking less coz during lunch/dinner drinking big bowls of soup which i think shud be enuf. Hot milo/horlicks and oats (for breakfast) definitely helps i think. That papaya/fish soup is good too.
How i wish i can feed on demand...right now, cup feeding him my EBM is really odd....
alfafa, wah.. u have been sneaking out already?? hmm.. it's gd to hear that both u n ur hb can handle the bb.. i think i will be stress out when my CL goes off next wk.. stress

Irene, you can call them and ask.. 6251 4090 or 9119 3502. this is TMC parentcraft contacts

pups, i think i m exactly like you.. bb sometimes sleeps so much that he suckle a little and dozes off... so i need to clear my MS by pumping so as to increase my ms.. as for night, i ask CL to bottle feed with my ebm.. there are few nights when my CL din sleep much. so ke lian.. me too, trying to chase my CL to sleep as much as possible during the day when my boy is sleeping.

Cindy, ya.. i hate the wash, sterilise process too.. i can spend at least 20 mins on it!! so most of the time, my hb or my CL will help me with the washing and sterilising.. but at night, I will do on my own cos hb got to work the next day.
Hi all

so sorry to intrude. I have the following items to let go at low rates:

1) Avent DUO pump full set with bag

2) Avent UNO pump box still intact

3) Clarins Huile "Tonic" Body treatment Oil (still in box never open before)

if you are keen, please PM or email me

[email protected]

Thank you
<font color="119911">Cindy</font>,
gd for u...still got left 6kg. for me, weight increase instead of decrease man....y'day, went for my post
patrum haemorrhage checkup, saw it increase to 9.8kg within the Cl period mth. faintz man....

<font color="119911">Irene</font>,
congrats. dun worry, NICU has gd profession to take care of bb. yr milk supply consists gd for the beginner liao. u delivered on 7/3 and u can pumped up to 40ml (how long did u take to pump?) for me, I can only pump 20ml that time.so miserable amt.

<font color="119911">alfafa77</font>,
ai-yo, me after Cl still need suffering man. since 2/3, got allegy after using the sterlisation solution (suppose to help to clean below) given by massage lady. now, below, side thigh and bum burning red and itchy wor. sian....

me still got some fresh blood stains man....sian dunno when will this stop.

re: jaundice
one moment nurse told us level is 188 then next day shot up to 266. wow piang...so on and off, he is on photolight.hai.....hope, this fri, he is free jaundice level is ok. doc said below 100 than ok...now he is 14x level.
starflower, ya.. cupfeeding not easy leh.. take skills wor.. plus if when i cup feed with my ebm, so scared of leakage cos it's sooo precious.. hahaha

afcai, glad tt everything is gd on ur side. keep us update ya..
Hi mummies,
Back from my gynae checkup. BB got gain wt and finally crossed the 3kg mark, yeah! He now weighs abt 3.1kg, 38W 5D.

Oh u stay at the pt blk juz opp library right? I stay juz a few blks away
Always like to eat at the coffeeshop near your blk, the dumpling noodle there is nice. Maybe we can meet up next time when BB is born
alfalfa, of course won't affect ms Lah! Me wish to stop exclusive at 3 months cause don't wanna lug pump to work Haha.. And very troublesome to pump and keep milk in fridge then bring home. so I intend to intro Fm sooner Haha!

Afcai, Haha, get your health back first dear! Heee. Me also worry about juandice . Sian.

Wintertime, so u see why I don't like to pump Haha! Hateful.
Hi everyone, finally back home and settled down, although Andrique has a slight janudice, but lucky he is able to go home with me.

Hmmm, my total bill for TMC 1 bedder, c-sect, epidural is around $5,700, so minus medisave $3200, i pay $2500.....
its included Dr Adrian's Delivery fee already, also PD fee, BB's fee, my husband stay fee...

all included. That's the total bill
<font color="119911">cindy</font>,
ai-yo....past 2 mth since 1/6 till now, gain 9.8kg wor....weight to woman is impt...I'm very skinny that time now....
even hubby said ai-yo heavier than him....*&amp;(*&amp;(*&amp;^.

<font color="119911">wintertime</font>,
thks. at least, hubby helped me to sterlise the glass bottle and pump. he poor thing (who ask him to di-li-tally)
did those tasks till 12-1am+. hmm..so yr confinement is gg to end soon next wk.....
hello reporting from Mt A... the labour was horrible experience for me... i try to be heroine... end up suffer in pain towards to end... begged my gynae to faster take her out... LOL... i kept on wanting to push but they told me to tahan becos only 8cm dilated... i tahan for 1hr... i told them cannot liao... when my gynae came i told him jus take her out please!!! so he did episiotomy for me... and also used vaccuum... and... my bb wgt is bigger than he expected lor! thats why i suffer =( he said next time if bb is ard this size shld opt for epi or maybe csec.. i told him i will auto opt for csec liao! hahaha... i was tempted to use epi when i was 5cm dilated but the pain still tolerable... only the last 1hr when i was 8cm the pain was unbearable... my labour was from 930am - when gynae burst the waterbag... and gave birth at 1.40pm.

anyway, my baby Kirsten come out at 1340hrs. Natural w Vaccuum. weighing 3.23kg. 51cm.


Babe smsed me... hee hee.. she has also given birth... she doesnt have internet access at the hospital...

shayna lee
royal womens hospital, melb
10th mar 09
natural w/o epi 19hrs labour

congrats missycandy and Babe! missycandy, ur labour considered quite short...if count from time of bursting waterbag... very brave to go w/o epi. Actually baby not that big to go for c-sec, perhaps epi wld have ease the pain

Babe, your BB is big, natural w/o epi too, wowee!
i think we stay quite near ba..lol i m 37w now..tmr see dr if c sect mayb ll do it ard 21st.
MAyb can go makan during e 4 months ML.

Congrats to MIssCandy and babe.
really pei fu lo, say wan try w/o epi really can ah!! How i wish i could..
congrats babe n missycandy...hope i can be 'heroine' too when its my turn...wah babe, 3.776kg and u can do it w/o epi, i salute u...

anyway went for my appt this morning and bb is abt 3.2 kg le at 37weeks 4days...gynae say i'm no where near labour cos cervix still shut tightly and bb still enjoying himself in my tummy n do not wana engage himself..gynae say only worry is if bb gets too big by week 40 so next week will ask if i wana induce provided cervix show signs of dilation or thinning...or should i just opt for c-sect? in a dilemma now...on one hand wana go through the actual labour pains and deliver naturally, but seems like my cervix n bb not co-operating and on the other hand if induce and cervix still stubborn, may end up c-sect...any advice? haiz...been walking n walking n climbing but no signs...

did some mummies mention BD can help to dilate faster or induce labour faster? hmmm been telling hb to bd everyday...lol...cos i feel so heavy and clumsy...n tummy still very high up..or m i gonna be the next 'chairman?' keke

how's yr checkup tdy?
afcai, i took 20 to 30mins, using dual pump. Inital 2 days only miserable 10ml-20ml. Not enuff for him to drink.

Good news, just now we went visit Zac and he is off oxygen support le. Hopefully he can go hm tml.

By the way, those pumping milk, do u wake up at at nite to pump, if so, how many time or how long the interval?
How come u need to c-sec? PM me your email so we can stay in touch in case forum moves to fast, hehe

I'm at 38W5D, BB still not engaged also. Not worried now...cos don wan him to come out early, so haven't been walking or climbing much. Will only do so very near EDD
Afcai, me also ley. Hubby also say now I better to protect him. Wa lao. So not encouraging hor Haha! Basket them. Haha.

Grace, I will want to bf as long as I can, but not total bah. Very lazy to pump at work, store, sterilise and all. Somemore I teach so working hrs very early... Haha. So I aim to tbf 3months, then last 4wks intro Fm slowly lo.
Finally read thru all the archives...

Wishaboy, Kome, Pups, Asura, P3, Congrats...

Congrats to all mummies who popped. Just a few days not online so many mummies popped.

Me too... I think I will be the last of the few to pop. Last week saw gynae and he said I wont be so fast... Me now week 37-38... Let's wait together... I'll be seeing the gynae again tmr..

Have been busy last few days... My gal is down with flu and running nose and bad cough.. Bought her to TMC PD after 2 unsuccessful recovery from the normal GP. Spent $262... But worth the money... She was well today... But still got to continue the medication and bring her back to PD on Sat... Last night was the first night after 2 weeks she slept soundly thoughout the night without a single cough... So happy... I saw Queenie and her prince in TMC. Her prince so cute... But not much chance to catch up with her as I got to run after my gal...

After I got back to work today, my manager keep on asking on the status of the stuffs he passed to me.. As if he did not know I was on leave yesterday. and keep on bugging me to do as much as I can... But so unlucky for him.. My pc almost crashed... Haha... So had to reformat my pc today... And will be on MC tmr... Will be taking HL from next week to rest at home... And will give him the heart attack next monday... Haha... Wonder what his reaction will be... :p

Sorry for such loh soh posts... Hope I am able to log in tmr to chit chat... And Good night mummies...
Hi devil,

i am getting nervous too. My next appointment is Friday, 20th March..

I am getting mixed feelings too.. scared of labour pain if go thru natural delivery and if go thru c-sect also scared of the painful recovery..

i am still trying to come to terms about my pregnancy.. i don't know if i can be a good mother.
missycandy and babe, CONGRATS!!!!! Both so brave not to take pain relief!! Hope you have a smooth 1st week at home. I'll catch up more when my laptop is fixed. Will only be able to log on intermittently in the meantime.

Lenny, don't be too worried. We all have to learn how to be mothers. To be honest, the first few days having her home, although I was happy, I still had doubts and was quite careful around her. But after the first week, I am much more comfortable with her and my abilities as a mum.
take it easy

Ok Moo Moo..time to pump!
just finished feeding..

im going thru the same thing during 1st night back at home.. practically bb cries every 20 - 30 mins.. heng den maybe 1 hour.. but now getting better le.. every hour bf him once .. can only hope everynight will be a better night..
don be too stress over it k? the more stress u are, the harder for ur milk flow to comes. i also cries so frequent till i hate it myself.. will try to stop myself from crying when tink tt im losing all those fluid meant for baby..
do come forum often .. it do cheer me up abit..

haha. is ok la. anyway we can always chat here.. i was waiting to c dr keoy lor.. he toks so slow. me n hb almost slept in his room.. so u seeing which pd tt day for chloe?

don worry so much ..
our maternal instincts will kicks in once we starts our hands - on on our little babes..

mon n tues i bring baby to PD for 1st check up and gynae - dr ang's check up.. really feel so shiok to be out of the confined area..
finally a week has passed.. 3 more weeks to
countdown for.

Got A question to ask..
RE: Diapers
do u face urine leaking from the diaper? coz after the 'free' pampers given frm TMC, im now trying out Huggies Ultra and Drypers but both also kenna urine leakage.. donno is i and or hb nv wear diaper for baby properly or wad...
pls advise me k.. coz hb now keep thinking only PAMPERS can make it.. +_+
Hi Devil, I have been using Drypers and Fitti and both don't leak unless we didn't put the diaper on properly. Sometimes, baby is wriggling a lot and the diaper shifts. That's when small poo leaks occur. Perhaps just make sure you open the diaper up properly before wearing and fasten securely but not too tightly at the waist?
Hi everyone,

Pumping now... Back home with my xiao san ba already. Am very upset cos my bb got nipple confusion. During my TMC stay, bb was alwayd very sleepy, she never latch on properly and only Mrs Wong is willing to come and make sure she latch on. Unfortunately, she could only come visit me twice during my stay.

Got home in the afternoon and gave in to FM cos bb was really hungry wailing away. My heart pain so gave her some FM. The next feed, she just suckle once on my breast and gave up, started wailing again! I decided not to use bottle feed anymore and used spoon but she rejects me even for spoon feeding cos when i carry her she wants my breast but always suckle once and give up.

I was quite mentally prepared for a tough 1st week of feeding but i wasnt prepared for rejection from my bb. So upset that i cried after every feed my bb get, hb tried to console me but not successful. The only thing i can do is to wake up and pump every 3 hrly. Only got 10ml from both breasts at each pump session now... I dont allow CL to bottle feed her now and insist that she wakes me up for every feed. Dont think i can get any help unless my ss increase. So perserving with my pumping sessions despite my depression now.

Those awaiting for my bb's pic. Would upload it when possible. Was busy orientating my CL today and she can only be here for 14 days cos my bb came too early, she cant get visa renewal after 14 days. She has arranged for her friend to takeover her after the 14 days though. Let's hope i like the other CL.

RE: TMC Bill

Would share more next time i wake up for pump. I think we paid abt $2.5k after medisave, quite reasonable we felt.

RE: Fenugreek

Any idea if i should take fenugreek now? I think my low ss is more resulting from my sleepy bb. Probbably would have been better if she was willing to latch on more earlier. Did not occur to me to rent the hospital pump during day 1, should have done that.
congrats missycandy and Babe!

Wintertime/cindy/alfafa thks for ypur advice n info on BF.
My bb also falls asleep easily...sometimes very difficult to wake him up. din noe must pump out the milk..coz scared nt enuff BM for the nx feeding...my bb wakes up every 1-1.5hr if i latch on...if on BM can sleep for 3hrs..hopefully i cam pump more n give him EBM else see always cry for milk every hour like super poor thing...nt enuff sleep + inbetween poo n pee gt to change him...

sigh...last nite gt affected by CL again...i tried to latch bb after i pump..but he pooed after 5min..then cry..so bor bian go n change him 1st then con't. sikali my CL says aiyah...make FM for him lah, cry so badly...so sad leh..like imply my BM is nt enuff for bb...making him cry...then i almost broke down but my hb was intime to console me..brought us bk to the room n lock the door...afternoon also, came in to my room n tok to bb while i'm latching him..disturb my bb till he pull off from my nipples...damn irritating lor!!! btw, i i happen to be curious n ask her if she BF her bbs last time..she says no..i wonder izzit tat's the reason y she's like "look down" on my MS n always interrupt with my BF. i tell myself i left with 8 more days!!! jiayou... my CL is those super kpo one..she even wans to sit infront of me n see me pump...likes to see me latch on bb....i dun like dun have my personal time unless i lock the door. sigh....told my hb bad experience with cl!!
mummies sorie grumble again...hopefully my ss will increase after she leaves...she's giving me unneccesary stress...i can only say she's gd at housework...tats all.
Asura...sayang sayang...looks like alot of mummies here cry during the start of BF...my bb also sleepy kind..latch on awhile fall asleep liao...then wakes up every 1-1.5hr..gt to quickly wash up/settle my stuff inbetween b4 he wakes up...
quennie &amp; pumpkin seed,
thanks for encouragement. Although my pregnanct was planned, but it came earlier than expected. that's why i am still trying to come to terms with the fact.

Labour pain and c-sect has always been my fear ever since i saw the video played at science centre when i was in Primary 6 during our excursion to Science centre. It had freaked me out since that day, which i admit has delayed my childbirth all these years.

hang in there.. u are a independent and strong gal.. u can do it.Hugs...

i know its not easy... hang in there.. else tell her off.. and remind her who's the boss. tell her that u can post her name in our forum to warn other mummies never to engage her if she continues. rhis is nonsensical.. she is supposed to help not give u more problems.. else u tell her u can terminate her earlier and cut her pay.
anyway 8 more days.. and if she is only good with housework then engage part time help.

Congrats to mummies who have pop[ed.. i hope i can muster enough courage when the time comes.
