(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

A few reasons why we switched, but not so nice to say here la. Anyway, u have already come so far, juz wait to give birth ba ;)
The FisherPrice rainforest peek-a-boo leaves musical mobile is for the cot. Thks

teddybaby where are u staying??
my place (compassvale) also very noisy!!! i dunno what they're building..last time was a playground...
last week was even more noisy..i got so annoyed, esp when weather is so hot...if i open the door, the noise is even louder!!!
oxgal - ya tink her meaning is gotta stay in hospital then will issue HL lor...wat to do, end up i took unpaid leaves for sake of bb...i'm not too sure whether she is willing to issue MC to rest before edd...u can try asking...

miss83 - u staying in compassvale...me too...hehe...i stay jus opposite the compassvale pri sch so its pretty noisy on weekdays cos of the kids shouting/screaming....i guess i'll have to live with it daily during my ML....
u r getting fisherprice rainforest peek-a-boo leaves musical mobile? tis is to fix at bb cot one issit??
i stay in bedok too so take her cos really near and ESH also near + evening clinic is good

i think i ll forget abt it la, juz ask her for ML 1 wk earlier..dun wan to upset myself and wait kanna scold by her..haha
Yup, its for the BB cot one.

is ur previous nick pigpig? U stay in bedok too? Ya, in fact I can just walk to her clinic, very convenient...too bad
oxgal - dun tink she will scold la....u talking abt asking her for MC b4 EDD rite? i thought of trying that too but in the end was thinking since we got 4 months of ML, might as well jus take two weeks earlier...anyway i may jus give birth next week...haha...cos who knows i may have to be induced.
hi mummies
just called TMC regarding the maternity package
coz i saw on the website, price stated there is for 2 days..but actually it's for 3 days 2 nights..the package charge starts after the baby arrival
As wat lilmatcha mentioned, you can try hot milo and for my case, I've added Quaker Oats to give it tat boost. hee~~ B4 expressing, u can use a hot bottle to 'roll ard' ur breasts...it helps too!

Most importantly, dun be discouraged or stressed. Everyone of us here can do it! =) *Cheers*
Kome, are you feeling better? I definately understand what you had gone through cos i been through it as well.. perservere on darling.. if you don't have enough, just mix with a little FM for a start? I mixed with FM for first 6 days before I can start TBF on the 7th day...
talking abt CL, ya.. in the beginning, i was telling my hb the same thing.. CL sleeps more than i do, but we have no choice, but to keep latching bb on. I only stop latching my son on only when i am able to express sufficient milk for the night feed.. i must say the first 2 wks was like hell to me..
actually you are doing much better than me.. still can pump out 45ml when ur son are few days old.. i had only 10-20ml nia.. so u can imagine how cham and stress i was..

prosper, me too lah.. wanted to give up many a times.. worst still, my mil keep psychoing me to stop bfing and go on total fm.. so fuming!!! luckily my hb is very supportive

Cindy, me har.. wearing bb doll top with tights lor.. cos my prepreggie all can't wear liao..
Irene, congrats!!

Kome...sayang u....u r nt alone here..me too low ss...until nw i see my MS like not consistent also..sometimes like alot, sometimes like nt enuff..esp. bb pooed alot of times in a day...he gets hungry easily. just tell yrself to try yr best...

mummies who are BFing...hw long do u all intend to BF yr bb? i heard 4 mths is the best har?

Wintertime...u r doing alot better than me liao..sometimes i also dunnoe if my bb gets enuf bf from me ornot...sometimes he suckles for 20mins then fall asleep...my sis asked me if bb is contended..does my BM leaks..all have leh but somehw i'm quite sure my MS is sill low..coz pump out like nt much leh..confuse wor...
WOW wintertime need to top up so much ah? i wonder C sect at ESH how much. I took 2 bedded.

i got the car seat @ BB hyperstore @40% disc few weeks ago. did u try tat place? maybe u shld go to the BB fair as well.

ya I used to be Pigpig..haha cos forget password so juz come in as oxgal easier. I also walk to her clinic..so we might be staying near each other?
how many days old is ur baby now? my milk supply also low in the first few 4 days. {about 30ml i can pump out}
It only came in more during 5th day, so dont worry, its quite commom. Just give ur baby FM these few days, and babies this young are quite adaptable. Once ur milk supply comes in, give ur baby BM, and he will be able to adapt to it
Oxgal...tink c sect at ESH needs to fork out ard $2K+? coz mine is 1 beded norm. delivery w epi..
1 bedder & 2 bedder difference by ard $500..but c sect also ard $500 ex than norm. so i tink ard cash $2.2K ba.. my rough estimation.

Re: BF....is it true that BF doesn't need to burp bb?? heard from someware but dunnoe hw true...
SG, i hope to BF till 6 months.. but let me get through this month first.. liew.. tiring.. so far, i don't have let down leh.. my BM don't really leak, sometimes, maybe a bit nia.. few drops. i will try pump out after every latch, very tiring.. cos i will take at least 30 mins to pump milk, washes and sterilise bottles.. so sometimes bb will wake up within next hr and I got to start feed again..

ST, hmm.. got difference har?? i think i jus took the normal 1 bedder one..

oxgal, if u take 2 bedder shold be okay.. anyway, if u go C section hor, u should be able to claim more medisave. so ended up, you may not fork out so much cash like i do.
Wintertime...sorrie to ask u ah..but if u pump out after latch will bb have enuff for the nx hr? i'm very confused here leh..sometimes i wan to pump, my MIL asks me nt to..best is to latch bb directly..but at times i gt to wait for him to wake up..see my BM leaks like very wasted..dilemma..hw often does yr bb wakes up for nx feed ah? and hw long do u feed bb? 20mins enuff? i realised sometimes my bb wakes up at short interval sometimes quite long..super inconsistent.
I stay in SR ward 353B.

Ya lor, see so miserable for my supply. When my CL gave him FM, he can actually took 60ml of milk. Glad that he could take so much but my milk supply not able to fulfill him. No wonder every hr he will cried for milk.

Think no matter what i have to supplement Anver with FM first until i got enough to supply him.
SG, i still burp my bb.. but if BF, it's true tt bbwill take in lesser air.. so sometimes bb may not burp.. anyway my CL say better to burp.. no harm. i manage to get my son to burp after latching on..
tt's the gd question to ask.. everytime i latch on, i will hope bb will sleep for at least 2.5hrs.. so that I can quickly pump, recuperate and have my milk ss by then. but if he suddenly wakes up within next one hr, then cham lor.. i will jus let him suckle(usually nothing much milk available), and if he still kept fussing, then i will give him my ebm lor..
but so far so gd.. most of the time he will sleep for abt 2 hrs while i will quickly take a quick nap in between... cos nap does help a lot for my milk ss to replenish..
if ur BM leaks hor, then pump out a bit lor.. else very wasted leh..
when my bb is having his growth spurt, then he will keep waking up every one hr to feed.. but these few days, he's better already.. quite consistent. I usually latch him for 20 mins on each breast, but sometimes, he jus fell asleep after suckling one breast.. i will try to wake him up to suckle but if he's deep asleep, then i put him back to cot.

Kome, i totally understand lor.. i felt soo sad tt time when i see my bb gulping the FM deliciously dwn the throat.. very guilty that I cna't ss him enough.. but don't give yourself too much stress. ur milk ss will kick in soon. the more you stress, the lesser MS you have. so just relax, nap as much as possible while your CL is here. after CL leaves, then our nightmare will begins..
Sg, my bb also suckle 20min at most, sometimes only 10mins and can last 2 to 3hrly. Don't know if she is taking enough or not. Me leaking ah. One day have to change 3 breastpads. But one side more than the other.

Wintertime, guess that is gg to be my outfit too Haha!
actually i think i am quite slow liao.. tomorrow bb is 3 wks old.. i can only pump out abt 60ml after latching bb on.. I remembered Jasmine told me that she can easily pump out 100ml after latching on!! so envious..
Cindy, wah.. how i envy you.. mine no leak one..
outfit, no choice, got to cover tummy and my butt.. so got to wear bb doll top so that can cover those unsightly parts.. hahaha..

Irene, hmmm.. massage real hard and pump the milk out.. try not to put cold cabbage unless you have lots of MS. else i heard will reduce MS one..
how to massage? It's hard as stone now. Very painful. I trying to use hot compress. Today 4 day, each pump only ard 40ml.
Mummies, just a little update on Sinmey. She has given birth to her little princess at 1316 natural w epi. Baby weigh 2.87 length 49cm.

Congratulation sinmey!!! and well done...
irene, Haha, I put cold cabbage, for 1 hr, and thereafter, solved. Haha I prefer take the quick way Haha. But also heard will reduce ms. So try if u are comfy!

Wintertime, Haha ya loh! Sian. Everything also bulky. Sian.
mummies who use EBM..how do u feed ur bb? cup/bottle feeding? where to get the cup?
so far..is ur bb okay with switching from bottle/cup and latching? no confusion/rejection?
cindy, i go search for it.. If really cannot tahann, will resolve to tat. It's making me fed up... N when my #2 accidentally toouch my breast, or knoock on it, i will scream at her, make me so gulity

extracted from Kellymom.com


Milk is being produced at all times, with speed of production depending upon how empty the breast is. Milk collects in mom's breasts between feedings, so the amount of milk stored in the breast between feedings is greater when more time has passed since the last feed. The more milk in the breast, the slower the speed of milk production.

To speed milk synthesis and increase daily milk production, THE KEY is to remove more milk from the breast and to do this quickly and frequently, so that less milk accumulates in the breast between feedings.

In practice, this means that a mother who wishes to increase milk supply should aim to keep the breasts as empty as possible throughout the day.
To accomplish this goal and increase milk production:

1. Empty the breasts more frequently (by nursing more often and/or adding pumping sessions between nursing sessions)
2. Empty the breasts as thoroughly as possible at each nursing/pumping session.

To better empty the breasts:

* Make sure baby is nursing efficiently.
* Use breast massage and compression.
* Offer both sides at each nursing; wait until baby is finished with the first side before offering the second. Switch nursing may be helpful if baby is not draining the breast well.
* Pump after nursing if baby does not adequately soften both breasts. If baby empties the breasts well, then pumping is more useful if done between nursing sessions (in light of our goal to keep the breasts as empty as possible).


Storage capacity is the amount of milk that the breast can store between feedings. This can vary widely from mom to mom and also between breasts for the same mom. Storage capacity is not determined by breast size, although breast size can certainly limit the amount of milk that can be stored. Moms with large or small storage capacities can produce plenty of milk for baby. A mother with a larger milk storage capacity may be able to go longer between feedings without impacting milk supply and baby's growth. A mother with a smaller storage capacity, however, will need to nurse baby more often to satisfy baby’s appetite and maintain milk supply since her breasts will become full (slowing production) more quickly.
althought I'm not there yet...but from all the books I've read..from ppl advices etc..my conclusion is that our brain and what we're thinking plays a big part in our MS.
if we're stressed,questioning our MS, always think that we dont give enough etc ---> this will result in low MS.
somehow this kind of thinking will send a response through our nerve/cell or whatever..to the breasts tissue...and thus resulting us not producing well..
dunno it's right or not..but I tell myself must beat those post natal blues, have positive thinking..do not let my mind plays me and tells me what's going on...
although the fact is we havent produced well, but the truth is demand=supply --must remember that..so the truth about this breastfeeding must beat whatever fact we're facing now..we all can do it!!! jiayou...!!!

i hope this helps you all
hope the above info helps.

That said I'm not really pumping lah. Because I'm nursing round the clock I figured there is no point pumping.

*pat pat* hope you are feeling better. Actually if your bb is feeding well, there is no need to pump to increase supply. I read on kellymom.com that pumping after a latch-on is basically pumping bonus or extra milk, so it is natural to require several sessions of pumping to make up enough for one feed (say 60 to 90ml, depending on bb size etc). So you see, you are perfectly normal. If you are going purely by EBM and not latch on, then it would be a concern to have only 20ml 40ml each time. As it is you are BF directly to your baby, so bb has taken most of your BM already.
Actually even if BB really feeds more than your MS, don't give yourself additional stress about feeding FM.

All moms are the same, we want to much more than we have, so I understand where you are coming from. But I know so many friends who also supplment their BM with FM and their babies (children by now) all grew up fine. What's more important is that they can feel your love. I think if you get to stressed your bb can feel it too. Might be better to relax, do your best and then make use of what's available out there to supplement the rest. And most importantly, ENJOY your little precious.
yea, if u buay tahan then use la.. Otherwise can try hot compress or go take a hot super hot bath and massage really hard. These don't really work for me when I had #1, so this time I directly resorted to cold cabbage. The nurses told me use once is ok, just 1hr immediately all pain gone Haha.
more reading


Often, mothers think that their milk supply is low when it really isn't. If your baby is gaining weight well on breastmilk alone, then you do not have a problem with milk supply.


(e.g. no access to bb weighing machine)

If baby is having an adequate number of wet and dirty diapers then the following things DO NOT mean that you have a low milk supply:

* Your baby nurses frequently. Breastmilk is digested quickly (usually in 1.5-2 hours), so breastfed babies need to eat more often than formula-fed babies. Many babies have a strong need to suck. Also, babies often need continuous contact with mom in order to feel secure. All these things are normal, and you cannot spoil your baby by meeting these needs.

* Your baby suddenly increases the frequency and/or length of nursings. This is often a growth spurt. The baby nurses more (this usually lasts a few days to a week), which increases your milk supply. Don't offer baby supplements when this happens: supplementing will inform your body that the baby doesn't need the extra milk, and your supply will drop.

* Your baby nurses more often and is fussy in the evening.

* Your baby doesn't nurse as long as she did previously. As babies get older and better at nursing, they become more efficient at extracting milk.

* Your baby is fussy. Many babies have a fussy time of day - often in the evening. Some babies are fussy much of the time. This can have many reasons, and sometimes the fussiness goes away before you find the reason.

* Your baby guzzles down a bottle of formula or expressed milk after nursing. Many babies will willingly take a bottle even after they have a full feeding at the breast. Read more here from board-certified lactation consultant Kathy Kuhn about why baby may do this and how this can affect milk supply. Of course, if you regularly supplement baby after nursing, your milk supply will drop (see below).

* Your breasts don't leak milk, or only leak a little, or stop leaking. Leaking has nothing to do with your milk supply. It often stops after your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.

* Your breasts suddenly seem softer. Again, this normally happens after your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.

* You never feel a let-down sensation, or it doesn't seem as strong as before. Some women never feel a let-down. This has nothing to do with milk supply.

* You get very little or no milk when you pump. The amount of milk that you can pump is not an accurate measure of your milk supply. A baby with a healthy suck milks your breast much more efficiently than any pump. Also, pumping is an acquired skill (different than nursing), and can be very dependent on the type of pump. Some women who have abundant milk supplies are unable to get any milk when they pump. In addition, it is very common and normal for pumping output to decrease over time.
I find that asking my hubby to help massage my engorged breasts with hot (really really hot) towels works better than doing it myself. Cos I get squirmish due to the pain whereas hubby is oblivious so he applies constant pressure when he massages. Besides you will be too exhausted to do a good and thorough job yourself. Also great bonding moment between husband and wife amidst this chaos.
i had the same qn as you until i read the articles on kellymom.com

so now i'm hardly pumping liao since i tink bb is nursing ok ... she has a no of wet n soiled diaper changes a day n thus i fig no need to stress abt increasing more ms.
Tmr is my actual full month. Now I over supply got 200ml each time I pump 4-4.5hrs. But my boy do have enough for each of his feeding time. So the thing is I want to tell mummies who is trying to get more supply. Latch on off for 1 week, than 2nd weeks onwards pump more and latch less, to get supply coming, once supply comes you can latch baby whenever you want to.
weight update:

15 days post delivery, total weight loss is 8kg to 8.5kg. eating well, not dieting but am on tbf.

thighs n face slowly getting smaller but tummy still very big cos i can't do jamu massage (c-sec). so sad.
Irene, got to massage it really hard, esp on thos block ducts.. ask ur hb to help you. i had it in the beginning also and went to parentcraft for help.. they help me to massage and it's really painful lor.. no choice but got to ren..but after your manage to "soften" or unblock the ducts, u will feel much better liao..

miss83, I had it cup feeding in the first 2 wks, no matter if it's FM or BM... but 3rd wk onwards, i started with bottle feed on my ebm..

alfafa, thanks for the information.. very useful indeed. i had read it before from kellymom.com previously..
Jasmine, ohh ya hor.. urs is exactly one wk earlier than mine.. congrats.. full month liao.. so u have regain your freedom!!!
wah.. over ss of 200ml?? haha.. tt's so gd.. i think it's really up to individual.. doubt i can "yield" as much as you leh.. but nvm, i will work harder..
I only just found the website. If only I knew! I panicked in vain for a moment when I realised most mommies are pumping after latching-on whereas I didn't. heee

Now that I am better informed, I feel more assured about my decision to direct latch only. Anyway my little munckin is feeding so often she's emptying my breasts more often than I can pump. Plus I am also quite paranoid about BB waking up crying for milk when I just finished pumping ... sure die like that.

didn't bother with confinement. Went out foe Yakun toast breakkie by day 5 post delivery. Been going out now and then. Last sat (day 13) hubby and I even brought our girl to "suntan" at botannical garden; my girl has juandice. The nursing cover I made came in super useful too.

In fact, my mom only comes on Mon to Fri cos my hubby and I can manage on our own. No choice also, cos my hubby is not taking to my mom staying over too well. He has been complaining to me about my mom since she came to help with "confinement".

Have also decided to stop my confinement this fri, after 2.5 weeks. Seriously, when you are on TBF there is nt much a CL can do to help. That's why I thought no point troubling my mom any further.
