(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

mrslim: haha bu hui ting.
the meal intake is similar for han, except that he doesnt like milk, so one more oat meal to replace his milk
and his weight also stuck there, which I'm quite ok, except that i would love if he can grow taller faster.
hi mummies,
after 2wks of MIA, i decided not to catch up on the older posts. come back, bz bz bz.. haiz, 2 AM left, 4 new comers. My dept in a "mess". Old birds got to load all the work while waiting for the new birds to settle down...
my boy also seem to slim down a little. cos he's been clicking alot of miles, walking, climbing here and there, yah, Jin Bo Eng also. Mummy is Jin Bo Eng #2 hence.

ok, hope to catch up again!

Oh ya, Sandy, i read u gave Naomi to bite corn. just steam the corn cob and she bite directly? I tried mincing the corns in his porridge, Caleb doesnt seem to like it leh. maybe texture too coarse, harder for him to chew?
He's been drooling profusely for the past 1 mth +, and i need to change his bibs 4-5times a day! And it's always drenched! finally i saw his 2 more bottom teeth. Yeah!
my gal oso doesn't like to chew corn, so i'm very impressed by naomi!

my gal is very lazy to chew any textured food... let her bite pear, she'll eat but spit out e skin... so she oso doesn't like meat unless i shred it till like invisible, then she eats... basically, she swallows her food and refuses to chew... i oso dunno how... am waiting for her to communicate wif me verbally then tell her must chew... now tell her, she like "te siao" (act blur)...
haha, sheepish, guess that's quite normal of them now. Caleb also will spit out the pear bits if he cant chew. but he's ok with meat, i just tried some v small pcs of beef. I m rather worried he dun chew and just swallow ==> then leads to indigestion. But it's fun now, can experiment alot more variety of foods with him. Next time can junk food together with him. Haha...

i give her the corn that was boiled in the soup..it was an accidental discovery lol...she saw the corn in my bowl and kept asking for it...so i gave her she started munching away so since then she eats corn when i make soup with corn..if i give her as snack, i steam it and share half with her lol
catmomo, sheepish: we once give han a piece of orange, and it came out the same size in his poo ==> he din chew too.
and i think han is a bit sensitive to vitamin c. when we give him orange or something citric, he will LS.
got such thing one or not?

sandy: naomi is good!
recently i just found out my inlaw is feeding noel kit kat... faintz... can they eat chocolate? i let noel try on everything we eat.. but not feed him whole piece of kitkat... aiyo they just dun listen.. alway do thing behind my back..
Hee.. am back to the forum! Or rather.. I am always around.. lazy to type!

Seems like all our tots don't really like to chew huh.. but we still have to continue to let them practice?

Mrs Lim,
I think should be fine? Since they are over a year old. But then, I am not the expert.. haha.. need to consult our Sandy!
hahahaa .. new nicks for our little tods now! :p My girl also very bo eng too. just tonite she even put her pacifier into the frontload washer at my mil's place and even covered it with a handki, or throwing her pacifier into the dustbin. mil was saying tat if one day anything goes missing ah, high rate that it has either been washed cleanly, or gone to the bin.

ah? u looking for hse ah?

at least ur side still got new birds incoming. my dept's workforce down by 50% within 2mths and still, we'd got headcount freeze! wah lau! been working until like 10pm since last week and to my horror today, there are more projects incoming despite pre-empting my big boss earlier!! tmw I going to tell him that enough is enough ... even wan me to go back on weekends also things will not be finished too!
I just told my hb that this company really stretch me to over my limit ... who ever hear of 1px coordinating and handling 16 full scale projects simultaneously!? end up I switched my focus between the different projects until when I talk to my users, they duno wat I'm talking abt. I confirm going to hand in a blank report book by the end of week again.

chocolates quite sweet leh. give things in moderation better lah. after that I think it might be good to brush teeth too. my bb's old aunt also like to feed bb with super oily, deep fried etc food behind my back. bay tahan. end up I told her if she continues do things like this, I wont allow bb near her anymore.
mibebe, yar lor too much sugar/salt not gd for bb.. but how to stop.. tell my in law so many time liao they dun listen.. they like to see my boy eating and wan them carry..

yeah sim.. me also alway reading but didn't reply.. hee...

lonerunner, lucky thing is that my boy love brush teeth so not a problem.. just i afraid he got tummyache or wad..

noel also didn't chew.. sometime feed in vega, the whole piece come up in his poo poo.. think now they anyhow eat the poo poo is getting so smelly that i wan to puke..
HI Mummies,
anyone need Desitin cream? I overstocked and my boy also not using now. If anyone need, PM me. I can release at $9 per tube.
hi all mummies...long time didnt post..
my gal another boh eng tod.. climbing up & down sofa everyday and like to "explore to the kitchen"..
btw, i have registered my gal for next yr playgroup...
I also find my girl's poo getting stinkier!! when changing her soiled diapers, I need to open all windows n leave the fan blowing at full blast then I dare to open her soiled diapers. everyone wlll juz run away :p

wah ... which playgroup u enrolling?
sorry need some help here. Is it ok to still allow bb to drink BM if take those pain relief medicine for period pains? My pre-period pains are killing me again as previously. haiz...

what pain relief medicine you took? i also have bad backaches when my period comes and i had to take paracetamol ..its ok to continue BFing...i also took ibuprofen for pain relief and its also ok ..these 2 medicines are also safe to give baby when they have fever anyways....take care

OMG Kit Kat....chiam liao la....i tell u hor if noel still can take plain porridge without adding in any seasoning de hor ok he is stil nt too affected by it...but very worrying leh..... y they like tat one u nvr tell yr hb??

U nvr tell yr in law wait one day Noel become an obese kid nid to go fit club who is to blame?? Plus tooth decay bo swee liao who is responsible???


Bryston also smetime dun chew de if he can swallow he swallow else hor if cannot he chew...then i hate giving him kiwi..cos have the seed in his poo LOL Er xin lo
I hadnt seen doc for med ... came home too late clinic closed liao. the med I took before pregnancy starts with A something. need to see doc then can purchase one. thinking of taking those off the shelf panadol for period pains one but duno if it is safe for BF mothers. oh ibuprofen ... maybe I can try that too. definately beats the warm bottle on tummy treatment. the cramps these few days are quite bad. too long no period abit cant get used to it hahaha! thanks!
sheepish: thanks.

lili: yah lor, i think we observe their poo more than ours. haha.

lonerunner: my first period also pain pain. after that things are better.
my 1st period last mth was very light. this mth's one hasnt start already gave me so much problem. think I need to restart my visits to my chinese doc to tune up body again. haiz ....
lonerunner, i also have the same problem..1st period very light, second average...third period onwards very heavy and give me cramps..the worst thing now is i get sick for 1 day when i ovulate..never ever happen before i got preggy..so far two months without fail, i get very bad body and joint pains and aches, sensitive skin (whole body) when i ovulate..the next day when i wake up, miraculously its gone..like nothing happened when the previous day i was bedridden and no one can touch me cos my skin was very sensitive like sun burn...
aiyo how come we so cham one? this aftn onwards my pre-men cramps suddenly gone too. I am keeping fingers cross hope this mth period wont be bad. suddenly I missed the days where I no need to worry abt having period. hahaha!
lonerunner, i am thinking of doing part time prop agent :p

menses: my menses has been stretching longer and longer.. 28 days --> 30 days --> 32 days... hard to track my ovulation... issit due to stress?

i will collapse and sleep whole day 1-2 days before my menses and during my menses.. will drink 3-4 cups of coffee and still tired.. i really hate menses.. haha
sorry mummies for interrupt.

i m looking for Pooh party banner, etc.

prefer preloved for once...but still in gd condition

Pls PM me if you have any to sell..thanks.
Hi mummies

Sorry for not posting . We all have been ill for the past ten days

Now my baby is down with diarrhea for the. Past three days . Please advice me on what to do . I am pretty worried . He is pooing like water . I am also having it and so is my husband.

I am worried about my son . Please help me . I. Would like to know what to give him .

Thanks a lot. I am almost in tears . Thanks

I hope sandy lonerunner iceblue sheepish djmama Deedee catmomo overload and all other mummies are doing well
hi mummies,

lonerunner, it's ok to take the normal panadol while bf. And now since our tods are more than 12mths, so we dont have to be so worried. Are u still pumping 4x a day?

Talking abt menses, mine stil not here leh... now a bit worried although i dont like it lah. I'm still expressing but it's 2.5times a day only... wonder is it cos i'm too underweight now, body too undernourished that's why no mense??? i'm losing weight cos of bf, trying to eat as much and drink full cream fresh milk already haiz, i'm wondering if i shld stop soon, worried abt my health...

Ramy, oh dear, hope your son will be better soon, have u all seen a doctor? Hmm not sure what is best to give him, probably stick to something light for now.
hi ramy,

if you, thooyan and your hb all have diarrhea, chances are it might be bacteria or viral infection...who first had the diarrhea and how soon after the first person, did the second and third had diarrhea? if its bacterial...need to get anti biotics...its better to bring thooyan to see his pd..meanwhile, you need to give him lots of fluids to prevent dehydration..(signs of dehydration includes lethargy, marked decline in urine output, dry lips and excessive sleep) to prevent the bug from continuing in the cycle, have to really wash hands and sanitize very well each time anyone visits the bathroom..when u clear thooyan's poo, u also have to make sure it didnt go to you..and before u prepare meals for everyone, need to sanitize your hands very well. you can give apple and banana to help harden the stools but this is not the solution if the diarrhea is viral or bacteria infection. quickly see a pd if you haven and hope everything goes on well and take care


me too still losing weight and im worried because im underweight...once i go underweight, i will get my fainting spells and giddiness..ive been drinking lots of full cream milk and packing on the carbos so it helps a little to slow down the loss..
Hi Mummies, hope everyone's fine!
I have been MIA for the last 2 weeks, or 3? I went back to my posts, the lst one was 29th March. Been so tired handling maid and family issues and now my boy's childcare is not settled yet. DEcided to do without maid after she changed her attitude and we suspected abuse, so scared for my boy, so now juggling between 2 places - Weekdays, going to stay with my mum and she will help take care boy when I am at work, weekends then go back to MIL's hse to see daddy and MIL. Hope can tong until he turns 18mth or 17mth plus so can put him in childcare.

Anyone know how gd is Cherie Hearts? COnsidering this versus Kinderland. Anyone with advice, pls, I will be truly grateful! Really desperate now, as need to find one near my place in Marsiling! Thanks.

Really cannot bear to put him there but no choice as I lost trust in maids le...when got time then tell u all how horrible the experience I had.
liting, why not go place your name first while slowly decide which one to go when bb is 18mths.. do it fast.. i intended to put my noel at the ntuc childcare (my first skool) below my MIL place but is full.. they put my son on waiting list till next year... and before him there still a long list of waiting...

When bryston got loose stool i fed him with those baby rice cereal and it helps to harden his stool...u could try that...meanwhile to make sure he nt dehydrated,let him have more water or you c if u could get pedialyte in yr area.This help to rehydrate them.

Hope he is better.


Wa sei shiok leh...1yr liao still haven got menses arh.... LOL...y worry hehe??? but good leh u loosing wt cos hor when i continue to feed Bryston till he 11mth i stop losing aft 6mths liao lo....so super sad de....hw i wish i keep on losing and can keep eating mua hahaha.... ;)

Yeah more full cream,more carbo.....


we will observe their poo like nvr before man....c c look look like wat cause their poo to be this colour,this texture or wat food is out HAHA... abit like forensic science hor hehe....
Sandy, yep am eating more rice, trying to snack more too. I got a shock when i weighed myself, didnt know i was losing so fast and very underweight... think i get sick more easily than before preggie, health really not as good..

haha lili, ya lah, i dont mind not having mense but not sure isit normal or not leh cos already reduce pumping i tot might have mense but still not.
yah, think u better bring thooyan to pd... cos whole family got diarrhea, sounds serious... he'll then be better able to advise u on wat to give tat'll help...

i oso lost weight while breastfeeding last time... e last i measured before i stopped, i was below my pre-pregnancy weight... now put back liao!
Lili: Yah lor, really scientic way of analysis.

sheepish: dont mention abt putting on weight. my weight is really yo yo.
which currently still on the up trend, dont know when it is coming down.
normal panadol? oh ya I din think of that. sua gu me. ok. next time I'll know liao. hehehehe .. thx thx! I'm still pumping 4x a day. Thinking of reducing but duno how to go abt it. My 'system' hang liao ... hahahhaa!

u got a good point. no period, how to go for #2.

I think I'm in same situation as you. my period is still not starting after all the cramps last week! ok, better keep it that way, then no need to worry abt bringing pads liao. hahaha! lazy me!

wah .. why u so good still can lose weight one??!! My butt and tights just refused to slim down any further

maybe you wan to visit the outlets that you are interested in placing your boy. the usual things to check include security of the place (if they check ppl coming in to pick up kids), cleaniness, ratio of teachers vs kids, how the teachers handle the children there, food portion (some centres tend to give a pinch of veg/meat which is hardly enough for growing up kids), environment(aircon/openair), cirriculum (some centres settle children by switching in TV), bath environment(some centers Q up kids and bathe one by one infront of everyone and sometimes with cold water), pickup/drop off hours etc etc. Finally you might wan to bring ur bb there to see if he like the place or not. There are tons of checklist lah, but at the end, it is still your preference if u are comfortable with the centre u are placing him in
Helllllllo Mommies!!!
... hehehe have been MIA cos baby's timing is different now. She has no prob with naps anymore. I made it a point to make her nap and lie there with her so that she feels more secure... thus spending less time in front of d comp. How r d babies here?? I haven't finished reading...

Poor u n Thooyan... hope u guys recover soon.. sigh..

oh ya..
Happy: r u ok oredi?

so nice to lose weight cos of BF. I think i BF only to maintain my weight cos I eat like a pig hahaha...

Finally aunty visit ha??? hahaha... mine haven't visit this month. My menses haywire liao... sometimes 40days and this months more than that oredi. how to ttc lay like that? haha
Sheepish,catmomo, kilo, sandy ,ginn
Thanks for the support . We all got the bug a day apart sandy . Took Thooyan. to doc since he had wrsended . The doc gave him meds and oral rehydration drink in three flavour and some diet . He was bad even after medication . Doc said It will improve today . WIring to see son improving
Hallo Mummies...

DJ posting from cold cold Shanghai...

Ramy, do take care... I can imagine the fatigue from the diarrhea itself, and you still have to look after Thooyan and your hb too...

Try to give him slightly diluted milk... meaning, maybe you can put 1 less scoop of FM in the usual amount of water when feeding. This will help to hydrate him as well. And if you can, let him sip water throughout the day.

Steamed apples really do help. Mer had diarrhear before and they worked.

Am so sick right now in Shanghai. The working culture here is simply, sigh... speechless la.... Anyway, been working into the wee hours like 2 am since I checked in on Friday and going out in the cold early morning. Finally came down with fever and a sore throat today. Still have to work and attend all day meetings until Saturday afternoon. V sian...

Miss my Mer so much, it hurts. HB says she loves playing ball v much now and will laugh out loud when she kicks the ball or stops it. Wish I was there to see. After I come back still need to finish up some work before I can go on leave. Simply sian la.

Room service just delivered hot chocolate...am going to take a cup then hv panadol and sleep... good nite mummies!
Lemonade djmama
Thanks for the support.

After medicines Thooyan is better but has not pooed at all whole day . Hopefully this should be ok . Let us see
haiz ... I just avoided a quarrel with mil this evening over BF. mil wants me to stop BF immediately. Reasons? (1)So troublesome to bring milk if wan to go out (whenever she wants to go to her sister's hse for visit)!
(2) Ah girl big already! No need to drink milk liao!
(3) ur sil has already stopped BF @ 13mth for ur niece and 9mths for ur nephew, and you still wan to continue even through ah girl is nearly 14mth old?!!
(4) she is eating porridges! no more stomach to drink milk.

Yeah, tell me abt that. It's my choice to continue BF. As if I dun wish to be able to sleep in for longer hours without having engorged/ leaking breasts, or be able to sleep early without the last pump of the day after an exhausting long day at work when my eyes are already closing. Or shorten my lunch hour to express milk at the top of my speed so that I can continue my work and rush datelines/schedules. Or trying to chase ppl out of my pre booked meeting room so that I can use the room. And best, after doing all the above, I will reach my mil's hse only to find yesterday's EBM mostly untouched. My proposal to mil has been 1 porridge for lunch, dinner cereals with food jar/other food, then in between is milk time. Like this, all my EBM can sure be finished and still she will have her porridge. But mil refused.

After reaching hm, I had a talk with hb on his mum's instructions. I presented my reasons why I would like to continue BF as long as it is possible for me to do so. Partly to cut cost on FM. To my surprise, hb supported me and told me to ignore his mum's idea. So now I have to think abt the strategy to convince and buy over mil on my idea. luckily mil hasnt found out that my auntie has returned. otherwise she'll sure use that to support her stand. hahaha!

yeah ... finally auntie visit last mth after so long. sianz. this mth auntie already dropped me all sorts of painful signals to tell me she wan to visit but still hadnt decided when to visit yet. late plus 3 days liao. if dun wan to restart, better dun start until I have decided to stop BF else really super bo eng(no time). hahaa!

maybe thooyan poo-ed too much previously so no poo today? Glad to hear that he is ok now

hey remember to drink more water despite ur busy schedule. u still very brave to take hot chocolate leh. wait tmw no more voice lor. heeheheh .... Anyway hang on ... next week will come very soon and you can go home to see Mer! It's ur last long trip anyway.

take care and hope your whole family get well soon!


thanks for remembering me keke, I recovered liao and so has Xavier... But he is doing much better than me, I still have ugly dark spots all over my face and body, disfigured though I didn't scratch... Not sure why but upset with the ugly look lor...

anyway, glad to hear ur bb naps well now... Our thread has been so quiet that i seldom drop by liao keke... Hope it stays more active like today slightly better...


Hope u settle your maid issue soon, maids are real headache sigh...


drink lots of water, take care...


bad stomach cramps is terrible, must ren!!! I must salute u for persisting with bf, ur mil has no right to stop u, u ve my moral support kambate!!

I am already 10 days late Liao for my menses, but keep having pms symptoms since start of last week... Very xinku and frustrated. Been very accurate at 30 days cycle since delivery, not sure if the anti viral medicine for chicken pox and antibiotics caused this cycle to go haywire... Hope it come soon so that the pms can quick quick go away..
