(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Dear mummies,

Sorry to intrude. I’m doing a BP on BPA-Free Breastmilk Storage & Feeding.

BPA-Free Breastmilk Storage & Feeding / Breastpump & Nursing Accessories / Supplements / Baby Care

Please do take a look if you are keen. Thanks You

Hi Mummies

I am new to this thread.
I have a 3 month old baby so i think this thread will suit me.

Just wondering and would like to check out what is the typical timetable of your babies.
Do you specifically make sure they nap/eat/sleep/play/awake at certain time? And does it work?

Thanks to share.
wa..another gathering..Unfortunately, i can't join this time
got appt liao


Liting...hv u finally got a new maid? Maid can be a big headache. But, with 3 kids..i don't think i can survive without one since i'm working. My filipino maid says she missed her kids and wanted to go back when she finishes her loan cos i advanced her pay then to pay off her mortgage. Treat her so well now she back out on me. Then, i heard that she wanted to go back becos there's no off day for her. Sianz

For mummies who pump at work, where did u get yr cooler bag from. Just took out my old bag and realised it's too worn and decide to throw away.

Any mummies gave gripe water? Tried giving to my bb and he keep spitting it out..haha
hi moomoo, welcome to the thread.

my baby usually wakes me up 7 plus 8 in the morning then she will drink then will do her daily first poo of the day. then she'll stay awake playing on her playmat and gym, do tummy time. she'll fall asleep on the playmat when shes tired. afternoon she'll take her bath..in between nothing much..just sleep, drink, play, poo...until night time she gets her sponge and go to bed herself by 10 plus 11.

i never make her sleep or nap at a specific time...she control her own activities (play, sleep and eat) other than the night sponge. but since 2nd week onwards, she automatically sleep after her night sponge so i dont need to force her to bed. hope this helps.
Adeline: Update as below. Still tentative for me.

Date: 22 May 09, Fri
Time: 1pm
Venue: Changing Appetites @ Marina Square

Mummies joining:
joannelim(joanne lim)
princessdella (Adeline)
spicegal (Karen)
mama2209 (Samantha)
Shirlyn (Shirlyn)
Ksllr with Bryston (LiLi)
MrsLim (Elicia)
DJ Mama (Juliana)
Joycie (Joyce)
Saro_queenie (Tracy)
Lonerunner (Hanwei)
Whitegalz (Roxanne)
Liting (Liting)
Crystal (Crystal)
Mudpie (Cindy)
Eeyore_poh + bb (Fion)
Corrine + bb (Corrine)

sheepish (Cynthia)
gracie_gal (Grace)
mummyo + bb
grace (Grace Chua)
Flowy: add gripe water in water or feed then bb wont spit out. i also do that for medicine.

Peachmomo: I also back to work today. Then boss say the previous job you dont have to do liao, since you are on part-time. So given a more independent but difficult and challenging job.
His idea is I got a lot of time to do thinking job. Who says mothers got a lot of time. ;P

Ladies: If you are chatting, rem to add me. First day of work after ML, so damn sian.
Flowy: Thanks babe. Sigh.. really quite sian at work. My colleagues kinda group together liao.. Hate this kind of feeling.

Grace: Wa.. first day he already give you a more challenging job? Quite sian right?

Eh anyone interested in buying Coach wristlets or even bags? PM me.. my friend is coming back from USA next week. It will be retail price, but at least u dont need to pay shipping. Hee.. thats the only thing that made me happy. Im getting these 2!! I was surfing this for the whole of my lunch time!

flowy: You can get the "fridge to go". The shop at Chinatown has it. Pigeon has the similar thing which you can easily find at RObinsons or Taka.
I'm using fridge-to-go and i find it very bulky.. and heavy, although can put in quite a lot.. should get some other better alternative..


Date: 22 May 09, Fri
Time: 1pm
Venue: Changing Appetites @ Marina Square

Mummies joining:
joannelim(joanne lim)
princessdella (Adeline)
spicegal (Karen)
Ksllr with Bryston (LiLi)
MrsLim (Elicia)
DJ Mama (Juliana)
Joycie (Joyce)
Saro_queenie (Tracy)
Lonerunner (Hanwei)
Whitegalz (Roxanne)
Liting (Liting)
Crystal (Crystal)
Mudpie (Cindy)
Eeyore_poh + bb (Fion)
Corrine + bb (Corrine)
mummyo + bb (Fred)

sheepish (Cynthia)
gracie_gal (Grace)
grace (Grace Chua)

U are a really wonderful wonderful mummy!!! U really perservere in providing breastmilk for ur baby despite all the challenges and difficulties u faced!! Jia you jia you!!! YOu are definitely as good a mummy as ur own mum!!!!
Oh, I am a teacher too, but good thing is my sch they reserved one of the ladies staff toilets as nursing room. So BF mummies can go there to pump. But hor, I also got colleague who ever pump in staffroom before. Just go to a cubicle that is in a corner, and can pump there. Place a shawl to cover.
peach i wan get this.. u got lobang? BP here sell $258... if too troublesome i just buy from the BP here..

hello mummies
woah yesterday cannot find the website so cannot post.
Aiyo, in office can only read but cannot post...a bit buay tahan lay.

Re: the lady that left immediately after coming back from ML
iceblue, that lady did declare lah i think cos it was quite obvious already when she join.
actually, my firm quite pro-preggy one, that time i saw a 6/7 month preggy lady doing orientation.
Great to know that they are pro-preggy actually.
But but all that was before the recession. now got retrenchment man.

Re: lady who lost her baby
Kkf, yar very sad indeed. i remember about what you said about ur No.1 child. sadz...
let's look forward..happy tots, happy tots....

Re: Baby's timetable
m00m00, like sandy says, abit difficult to fix baby timetable. i guess besides night time sleeping which my baby sleeps at 8/9pm nightly...the rest of activities quite free play lah..

Re: PeachMomo
woah u do sales one huh? sibay stress hor. tell ur boss u have not oil ur engine yet lah.....
Mrslim: I will show her the photo and ask her to get it. She's going to the mall this weekend, so hope she can get it. Erm.. but im not sure how the bp ppl calculate leh..Do you know how much is it from the website?
olively: U think i dare to say my engine not oiled yet ah..he will kill me la!!!! Everyday when he calls me (Cos he's not based in Spore), he will ask "so have you started work?"
Siao.. if i havent start, would i be sitting at my desk? So dumb.

mrslim: Oh ya.. why u dont find the latest models? This is the past season right?
I think this one is nice.. similar to what you like.. sort of la.. hehe.

And i like this too.
Milk storage cooler bag
Im using a medela one, its small and can put 4 btls of 150ml medela or avent btls, find it quite good and compact as compare to the conventional fridge to go, i store my EBM (1 feed) for now and i will use when i pump after i go back work, max is 4 btls.

I think this bag came with the pump set. Its a hand me down from my fren.

Going back work
Peachmomo> What kind of sales u doing ? Y your boss like that... We already superwoman coping with baby and hb and home, now going back work still want us to work our ass out.. bleah ... my work plc no plc to pump, i might request an extra room to pump during lunch time, wonder if they will accede my request. My head keeps telling me they will ask me to "Why don't you wean baby of BM instead" Arghh...

BB routine
I didnt really follow any strict routine etc but this is generally what my bb does in a day since abt 8 weeks old

~5-6am wakes up, milk then sleep
~9am wakes up, milk then play, talk until tired sleep
~12pm either wake up early n play n wait for bath time or sleep a bit more
Before his bath time, he is usually in his room in the cot.After bath i bring him to the living room , previously on the rocker , now on bumper playmat , once in a while on swing and i on CD(nursery rhymes) for him
~12-3pm *usually play talk and whine (haha) dozed off when tired but hardly sleep past 1 hr, owas waking up after being startled
~3pm milk
~3-6pm repeat *
~6pm milk
~8pm sponge, change PJs
~830pm Last feed, lights out and good nite

So far this works for me although the timing plus minus a bit and when he goes out sometimes cranky when he doesnt get enough sleep....
yes that is so nice.. how come i nv see b4.. haha.. anyway me looking for a sling and shoulder bag.. easier to use when carry bb.. any design can as long as its nice.. haha.. your fren getting it at outlet rite? that time i ask my fren buy.. she blur blur go boutique buy.. very ex.. and cannot do the tax refund some more.. my daiper bag lor.. cos me 600 plus.. sianz when in outlet maybe less than 400.. my budget is S$300.. so if more then nvm.. hee
my fren also a feb mummy wan to join us at marina square outing... pls help to add another seats.. she come in at the very early stage but now no longer active.. hee.. her name is shita.. she will be bring her son aidan too...

so tracy, joanne,are u bring your bb along?
hey mummies..
anyone experiencing hair loss huh?
i think i am lay...but i got a lot of hair so not so worry as long as it is not spot loss. <cross>
olively, me also experiencing hair loss liao... sigh.. i'm starting to apply hair tonic, hopefully the hairloss wont get worse... quite scared to see so much hair on the floor these days...
hehe...yar lor....so much until quite ridiculous.
i am not doing anything for now....let me see see look look...cos i have loads of hair....maybe drop liao become normal quantity. hehe
aaaaaahhhhhhhh sandy, how come u kept posting same msg? computer ganna virus ah?

your collegues had been working with each other while u were away. maybe tats why they seemed much closer to each other? give them sometime to warm up to u again
good luck!

welcome aboard!
my bb dun have schedule one. very hard to fix! I follow hers instead. wat time she wakes up is wat time I wake up. when she alert, I'll talk n play with her, depending on her mood, the activity will change accordingly. thinking of reading my favourite Harry Potter books to her soon. heeheehee. Free play usually when I am doing hsework or no energy to pkay with her. But one thing I fixed is that, she MUST go to bed by 10.30pm latest! Then I have some personal time to log into internet n read forum! heeheeehee ....!

I put gripewater into her milk! else she will spit out!

u worked part time now ah? or has it been like tat all along?

my bb 2mth 4 weeks old. turning 3mth old on sunday. she is taking in 100ml approx today. usual range is anything from 80ml to 125ml, depending on her mood. :p
btw any mummies here with uneven breasts? one big one small? How to even them? I tried latching and expressing more on the smaller one but it doesnt grow bigger leh. I made the mistake of latching bb only on 1 breast last time since the other breast doesnt produce much milk during the early days. sob sob.
Let me know if i miss out anyone.. Those who dun have my contact please PM or MSN me..


Date: 22 May 09, Fri
Time: 1pm
Venue: Changing Appetites @ Marina Square

Mummies joining:
joannelim with Joel(joanne lim)
princessdella with Reyes (Adeline)
spicegal (Karen)
Ksllr with Bryston (LiLi)
MrsLim with Noel (Elicia)
DJ Mama with Merisse (Juliana)
Joycie (Joyce)
Saro_queenie with Joel (Tracy)
Lonerunner (Hanwei)
Whitegalz with Kylene (Roxanne)
Liting (Liting)
Crystal (Crystal)
Mudpie with Cynric (Cindy)
Eeyore_poh with Esther (Fion)
Corrine with bb (Corrine)
mummyo with bb (Fred)
Shita with Aidan

sheepish (Cynthia)
gracie_gal (Grace)
grace (Grace Chua)

Anyone looking for babysitter? I have one to recommend at Kovan/Hougang. If interested, kindly PM me for her contact details. Thanks!
hehe sandy, thanks for posting so many times in case i missed it hahahaha... Oh then i better not apply sighs but seeing my hair drop so much, a bit worrying....
i also suffer hair lost.. everytime play with bb,, sure can see my hair drop on his face arm.. and his cot.. everywher is my hair
hey mummies, i don't think i can join you ladies tomorrow le.. so many mummies going I wish I can be there too, but there is a warehouse sales for toys in Tuas, near my workplace. Not sure if this is the one some of you were talking about previously. Prices of FP toys can go down by 50%! i heard the items are although authentic, there may be slight discolouration or no packaging etc, maybe rejected items from retail stores like Kiddy Palace but my gf says they are in perfect condition. She went to this sale last year and she bought the FP Jumperoo at $180+ when outside selling for $260+!! wow! But it is not a big warehouse lah, maybe the size of two bedrooms only.. perhaps if i finish early then i come and join u gals (if time permits cos i also need to rush off by 5pm too).

dropping hair - i am sweeping tons of hair from baby and my head every morning and evening! i MUST bring him to shave liao. buay tahan. And im so afraid i might go bald man.

feeding amount - Caleb drinks lesser nowadays, used to be 120-140ml, now sometimes drink 70-90ml after 6 hours of sleep at night and then drink another 100ml 3 hours later. I feel that he has lost weight cos his arms not so chubby anymore. Heartpain. My other gf's boy who is 1 day older than Caleb is drinking 220ml each feed now at 4 hourly interval.. OMG! how to increase Caleb's appetite? he also seems to talk less now but play more, and stuffing his hands into his mouth all the time.

Do your babies have habit of sucking lower lip when tired/sleepy? It has become a habit for Caleb now. i think it soothes him (i've never given him a pacifier) but not sure if it is a good habit..
Hey Mummies sorry to intrude!

3 days old Brand New Bumbo seat Lime green in colour selling for SGD $70 with tray. I bought at $86.90. Selling as my baby refuse to sit in it.

Comes with box and receipt from Kiddy Palace. Able to exchange color from any Kiddy Palace outlet within 7 days.

Self collection at Bkt Panjang, Farjar
PM me if interested! Thanks
graciegal: hey do you know the location of this place? I went last year and its the one at Tuas la.. I bot so many things. When is it? tomorrow?? or started today?
Eh when are you going? I want to buy the jumperoo!!!
gracie gal: You got me excited liao la! Wa lao...

mrslim/mudpie: Eh.. the bags will not be from outlet. She's going to the store cos the items will be current season. She stays in US, so there's no tax rebate la.
Anyway she said, go check out in www.macys.com or www.nordstrom.com

she's quite a workoholic la.. so i dont think she has time to go outlets.
Dear Mummies, I think I really very suay. My maid just came last Sat (16th May), before she even got onto my hb's car, she was coughing. I went to buy cough medicine for her b4 I brought her home. She works in Msia b4, so her work is gd and she very auto, will find things to do and dun want to eat, say she will be sleepy after eating, so want to wait till finish work or hungry then eat. I kept telling her to eat but she will insist she want to work 1st. So her breakfast can be 4-5 hrs after she wakes up. She wakes up at 5am, I told her no need so early, coz she share room with my MIL, so I said wake up when my MIL wakes up, then I let her sleep very early, around 9am, she used to sleep at 11am, wakes up at 5am in Msia. So funny, 1st nite I asked her to sleep at ard 10pm, she "wah" a bit, like so early. But she was still coughing, so on tue, I brought her to GP, she got pneumonia! DOc even asked me to bring her for x-ray in hosp if possible, but my hb overseas, I cannot leave my bb with MIl, she cannot cope alone. The GP charged me $60! Then I scared she will spread to my bb, so I quickly brought my bb back to my mum's hse again on Wed. This maid is 4th liao. All those 3 i treat them very nice, imagine my family take the food for them right after cooking and I even asked them nice or not, and I chat with them but they still dun want to work for me leh...This 4th one is gd, but she like this sick, still cannot hand over bb to her, dun noe how to go back work next Tue.

Lonerunner and Mrs Lim, my 1st 2 maids from Myanmar, 3rd and 4th from Indonesia. I din want to get Filipino coz agent told me they will insist on off-day after loan completes and when they go out, they come back with a lot of problems.
