(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi roxanne u can try http://www.geocities.com/mimichalian/ for CL..

i have not tried her but she seems well recommended by some mummies in the forum.

jo: u also not working ah? me stay jurong.

sandy: what u do in manila then? i miss the cheese buns there!! hehe. last time go manila always buy cheese buns.
what's there to do in the daytime over there? how long u been there? miss home?

Roxanne, the lady was so digusting.
. I am afraid of taking public transport especially i am pregnant. But Thank God, my hubby drop and fetch every day as his office near mine. But i have bad experience when i was expetin my #1. I took bus that day as my hubby was in NS camp. I feel giddy and immediately ask a lady to let me had her seat. The lady quite nice. Luckily.... i got to seat down.
jo, im currently staying in the philippines cos my HB is filipino. my niang jia is in sembawang. it can be quite boring at times but i watch a lot of tv, sleep, eat. actually time passes quite quickly for me.
hi taztaz, ive been here for coming 10mths but been here off and on for 2 yrs prior coming here permanently. hmm. .daytime nothing much to do.. tv, internet. most of the people here go to shopping malls. i can only do that when im stable. haha. . the cheese roll.. it looks very yummy but i dont really appreciate cheese, only take those kraft singles slices. keke.
Hi Gigi, have you tried the belt combo kit? Does it work it for you? I have not heard of it before, but think it is very interesting... However, think i cannot wear my regular clothes while preggy cos the hips and tights will expand too much to fit in...

Roxanne, how's first day back at work? Good luck!
Btw, did you enquire abt the Pre-natal yoga at Bishan? Are you going to join them?
Sandy, since you are alone.. .Do you have help on standby? Hope your HB works close to home... Then at least, if you need to call for someone, it'll be easier...

Do you miss home?... Not sure if you have cravings for local food...
I've just started going swimming since last week. Didnt swim too long, just 5-6 laps. My grandma was so worried and kept asking me to come up of the pool. Said that cannot exert too much. Who swam 1.5 hours? Champion! Or you are just playing in the water? Ha ha!

I go usually in the evening, hence the water gets quite cold. I just want to start off with a few laps first, once my body is more adjusted to exercising again, then i will swim more.
i felt some cramps at the pelvic area then immediately stopped.

By the way, I check out the belt combo kit website. He he, I think the belt looks so ugly!
nowadays dun expect ppl to give up seats for preggies. my tummy quite visible liao but when i take mrt every1 acts blur, n im talking abt those fit young men!

must teach our kids next time cannot be so selfish.

worst still there was 1 time this young couple squeezed me off my railing (i was there 1st!), end up i had to quickly 'escape' to another carriage as train moved off before i could 'fight back' the railing.. cannot believe it.
Taztaz, welcome to the ungracious world of Singaporeans. Ha ha!
I think the topic on how selfish and selfcentred Sporeans are, will be endless.
In turn, do we do that? have we done that subconsciously? Hmmm something to ponder about.

I'm feeling bloated again. Yday was burping loudly in the office. Good thing my colleagues were all out. ha I can burp in peace.

Actually I wonder if my colleagues know or are guessing that I'm pregnant. The only difference is, I am wearing dresses more often now. Cant fit into my pants anymore.
And of cos, when I'm surfing this forum, they might just saw it!
hi qiqi, i crave alot for local food like char kway teow, wan tan mee, chwee kuey. . too many to name. but they do have the secret recipe cafe, toastbox and breaktalk so im still able to fulfil some cravings. i do miss my mummy but she just went back a mth ago after staying here for 1 and a half mths. since the incident last fri, my in laws insisted me to stay with them cos they have helpers to standby. our matrimonial house is closer to my HB's work place but theres no one there to take care of me when he works; so stay with in laws till stable.
aiyo the belly belt dun look nice at all...... Dun think I wanna walk ard with my zip undone. Hahahaha

Taztaz: yup me full time slacker
Hey Peach, you have not told your colleagues that you are preggy yet? For me, I bo-bian got to say, cos I was due to go on biz trip but did not want to go... So everyone in office knows very early...

For this pregnancy, the burping is less than my 1st one... Last pregnancy, I kept burping, so dare not eat food with strong smell, else will keep burping the disgusting smell for the hours..

Taztaz... I will not take the train once my tummy gets bigger.. Really hard to "get" seats, and the peak hour train rides are so bumpy... Sometimes train will e-brake suddenly... worse still, sometimes cannot stand close to railings and need to maintain own body balance....
Of course you have to wear long top to cover it la when you waer this combo belt. I do wear. So i stil can fit into my regular pant
good morning, mummies. wow we have quite a few mummies not working. so envy.

i din use any maternity pillow. you can try using normal pillow & put under your tummy on the side. refrain from sleeping on your back. cant remember why. something like the bb pressing on the vessel, hence, lack of oxygen. it's better to sleep on your side for better circulation. pls correct me if i'm wrong.

fat jo
you're so active. you cant be like a 'fat jo' rite? =p

i'm also a fan of pierre cardin seamless undies. i have quite a few. keke. sex does trigger early delivery at the later stage. so you wanna your bb to come out earlier, make out more. keke

i'm still wearing my normal jeans. during my 1st pregnancy, i only started wearing maternity clothes from 5th mth.

try not to walk too much & refrain from carrying heavy things. rest more.
Sandy.. I also crave for what you mentioned... hehe... Maybe once you are stable in your 2nd trim, you can consider a short stay back in Singapore... But if you are worried, of course, then best don't risk any travelling...

Your in-laws sound concerned and considerate.. Better to stay with them for the time being and have people ard to take care of you... Then your meals etc are all settled...

Peach.. do you know if there are any indoor heated pool in singapore? Haha... I want to swim, but very scared of cold...
qiqi, thats the thing that is worrying. . no railings and have to balance on ur own!
jo, i will be giving birth here in manila then apply for spore citizenship for bb. my mum will come over here to do confinement for me.
QiqiT, ya i havent tell them. Well, it doesnt make any difference if i say or not. Cos its not as if they will treat me any nicer. Its a long story about my relationship with my colleagues. hee... So everyday at work I'm really dragging my body. Ha ha! Walking zombie.

I'm due for a trip in late Aug. definitely by that time, my belly will be obvious.. I dont want to go too! I rather stay at home now. Suddenly I become very homely ha ha!

How do you tell your colleague? like "hey I'm pregnant" like that ah? I did tell 2 of my close ones. Then the 3rd one, i had no choice. He's always slapping my back, so must tell him. Then this guy big mouth, start telling many people (i think).
QiqiT: I heard Takashimaya has a fitness club and they have a heated indoor pool. The other one is the Spore Recreation Club at Padang.

Maybe you can call Taka to enquire? Where do you work?

Tell you girls something funny, my bikini bottom is the boy shorts kind. now my butt is so big that the bottom can only cover half the butt. Sigh.. my hubby laughed at me when he saw the butt hanging out
mudpie: fat le. Had to pack away most of my jeans le.
now surviving on 3 shorts 2 jeans and dresses. Been on slim side all throughout. Now hips suddenly widen so much very depressing. Hahaha :eek:
Wow this thread is going very fast. Talking abt the combo belt i have it too i find ok only of cos u have to wear long top to cover it if not will look very funny hahha
mudpie, u r right; i also read that its advisable to sleep on our sides than on our back. moreover, sleeping on our left side is better than on the right. left side will help in blood circulation to the placenta.
Peach, I no need announce to my colleagues.. My boss announced it for me during dept meeting... "Good" rite?! So pai sey at that time... I think you also no need tell too many people... Just tell the big-mouth colleague to spread the news around...

I saw the SRC pool before... That was nice... But I'm not a member... so cannot go in on my own... Emm... Think the Taka one also requires exp membership?... Forget it lah, considering I still got to buy new swim suit, think I'll do pre-natal yoga instead... I work in town, you leh?

Jo, Hips will sure widen... Sad hor...
fat jo, how much u put on liao???? dun worry la after u pop full time breast feed la sure can loose alot weight de. then u take lotz of picture of urself now next time ur bb make u angry u show to him/her. see bcos of u mummy bcom so fat.
QiQiT, i agreed with u just tell 1 of those big mouth ppl in ur office & make sure u emphasize to them tat pls keep it to urself dun tell anyone hahahah the next moment u will find even those not in ur dept also know liao hahahahaah
I work in West Coast. Sigh birds wont lay eggs place. Cos its so so so ULU! I used to work in Orchard, so comparing the 2 places that's heaven and this is hell. ha ha!

Ya those 2 places need to have membership. I have yet to sign up for the prenatal yoga at Mother & child. QiqiT: which one do you intend to go to?
Sleeping position: these few nights I realised tat when i sleep on my left, my left arm tend to go numb, but its ok when i sleep on my right, anyone experience such numbness? As for backaches...I dun have yet.

Peach, I told my boss very early cos my dept supposed to go teambuilding in Bintan and I wanted to be exempted. Then I only told a few close lunch kakis, shortly after I think my boss announced to my dept so most of them knew already. Got 1 finance colleague saw my protuding tummy and asked me is it I was pregnant, before that I still din know tat my tummy is so obvious.
This thread is moving so quickly. nice to hear all your stories.. Im also dreading the MRT ride. Im staying @ Sembawang but when I was 6weeks preggy I packed my bags and my husband n the Dog moved with me to my mum's place at East, Its easier to go to work cause I will catch a ride with my sis. Im moving back home in mid Aug so abit scared of the crowded trains... Decided that I will ask for a Seat n if one is not given to me I will puke on them if I feel sick. hehehehe. I dont think its morning sickness I have cause Im not puking 24/7 its just if I eat n walk staright after that n the food have not digested, the last spoonful of food will come out than Im all better....
So I try to get my food digested b4 I move off.

I bought some maternity outfits, tops n skirts n 1 dress from Spring Maternity. They were having a sale so decided to buy some but I bought a bigger size so can us for a few months... I went up 1 size for Zara, Dorothy Perking n Topshop. They are having sales now. not Zara but the other two so go buy some clothes from there, cheaper n can use later... I like European brands cause they cater to my size.. I not skinny n not fat Im the inbetween which cannot use Singapore Fashion....

I got the bra extensions also from Spring Maternity ($4.95) and bought 1 Mark & Spencer bra. So comfy. Dont use Under Wire bras they hurt.. I also use Nipple silicon stickers..... for spagetti/strapless tops... Not sure if they are good to use but I take them out once Im home from work.

Im waiting eagerly for my 12week scan. Hope the babies are nice n big so can see them better in the scan.

Did all of you do the Oscar Test? we are not doing, a little worrie but will leave it to God to Bless the babies.......

Im also hoping to drive till I pop.. I need to drive during Xmas to visit relatives.. We took the doggy with us last year n he enjoyed himself so much......... We got him this collapsible house n he goes into it without being asked cause he knows he is going out. Hope can do the same this year. My dear darling HB cannot drive. So annoyed n keep bugging him to get his license as I cannot drive myself to e hospital when my waterbag burst rite. hehehehehhe.

So Glad its FRIDAY. Enjoy ur weekend ladies...... We shld all have a gathering nearer to out due dates.. hehehehhehee..
and the ones in North area we shld have a playgroup once the babies are born, the rest join in too or we can take turns on the areas each month! hehehhe..

Its so sad that in Singapore they dont have the good service of pooling together a list of mummies whoes babies are born about the same time n u can attend playgroups together... I attended one with a relative in Australia.. Its so nice... The babies are so cute, Blond Blue Eyed. So cuteeeeeeeee..
spicegal, i got a new boss and I've yet to find out what kind of person is he. Hee.. must find the right approach what. and furthermore he's not based in Spore. So can only tell him over the phone.
I would think most of my colleagues are speculating already. Cos sometimes I would just rub my tummy (dunno for what). And I always feel that they are staring at me (am i being sensitive?)
Congrats Peach... 2nd trim liao... That's the best period of the pregnancy cycle...

Re when to tell....Actually, I think it deps on how "urgent" it is to inform your colleagues... If your company needs to make arrangement to cover your maternity period, then better say early.. Else some people, esp those that need to cover you, may be "unhappy", cos very "last minute"... If no urgency, then let them discover your tummy for themselves... haha... But you mentioned going on biz trip in Aug? Then tell them before this, in case need to make arrangements...

Mother & child should be not bad.... I attended classes taught by the same teacher during my last pregnancy elsewhere (now closed down liao)... But heard M&C 's very packed... Me considering True Yoga... Ocbc got a package, abt $240 for 12 pre-natal sessions... I thought it's not a bad deal... But tempted to go back to the same teacher. She teaches private classes at Costa Rhu condo at a good rate, but timing not very good for me...
Peach, i see...then you have to wait for the right time to break the news to him during your 2nd tri, I think not so nice to wait till your tummy is very obvious cos your boss may think tat you are purposely hiding your pregnancy from him, i think its basic respect tat he as your boss should be informed 1st hand. This is how i feel lah.

Some sensitive colleagues will suspect, cos you will unconciously rub/pat your stomach when you are pregnant...haha...also the food tat you eat and some through some actions, they will know..
Ohh ya I got some pure cotton undies from Mothercare, I think the sale is still on its shld enf this month. N using the stress cream from mothercare.

Bought a bolster to hug sideways n sleep on the left/rite hand side..

Swimming is very good.. Im doing a little of that.

Ladies, Im keen on Yoga, anyone wants to attend classes together. Im finding a reasonable price ones.. Some so ex close to $200!! So wasted, I can buy baby items with that $$. Pls let me knw if u know of any resonable price one and if ur keen on attending the class together?

Mich are u going for any? Whats ur babies size since ur last scan.. Im so envious, I have to wait 4weeks to see my babies..
PeachMoMo, i only tell my boss cos i have to produce my MC from gynae so straight away she know. but i think my colleagues are suspecting cos my tummy really look big especially this few days unless they ask then i will say yes if not i wont go tell them. abit diff to say out rite maybe to some ppl they find preg preg la wat so big deal.
Nicole, yeah I also shop at spring maternity, topshop and dorothy perkins for my maternity wear during my 1st pregnancy. I got my bra extensions, nursing bra and panties from john little.

I second your idea of gathering, it would be fun to see so many pregnant women coming out for lunch/dinner..haha
Nicole G, I went checkup on the 19/7 and my babies are 2.80cm & 2.79cm. My next checkup will be 8/8 cant wait so long to see my bbs again hahahaa hope can see the gender by then
hi all,
I used to have this painful, swelling feeling on my breasts every morning when I woke up. however this morning when I woke, no more pain. this makes me worried. now I am feeling so weird, I am in office and can't sit still....my thighs and backside seems to hurt(I dunno)...just feel so restless...gosh is there anything wrong...
Nicole... So nice of your hubby to move back your mum's place with you... Your in-laws no complains?

Wow, so many mummies bought maternity clothes liao.. Smart to buy on sale... Usu these clothes are so ex... I also tried buying bigger sizes's non-preggy clothes to wear. But when the tummy gets bigger, the dresses esp look a bit funny with the front very short and back very long...
Wahh Mich, lucky u. Its like every 2weeks for u rite?? Can help find out the package for me with ur Gyny? like from 12weeks onwards some has packages... I will decide after my visit with my gyny on 8/8 on moving to someone closer and from private practice n will be able to deliver in Mount A. What time is ur Scan on 8/8, mine is at 1.30pm at SGH, I took 1/2 for that day.

Ohh ladies, when is the 7month festival. Im rather careful during than, dont like it when my doggy sept on the ash too. Will say sorry cause it disrespectful.
fat jo, i'm sure you'll regain your figure fast. the sports you do are so high impact.

spicegal, i've been sleeping on my sides but i dun feel numbness.

QiQiT, your boss is so 'big mouth' leh. keke

Nicole & spicegal, i prefer to shop at topshop & dorothy perkins, their maternity wear is more trendy than spring. keke
We got our own home, my in laws dont stay with us. Plus their house cannot accormodate us so no complains. hehehe plus u know rite, ur mother is still the best person to run too for some TLC! hehehe.. Im so spoilt at my mummy home.. Will miss all the good food she cook. Back to either cooking when Im up to it or buy from Kopishop or Hubby will cook when he is off la.
I dont want to move back home but I think better use the 3-6month at home than when to heavy again go back n stay there la. hehehhehe..

Yuppers I got 2 dorothy perkins sleves T-shirt for $9 each. Go buy worth it!! there were some maternity jeans for $29 too.. Go Go.. Nice clothes there. Check out topshop too..
for Dorothy Perkins, the maternity stores are at Marina Sq, Parkway Parade n Great World City. They say Great World is big, might go there this weekend to kapoh n waste $$$. hehehehehehehehhe
Nicole, my checkup is 9am in the morning will only know wat is the package like on tat day but my this gynae only do delivery at gleneagles hospital cos his clinic is there. will let u know the price again.
