(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


Erm.. very hard for us to advise but i guess for me i would first work out wat are my priorities first, then when u know ur priorities, i guess the rest would fall in place. But since its a job offer for career advancement, u probably might want to talk with your potential employer on ur current situation and see if they are pro-family.

As for me i am currently not required to work on Saturdays.

piggy hui,
hihi, maybe u would like to buy a home pregnancy kit (HPT) to test at home first to confirm ur pregnancy. then based on ur LMP(Last menstrual period) u might want to see a gynae from about 6 weeks onwards. If you not sure then u post ur LMP here and we can roughly advise u. Hope this helps.
Congrats !

Thanks Queenie

I acutally bought the pregancy kit to test at home yest and its postitive. So I am wondering what I shld do next. My LMP is on the 19th May :)
Hi piggy hui,

I also actually found out myself pregnant recently on monday too. Want to do my check up at KKH, so actually send an email to them to enquire how the package like and the payment wise.
you may wan to read up if u wanna to do yr check up and delivery at KKH.

Dear Serene,

Thank you for choosing KK Women's and Children's Hospital.

Please click on this link to our website showing the information of our Maternity package:


You can use Medisave for your hospitalization and delivery expense. The Medisave claim is subject to the withdrawal limits set by the CPF
Board, which is $450.00 for daily ward fee, daily treatment fee, investigation and
medication. There is an additional claim of $450.00 for accouchement fee(delivery fee) and another $450.00 for antenatal expenses. Patients
will have to top-up in cash if the actual bill exceeds the estimate bill size and Medisave claimable limit.

For an appointment with our KKH specialist, please call Central Appointment Desk at 6294 4050. For a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, you may wish to get a referral letter from any Polyclinic to see our KKH doctor
at subsidised rate. We would like to highlight that subsidised patients would be attended by a team of doctors and nurses on duty.
hi ladies,

i had brown discharge yesterday and today and i went to see my gynae immediately this morning..the v-scan showed some bleeding in my uterus and contractions
pls pray for me that my little one will hang in there

dear kiki,

i think its very impt to decide if ur new job will add on stress to your pregnancy and affect its stability...i just started my phd course 2 weeks ago and i ignored my gynae's advice and continued working and going to sch. now i have threatened miscarriage and she is advicing me to stop my course and stay in bed fully for at least 2 weeks or until i stop bleeding. i regretted not following
so kiki, decide well and most important thing is the baby is stable and healthy before anything else
good luck

pray for me ladies!!
Hi Sandy,

Pls take care ok!! Listen to your gynae and stay in bed... Really must have bed rest when there is bleeding (which really means lie down and rest)... Will pray for you and your little one...

don't worry, ur definitely included in my prayers. rest well and don't stress urself out. make ur hubby ur personal maid and don't lift a finger at home. just rest. god bless!

u could be 4 weeks plus now according to ur LMP, maybe u would like to see a gynae in about 2 weeks time ? cos some MTBs were saying if we see gynae too early, there is nothing much to see.. in the meantime, take care of ur health n diet, dun carry heavy things, dun take pineapple and those bananas sold in supermarkets(Delmonte brand, skin thick type) chin chow also a no no.

As for the rest of food, i guess eating in moderation would be ok

As for me i am seeing gynae tomorrow, i shd be 5weeks plus now , in my 6th week, hope i can see something tmr

Sandy : Rest rest rest... leave the chores to hb... take care
Hey Rachel,

How much are you sellin for that cream?? Have anyone tried Loccitaine Almond Supple Skin Oil??Seems good wor..


i think they totally dun have maternity package at all wor but i will check when i go see the doc on 5th Jul. My edd should be 22feb 09
Samval EDD 1 Feb 2009 Dr.Caroline Khi
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Chrisse26 EDD 09 Feb 2009
PeachMomo EDD 10 Feb 2009.
2boys_mum EDD 12 Feb 2009
lilwizlet EDD 14 Feb 2009
pinksunnysummer EDD 14 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009 Dr.Tham Kok Fun
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009
Candy Cruz EDD 16th of Feb
Babythad EDD 18 Feb 2009
Lili EDD 22feb 09

Hi Lili , nice EDD !
Hi, everyone!.. Im in my 6th weeks, just went see dr lim w.y(mt alvernia). Was told edd arnd 11th feb.. very nervous.. Was diagnosed with missed abortion last year may.. was very sad and depressed.. I know hubby oso very sad but he nbr show out.

Another thing is im infected to toxoplasma cos got cats at home.. now i only sayang them less than before and my hubby got to do the rest... i just only get to touch them and then wash my hands with antiseptic hand soap....Got anyone who is similar case as me? just want to get mor advice although went for alot of doctors before(gp lah..gynea lah..vet doctor lah..) THanks..
Hi MTBs,

how is your appetite now?? do u see any changes in ur eating habit? Do u vomit?

As for me, i think i cant take oily food, the moment i take oily food i will feel extremely bloated n wanna puke (i use my finger to dig out cos i feel v uncomfortable like something stuck in the middle of the throat).

these 2 days, i realised that i cant take too much plain water, mostly i puke nothing but water, dunno why also.

Like last 2 weeks, i din feel like eating anything but porridge or somthing light etc, fish ball noodles fish soup or mee sua.

This afternoon, i took porridge and just finished puking in ladies.

i m kinda worries, n wondering m i normal???

Let's share!!
Dear mommies,

Anyone started Morning sickness yet? I had it real bad for my first pregnancy, now keeping fingers crossed.

Hi Peggy,
My friend sent her cats to her mom's house cause she was also worried.
Sandy, have a good rest these two weeks and keep talking to your baby.

Hi ladies, I just came back from my checkup and happy to see the baby sac now at 2.19cm...so glad
I am now at 5 weeks 5 days, my EDD is 13th Feb 2009.

weekender, may I know how much was your hospitalization fees at gleneagles previously? I am beginning to like my gynae so may just stick with her.
Yeah, I am starting to feel nausea now. Can’t drink or eat too much at a time and gets hungry like every 2 hours...I read that drinking ginger tea helps for nausea so you gals may want to try it. I have been putting slices of ginger into my hot water and it's better than drinking plain water.

Btw, my breasts swell so much that it hurts especially when I wake up in the morning…asked the gynae ways to ease the pain but she said it’s like that…anyone experiencing this.
hi ag gal,

i m also experiencing the same thing on the breast thingy. Yes, it hurts every morning when i wake up from bed.

Putting a slice of ginger in the hot water?? ok, i shall try..
My breasts are feeling so full and tender too. I have to be careful with them otherwise I can feel the pain too.
I feel bloated all the time. I'm now officially a "burpoholic" ha ha!
I thought that ginger tea is not advisable for those who are newly pregnant? Something about the ginger thats not good for the sac.
Well.. cant confirm that.

Does anyone know if we can drink coke? I suddenly crave for carbonated drinks. Hee.. COKE COKE COKE! Ok.. diet coke.
Hi PeachMoMo,

Think better avoid Coke, as the sugar level is pretty high. However, was told if really feel like drinking, can jus take a sip.. that's all. Moderate is the word.

Take Care
Thanks baobao. Hee.. yesterday i drank a cup of diet coke. Cannot tahan. I guess that should curb my craving for now.

How about ice cream? Somehow i just like all junk food. Ha ha!
hi peachmomo,

It's better to avoid coke (it has caffeine)...anything with caffeine is not really good. I am a coffee drinker and needs 2 cups of coffee daily and now I totally stop my coffee. Maybe that's why I have been feeling so tired everyday.

btw, I found a lot of interesting tips from this website:

Go to Pregnancy section, this is where I read about tips to ease morning sickness, happy reading
Hi gals,

Important thing about our health is that if we feel something not right with our bodies, we should always consult our gynaes..everyone's pregnancy is different and what is common/normal for one may not be for another. So, if you feel unwell(eg cramping, spotting), please do consult the gynae..

Kiki__koro (kiki__koro) : Good to seek advice early loh... How's your gynae appt?

Babythad (babythad) : The med my gynae gave me are aspirin, utrogestan and progynova. These are basically an-tai medication and also to improve the uterus lining & blood flow. Do keep us updated after your appt on sat. which week are you now>?
Hi All!!

Paiseh for not being very active in this thread, quite busy sleeping and working..

Cramps are normal as the uterus is expanding.. If spotting occurs, please remember to see the gynae ok.. Recently I experienced some pulling pains.. In the beginning of my 7th week now, my baby measured 85mm on 6 week 6 day..

Yes, I have been having full and sore breasts since 1 week before my menses until now..

I am having morning sickness on and off and no appetite.. Surprising, I can finish 1 big plate of duck rice and 1 rice burger.. Long time nvr feel so full and fulfilling, shiok! Gals, pls eat while u have appetite, nauseousness sucks... I vomit until I feel thirsty all the time yet I cant swollow plain water, so I have been drinking ribena.. I cant even taste the sweetness cos my taste bud change.. My gynae recommended to put a slice of lime/lemon in plain water for easy drinking.. Cos sweet things will cause gestational diabetes..

I have learnt how to count which week we are in.. The week which our LMP falls in is considered week 0. At first I thought I am week 8 based on LMP but actually I am week 7..

Good to go to gynae around 6-7weeks, that is when the baby develops heartbeat and got something to see.. I saw my tiny baby.. Big head with a tail and strong beating heart...

Meanwhile, dont eat too much cooling fruits, cooling food, dont carry heavy things and rest as much as possible!!! Our baby is working 24/7, so we need alot of rest.. Remember your folic acid, dha, calcium and multivitamins k...

Btw, I am turning 27 this year and this is my first baby..
Congrats again to all mumsies here!
Looks like none of you are superstitious about announcing your pregnancy here. :p I have friends who are so pantang and make it such a big secret. But it's happy news and should be shared with all!

Anyone of you already hearing all the myths and stories from your moms or grandmamas? Share them here, should be quite interesting!

I totally agree with you, that everyone's preg is different. Even the same mumsie on #2 can have a totally diff experience both times. My friend didn't have MS at all with #1 but with #2, she had 'evening' sickness in 1st trimester.

Actually I've heard that MS is a good sign, cos it means that there is a good amount of pregnancy hormones in your body. Haha, but I really wonder how many mumsies who suffer from MS will agree that it is really a good amount!
I got this from a website called askdrsears:

"Feeling nauseated? Having some vomiting and general abdominal discomfort? IF SO, RELAX! Studies show that the high levels of pregnancy hormones that contribute to nausea also suggest a well-implanted embryo. In fact, the more nausea a mother has, the more likely she is to deliver a healthy baby. (Many moms go through the nine months without any nausea and have healthy and happy babies, too.)"

This is also another interesting article to share, which sort of contradicts the above paragraph:

You are so young; when i was 27, I was only just planning for my wedding!

When i was pregnant, I also had Coke cravings! Sometimes I couldn't stand it, it would just drink the entire can (with mum nagging at me the entire time!)
Anyone got durian craving? I think it was the reason why i became so fat man...
Hi pinksunnysummer,
thanks for the reply, so far me and hubby decide to get a maid to take care of hosue work(incl taking care of my cats as i 'bu ren xin' give them away or send to spca). now most of the time i m in my bedroom watching tv intsead in living room. Dun feel like working... very tired in waking up in the morning.. and recently i dun have appitite eating bf... has anyone got the same symptom as me?
Hi Peggy,

Hey, you are also a cat lover? I love cats and some years back, my parents had 9 cats but now 5 remaining as the rest had passed on.

Good move to get a maid to help out with your house work.. at least you get a chance to rest and don't overstrain yourself.

If you have no appetite to eat for breakfast, perhaps try to eat some crackers and a hot drink (milo or horlicks) at least to fill your stomach. Breakfast is important as your stomach left empty throughout the night.

Take good care
Nice to hear from you.. Currently we engaging cleaner auntie to come do clean up once a week... but we plan maybe towards end of year to get a maid... bt then i even lazy to even wash clothes.. Every time i smell of other ppl cookin or pass by hawker/kopitiam, i wld fl like vomiting and i quickly go off... other ppl get to eat bbq.. si far im only comfortable with eating bread or oatmeal or cereal only.... congrats to you.. your 1st baby?..
anyone having on and off cramp? mine started yesterday feels like sumting poking my left side abd leh... but the pain go on and off..
hi tofu,

i agree on the part where the more Morning sickness you have, the better the implantation. For me. i only experienced some sickness before i was tested positive. after then, my symptoms decreased and i was wondering why i am not feeling sick. after i saw my gynae, she gave me progesterone pills, my sickness picked up but went down again. thats when i started spotting and gynae said implantation is not good enough. now im hoping to feel more MS !!!

good luck everyone!
hi tofu,

i agree on the part where the more Morning sickness you have, the better the implantation. For me. i only experienced some sickness before i was tested positive. after then, my symptoms decreased and i was wondering why i am not feeling sick. after i saw my gynae, she gave me progesterone pills, my sickness picked up but went down again. thats when i started spotting and gynae said implantation is not good enough. now im hoping to feel more MS !!!

good luck everyone!
hi all mamas... i had my first gynae check up on friday.. it was dreadful!! my gynae mention that by now i should be at about 4 weeks pregnant and she did a vag scan but is unable to located anything in my womb.. so she advised me to take another urine test to confirm that i m pregnant.. the test kit show a very faint line and my gynae told me that my HCG level is very low.. it is likely to be a bio chemical pregnancy.. i have also took a blood test and will go for another blood test again on monday to check on my HCG trend.. is there any mama there with low HCG level? anyone can give me so advise pls... im really worried, i have been so mentally prepared and i feel so loss now.
peggy, i am having on off pain on left side too.. dont worry as long as no spotting.. try to minimise abrupt actions such as standing up quickly after sitting for some time, change lying position too abruptly and dont try to stretch ur body..

The cramp might be due to expanding uterus or maybe baby clinging on to u.. some people r v sensitive to such pain..

Dont worry, stay cheerful!!

Hi Valance, rest well ok and all the best!

wanna to ask anyone, i feel like vomitting, giddy and no appetite intially the ist 4days, didnt had my breakfast on time as i feel lik puking, will there be any prob.? Now I dun feel vomitting in the morning while having my breakfast, is everything ok? Cos i scare anything happen to my foetus?
Hi Gerrydin,

Had went for my 1st check up yesterday at 5wk,day1. Through V-scan can see the yolk sac and the thicken womb lining. Will be going back for 2nd check up 2wks later at 7wk. You beening going to your Gyane weekly?
Maybe i should ask for a appt at 6wks maybe can see heart beat liao.
My gyane gave me duphaston, need to take 3 times a day.

Hi Mummies,

My MS comes and goes, cramp also on and off dont worry too much need to be positive and stay happy
hi mumsies,

how's everyone these days?
For mumsies who have MS in the mornings, don't get up suddenly. Put some dry plain crackers / bread beside you and nibble on it before you get up. If you like, sip on warm water (get your hubby to pour it for you or have a flask beside you).

<font color="0000ff">Serene</font>
If your MS suddenly disappeared, you may want to monitor it and tell your gynae. Like Sandy says, it's due to low hormonal levels etc. Don't worry on your own, share it with the doctor.

<font color="ff6000">Sandy</font>
Glad to hear you did the right thing by telling your gynae. Hope that ur bb will jia you and give you more MS! :p

<font color="ff0000">Roxanne</font>
Yah, you're right about the not moving / standing up suddenly. Especially for first time mumsies, the pain may be more acute. It's natural to have some kind of pain / cramp. Means that uterus is doing the right thing. Best way ard it is to move slowly but not like old woman lah.

<font color="ffff00">Peggy</font>
What do you eat in your oatmeal? Is it quakers? you use milk powder or just cook in water? I dun really like oats. But what you're eating is good for the foetus.
Hi Vallance &amp; all out there,
I'm " expecting" my third child and I do face the same as Vallance , gynane can't detect anything saying that it might too early detect thou I 'm tested postive at home,so will be going back again next Thur which is my on my 6th week.
Hi Sandy,

Thks for the concern, my gynae ist appt is on 14 July at KKH. Feeling jus a bit weird tat, kind of worried.
Din hv any spotting at the moment.

hi tofu,
Yeah jus feeling slightly different as I always have MS, i mayb worried too much tt the foetus will die in my stomach right..hehe

Wanna ask u guys, for the ist few weeks, how to do feel in yr stomach when the foetus starts to grow. Wld lik to hear fr u all. thks
my appetite also went crazy.. sometimes hungry after 1 or 2 hrs.. sometimes just can't eat anything. always feel like vomit although nothing come out!
my first pregnancy i was ok as long as took sweet stuff, but this pregnancy seems sweet or sour also can't lighten the morning sickness.
Hi tofu, yap its quakers oatmeal.. the one which you just add in hot water. i normally add in condensed milk into it.. hehe like it sweet..
Funny to say..i dun experience any pain today (maybe i sleep 12hrs thruout!..) but my ms still stays on.. I dun eat sour plums, any idea wat to take to ease the ms symptom? i sometimes take apple flavour sweet but didnt help that much...
im also taking duphaston, 1 tab twice a day..
Samval EDD 1 Feb 2009 Dr.Caroline Khi
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Chrisse26 EDD 09 Feb 2009
PeachMomo EDD 10 Feb 2009.
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009 Dr.Tham Kok Fun
2boys_mum EDD 12 Feb 2009
lilwizlet EDD 14 Feb 2009
pinksunnysummer EDD 14 Feb 2009
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009
Candy Cruz EDD 16th of Feb
Babythad EDD 18 Feb 2009
Lili EDD 22feb 09

Hi MTBs,

i went for my first gynae check yesterday, i am now 6W5D, could see the sac n yolk n a tiny white blinking supposed heartbeat, it was very exciting... doc says the heartbeat is faint now n should be much clearer n due to see him in 2 weeks time when i shd be 8w plus.. heee
He didnt gimme any medication but was assuring.

He did mention try not to eat 4 kinds of fish as it is said to contain mercury. Swordfish, sharks fin, tuna and mackeral. For mommies who have taken the 4 fish do not panic, but i guess its better not to take during this period of time

Oh ya Doc adjusted my EDD till 11th Feb ! but he said might adjust again depending on next scan...
Hi gals,

i went for my gynea check on friday.. the sac was detected and the yolk was seen (but vaguely).. she said i'm about 5weeks on friday..

i was given duphaston 2 times daily cos i'm having spotting.. well, actually i'm quite worried, cos this was what happened to me during my 2nd pregnancy.. which had to terminate early..

nothing i would do but to monitor and pray hard for a healthy, normal baby and a smooth pregnancy.

have to go back for check 10 days later, which by that time, i should be 6 1/2 weeks.. hope to see the baby's heartbeat then.
Hi Tofu,
Dunno why i keep thinking of COke! in the end, I couldnt resist the temptation, i drank diet coke instead. I know the sugar is not healthy but i guess my craving surpasses anything!

Actually, i didnt know about the mercury fishes. Have been trying to eat more fish recently. I hate fish actually, but for the sake of my baby, I have to eat more fish. I only like Cod fish. hee.. So does that mean i cant eat those "Ayam Brand" Tuna mayo? Geez, my breakfast is going to more boring now.

Peggy, the Quakers oatmeal should be quite easy to make right? since you said to just add water?
Serene &amp; Queenie,

Thanks for the information, they have been very helpful. Will book an appt to see gynae the coming week or the week aft that.

Take care all
Hi Kiki_koro,

I am on weekly check ups with my gynae.. Next appt will be this wed where I should be about 6+weeks. Not necessary to go weekly unless gynae needs to do closer monitoring on your situation.. Don't worry.. I am also trying to take things positively and I know that God will bless all of us with a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby..

Take care all
<font color="ff6000">Peach</font>
Yah I can understand your craving but it's not just the sugar that's bad, it's the coke itself that is bad for the body, you know lah, it degenerates your enamel on your teeth, so pple always say it's not good. But aiyah! When you crave for it, how can you help it right?!?! ;P
Anyway, cod fish is one of the best fishes to eat, cos it's full of omega3, but it's very oily, so gotta be careful!

<font color="0000ff">Peggy</font>
Hey! Last time when I had to force myself to eat oats hor, I also put in condensed milk to make it more palatable!!! Haha, so I'm not the oni one leh!

<font color="ffff00">Serene</font>
Choi! Y u say such inauspicious things. Anyway think positive. There are many ppl who deliver perfectly healthy babies without a single day of MS, just like my ex-coll. Pregnancy was no different to her other than the big tummy! *envy*

<font color="ff0000">Queenie</font>
Hehe, so you must be really excited now that your gynae brot fwd your EDD right? ;P

Do remember to always write down your qns to your gynae and try to ask as many qns as possible. Dun be gong gong like me, go in come out less than 10 min everytime after waiting like for an hour, feel like as if I shortchanged myself. hahaha.
Hi Saro, I was reading 2006 Motherhood magazine (passed down from Sister), Marlin fish also cannot eat.. The magazine says oily fish prevents premature baby..

I am reading a book,"What to expect, when you are expecting".. very informative. Recommend u gals to buy.. $25 from kinokyunia.

Recently I read from internet that Morning Sickness might be due to the food we eat rather than our hormones (scientist still researching). It says that people who eats oaks, cereal, wholegrain meals are less prone to MS whereas those who eat alot of meat and sugar are more prone to MS. Increased dosage of vitamin B12 helps to ease MS.

I have been having morning sickness for 8 continous days until Friday nite where appetite comes back then Saturday MS again and today appetite is back.

I am quite worried about the on-off morning sickness because scare hormone level dropped and baby not healthy (my cramp is still on n off). Sometimes when I vomit, I feel quite happy cos at least I know my baby is strong inside me.. But having a full meal is also very happy too. haha.. dilemma...

My clothes are starting to tighten though I didnt put on much weight, how about u gals?

I will be going to gynae every 2 weeks until my 2nd trimester..
hey Tofu, thanks for the advice on writing all the qstns now. I keep thinking I'm super woman, can remember everything that i want to ask. in the end, even before my appt, I cant remember what did i want to ask. haha.. silly me.
But i wonder will my gynae thinks I'm some superstitious or ignorant woman.

See la.. even as of this every moment, I cant remember what i want to ask you girls. Geezzzzz

MTBs, do you girls feel hungry often? I seem to feel hungry almost every 1 hour. I eat little, get full fast and then get hungry fast too.
