(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Morning mommies,

Got up earlier than usual today..
Hmm was wondering are most of you mommies taking maternity leave 16 weeks at 1 go or otherwise ? I'm thinking right now ... Very dilemma..

Hi DJ Mama,
Do you mind to give me, massage lady Sadiah contact no? May i know hows her charges like? I am looking for massage lady. Thanks!

Thanks for sharing, really learn a lot from this thread. =p Hope baby will get well soon.
i got lotsa fibriods. some are quite big (like 5x8cm)when scanned during my early pregnancy. But thank God it's not giving me any prob or pain throughout my whole pregnancy, except during first trimester i got spotting and bleeding, which freaked me out. During recent check ups, doc say the fibroids is not obstructing the birth canal, tat's y she say i can try normal birth.

She want to induce me also becos i m diabetic, morever it's my first child, chances are he will be overdue. So in order not to let him get too big & difficult for vaginal birth, so induce me lor. Me and hubby also cant wait la. As long as 38wks, bb is mature. Heee.. hee... counting down!
maybe we should inform our hubby, ask them to help us update the mommies here when we popped.. hee...

anyone of u got multiply account or facebook or friendsr can add me too...
Depends on your gynae I guess. Mine is willing to discharge me immediately cos actually I wanted to have a home birth but after finding out that I need to pay for 2 doulas to be on standby and that would cost me like more than 4k (not claimable from CPF) I've decided to give birth at the hospital and he has agreed to discharge me whenever I feel up and ready to leave. I've a pedi near my place and I'll probably bring baby in to her if need be. But aside from jaundice level which needs monitoring. Baby most prob will be fine one.

I'm procrastinator queen! I STILL haven't pack my bag. There's only 1 pack of sanitary pads and a few breastpads in there now. Yes. Must bring music and book plus eye mask. That helps me to sleep when the lights are still on for eg.

Yah. First time for Braxton Hicks! Weird sensation. Hahahahha. I seriously can't wait to deliver. Think most prob will in the car again...
Hi olivia,

You can call Sadiah at 97724579, last year she was charging $50 for 75 min, she does not require any minimum sessions to be booked. You can check with her if the same charge still applies.
Hi Mummies

While digging out my baby stuff, found a nursing nest breastfeeding pillow I would like to let go at $40. It's been washed but never used as it's more suitable for C-section mummies who need to lie down and breastfeed.

Info can be found here http://mymiraclebaby.com.sg/store/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=4

Do let me know if any of you are interested, if nobody then I'll list it on the WTS thread. Thanks.

Btw, the cover is light blue in colour but additional covers can be bought from the stores also. I bought my pillow from MothersWork 2 years ago

thank you for setting up a multiply account. i kicked start by uploading breana's photo onto the account. the name of the album to load the pics of our little ones is "our bundle of joy". so we'll just slowly fill up that album
3 cheers for catmomo and sandy who kick start the multiply account.. think after our bb come out.. we can continue upload more pic of their growing process.. will be so fun.. hee
have u all got your car seat? do u think its a muz to buy? MIL said bb too small no need car seat wait till a few months then buy.. but i feel it will be safer to have a car seat to fetch the little one out frm hospital... should i get a infant car seat or those suitable for 0-4yrs one.. any advise
i m only getting the stroller and carseat after bb's out. 1st month, we will just carry them in the car. scared buy first, duno suitable anot. also abit regretted buying the pump too soon. since can try using the hospital one first.
catmomo but if like wad sandy had said it a regulation then have to buy mah... anyway me haven't got any bulky item yet.. no stroller, no carseat no cots.. bb will be sleeping together with me and hubby on our bed.. hee

U r right. Fibroids wont affect ur delivery. Indeed me too ve slight bleeding during my 1st trimester but gynae say its ok. I ve 3 fibroids somemore but lucky no diabetics. U must take care. Its ok if ve to be induce. It's all the same thing actually coz in the end, hopefull bb will be fine and ve a safe delivery. Take care
Hi Sandy
U noticed it too right. I hope she is feeling ok and perhaps good news for us? hehe. Just wait and see...
saro queenie:
I'm thinking of taking 14 weeks at one go. Keep remaining 2 weeks (or 10 working days) for future. But now I'm still wondering how to tell my bosses abt this. I scared they ask me come back to office after 12 weeks.

thanks for setting up the account!!
Dont mind me asking. How u manage to deliver in e car instead? I always heard of people delivered inside the car but u know when u deliver right, ur umbilical cord is attached wif ur baby one right. So u wait till u reach hospital or someone helps u to cut the thing? Then if that is the case, u dont need to pay gynae charge for delivery is it? Only for ur stay in hospital. Am i right? Very interesting story u ve got. Maybe if u ve time, u can share.
Hi DJ Mama,
Thanks for the contact.. will check with her about the price. Many Thanks!

Thanks for setting up the Multiply account. =p
hi all mummies,

me on leave now EDD 12/feb'
resting @ hm
at 37th week now
gynae say likely to help bring bb out at 38th week cos bb big size ..
so me wait n see..hope to see bb soon after cny
Sandy: thanks for updating! I'll also need to check w/ my gynae this sat during my checkup if we can consume any food b4 delivery but i'm sure light snacks are ok.
hi iceblue:
My husband helped me to buy the young thai coconuts from Shop & Save. They are very delicious! Maybe u can try finding them at Shop & Save. He also told me NTUC doesn't sell.
Hi Ladies,

1. BP for baby cots - Inclusive of latex mattress, 100% pinewood + 7pcs bedding set

2. BP for babymallonline spree 3rd shipment

3. Desitin creamy ready stock (Only 7 pcs left!)

4. Strollers BP

5. Lansinoh milk storage bags 50pcs BP

6. Medela Breast Pumps inc Freestyle and PIS BP

Pls PM me more more info
Hi DJ Mama,

Do you know what kind of services are included by Mrs. Sadiah? It seems like she's very good. Everyone has different recommends and I dunno who is the best..hmm.. i also want to lose weight fast!
ya lor, i also want to lose weight fast. already looking back at my Jap mags and thinking wat to do to my hair after confinement.

Wat is the standard rate for home malay massage?
$50? Duno if they have "surcharge" during Feb since it's CNY period.... ...
Lemon T:
Thanks for sharing all the advice! It will benefit us alot! Especially appreciate ur info abt where to buy the maternity pads. I was looking for it cos i also heard it's better than normal pads. I will go to kiddy palace tonight to buy! hehe

My mil also told me dun celebrate 1st mth cos very troublesome, dunno who to invite lah. If invite these pple and never invite the other how. Somemore said now not popular to hold this thing already. But if u want, just go ahead! Parents should make the ultimate decision!

Thanks for assuring but it seems like every mummy here has their babies engaged already. I still dunno mine, have to wait till my nextcheckup on sat. I'm getting so impatient already, now going to 38 wks soon. really hope baby can pop out earlier by next weekend!

Don't worry abt baby reducing weight. The weight they scan now can be off from their real weight. My baby was initially weighing small so my gynae advised me to just rest alot and don't shop so much. Indeed, baby gained weight after a wk so i think you should rest more now like lying or sitting down, dun do so much work. It will help u to reduce ur water retention as well. Also for carseat, we already bought one just for 0-12 mths. I was worried abt rules & safety too. Baby hyperstore at Kaki Bukit has alot of baby carseats, strollers & cotbeds for sale! Check it out! We bought during sale!
hello jlchia,

no worries..m glad to share...Ida is a malay lady in her early forties (but she dont look like) with 10years of experience..

during pregnancy..i put on 20kg...which is really scary lo....!! after 5days of massage..my weight reduce by approximately 4kg...importantly is...the stomache is reduce to about 4months preggy and have lost most of my water retention too

suggest that you call her now...so that she may slot you in...cos your EDD is early Feb!

Sure you will enjoy her session
fyi, i bought the Pureen maternity pads from the Pureen shop - 2 big pkts at $11.00. I think they sell $7.50 per pkt at kiddy palace?
If ur hubby/ whoever works near there or pass by. can get it from there. hahhaa..
ve not bought mine yet. I only bought stroller and baby bouncer for now beside all the diaper and clothing etc. I believe baby still too small to be left alone in the car seat. I'm not sure for others but tis is my opinion. I would rather hold him/her in my arms still they r stable enough.
Never heard abt that. I guess i need to check also but i think newborn is just so fragile to be place in the car seat.
the pureen shop is at the "shopping mall" of KKH. there's whole row of shops and eateries, bakery there. One of the shop sell all Pureen pdts. See alot of pple buy their diapers too. u can check it out.

thanks for sharing , i have booked my massage with her, it will be her sister to help me massage. it is $50 for my massage , baby massage & baby bathing...

all mommies
i have facebook ; can add me [email protected]
Hi olivia,

no worries... good things must share mah...haha... i dun post online often but its nice to be able to share info if i have...

jlchia, i am not sure exactly what services does Sadiah provides besides the massage and binding... u might want to ask her when u call her... i didn't really consider much when i signed her up cuz she came recommended by so many mummies at my sis' clinic...

piggymousey, i cannot pm you leh... maybe u can pm me your number instead bah...

Wow, you have booked Ida already? Is it because she's not free and thus her sis is helping you instead? Did she say how long is her service for $50? I need to decide who to engage soon cos my due date is 5th feb..hmm...
woah, finally managed to catch up on all e postings on e thread after 2 hrs!

baby breana is so lovable!
thanks for sharing e tip on asking abt costs too! gd to noe tat dr wong oso helps to push out as much lochia as possible... oh, can check wif u which pd were u assigned?

thanks for e update on kkf!

congrats! hehe, u finally have little violet safe and sound in ur arms... must be overjoyed! okie, update us when u free then...

thanks for doing e table and setting up e album respectively! appreciate e effort...

1st mth celebration
think it's really up to e parents of e baby to decide... if ur parents/in-laws are not too keen, juz tell them nicely tat u are still gonna go ahead... it's up to them to inform e relatives if they like... if not, then tat's their choice... juz let u noe e no so u can cater food accordingly...

car seat
initially, i oso tot no need to get e car seat 1st... probably can get when my little gal is older and she can help to choose 1 tat she likes and will sit in... but it's oso true tat she is safer in e car seat, which is of utmost priority... not her comfort and sense of security... cos "choy" shd there be an accident, she will be safe and not flying thru e windscreen... so i got 1 in e end, can use from birth till 18kg...
I think a car seat is a MUST. Carseats save lives. Little kids and babies who are not strapped in are basically live human projectiles should they be caught in an accident. The older generation will never see the need for a car seat cos in their time there's no such thing. However, with the number of idiot drivers on the road these days, better be safe than sorry.

No. I still paid the full delivery charges and even the whole hospital package deal although I only used the delivery suite for an hour at most. I didn't mind paying my gynae cos he still delivered my placenta and sewed me up real good even though he didn't deliver my baby. But I thought the hospital stay was un-necessary so this time I'm not taking any hospital package, just ala carte.

I delivered in the car and had the cord attached til I got to the hospital. Anyway, it's better to have the cord attached and cut it after it stops pulsating and leaving the cord on is not harmful to baby at all. There's even a kind of birth called lotus birth whereby the whole placenta with the cord is attached to baby for the first few days until the cord detaches from baby by itself. However, i think this is not practiced in our local culture.

I somehow think baby was so eager to come out in the car cos I had a very bad delivery experience in hospital for my #1 so had a phobia of hospitals, same deal as most I guess, strapped in to the bed, placed on drip and had my waterbag pricked to quicken labour, so exhausted after 6 hours that I was bullied into an epidural and had like shivering fits for the last 2 hours, had an episotomy that took forever to heal.

Since my #2 drug free natural birth and I healed pretty much within 2 weeks and no trouble at all standing up and walking and peeing after just 2 hours after delivery, I wouldn't look any other way. So i guess if this baby doesn't make it to the hospital as well I'll have no complaints. Rather clean up the car than have another horrible medicated childbirth experience if you ask me!

But that's just me lar. I just hate hospitals and nosey nurses and hate being treated like a bedridden patient.
blueb, you just anyhow put a feb EDD... they close one eye one.. I also mailed in late.. nvm de.. they dont check ur EDD or ask you show proof one.. so you can still get early bird discount..
I spent a long time going through the posts. Already forgot who said what.

infant carseat: Must get it due to regulations. I mentioned before I read somewhere that there was this incident that this mother was discharged and bringing the baby home for the first time from hospital. When they were turning out, there was another car caused her husband to swerve and the passenger door swung open. The baby flew out from her arms and died instantly.
So thats why i invest in a good car seat.
I bot the Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix and was given a "safe and sound" Britax car seat.
must be hard 2 lose yr loved 1 during festive season. i tk several yrs to ease t pain when i lost my mum n i regretted she cant c i got married n now c her grandchild soon. so must appreciate yr loved 1 when they still around i feel.
ya i heard post preg massage can help lose weight but i was told no salt or sauces keep our food intake light so no water retention.
congrats to u n bb kkf. share pic ok with us!! wow w/o epi u r brave.
i alry decide once confinemt over i must dash to colour my white hair n facial as i had outbreaks n i look so ugly.
can help to amend my records list, thks
1st gal
name: snow
edd: 17 feb
soon we will be holding our dears in our arms, really excited. must pray for less painful labor as my fr said she prayed hard to god n she had no pain suffered
Hi mummies, I'm in my 38th week now. experiencing very bad rashes all over body. gynae said it's due to pregnancy hormones. gave me steriod cream but still dun work.
anyone here has such an experience? care to share how to reduce the itchiness? tks!

wedtobe: Your daughter's name is so cute. SNOW! How did you come up with this name?

breezie: I'm not sure how u can reduce the itchiness but definitely DONT SCRATCH! I feel really itchy under my belly and seems like it will act up only at night and when i wake up. I scratched it and now have stretch marks all over my inner thighs and under my belly. So ugly!
But i tot pregnant cannot use steroids?

Anyone wearing special maternity panties now? Im wearing my normal ones and it will fold downwards from my belly despite that its a bikini cut. Haha! ugly sight when i have to pull and pull.

mummyo: I think you have made your point MANY TIMES that you hate hospitals, nurses and being treated as a patient. You really just need to get it over and done with. Zip in and zip out of the hospital. Maybe you should tell your doc that you only want to "bomb" there and then after that you wanna go home direct? Then you dont need to spend the money on staying in the hospital even for the night. Can right?? You can discuss with your doc about this right? Of cos praying that everything is normal and good for you and your baby la!
