(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

mimi, jowin, alot of zzz hrs ah. Maybe cos I took noon naps. But I still find insufficient

2nd baby & mimi, me take mc until like going to hit limit liao! *opps* Usually I try to get at least 8 hrs of sleep. Earlier I posted that having at least 8 hrs of sleep can allow mothers lose weight aft birth easily.
So good for e 2 of u!

Emeraldbride, me getting my mother's sister to help me do confinement. I agree that some CLs can be quite rude, service sucks or even run away with your deposit. Which is y I told mum2ndxn to get name n passport no if possible. Other MTBs in tis forum may need e contact thou!
snowger, i dare not take too many mc leh. and i wan to save some mc for later stage also. if we can use our hospitalisation leave during pregnancy then it would be great.

slp at least 8hrs can help to lose wt after birth? then i got to sleep by 10.30pm everyday.
ya i cant sit for long cos i will feel giddy. Like now at work i have to keep apply medicated oil to prevent the giddy spell.

i think every preg is diff. Cos when i have my 1st kid i dun feel bloated for so long. BTW, this is consider my 3rd preg. My 2nd preg end up unsucessful.
i also sleep alot during my MC days provided my boy dun come and disturb me. So now without the afternoon nap i feel so tired.
Blurfairy & 2nd baby.. me also same.. fatique still have nt gone away.. no matter how much sleep still insufficient.. secrectly nap for 30 mins just now.. haha

Sianz.. my office toilet choked.. can't use.. jus came back after walking under the hot sun to go to the canteen toilet..

I'm also on mc almost once every two weeks.. somemore i'm still waiting for my confiramtion.. dunno they will confirm anot.. thou my G.M assured me that my pregnancy won't affect my confirmation.. dun even dare to think abt it..
Hello all.. I am very very sleepy too. Due to all the stress, can hardly slp well at night. Today i fell asleep on my office desk straight after lunch. Somebody called my desk phone and i jumped from my seat, nearly fell to the floor. sighzzz..
Jappooh.. so serious ah? must be from your MS.. try to take more sweet stuff.. works for me..

jusyounme, thanks.. I'll check out KKH also.. but from their website, all the sat classes full le..
Hi mummies,
anyone here keep having headache and feel giddy? I am always like that and like rubbing medicated oil. Wat to do with it har?

dun be too stress. It on good for u. Now for work i dun care. Just do my work cant finish tell my boss. For me i dun sleep well during the nite as well cos i feel my stomach very bloated specailly during the nite. I will burp when i change position. Though i burp alot i still feel very bloated.
Jappooh, you are indeed special. I will feel dizzy due to sudden movement or if I stand too long and get tired. :p

Mimi, think hospitalistion leave must be given by your gynae - Like bed-rest,etc (those one week type). I read in a magazine- they say got co-relation. Just like eating an apple a day can reduce your bb getting asthma.
2nd baby!!
Yr child sleep early? y u can manage to sleep for so many hours?? envy u leh... the earliest my boy sleep is abt 11pm, sometime drag til 12pm!! It's really a bonus if he sleeps 9.30pm... i have to get up by 6.45am...:-( i have to tend to him cos hb always have so much work to bring home so i cant rest early...but sometimes me too tired liao will ask for his help...
Hi jappooh
Me having headache on n off also.. its due to the hormones.. so dun worry.

Hi Chantalle
Sorry for not posting to you abt ur situation... but i wish u good luck and dun worry too much.. bad for baby

hospitalisation is provided u have to hospitalise regardless is a day or more.. my gynae is rather strict at it. ( realise some gynaes are more lenient) Thats why during my 2 weeks at home, i used up my MC.. now no more MC, i have to take annual leave, regardless doc issue me MC anot... SIGH
jowin, we should be entitled for more MCs. 14 days is not enough. my gynae is also very stingy to give mc leh, that time when i had spotting, he gave me 2 days mc only.
Louisa - hmm, try to call their hotline and ask. if not like me lor, my Dr in KKH, but i'm going for TMC one, coz Sun schedule fits me better.
Louisa - just to add on, i want to go for the class, not so much of the labour part. but more of finding out how to take care of baby after i bring home the baby. i have no idea how to bathe a baby, etc. ;P
Thanks for the info Jusyounme, I've check out the TMC classes when I reach home.. dunno y my office can't access..

I also got no idea how to take care of baby.. in fact, I'm a bit terrified.. coz they're so small and soft.. I scared I'm not gentle enough or too clumsy.. later drop i die..=X

Up till now I dun dare to carry newborns.. only dare to carry those that neck already hardern.. haha
think i am still ok with new borns cos my sis has a daughter (20 mths) and a son (5 mths) and i did carry them when they are born. as for bathing, will ask my mum to teach me.
hey jowin baby thanks for ur kind words and support. In fact I thank all ladies here for all your kind concern. Yes, I'll definitely be strong from now on. No point worrying so much, will take it as it come.

Meanwhile, i am now busy preparing for my wedding. I need to go buy so many things and spend so much money, luckily got bb bonus, if not my bb will wear tattered clothes. Hehe.. Sorry to be off track on this thread. does anyone know where to rent those ratten basket for "Guo Da Li"? I got no time to check on the brides forum. Hopefully someone can give me a quick answer here!

my boy also same as yours. Sleep very late one. But luckily my MIL help me to take care of him most of the time so that i can have enough rest.

i also dunno how to bath newborn lei. Cos i only start to bath my boy when he is abt 3mths old. b4 that my MIL bath for him.

As for carry newborn, after give birth is like auto knw how to carry one. For breastfeeding, the nurse show me once then i try loh. so i learn on the spot.
I sure our own babies, we will sure dare to carry...
infact i wanna quickly hold bb in my arms.. though i know how difficult it will be to look after baby .. n with those sleepless nites.. my worst fear is NOT ENOUGH SLEEP.... i m a pig lor....But as long as baby inside.. my MS... sob sob.. when will it be over....
ya. I do sleep like pig before my no1. Is like thunder or storm will not wake me up lol. Was woundering whether I will wake up if my baby cry.. ha.ha.

Maybe is mother instink, will auto wake up when baby cry.
Jowinbaby u still having MS ah?? how many weeks are u now ah? wah.. isit pshycological? sorry my spelling sux.. *xin li zhuo yong??" Now i am completely fine, 14 weeks. Dun feel anything lei..
I'm a pig too!!! hahaha... but I think the getting up peeing in the middle of nite is like some form of training to pry us from slp when the baby is here..... wat say u guys?
Chantalle, dun need to get those rattan basket..u know those flower basket..rattan one? u can use those too..just deco w a Xi word on
Yes.. i m week 16 plus and MS still on... not xin li zhuo yong.. really puke lor...

Hi ikeike
haha.. peeing liao can go back to sleep wor... but baby cry n BF is almost every 2-3 hrs.. then maybe i zombie zombie feed baby...eyes half close.. Maybe.. b4 baby finish latching, i doze off already.. =P LOL
Hi MTMs,

Are you all planning a meet up soon? d last tym i logged in, tink i saw that you all were planning stg...so is it still on?

Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time:12.00 pm or 1pm??
Venue: marche vivo
Wait in front of marche!!!

1. Jazlyn - Jazlyn or Jaz ok!
2. Bubblepearl-Jojo okie
3. raven_1313- Mabel (okie!)
4. jowinbaby - Jo - Marche ok!
5. LuthAdel- Adeline - Marche ok!
6. mummy30- Angie - ok!
7. phylicia - ok!
8. Cherbie - ok
9. santorini - o.k
10. firstbaby - ok!
11. Snowger - OK
12. Jacqueline
13. Pris -- OK!
14. Carmen - Ok!
i am in my wk 14 i also still having MS. Puke b4 lunch also.

when have a kid not enough sleep is very normal. I remember when i 1st day bring my baby hm we didtn manage to sleep for the 1st nite. Cos baby cry and cry. Found that he poo poo liao change already have to feed him. My baby is a very slow drinker so after milk he poo again. Awhile later drink again. And when they small need to burp so all take up time.
wah.. so bad ah Jappooh and Jowin. Hope u feel better soon!
Hey great idea there Bubblepearl! But the things in the basket won't spill ah??
Hi Jappooh
Yeah.. i understand the sleepless nite.. Just afraid if i will breakdown anot... cry n cry n nothing i can do...
i very scare bb cry.. hee hee.. its ok.. just for a short period only.. i will HANG ON...

Hi ikeike
welcome to join us

Hi Chantalle
u can get a few basket instead of one.. my GDL, i used several baskets to put the things... anyway, just use 1 time...
not to scare u. I have post natal depression last time. I nearly jump down from my flat. i think that time i am too stress on breastfeeding as well. Though i have enough milk for my boy i always feel i dun have enough. So the family support is very important. When my hubby knw i cant take it he will bring the baby away and pass to my MIL. So i can rest and sleep.
wah..scary leh jappooh! I also told hb that i scared i got post-natal depression cos i m those that worry alot type! That's y keep insisting that i need my family member wif me... to help me..

anyway, u ladies enjoy marche food, take lotsa pix and post it ya.. mabbe we shuld hv a special Facebook group for us onie??
yeah.. i know abt the post natal depression too.. not just on mother, father also will get it too...

Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time:12.00 pm
Venue: marche vivo
Wait in front of marche!!!

1 Bubblepearl-Jojo okie
2.jowinbaby - Jo - Marche ok!
3.LuthAdel- Adeline - Marche ok!
4. mummy30- Angie - ok!
5. phylicia - ok!
6.Cherbie - ok
7. santorini - o.k
8. firstbaby - ok!
9. Snowger - OK
10. Jacqueline
11. Pris -- OK!
12. Carmen - Ok!
Me also join cos wanna know more abt what to expect when I get contractions, take care of bb, etc. Some mothers survive without the class - just follow the midwife/doc's instructions can liao. Do join us for the September TMC class if you can ok? me take sat 2pm class, juzyounme takes the sunday class.

You traditional leh, got basket. If you intend to get the flower basket, I saw near bugis (diagonally across)distribution market there got one shop got sell (go during office hrs). My MIL only buy the "shuang xi" stickers to stick them on every other guo da li gift. She used nice red paper bags (oso w stickers) instead.
At my mum's place, I lay them out on floor n take photo. I wanted to strangle my hubby when he said his com crashed n the photos went with it... :p

I am 1st time MTB and suprised when my neighbour told me I may get post natal depression. Apparently it is quite wide spread among most women! So I agree family especially your HB's support is v impt. According 2 my neighbour who is preggy with 2nd, she say you will keep asking why things dun go smooth (e.g. bb fall sick, always cry), then you feel inadequate as a mother...
sounds horrid... post natal depression. Before I thought I was having pre natal depression cos I was feeling very down and hated myself n baby.... think things have taken a turn. My mother used to suffer from post natal depression cos she has little or no support from my father and my granny has passed away long time ago. I'm oso worried that I will get it or rather I shd say its a matter of how bad only.........
Hi Chantelle
The street Snowger mentioned is call Tan Quee Lan st.

yes, its a good suggestion to put in red paper bag.. I also stick all the items with the "xi" stickers and tie red ribbons
ikeike & jappooh: Post & pre-natal depression really sound very harmful. I heard the occurence can be quite high. I think our family support, esp from our husbands will be very important.

Jowin: I'm also very scared i won't have enough sleep. If i don't, i get super grouchy and will lose my temper easily.

Snowger: Me too. Have to wait till detailed scan before i can find out baby's sex! My next appointment will be on 31st July...and i'll also be signing my antenatal package with my gynae that day.
Hi, sorry to intrude. I'm selling three books produced by Thomson Medical Centre, written by lactation consultant Mrs Wong Boh Boi. Titles are Childbirth, Childcare and Breastfeeding. Books are brand new, selling as I have an extra set. Very informative for new mothers especially the content is written in Singapore context. Pls send me a PM if interested. Thanks!
sighz.. why do i feel pain under my breast? anyone having his problem? it makes me so hard to breathe and pain. is like something pressing on me. below my breast. damn xin ku sia. haiz.

Pris i also will lose my temper easily. haha after when i have my baby im like laziness x 2.. xiao pi qi x 2, naggy x 2.. and indecive x 2.. forgetful x 2 lolx very bad! Wah pris your detail scan so long from now! aiyo why now a days our scan must wait till SOOOOOOOO LONG!

Oh jappooh sounds scary. i think i already have depression when i have pregnant for the first trimster now feeling better. you meana breast feeding also will get depression? but thank got u didnt did that! if not you wont be having a 2nd baby now =)
Ya lor... saves money too! Cos baskets are pretty ex even though they look good.
My mother-in-law tied up 18 tins of pig trotters using raffia tring into a circular thingy. *quite cute*

Me counting down lor... it's such a torture to wait 6 weeks. Down with 2 and now waiting for the 4 to pass. But then again, we shld b hapy that it means the better our baby n condition!

Me too! I am like super xiao qi x 8, chi chu x 10, lazy x 12! My colleague said her preggy friend was so lazy that she actually use her tongue to clean her clothes when some chips dropped on her clothes. *haha* I'm almost there liao... *keke*

hi ladies,
am feeling soooo tired.

Thought i felt baby move 3wks ago but it was a one-off and now starting to doubt if it actually happened.
you ladies felt anything yet? If so, at how many weeks? I'm at 16.4 now.
