(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

haha. no way i can give birth to so many. cute dr say max is 3c-sect so my no5 is gonna be my laz one ba. no more. come to tink of it, i preg 4x in 4yrs. almost like yearly if divide d nos. lolx.

relocating to where? mi finding houses in tampines coz wana let them go to my old sch. hehe.

Welcome to tampines.. hahaha, though i m at bedok...
Me n Xuelyn so near that we always go out then we go tampines... hahahaha......
iemiko, tampines abit too expensive n crowded..me not really like it thr.

we're thinking of MeeToh (stay put), Nan Chiau (sengkang) or rosyth (hougang/kovan?) hahaha..all good school but dunno we are lucky to get in or not.. :p
hehe. bedok veri near tampines. i wana go 85market mum mum. lolx.

meetoh veri hard to get in & muz do volunteer work plus ballot. my colleague stay w/i 1km still muz do all these stuff. reali need alot of luck sia.
Iemik0, max is 3 arh? My friend is preggers with her 4th leh. And so it'll be her 4th c-sect. She just turned 30 or 31. I didn't know that there is a max to the number of times u can do a c sect but ya, it makes sense la. Cos of all the scar tissue from all the incisions.
Hi Sam,
How's your drugstore spree coming along?
cute dr told mi 3. so i told him i wan a ger! haha. gonna make him help mi calculate ovulation n stuff when i c him in aug. hehe.
if vbac hv to wait how long? i m worried that as long as i m in this industry, i can nvr hv a smooth pregnancy cos everyday i hv to get angry..everyday blood will boil.
LuthAdel, eh I emailed you guys aldy what. Ermmm the stuff has been ordered and is on it's way to Oregon Vpost. Santorini and Echo are also in the same spree. Pls tell me you guys received my email. Lol :p
LuthAdel, Santorini, Echo

Sorry it took a while to get the stuff ordered. Haven't been feeling well.

I will resend the email. Pls reply to the email so I know u guys have received it.

yes :p thanks.
heh. received yr email reply. Echo's too. I'm sure Santorini received the email as well. that's good. will update u guys once I hear anything from Vpost.
sam..rest well cos lately weather has been pretty bad. plenty of fluids is required!

Woohooo..it's friday! going for buffet lunchie n then tonite drinks wif colleagues
wah this "cute" dr also can help pple to calculate and tailor make ger or boy? Seems like he do alot of things hor.....

i received the email...no prob...no hurry for me...
Thanks zachmommy, ermmm I'm entering my 2nd trimester so I should be feeling better soon. Lol :p

Santorini, okie!

Yes, gals. We accidentally got pregnant again. Unplanned lor. Can't believe it. 5th kid leh. *faints* my due date is the 22nd of Jan 2011.

indeed u are very brave. I dun even dare to think of 3rd one..hee

i dun mind to have 3 gals. But if is 3 boys i think i better dun take the risk..hee
So happy for you Sam.. and all the other mommies who are preggers as well..

Adel: heh me like you.. need alot of courage.. to even think of #2. :D
all gynae know how to calculate one la. hehe. he told mi he was d one tt wrote d chapter on bb gender in a publication.

congrats! hope tt u can c a birdie k! keke.

i also scare 3 bois but i super gian a ger lei. =p
Thanks, girls :p

Excited lar but really can't imagine another baby. We aldy made up our minds to stop at 4. I was looking forward to finally being done with breastfeeding and looking after a little baby. Sold off everything liao. Now have to buy everything again. Lol :p

Little_rabbit :p sure!! Hope u jackpot soon !

Can ask him how to conceive boy and girl? Hb wants a boy leh... I dun mind whether girl or boy but would be nice to hv a boy to go fishing with papa and emma go shopping with me lor
babies are really blessings from the one up there.. somehow i look around and i see my colleagues and friends who find it so hard to conceive.. some tried for almost 10 years le.. now reaching 40 and gave up already.

in fact i tried like 5-6mths(i know not long lar but after all that;s about half a year right) before i conceived the first one. now TTC for 2nd one already tried coming to 1 year le.. albeit not trying very hard, but still no news.

I can't agree with u more about babies being blessings, esp after going through 2 miscarriages myself. So I really cherish my boy.
ok let's make up a list....

Sesame Street...10th Sept 3pm
Tara & Emma
Kath & Zach

you got OCBC credit card?
Can get 20% off...
pas..dunno how long is the show but i tink can bah. i brought him to the Zoo few week ago he can sit/stand to watch the show for a good 20minutes..hehe
good that zach can sit still & watch for abt 20min..
I went sistic to check , its 1hr 25min with 15min interval. not sure if the interval is part of the 1hr 25mins...but i dun tink my boy can sit still for even 10min...
haiz..his butt is super super sharp one!

p/s i tink the $90 left single seats leh...(according to sistic site for the 10th sept 3pm show)
u gals must book fast!

I'll skip the Sesame street, but if u gals wan to go "Peek-a-boo" before or after tat, I dun mind
havent been there before thou, but heard its not bad.
