(2008/11) November 2008

You still miss your work??? I wish i can stay at hm and rest. You better relax and enjoy now. In future, you don't have the time to do that anymore.. I'm so lazy to go and work these days.. Super tiring esp when my hb needs to wake up at 5am everyday.

Thanks. Ur baby is 1.5kg @ 30wks..mine is oni 1.2kg @ 30wks.
Ur hubby didn't help in cleaning?

Happy belated birthday.

Thanks. When I found dry biscult or cracker works for me, I din try any other med.
Eh Hui, now a bit early to store colostrum! I am sure u have more than enough for ur bb gal when the time comes! heheee...

Blessedmum, hope u feeling better.

Haru, hopefully it isn't anything major.. take care ya? ur hb so cute.. more kan cheong than u.

Carol, Alibaba, there there.. the men just dun get it hor. sigh.. may be when they see u in labour, then they will learn to appreciate u more. for me, my hb also 24x7 at work, but so far i have no complaints cos he is afraid that i would tell other ppl if he doesn't put in the effort.

I feel so out of sorts today... so slpy.. may be its becos i have nothing to do!

Peanut, ur birthday ah! Happy Birthday babe!
He used his mouth to clean... Clean up the food.. He did help a bit but at the end of the day.. I did the cleaning before his friends come over and when they are playing majong.. Very long didn't clean up liao.. Super dirty...

Did your gynae ask you to go for doppler scan? If he said is ok, then shound be alright.. No worries.. My gynae said my boy boy thigh bone is a bit short but he said should be ok.. We can't do anything also..

Hmm, maybe you can drink more milk..
Yes. The doppler scan results turn out to be good. We can't do much also except for me to continue to eat alot. Nowadays, there's so much prob wif milk and dairy products that are unsafe to be taken made from China makes me feel whether I should continue with my milk although is not made in China.

Thank U.
morning mummies,
having some veg bee hoon now. not much appetite tis morn. last nite stomach felt a lil painful again and this morning again.baby is still active as usual, squirming and kicking about..dunno if i should see gynae if the discomfort persists. but i will have to wait to afternoon as i have impt meeting to attend at noon later.
Peanut, peachypeach-happy belated birthday!

Yen-ur birthday coming too?? happy birthday!!

Good morning mummies..

haru-don't move ard too much, maybe monitor see how first?? could it be BH??
morning early mummies,

nothing much happening today. same as haru's baby, my baby still playing inside. now, he is 32W. I'm counting down my C-section date, 43 days left =)

later I go market buy curry power from the Indian shop, freshly made one. my husband wants to eat curry for dinner >.<
good morning mummies..have a nice day ahead

Happy belated birthday Peanut! u r a yr older..hee
Yen, Happy birthday in advanced!
Went to see gynae last week. Baby weight is 1.6kg at 31 weeks, head down liao but not engaged yet. I hv gained 1.5 kg in 3 weeks, total 64.5kg now. Gynae still asked me to eat more, coz baby will lost weight after birth, so no harm let baby put on more weight now.

Jo yeo,
Wow, your baby is big leh..
Enne, JJzou,
Why are u gals going for c-sect? I tempted to go for it too but gynae said I can and should try for natural.

JJ Zou, carol,
恩indeed a very nice word and meaning
I'm opposite from u gals. I'm thinking hard on baby x'tian name not chinese name. Seems like not many x'tian name with 5 letters for baby girl.

Mummies, what do u think of this name 'Angel'?

Your hubby is so caring and thoughtful, my hubby very insensitive type..envy u leh..hee

I had BH more than 15x a day many weeks ago. Gynae always ask me to take mc and rest at home. But i discovered something, whenever i drink soya milk,i tend to hv more BH,but if i dont take soya milk,BH lesser...not sure is it cause by soya milk??
blessed mum,

i will put in hanyu pinying n x'tian name on the birthcert, think no need dialect names ba..

baby christian name: english name like 'Angel'. I hv fren told me 'Angel' doesn't sound like a person name..

the door knob looks very useful,tempted to get some too
thanks for the info
*Womb can not close*

dear mummies, I got a story to share.

2 months ago, my friend in TMC almost lost her life. She and baby both was in ITU, and cost a lot.

the case was: full term baby, but had long delivery time, almost go for Em C. end up, my friend's womb can not close, bleeding, lost lots of blood. and nurse didn't notice, until her husband called the nurse few times.

Later her doctor told her husband, she could lost her life if found out a bit later. and actually 20% woman's womb can not close, but you only know after birth (i'm not too sure about this point, but that is what the doctor told my friend).

So, take a note on this issue. after birth, if you still bleeding too much, call the nurse straight away!!

Not to dis-courage by this, I asked my friend, if she can choose again, would she go for natural birth? and she said: YES =)

that sound so scarely...luckily ur fren's hb call the nurse and her life is safe. Will take note on this too..

Now that you mentioned about soya milk...i just experienced a slightly bad BH after i drank that. I shall monitor if thats the cause and update you further as I love soya milk and have been drinking often but only recently BH comes.
jo yeo,

i already calculated,if i take soya milk, i will hv more than 15x BH a day. If i didn't drink it, i will hv roughly 8x a day. i love soya milk too, but now i drink full cream milk to replace that for some days.

Infact my fren's case quite similar but her's at mount A . I tink i've share this in this thread before. Thank god mother &amp; bb are fine

It's good for us to take note too..
Good Morning Mummies....
I am so so tired. this few days got insomia... then i think last night my girl play until too late with my hubby n keep waking up at night to cry....at least more then 10 times lor.......then everytime when i manage to go back to sleep she cry then i got to wake up then have problems going back to bed again.......then my hubby snore so loudly last night somemore.........almost went crazy.........
baby23-I opt for c-sect coz my first preg was c-sect too due to low placenta.

Angel is a nice name, very angelic.

HI ALL, morning.
mildy> wat happen to ur gal? how come keep crying?? tonight try to slp early ok? btw my hb too recently snore like pig.. i couldnt slp well too.. how come the hb seem to be more tired than us!!

yday went for a walk around 10pm with hb.. realise i getting restless even with short distance... &amp; hb still make me walk v long distance no rest -_-" &amp; yday i slp thru the night... Too shack liao!
baby 23:

I go for C-section because:

1. after heard so many stories, and studies birth process, both me and my husband agree that, there is no need to go through such hard, painful &amp; stressful process. and, plus so many un-predictable risks (we don't know yet).

2. my mum, MIL &amp; my sister all advise me go for C-section. my sister went for C-section last year, and very smooth.

3. my doctor say: after his 20+yrs experience, for natural birth mum is more hard work (辛苦) &amp; more un-know risks.

** this is just my personal preference. I'm not here to judge other mummies decision =)
think she play too much before she sleeps and therefore had nightmares. she will wake up cry then call "mie mie" then say "kick kick"...........

nowadays really very difficult to sleep properly. the night before i think i practically did not sleep at all........i only remember falling asleep at 6am? or probably the rest of the time was dozing in n out of sleepy land.....hai...

With regards to the toy, order first by the time confirm pay in liaos ma. hiak hiak hiak.........
Milderina-I understand!! samesame. my boy also at times.. if I never pat him back to sleep in time and he wakes up, he throw tantrum else sometime he seems to have dreams, I think its called 'ham bin'.
HI milderina and Alibaba, aiyoh.i also sleepless and insomia last night cause my hubby keep snoring and kept moving to my side and i nearly fell off the bed...scolded him this morning that i spent the whole night tossing him and turning him around to the other side of th bed...i have to pinch his nose to stop him from snoring
baby23,enne &amp; blessedmum,
Thank U!

JJ Zou,
But how to determine if bleeding is alot? Normally, after deliver, the 1st few days will bleed alot.
yeah yeah yeah, tats ham bin.... n she first time woke up so many times man. *faint*

blessed mum,
i also every time pinch my hubby nose to stop him from snoring, now hor i dun bother le, i just use my leg to kick him. wakakak.......cos my girl someetimes sleeps between us so i cannot touch his nose.

*mildy sashay ard the thread singing "buy more toys... buy more toys..."*
Milderina, Enne,
My boy also the same lah...Play too much will wake up in the middle of the night kicking and screaming. So now I banend all playing after 8pm. Will read to him before his sleep to calm him down.

I delivered my boy thru natural birth. But was quite a nightmare for me...i went thru 20 over hours of labour...then got a big tear cos boy's head too big and needed a forcep. That tear took like 3 weeks to heal before I could walk properly. Come to think of it.. really scared to go thru the process again...If i cld i would opt for C-sec also..but again..those who went c-sec told me..it is more painful than natural birth...
i see, u hv the reason there..

same same, after watching those video and stories about delivery, my husband insisted me to go for c-sect, but gynae advised to go for natural, coz most of her patient go for natural,only 1 out of 10 got emerg c-sect.

blessed mum,
not yet order,i will let hubby view it first, coz i hv been spending too much recently.

just want to know, was your 4 pis milk storage bottles different from the picture at the box? coz mine is different leh..the display one nicer.
baby23-I think if can, u shd go for natural birth, faster recovery and u can see bb immediate somemore.. hehe..

Morning mummies,

I have brand new Avent iQ24 Electronic Steam Steriliser for sale. To let go at $140 (Department store selling at $200+). Kindly note, this is iQ24 which can sterile contents day and night.

Interested please PM me. Thanks!
