(2008/06) June 2008

JP, my bbsitter no problem with bottle feed bb. Only bb had issue with ME feeding bottle. But I have no prob with it, since less things to wash :p

oh oh.. so jus use the flower part ya? okok.. i shall try it! thnx thnx..

Ya man! wanna find cant see any.. not finding and kept appearing! kekeke.. I oso let my boy sit in his walker.. he loves it lor.. 'running' here n there.. hmm.. issit gd to let them do tat hur? bery contradicting lor.. cos its really bery convenient.. he will entertained himself in walker..

haha.. i went cold storage and ntuc both oso bo lor.. tats y i said when wanna find cannot get it! cos i have been seeing it in compass pt cold storage.. anyway.. i will jus get it once i see it! hey hey.. my boy oso dun like nestle rice cereal! haiz..

RE: Heinz rice cereal
I went back to kiddy palace in compass pt and the normal rice cereal is OOS.. only organic one.. wonder issit they stop producing the normal one.. anyone koe?
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
For me only weekend got chance to bring my ger out, so basically weekend nites, she can dozed off very fast. But i still had to restricted her from sleeping past 6pm, else she wont be able to sleep around 8.30pm to 9pm.
Btw, can i check with you whether YuZhe's poo became more 'solid' after you intro cereal and puree?
Coz i find YuJie's poo started to get bit solid, after i started her on cereal.

not sure if i answer ur qn or not about whether YuJie sleep w her sis coz i was reading the post on n off, cant even remember if i reply you. hehe...
Well, as our master bedroom is not very big, so we din let our 2 girls sleep together. So if YuJie sleep with me, then my #1 will sleep with my MIL and vice versa.</font>
babycupid, I just got it from CCK FairPrice last week after telling u tat it is OOS. But the sell out fast within 2 days. Dunno whether it is phasing out or not. Do u want me to help u get the Heinz cereal if they restock?

My boy can only go backwards in walker leh, dunno how to run here and there. But I only let him sit in it together with me when doing chores in the kithchen.
Con of walker: My elder boy also sit walker last time, he sometimes walk tip toe when younger. But dunno is it becos of walker or not. But now 3 years old liao, dont walk with tip toe - so no problem. In fact he always try ways not to walk when go out, will request stroller or be carried.
Pro of walker: Super convenient for mommy :p
ohoh.. aiyoh.. so pop! haiz.. hmm.. where u stay?
my boy can front back side.. all directions lor! and he sometimes super fast.. chasing my dog..
i try to minimise the use of walker but its really convenient lor! kekeke.. esp when i nd to do something or eating..

RE: when u finding something u cant get it..
Dunoo if i mentioned to u.. I went to rivervale plaza tat medical hall to see if 1.8kg similac is avail.. they dun carry big tin so i went NTUC.. and OOS! Den bo bianz i bot the small tin cos no more at home liao..
so u told me carrefour is like selling at 64 right.. so i went to Suntec Carrefour.. DUN HAVE! Not even the price tag! damn it.. den i gave up.. really man! but i nvr try PS.. the one u went.. will try it someday..
<font color="aa00aa">nss,
My #1 used walker oso and she walked tip toe for quite sometimes. We have to always remind her not to walk tip toe.
Now i still put my #2 in walker but with a hard board below preventing her from walk. hehe...</font>
Hi mummies, just want to check if any1 here took pics of bb's poo after started on semi-solids to show PD during checkup?

My hubby said I'm siao but I feel that since I'm paying consultation then might as well make full use lor.

Athan will b going to his 1st PD visit tomorrow. As he's been healthy all this while wif only phlegm/cough once in Nov so I only go GP for jabs &amp; assessment. As his next GP jab is only in June so decided to go PD to do the 6-10mths assessment.

Will b going Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clinic @ AMK, was recommended by BMSG so decided to try lor. Any1 been there??
Four Teeth
1. Eunicia (Priscilla)upgraded frm two hehe
2. Yuzhe (Ellysia)

Three Teeth
1. Travis (Bleh)

Two Teeth
1. Kyler (Bonjovi)
2. Lucas (Tera)
3. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
4. Vivienne (Veniz)
5. Floyce (War_angel - Jessica)
6. Gianna (JP)
7. Matthew (Cactus)
8. Nicholas upgrade from bogeh club
9. (candys/fen)
10. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn) - cutie lil teeth, but d88n hard to come out!
11. Qianying (iamsnow) - upgrade from bogeh club!

One Cutie Tooth
1. Reanne (Janiviy)
2. Andrea (Rizty)
3. Ivory (Sharon)
4. YuJie (Felicia) Upgrade fr Bogeh club on 3rd Jan 09
5. Masean (Tinyfeet)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid) Still die hard member of Bogeh club as at 2/1/09
2. Jared (Fennie77)
3. Cedrik (Feiling)
4. Elyssa (Mogudog)
5. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
6. Jade (shycloud)
7.Qyan (ioio)
8. Jayden (MLP) Still die hard member of Bogeh club as at 2/1/09
9. Charlotte (feifei)
10. Rex (jn80jn)
11.Gwenneth (tinyfeet/esther)
12. Evelyn (soyabean)
13. Nadia Marshya (danryan)
14. Yue Han (star)
15. Nicole (Piyo)
16. Cornelius (tanlengleng)
17. Siying (sandra/spritzer08)
18. Athanasius (Mag/liteonmag) Still die hard member of Bogeh club as at 2/1/09
19. Sheryl (angel_z)
20. cheri (ariesann) still dun knw how to flip.
21. Nicole (cynthia) love been toothless
22. Lucius (shern) lurve his gummy smile
23. Isabel (krispy) bogeh as at 3/1/09
Just gave Athan his 1st try of avocado, he finished abt 1.5 tbsp. Just 1 2 ask when u ladies intro new food, will u still give cereal or stick to the new food for 4 days? (pai say if my question sounds silly) *blur mummy*
Dear mummies, I was planning to organise a kopi session @ Parkway Parade. Either 15th or 16th Jan. Please show your response b4 we confirm timing &amp; venue. Thanks.

1. Mag+Athan (Anyday)
Hello all mummies

I've been MIA for long and finally have time just to drop some post. However, I've been on/off reading this forum and its really difficult for me to catch up with the fast moving thread :p You gals are really united and superb here. BTW, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

My MIA is due to the heavy work since i got back to work and also Masean had just gone for his Heart ops on 17 Dec and discharge on 25 Dec. Finally, I'm near a happy mum after his major ops finally took place, which I'm hesitant about initially. Even though, he will still need another 2-3 more other ops.

Been reading many babies here already lie on belly or even walk on walker. Nt for my little one here.
Hi Mag,I've been going to Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clinic @Gleneagles all the while, the amk one is the branch.Heard from my neighbor whose bb frequent the amk branch that Dr.Koh is good,very detail in explanation.I've showed also my pd(Dr.Y Y Yip) Nicho 's poo picture before,because last time I've been worried about his greenish poo.
TF, glad to know Masean's recovering well. Do take care of yourself &amp; know that we r always here to support u. Will keep u in my prayers.
Mag,last time Nicho has his first try of avocado,i blur2x,just mash it without blend,he seems like almost choke.so scaring .Do you blend the avocado when gave it to Athan?
Hi Mag
Masean doing fine. He stayed in KKH for 8 days and nw recuperating at home. His body is full of scars (from stitches). Initially i tot would be difficult to handle him when back cos have to b careful abt his pain. But apparently, when i see him move his bump n body with excitement, then i tink no pain lah.

I've been struggling to keep him grow fat fat and nw restart again, after his diet in hospital went down. He can only drink 80ml milk every 3 hr cos doc dun allow too much fluid in case water retention. So we give him rice cereal for lunch and brown rice for dinner to filled him up. Now much rounded in face.

I've also started him with Heinz puree. The only homemade puree i did is the avocado cos easy to make. Also, i get to eat the remainder :p after extracting some for him. Cos i dun keep long hours for the avocado puree for him, scared turn brown/black easily.
Fen, I din blend. I bought http://www.shopbug.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/406 I scooped the avocado into the mash cup &amp; used the wooden pestle to mash until no more lumps b4 I fed Athan.

I think man sometimes cannot understand y we r so obsessed wif our child's poo (At least my hubby was one of them). I tried to explain to my hubby that by observing the poo, we'll know if there's any problem or not even if bb still can't talk. ^_^
tinyfeet,be careful not to give avocado too much as it's consider a heaty fruit.

mag,ic.haha.yes,we so obsessed with the poo,that everyday i will be waiting for his poo,and will keep record on the color,amount and shape
btw,i'm using normal strainer.since the incident,now every food i'm feeding nicho,i will blend first even it's banana.
hi angel,
ya i was wondering y 3 teeth oso.. hahaha so funny right. the front teeth only grow right side.. left side not out yet. dunno y like that.

mag &amp; ellysia,
my training got disrupted just now. hb came home and see bb cry until so cham. he heartpain, then carry. so, all my efforts down the drain. i oso heartpain lor. but he isnt the one putting bb to bed leh. i'm super pissed now. darn! does that mean that i have to start all over again?
Hi bleh, oh dear. Yes, u have to start all over again. This time u need to tell him not to disrupt again. Tell him to give u 3 days. Tell him that it hurts u as much to c Travis cry but no choice.
i will oso take the pic and show pd if there is any need.. i tink man dun understand one lor..

RE new food..
I will still give cereal even i intro new food.. rice cereal is everyday BR is alt days
jsmurf, sounds like ur wife not convinced that you can do a job as gd as she does! think the crux of problem lies in convincing her that you are up to it? tell her to give u a chance and that u need time to learn n reach her standards. only then, she will got some rest in between and also allow bonding between u and ur bb. tell her it's unfair to judge you so quickly when you are not given the fair chance to show her wat you are capable of!!
what?!?! really gotta start all over ah?! wth! it pains me just as much lor... now i gotta go thru it ALL OVER again....... and he still got the cheek to ask me if i'm angry..... argh!

btw, i managed to borrow Baby Whisperer from the library. cant wait to read the highly-raved book!
Ya bleh, quick quick go read it especially the part of MCQ to find out which type is your baby.

Dun get angry liao, like I said, sometimes man just dun understand the rationale behind our actions. Initially my hubby also told me I sure cannot make it but now he has to shut up cos Thank God, it worked. I cannot imagine how much negative remarks i have to hear if i had failed.
Thank you for sharing your predicament (agony . . hehe), I am appreciative. The main impetus of checking into the forum is to do a staff check if I am been the abnormal one. Though the general sensing is that it boils down to this silly feminine cognitive emotional thingy, this forum visualised how challenging it can be to be a SAHM. I hope my effort does not constitute to making comparisons with other hubbies, just that I need to find some form of yardstick.

Sidenote, is that product that you recommended effective? I bought a series of blender for my wife to use. Through observation, I notice she took about 49 mins to get the baby's food done and was wondering if this purchase may elevate her from taking a shorter time.

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle ; you can live as if everything is a miracle. You seem to bring another dimension of Mother's love - instinctual, unconditional, and forever.

Appreciate your comments. To be fair, i think my wife gave me a fair share of chances. The problem is that i am not consistent enough due to my work schedule, but nevertheless, this is Life - it's never fair.

My wife has a hard time feeding my baby too. Took the initiative to distract the baby with "Baby you Can read" file on the portable DVD player. It is effective. As for the walker, I am not sure if the walker may be the most appropriate. Other than safety perspective (knocking into objects), the walker may not be a developmental tool for walking. I remember reading a developmental thesis citing that the walker delayed the baby slightly from acquiring skills, vis-à-vis to baby who learn to walk naturally. Improvised version includes a stationery walker which uses a non motorised treadmill to allow baby to walk without injury.

Of course, I am not condemning walker. Bottom line, if you do not closely watch the baby, no matter what he/she is doing, there is potential for injury. Just spelling my two-cents worth since the silent war is still ongoing.
Nice to see you here and hearing from a man's view

When I read the thread, I want to tell u I also wonder why I marry my man..haha.. if i think you are doing more than him and yet get scolded. However, if we keep seeing as if the world coming to an end, then, there's no end in comparison. I admire you for coming to this forum and take the 1st step. Keep it up and u will have our support. Take it as if we can't make our man a better man, we hope you will be a better man from this site.

As for my hubby, he does help up with our baby's bath, feeding, sterilizing, patting to sleep, carrying, medical appointments and changing. However, I often think he does not help much becos i dun get to see it consistently done. Smtx he does it when I show my frustration. I often complain to him tat all he cares is watching TV and playing computer games (at one stage). Then of course, he will say he has to work (bearing in mine I'm nt a SAHM). The only consistent thing he does is patting my son to sleep every nite cos i really do not have the strength to carry his weight for long.

For me, my frustration started (which I'm nt sure if your wife perceive this way too) when i told my husband to spend time reading books about caring for babies even b4 birth. But he told me he does nt like reading and knws wat to do. As a result, he end up doing things the wrong way and i've to tell him wat is right (which smtx man then thinks the woman is perfectionist). If both you and your wife handle/discuss the baby from the same source (thru books or course, etc), I'm sure it will nt end up different handling techniques. So my smart clever hubby will then stand by, sit by or participate along to watch hw I do it since he lazy to read.

Hence, for bathing and changing, both of us bath baby tog when there's opportunity. Then i will dry n change baby while he empty the bath tub and clear the stuff. I guess it's this little helping hands that we need or hope to see (even if the man can't really do it). Hopefully, along the way, he learns the trade and practice makes perfect. Maybe your wife wants you to be participating with her and the baby to feel like being a family rather than both of you walking your own path in achieving the family needs, ie. you earn the money while she run the family. Try doing the same things together. Even if you cant be her hands, you can be her legs
or even asking her if she needs help.
I often get frustrated when having to handle sthg alone, esp when the baby cry. Trust me, no joke, and you do nt knw how mad the woman can be running around to multi-task, while u r at work. Hence, when u r back, what she needs most is your love n presence to be beside her helping or alleviating some task. Dun gv up in learning if you think wat u do does nt meet her standard. Instead, ask her to show you how to, if she says you are nt doing right. She just want to be heard

Dun get angry for her taking away your child. She's just finding solace and by hugging the child, she can let down her stress too. Perhaps she really need hugs from you too. Just apologize to her for nt being a part of her burden (tho in our own definition, we all know we have done our best) in order for her to let down herself and make peace.

Remember, Man from Mars and Woman from Venus. That's why we are different! Good Luck and hope to hear more from u. And of course, if you wife can join us here as she become more relax with your help. Sori for this long mail...
mag, i just cannot imagine gg thru the heartwreching episode to see him cry and wail n sob n helpless... thinking abt it makes me chill all over again. s**t!!!

i'm gg to read the book now and simmer down too. update u on bb type tomorow.
Bleh: Also to add on.Conditioning can be classified into operant and classical. In this case for baby to sleep on their own is opined to be like classical conditioning.

Music and darkness may help to tell the baby that it is nappy time. Akin to running for building of stamina, it normally takes 7 days for the body to be mentally "cheated" that running has become a "routinisation". Drawing relevance, it might takes more than 3 days to complete what you intend to.

Good Luck! I took 8 days for Baby to condition sleeping on his own, while there are some whom takes just 2 days. (which reinforce what i said earlier- Sometimes, life is never fair)
Ok bbcupid, thanks for advice.

I tasted the avocado just now, really creamy but I find quite tasteless lor. Planning to intro butter squash next after my 4day test.

I'm currently giving 2 servings of cereal daily but planning to replace 1 wif fruit/veg since Athan is still mainly drinking milk. Any comments?

A bit blur liao cos have been giving Athan only brown rice cereal since 18 Dec &amp; today finally intro avocado. Planning to intro 1 fruit for 1 wk then 1 veg the following wk. Any comments?
Jsmurf, interesting to read what you have written. You really do alot of homework / research seahhh... Thumbs up. Sound like u r an Engineer, Accounting IT person.

Mag, some avocado can taste plain if nt fully ripe or if you didn't get the NZ/Australia/U.S one. The local(Asia) one is plain. I usu buy it green and hard and let it sit in my kitchen till dark brown and slightly soft when press.

Yes, poo poo is no longer the yellow/orange soft poo. now is like adult poo, "yi tiao" type. depending on wat he eat, the poo will smell like tat food. when he eat prune, his poo become like smelly prune. recently he ate cauliflower, poo got cauliflower smell.
Jsmurf, wah u in Psychology too? U seem to burst out wif alot of the terms which I only read in my textbks, I'm doing my degree in Child Psych &amp; Criminology by the way. &amp; yes, the method I used to condition my son's habits is classical conditioning.

Haven't asked how big is your boy? Did your wife just start semi solids? I can't comment much on the food maker yet as I've only tried wif avocado this evening. Most mummies here use blenders cos faster but I'm trying to reduce utilities usage in case my MIL "sings" even tho we r paying 80% of the bill. Hehe...
Hi TF, thanks for the info on avocado. It's an expensive fruit tho. I bought mine for 1.95 &amp; my hubby's jaw nearly dropped.

i oso blend every food even banana too. i use blender.


nevermind, sometimes we also carry bb when he can't sleep on his own. like tonight, my hb want to train bb to sleep on his own. put on bed and he keep crying. later manage to fall asleep but wake up v soon crying again. in the end my hb carry him but can't pacify, so i latch him to sleep.
Nope, I am just a husband/brother/father and son like many of the people here. A white collar employee whom is not an accountant nor IT savvy. More of a slave at home - hahaha!

My boy is 6 months old. My wife started semi-solid a week ago.
Mag, yeah, expensive fruit!! I bgt it at $1.45 to $1.95 range from Giant, depending on which batch

If hapen to be the new batch, then $1.95, and as days goes, left lesser, the price goes lower to clear stock. I'm a Avocado fan too. I used to buy the juice outside at $2, blended with milk and with gula melaka (brown sugar). I think the fruit stall probably use half or less avocado for that $2 cup, with plenty ice of course. Now I would blend and scoop some for my son n the remains end in my and his grandmother's tummy. :p Good for heart anyway.
bleh and mag,

for me is my hb want to train him to sleep.. but its me who always feel heartpain n tempted to carry but i will let hb take control cos i prefer him to put bb to sleep so tat i have time to do some chores before sleeptime.
jsmurf, haha.. we are all slaves too..

Similac: Can anyone share if there's any Similac Follow On milk powder promotion or where's the cheapest place to buy?

Gripe Water: What abt gripe water? I heard at Rivervale in one of the mall, it can go as low as $3.30, is tat so and which mall and floor is that? Anywhere else?

for me when i intro new food, i still cont with cereal. for me i feed cereal daily (previously is every alt day) with veg/fruit puree, then lunch is another veg/fruit puree. cereal is only once a day. Intend to feed porridge as dinner but only going to start maybe next mth, so to target to increase to 3 meals next mth.
i would love to koe too.. so far i find cheaper to buy 1.8kg one lor.. den i heard carrefour PS is selling cheaper but yet to verify cos might see wrongly.. u might wan to check it out..
as for gripe water.. i duno liao.. cos i bery long no give him le..


with blender is really much easier to make food. i dun even have a mesh or those baby food maker stuff, i only have a blender.
