(2008/04) April 2008

Zishumo - i used those very thin type of cotton bud to take out but only when the musus is nearer to outside cos i don wan to end up pushing it further in. Once bb sneeze, tends to sneeze out some mucus, try to take it out at that time.

strawberries - oic hehe.... think i recall... hehe...

me also standby FM.... mainly for nite feeds...
my supply also still about the same... about 60ml per pump.... sigh.. abit worried that not enuff for her... sigh....

i m using similac... had wanted to get friso... but the shops near my place ran out of it...
re confinement
I reached my tolerance limit and asked the cl to leave last week. Have been doing my own confinement - taking care of bb and cooking. A bit tiring, but I feel so much at ease without a stranger around in the house and to have to endure someone dirtying the kitchen, etc. At least now I cook what I want to eat!

Btw, how do you calculate the confinement period? Tmr will be the 28th day since my delivery, so we are going to end my confinement tmr!
tsukushi, i count my confinement date as baby's exact first month's baby! and i can hardly wait! i heard babies get better less cranky, cry less and smile more) as they get to the 2nd month.

cheesycake: how much EBM and FM do you feed your baby every feed?
Hi everyone, thanks everyone for your well wishes.
i'm back home yesterday. Never get a chance to go online during my stay at tmc or at home. Very tired and can't really get to sleep. Will update the list soon. And also update my birth story soon. Hope to get better this week. Now feeling very tired and weak.
Koori, as for diaper.
i used petpet for my #1 for 2years now. Very good brand. Never give me any problems. So you can try it. Petpet don't have those gel or jelly looking thing coming out on baby butt. It is not like drypers.
gervynne: for FM she drink 70ml one shot if she really hungry. sometimes she drink few times then full. 1st time 20ml then 2nd time 20-30ml again until she's satisfied. so its very tiring when comes to feeding her. her drinking style is like tat. if EBM she drink 80ml... my gal is on enfalac HA.

i have tried friso on her before. she cant poop...

my milk supply has nt been alot after birth & my let-down reflex is abit slow, so i dont latch on, only express out, which further reduce milk supply. moreover i still need to take care of my #1, i think due to tiredness, also affect my supply bah.

i agree with geryl, i also use petpet for my #1 for daily use. so much better than drypers, no jelly thing came out.
Mummies, check with you.. how much is the average milk supply 1 week after delivery... I am anxious when my milk supply will increase. Now max only about 60ml, i am worried leh.

Geryl, petpet is not bad? maybe might want to consider swopping to diapers instead and not nappy. had wanted to use nappies but so far confinement nanny have been using diapers.sigh.. dun think she will ever use nappy.. if she dun use nappy... i wun know how to wash soiled nappies. haha
cherish, my bb on similac.. i only feed her FM at night if there isn't sufficient EBM to last her for the night. so far baby have been pooping about twice a day...

yah i heard about friso... if baby on friso, more difficult to poop.. and the poop if come out is more solid as compared to similac. This info is what my confinement nanny told me one.
burby_babe - its abt that volume.
CL wont want use nappies so they lazy to wash, mine initially use then soon the CL auto use back diapers, lazy ass.

the jelly is supposed to absorb the urine in the diaper but i guess drypers quality is nt so good tats y the jelly came out.
burpybabe, any idea on how to make 90ml milk? my bb drink around 90ml now, i make 120ml milk, as 1scoop is 60ml, i use 2 full scoop. very wasted. FM is so ex..
hi everyone,

hope everyone is doing well.

*Phew*... just went through a series of fever in my household. even baby Nicodemus was not spared. he was down with a super high fever @38.9 degree last Sat out of a sudden. But... thank God he was all cleared since Tue.

congrats to u

Re: bb cranky...
maybe u can try to put bb sleeping on tummy position. Nicodemus was also cranky at ard 14 days old. we decided to try the tummy position whenever he np and slp. TRUE ENOUGH, HE SLPS BETTER. We did the same method for my gal when she was after 1 mth old. Guess he's our 2nd kid so we r more daring in putting him in tummy position. Just make sure ur bb's face is facing the side and not head down.

there's a famous stall at Alexandra Village

ladies, as long as bb latches on, it'll create a SS. yes... bb will cry for milk when hungry. some may get impatient. Tt's the battle. remembr stay calm... u hv e supply. it's not easy but soon bb will know tt he has to latch on then get milk to drink.

Imagine in a hse where u hv a toddler who needs ur attention and a NB who oso wants milk. what do u do? Hahaha... this is exactly what's happening in my hhd.

first, i'll attend to my 33mths old gal then to her bro. Imagine everyday after sch, i need to shower my gal and at that time my boy is hungry. So, satisfy my girl's needs it's easier coz if not, u'll hv a cranky toddler n a crying bb.

what i did is... after attending to her, i'll let my girl know mummy needs to nurse her bb bro and my girl is super cooperative and helpful...

Thus, morale of my sharing is... bb's hunger/impatient crying is ok... as long as bb is placed in a safe place. at times, my boy cries close to 20mins

so mummies.... dun gv up on bfg
My bb poo alot... ard 4 - 5 times a day and she farts alot oso!!! She's totaly on BM (alternate latch n pump) except midnite 2x on FM. I took fenugreek for a wk liao but supply still d same, 100 - 120ml every 3 - 4 hrly. Haven't been taking papaya fish soup since discharged fm hospital... today get my mum to cook for me, hopefully it helps!
Wow so good ur bb all poo like 1 or 2 x a day. Mine poo like 4 to 7 times a day. My mum use nappy during daytime and diapers at night. Think if i take care bb myself, i will all use diapers. No time and too tired to wash them by hands.

The list is not so impt now. The impt thing now is to rest, feed and recover well. Moreover u have ur #1 to take care as well. How's the little princess doing now?
Koori - yah lorh. That is what my hubby thinks too... sigh.. that she is lazy.. sigh...

cherish - hmm not sure how to make 90ml milk also leh. so far the FM is made by the CL.

Thanks joyfulstar for sharing... guess i m getting impatient about milk supply.. keep worrying that i m not producing enough milk... hope that i will continue to keep on producing milk.

BBRoyce - how many weeks have you started bf-ing?your supply seems quite alot leh....
mushloom: how / wat u use to take out the mucus from bb's nose?

Hi mummies, bb's tongue after drinking have those whitish particles .. how to get rid of it? need some advise pls .. thanks
yo: I wish i can leave my baby to cry as he gets impatient if we are a little late in carrying him. if we leave him to cry for 20mins, won't he takes in too much air and gets too gassy and thus reflux alot after drinking? would love your advice from an experienced mom.

burpy_babe: my milk ss when i delivered after one week is also about 60-80ml per 3-4 hourly so dun give yourself too much stress otherwise it will affect the milk ss.

BBRoyce: i think the papaya fish soup helps. I pump once in 5-6hours and get average 200m if i am lucky! my bb farts too and poos alot. i think i can waste like 8 diapers daily!

jennyhoo: my mom actually cleans baby's mouth with a small cloth everyday during his bathe.
Burby_Babe: me feeding my bb with Friso Gold, so far the poo poo okie leh .. not really hard hard type ... and he can poo @ least 2 x a day ...
gervynne: yap my mum also did tat but only managed to clean the outer part of the tongue .. the inner part quite difficult to put finger in .. and bb tend to bite on the finger .. haha
simp, my girl was on Friso when she was in hosp. So now i give the same.

RE: petpet
I use petpet for my girl in the day coz it's cheaper. But not at night. Got once my hubby forgot and let her wear petpet to sleep. In the middle of the night, it was practically flooded. From then on, i only use it in the day. It's not bad for day use but note that cutting abit small even though im using the small size.
But i'm considering switching to cloth diapers after having done some research ... but my hubby says disposables are betta, no need to wash!!

Re: Friso
My girl poos at least twice a day. But i do think that friso is abit "heaty". Her poo will be alittle harder. So i'll try to give her water and it helps.

Re: sleeping on prone
According to my PD, it's good to let babies sleep in prone position, but with adult supervision! This prevents babies frm getting startled so easily and also helps them breathe better.

Re: white particles on baby's tongue
I use glycerine (Bought from medical halls) and tap it on cotton wool to clean her tongue and gums. According to my mum, it's a must if not baby may lose appetite,etc. Not sure how true though.

BBRoYcE&LeBelle, my baby farts alot too. I think there's too much wind in her tummy. Sometimes she's hungry but she'll keep crying coz of colic i think. So i'll give her woodwards gripe water and it helps to pacify her and i can feel her farting more.
cherish: my bb poo around 2-3 times when she on enfalac. her stools is soft dark green type...

when she on friso according to my mil, poo its hard and more smelly... so i tink its more heaty for my gal.

me not really tt experienced. guess it's more like living within the circumstances tt i'm in as i dun really like or want another person in e hse to tell me tis & tt.

guess for ur case, u dun hv to let ur bb cry more than 20min... a short while is ok... as for my boy 20mins of cry was due to the time tt i need to shower & dress my gal. so far... 20mins was the max... but usually ard 15mins...

yes... he has definitely gapsed in quite a fair bit during the cry and regergitate after nursing...

ur bb is norm... mine is oso like tt.... as for us, we oni use diaper so usage super high...
gervynne - Thanks. Guess I will have to learn to be more patient... hehe...

Jenny - my confinement nanny was teaching me this morning that to make baby open her mouth, use the smallest finger to push open the upper portion of baby's mouth... and baby will open her mouth. never push on baby's tongue to make her open her mouth bigger.
i used cotton bud to remove the mucus. as for the white part, during bathing, i would wrap the handkerchief around my index finger then push it into his mouth to clean his tongue and gums.

my son oso poos alot as he is on bm. most of the time not alot.
<font color="0077aa">burpy_babe, the world is so small.. hehe if noe tat time would already sae hi lo..
, u using similac.. bought it from kkh pharmacy mahz?? i heard quite no. of pple sae tat this FM brand not back.. dun noe how true..</font>

<font color="0077aa">koori_kaylen, icic.. ok.. icic will racky the FM n c..</font>

<font color="0077aa">jenny, Friso Gold is it the one tat is used by the nursery??, so far im onli tempted to buy either similac or Friso (cuz kkh is using tat brand).. </font>
<font color="0077aa">yo, thanx fer sharing re: the milk ss.. think like burpy_babe too, too worry bout the ss liaoz.. guess juz faithfully do pumping fer now.. and latch him on when his back.. and yo i tink bb tends to like to sleep in this posture.. when i visit my bb in the nursery.. the nurse place him in this position fer the phototerapy.. he seems so comfy.. and not cranky ahz.. </font>
strawberries - yah lorh. so coincidental. i din buy the FM at KKH pharmacy... I bought the FM a day after I am home. Had wanted to nurse bb on BM fully but the confinement nanny have been telling me that i shld give bb FM in the initial days as our ss is not there yet. and moreover, my FIL also keep insisting that bb keeps crying coz she is not having enough milk.. hungry that's why keep crying.. think with family that are not supportive and as well informed about BF-ing.. that's a bit difficult....(sorry for complaining here) so in the end, i gave in and asked hubby to go down to the supermart near our place to buy FM and it happens to have similac and not friso gold. Both Friso Gold and Similac are recommended by CL. so I was only considering only either one of these two FM brands.
<font color="0077aa">burpy_babe, icic.. same here me wanna go TBF but families nt being suppportive so i onli agree on nite FM.. but tat is provided tat i tried TBF first...hubby oso agreed..btw similac FM.. not the follow-on thingy one rite?? me will g c this 2 FM..</font>
i am a failure.....brought my bb home today...look aft him for 2hrs, i cry n cry liao...i v v sad and scare....my mom bring him hm arady.....=(...Eden has a useless mom n dad...=(
strawberries - yah same here. i also told the CL to only give formula milk to baby if baby is hungry in the middle of the night and I do not have any EBM in the fridge for her. Else I would want her to drink BM...

Re similac FM - What follow-on thingy you referring to?

Kea, you okie? how come you cry and cry?
burpy babe

i v scare to handle my bb...when he cry, i feel stressed....and when i rch hm, my room in a mess..hubby nv arrange at all and prepare bb home....=(......then i more stress and bb crying....=(.....i am so useless........when m=i carry bb, he slp so soundly on me and smile....now his useless mummy dunno how to look aft him...
hi sherin, did u receive my PM regarding the ordering of wipes? I ll not be in CCK from Sat onwards, as my dad is sick and i ve to move back to my own place for confinement. Thus, if u havent place the order or i cannot collect by this fri or sat noon, then i ll give it a miss.
<font color="0077aa">burpe_babe - similac FM.. there's one tat is similac Follow on .. fer 6 mths and above.. so not sure which is which..</font>

<font color="0077aa">kea, me oso get panicky when my bb cries.. mainly becuz i not sure wat the bb wan.. n when he cries is those very loud one... so i will feel very stress.. have u tok to ur hubby re: wat u facing..?? </font>
Re: Breastfeeding
I am on total breastfeeding now. My baby girl is 9 days old now and wakes up every 2 - 3 hours in the day for feeding and I will latch her on in the day. In between her feeds, I will pump as well...which makes me like a cow, every hour of the day just feeding and pumping haha. At night, my CL will give her expressed breast milk (100ml) so that I can sleep at night. As for poo, she poos about 4 - 5 times a day.

Re: Jabs
Baby K went to the PD today for her week old check-up. Her jaundice is gone and I also signed her up for the metabolic test. I am so proud that she did not cry at all when the doc prick her heel to get blood hehe. I didn't dare to go in and see but peep through the glass dor. Btw, my PD at TMC is charging me $1600 for all the jabs till baby is 18 months which include DPT/IPV/HIB/HBV, rotavirus, pneumococcous, hep A, chicken pox vaccine, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, Hlb. Are your jabs so expensive as well?

On the subject of fenugreek.. the LC in the hospital told me its safe to take. So i took it the day after i came back home. Was desperate to increase supply cos during the hospital stay, my baby needed to be latched on the whole night. Luckily the fenugreek worked for me.. supply came rushing through that very night. Was quite diligant and did my breast massage and used warm towels to prevent blockage. Now, i can pump quite a bit to store up... still latching on my baby totally. For mummies keen to try, i bought mine from GNC. Heard that you can take up to 4 pills a day? And if u pump every 2 hours, it should boost milk supply. Am using the Medala PIS and can pump about 150ml each session.
Hi Mummies
Sorry to intrude. I’ve a couple of Enfalac HA (400g) brand new tins for sale at $16 each as my child has gone onto his Step 2 formula. Price negotiable if buy more than 1 tin.

Also have 1 tin each of Similac Step 2 and Mamil Gold Step 2 for sale. Each tin is 400g. Asking price for each is $6. interested, pls PM me. thanks!

Strawberries: yap the FM in kkh nursery is using is Friso Gold ... so after bring bb home i let him have tat as well.. cos dun wanna change FM and he can't get use to it etc ...

Re: BM .. think mine is running low .. haiz ... yesterday morning only managed to pump out less than 50ml .. than whole day like no milk like tat .. no leakage unlike other days.. wonder if its becos not enough sleep the day b4 or wat ...
