(2008/03) March 2008

wah.. all babies so fast development.. my boy prefer to blow bubbles using straw rather than drinking.. he only drinks frm cup. he recently hates spoon feeding.
damn hard to feed him solids. so end up i give bread and rusks and pasta.

liyun, yes.. sunday is dong zhi. but some ppl say it falls on monday. very luan. so to play safe, my family r having it on both days. haha

ryan only has 2 bottom teeth. sprouted recently.

teeth spacing
muz have space. otherwise adult teeth will be too cramped while growing. so dun have to worry abt wide spaces between teeth.

1 qn
i was wondering why mummies say babies teething will bite mummies while nursing? i tot when latching, the teeth is not in use?
pet, their gum is itchy, so they looking for relieve. now alex doesnt really bite me anymore, coz i scolded him whenever he did that.

now he can understand when i am scolding him. sometimes he will even give me a sad face or cry. hahaha~ bad mummy!
kell: maybe.. i din think abt tat.
cause i very long nv use bottle on ryan already.

clover: yah manz.. when ryan finish milk, he'll pretend to graze abit. then i'll call his name. then he'll be like abit scared then give the sad face n try to squeeze 2 drops of tears out..
i think nowadays babies too smart for us.. we kenna bullied by them liao.

gums itchy but i dunno wat to give to relieve him. he dun like teethers. only like to bite pacifier and do the pull n release action.

hmm..the truth is i also lost my 2nd one in oct as well..oops..so tat makes 2 teeth

the 2nd one drop cos i bite on some hard stuff and it crack leaving a teeny bit behind, then my dentist remove it

yeah, it is not very obvious...unless i smile too widely :p

tat's y i din do anything, as long as never affect my pics..i dun care ;)
and Petrina

i fully understand those who kenna bite..i remember i kenna tat in sep/oct and it is really painful..

he does tat when the milk flow is getting lesser and esp bite damn hard on the breast with less milk

use his teeth, bite, then pull my nipple along, it really hurts!

here is the specific recipe, i brot it along on the globetrotters day

Honey Garlic Chix wings ( 1kg)
soya sauce 5 tablespoon
honey 2 tablespoon
garlic 1 tablespoon

Mariante wings for at least an hr in the soy suace, honey and finely chopped garlic, then BBQ
I have an inflatable pool at home so if the weather is good we can put it up and let the babies splash around in it. so bring their swimming gear if interested. i have no floats thou, but its a shallow one. =)

Date : 21 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 1pm -3pm ( Lunch Gathering)
Venue: Pancake's place @ Faber Drive, Clementi

Attendees (everyone welcome, no shy!)
1. Pancake & bb
2. Bbpink & bb - Xmasy Noodles
3. Jerejoy,hb & bb - Nonya kuehs
4. FL,hb & bb – topshells & sparkling juice.
5. Ade n family (if hubby not working then i attend)
6. Aileen & bb - Otah
Sorry but have to miss yet another gathering :p v. pai seh and this one seems so fun too with the pool...bb tommy loves getting his face sprayed at the shower...haven't taken him to the pool yet but i'm sure he'll love it.....enjoy mummies
bb pink
thanks for your kind words on Chelsea...actually have to work on her personality if she's ever to have any social life haha...she's still v. shy and self conscious...hopefully she'll grow out of it or i might have to force her to take some drama class to boost her confidence :p

never thot of introducing straws so early...lazy mum here but can't think of a good reason to use straws?

bb tommy will bite anything...so painful if his teeth happen to hit my bones *ouch!*
biting during nursing
so far he hasnt bite me

pretending to cry
andrae knw who to bully and definitely is his mummy. He will always pretend cry. Cry but no tears...

he cannot rely on bm anymore. he needs solid to gie him nutrients.. bread and rusk contains sugar and salt and is not gd for body.. wat kind of pasta. I think in my opinion it is time to gv porridge. Maybe he doesnt like soft prrodige? u can cook the porridge harder...
bbpink, ryan also bite n pull b4. but after i whack him hard, he never repeat.. nowadays he test by grazing abit then search for my reaction..

abc: i noe he need solids. but he hates spoon feeding.. i gave him normal pasta, cut small plain. he likes to chew. but once i put tomato sauce, or other things like jar food ingredients, he'll pretend nv see the spoon.
porridge also. spend the whole morn cooking, end up his mouth play hide n seek wif me.

i give him rice, he eats. but i scared he gag as it's dry.
so i think i'm gonna start him on fish/bittergourd soup & rice le. skip the porridge part..
every time waste my efforts lor.
bbpink, i also lost 1 bottom last molar tooth.. cracked big hole. delayed the patching. end up dentist say cannot patch liao. cause too near nerve. so he plucked it out.. juz last mth.
i so can't get used to a little lobang there...
i suspect my calcium lvl drop alot after preg...
maybe he dun like food jar? cook soup stock for him... then add fresh veg..at this age bb dun lik food jar n it is definitely healthier to eat fresh cook veg than food jar..

alex so cute with his teeth gap... not too worry lah, they have to change all the teeth at certein age right? if i am not wrong. Brendon's has rabbit's teeth and a little gap between them too.


aiyo..i miss gathering vr much leh.i think i can only join next year gathering lio. i still remember last year christmas gathering at kais's house. we were still preggies, now our babies 9 mths lio...kekekeke

here are the latest Brendon pitures


wow...Chalsea has grown so pretty...aiya, brendon too young hor for chalsea hor, hehehehe just kidding. erm... or wait for your 3rd one...hope is a girl as pretty as chalsea, kekekeke
THanks kate
Brendon is a handsome boy too! he looks like he's having so much fun....u guys so lucky, can spend so much time in HK

I've also been missing many gatherings :p mostly from catching the flu bug...the type that can go to work no problem but not nice to be around kids *haiz*

alex really looks like u, v. nice smile....can't remember how your hubby looks like so can only see similarities wif u hahaha
Your bb is happy one. So cute!

Spotted 2 teeth coming out of my son's lower front gum. After so long of drooling, finally I see the teeth yesterday! Hahhahah!
clover: yup.. i agree. alex so cute. split image of u when he smiles like tat.

kate: brendon very photogenic hor.. he loves being photographed, i think.. almost all pics smiley ones.

abc: so far, i've given spinach, broccoli, carrot, fish in his porridge. (freshly cooked)
all kenna rejected by him. i din use stock. i mince the veg and loosely grind the brown rice and cook together.
cause i tried cooking solid brown rice, took me almost 2hrs to soften the rice. and he dun eat also.
he prefers plain porridge. but i think it's no nutrients. so i add veg n fish. but he also dun like.
so i try all sorts of things i can find.
fresh, jar, etc..
only things he like is rusk n bread.
so sianz..
i wanna give up cooking for him so many times.
imagine i spend so much time n effort sourcing food n cooking it, he only eat 1spoon. tat's all!
the rest, throw away..

sometimes i give him corn stock to drink or mashed sweet potatoes also. i'm running out of ideas..
brendon so grown up now. So cute... happy bb... he is cruising very well too right? can see his foto that he is holding something to stand.
just for laughs

megan eating

megan at gymboree

think our babies can enrol for level 3 class..level 2 more for 6-10 mths old babies. instructions mainly using songs. it started off with some singing on the mat, then moved on to the play gym. it ended off with some fun activities on the mat, for e.g. bubbles blowing, puppet play etc. for level 3 classes, more time given on the play gym itself. i think megan enjoys herself but she needs more time to warm up...
we'll be enrolling her for the classes but will start her after CNY cos 12 lessons to be completed in 3 mths ( another extension of 1 mth allowed). can go for trial class at $40 but if u sign up for membership at $50, the trial class is free. As member you get to use their play gym at $12/hr. for non-member is $20/hr.
tat very ex.There's another play gym at civic centre - My GYM. 45min 12 session $380. From 10 mth onwards. Each lesson is accompanied by free play 45 min for the week, tat is , one week = one class and one free play... 12 session $380. Only 2 makeup session allowed.
hi mummies

need yr advice...

i got 2/3 part of pre molar(not molar) tooth decayed. the surgeon suggest me to get it fix urgently

shd i go ahead to extract or save the tooth by doing root canal treatment which cost me ard 1k

wanna to hear advices before i make decision ...
i read that implants are less complicated, and painfree

celia, u try to yahoo on that..only saw a clinic advertise some time ago..

root canal i personally am scared of the surgery..involves root
celia, root canal is abt 1k. but u still need to fix a crown to permanently secure it. otherwise it might break.. but i think can see if u remove it. so when u smile, will have hole there.
if u have the finances, of course it will be better to save it.
another way is to remove it then fix a denture there permanently. (non removable)
Brendon looks like a cute toddler , Kate ! bbies really shot up very fast man

hehe, kyzac looks like megan when eating a teethingrusk
babypink :

what kind of implants huh ? first time heard ... u know how much it cost ?

i done root canal before... i scared out of the wits...

petrina:not really can notice if i smile gently not wide smile ...

wow i din know can fix denture . any disadvantage ?
u r still bfing ? think u gt to chk wif dentist cos usu they'll gv antibiotic which nt suitable for Bfing mum.

y dun u make appt with polyclinic to go national dental centre? think it is heavily subsidize right?
tooth implant, heard less pain
saw it in newspapers

<font color="0000ff">gathering later</font>
hehe, will bring cookies as well
look forward to seeing u all later!

Date : 21 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 1pm -3pm ( Lunch Gathering)
Venue: Pancake's place @ Faber Drive, Clementi

Attendees (everyone welcome, no shy!)
1. Pancake &amp; bb
2. Bbpink &amp; bb - Xmasy Noodles and Xmasy cookies
3. Jerejoy,hb &amp; bb - Nonya kuehs
4. FL,hb &amp; bb – topshells &amp; sparkling juice.
5. Ade n family (if hubby not working then i attend)
6. Liyun n bb ( will try IF its on 21st Dec)
7. Aileen &amp; bb - Otah
Pancake's place gathering,
sorry mummies, I have to give it a miss again cos I m shifting house tomolo. Do enjoy the session!
Really like to go but stil got so much to do! Already delay the date for shifting liao. Siao liao! Siao liao!
abc: if she do extraction, dun need antibiotic.. only painkillers. i juz took panadol. i din eat the painkiller they gave though they said was safe.
if she do root canal, no med is needed.
i went ndc to do my wisdom tooth surgery. very bad experience. i wun not recommend ndc to anyone. unless it's simple cleaning or filling.
megan so cute haha...dat's why i never give bb tommy teething rusk, so messy!

Glad that megan likes gymboree...me and chelsea used to love gymboree...in fact i bought her that clown gymbo so that we could play wif him at home too :p

hope you solve your tooth problem soon.

where r u moving to?? u no longer in YCK??

hope everyone has a good time! we can't wait to see the pics bbpink ;)
bring ada for family photoshoot at foto-u. she was smiling and smiling till she toppled in the flowerpot and got blue black...haizz

Hi mummies, brought the kids out for a swim this afternoon. Here's a pic to share:


Look @ Rhys' face, he look so funny with that expression... =P
mummies, gd morning!

Having stomach flu, both me &amp; hubby. Guess we gt it from my two eldest. Haiz... Today on mc. Must stay at home &amp; cannot go near baby Rhys Liao.

Mummies, am now doing posting with hubby's new iPhone bought during Singtel promo.. It's quite fun actually. And I find that it's quite worthwhile though domes of the specz not very good. But then it have the function of iPod. And can also be used as phone and can go online almost anywhere there's connection. I think like that quite worth it Liao.
Did some water splash on your boy's face, that's why his eyes are closed?
He looks very cute in his float.

The weather on Saturday was very good and I brought James out for his first swim. He was kicking and splashing around for 45 mins. Later that night, he was knocked out and slept thru all the way till 6am the next morning!
Are you using any particular program to resize your photos? If you are using Windows XP, you can try to right click on the photo file and see if there is an resizing function? Normally I use "Custom" Size 320x320 pixels and the photo would not be too small and file size is still within limit.
