(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi mummies, thanks for all the warm words. anyway, my doctor is right, roseola (the fake measles) not bothering/not itchy one. and it's not due to allergy. it's due to the viral fever that he gotten last friday. he's perfectly normal except being grumpy and looking ugly with the red bumpy spots and having 2 molars in progress of breaking the gums. apparently his fake measles is moderate case. Like baby L, din seem to be rough and bumpy as those are mild ones. And those super serious ones are very very angry red and very floaty like fongmok.

well, i think my boi super emo, must have gotten my genes . yea, i think he's about being ignored plus I scold him upside down in the morning... Anyway, after the PD visit, I went window shopping (din find anything nice to buy). I had a 2hr grace strolling the stores as he was being very good by napping 2hrs!

it's good to know it's only due to viral fever. my boy kena red blotches a few mths back after been down with a fever. Didn't occur to me it's viral fever that leads to the rashes. also thought it's fake measles or even milk allergy. they will clear on it's own very soon.

Kaylen also got similar rashes before. We so worried that brought her to see Dr. Dr said, "Oh, its just your girl saying bye bye to a viral infection". It didn't go away for few days and we went to seek 2nd opinion. TMC went for blood test and confirmed its viral infection. It seems that it is common these days that the kids get rashes after viral infection leh.
Its a challenge to bring Kaylen shopping, esp grocery shopping. She doesn't want to sit in the shopping trolley for long. When she is down walking, she would happily pick up all sorts of things from the shelves and put into the basket. If I take it away from her and put back, she would start screaming and crying in the store. Just yesterday, I got so fed up, I just left her sitting in the middle of the aisle to throw her tantrums. A lady actually told me its ok, she will eventually get up and follow me, which Kaylen did when I walked away. After every trip to the mall, I'm so tired aft all that "fighting" with her.
The best middle name ever

It's not Warren or Susan or Otis or Samuel or Tricia.

It's "The."

As in Attila The Hun or Alexander The Great or Zorba The Greek.

When your middle name is 'The', it means you're it. The only one. The one that defines the category. I think that focus is a choice, and that the result of appropriate focus is you earn the middle name.

Jordan's Furniture in Waltham was the place to go for that sort of thing. Bocce Pizza and the Anchor Bar were the places in Buffalo when I was growing up. Google is more appropriately called Google the search engine.

Seek the.

Of course, Winnie the Pooh is the exception that proves the rule.
csi fan,

great, i shall suggest this to my fren who's thinkg of a middle name for his daughter who will b arriving anytime after cny.. hehehe.. =P
hi all,
thanks... he's looking less measely today. now my turn to catch flu. think i gotten from him. stayed home to sleep in today. i asked my pd what to do with his appetite. He seemed less interested in his meals nowadays. she asked me to intro more choices, pancakes, pizza etc instead of rice/porridge.. now got to wreak my brains on his dinners...
Am glad that Shawn is better liao, now your turn ah... take care or you will not get to enjoy cny!

I am also wreaking my brains on what to cook for Kyrell, so far he never rejects the food but I wanted him to try more healthy varieties.

Last week I bought this instant cranberry/blueberry porridge from marks and spencer, its easy just throw into boiling water and done in 5 mins. He likes it leh. I bought it to try, in case sometimes really no time to cook before we go out, can use this to fill him up 1st
so sian, boi jus caught flu from his jie jie yesterday..now sneezing so badly and running mild fever...what a CNY
I just realised that JK prefers solid rice rather than mashy porridge.

Mine just recovered by fever yet not just having mild runny nose...
hello mummies, just found this thread. my 1st daughter also born dec 07. im concern abt her food & appetite as well as teething. she had fever these past 2 weeks, if it's caused by teething, may i know, how high is the degrees usually? she's up to 39, visited DR 3 times already. her gums so swolen, seems the molar coming out...she's in pain i think, but dr didnt give anything for her gums & I forgot to ask also (i heard can apply some creams?) any recommendation for teething gel n where to buy? thks
dpand, i read that teething's fever is often low grade. that is, shouldn't go beyond the high 37s. you may want to change a doc and see if your bb is having any infection. i use dentinox as well.
dylan's mom, i tried the rice and soup cos she always asks for our rice when we eat. i'm so glad i found the way to her tummy. hey, btw, i tt-ed the 1.50 to u already.

val, ya lor... now i have to adjust our diet. more fish, no salt and msg. seems to be adjusting well. i'm just so happy she's eating. u know wat i mean... after all the STRESS from her refusal to take even a mouthful.

jeelo, good that shawn is less mease-ly now. poor thing. but i saw the video of him walking. my hub says he's a BIG boy! (relative to my ikan bilis la)
dpand.. can't help u on the teething.. coz arvin's yet to hav any teeth.. but ya.. shld not hav so high fever.. pls maybe get a 2nd opinion. 39 is quite high.

tub, u made me laugh wif ur 'ikan bilis'.. mine is 'tadpole'
currently he's 9.1kg n abt 72cm.
deerdeer...OIO.. 010... those maternity shops with green logo.. they hv.. bought mine frm thr last time.. n 2 days ago i saw they having 50% off selected swimming suits. simple n cheap.

my chilli padi is 8kg+ and 74cm. mayb she's goin to b like popeye's wife. FYI, i TINK her first tooth is coming out. hehe..hopefully one will b out before she turns 15mths in approx 3 weeks.
steffietan... yeah for 'olive's' new tooth...
jus joking ya.. i jus had a talk wif arvin's paed.. she said as long as healthy/progressive growth/gd intk of food shld be ok.

r u small built?
tub, yea.. guess he's at the right size for me to hold his hand to walk about! last visit he's at 11.4kg & 80cm. Weight gain maintain vs last month, partly because he din eat very well over the past weeks. today, no more spotty shawn. yay!
mimeole, mine is about 9kg and 77cm! prob longer now and not very much heavier! steffie, susu is THE olive!

haha, dun think i'm THAT small built la..but i've got small bones (tts wat ppl say at least)..+ my hb also not incredible hulk pattern.. haha..


haha..but e more i see my 'olive', e more i find her endearing. =)
ok ok.. tub n BBnGG... i do think it shld be abt 8+++ to 9ish la.. coz he was fidgetting arnd on the scale n we din get a stable reading until aft 3 tries... so of coz i jus remember the biggest...

e reason y i asked if u were small built is coz.. hubby n i r fat.. fattie fat fat.. so when our dearest son is kinda small.. it doesn't look quite rite.. haha.. esp since last time when i was younger pple used to tease me tt i ate my bro's food.. coz he's totally scrawny even nw.. so i'll jus box the person who says tt to me abt arvin... hahah..
QJ also likes plain rice. He also loves soup. These days, I hear that he has a bowl of soup + his usual porridge for dinner. Then when we get back and eat our dinner, he sometimes will ask for rice and more soup. What's with soup that the kiddos like it so much?

Mummies, my QJ has not tipped the scale beyond 10kg and he's 74cm. Always hovering around 9.8-9.9kg.
happy new year everyone & happy holidays!
i hope we won't miss the flight on Sunday. 2wks ago, we woke up at 6.30am to catch 8am flight.. thanks to my hb who shut the alarm clock off when it rang!
steffie, i also think your olive is very cute. i think she'll look real cool when she grows up. hehheh.

val, dunno leh... cos it's like flavoured water to them?
<font color="aa00aa">hihi mummies!!!!
really got no time nowadays to catch up with u gerls here.

no matter what, here's wishing all the lovely chinese mummies...
Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>
help! yu ru keeps scratching and hitting ppl, yesterday, she wanted a toy that my 5yo cousin was playing with and when he turned away, she immediately went for his head. I pulled her out and she got so pek chek, she literally clawed my face and pulled my hair. It was so damn painful that i shouted at her and my grandaunt and everyone just ran out. They thought there was an attack or what. Argh, my mum just carried her away to sayang her (*GRRR*) and my hubby slept through the entire thing. So angry and upset. How do you ladies manage this type of behaviour? When she doesn't get her way, she'll also bite, but her teeth arent as sharp as her nails. Last night after shower, I checked and there were 2 scratches on my face. Now i also pek chek.


aiyo, jia lat. actually i am also looking for ways to manage this kind of behaviour. dylan likes to use his head as a weapon whenever he doesnt get what he wants. Usually i let him cry it out until he stops... but today he just went on and on until he was practically hyperventilating. haiz
what to do?
