(2007/11) November MTBs

mambobb, if u can get 5 mummies to buy the BECO, the seller willing to give FREE shipping-tats what i negotiated. But orders must be in before 1st may.

Haha.. I bet u wish to hv something stuffed in yr ears whenever she said tt! But gd la, Kiros looks like poster bb! Send him for modeling assignment! hehe.

So many ppl love your darling. So blessed!!

u stay in Pu Dong or Pu Xi?

I have no choice lah.. dun mean to let go of Ethan leh. I thot u will come back eventually. *haiz* What to do?! Now my Chloe left stranded..

(While I m gg thru the thread, here's Chloe, showing me face...)
wow, thread has moved! and it's fast! haha...

yvonne, i leave both my gals at my mum's place about 5 mins drive from my place... haha... at least someone whom i trust is taking care of them very well...
yvonne, Cloe v guai leh. If i put ashlee sitting like dat, she'll surely try to flip.

my darling no one chop leh, sob sob

any mummies wan to pull 2gether for the 5 BECO carrier for free shipping?
Hi Yvonne,

Will chloe be 'angry'.. haha, showing the buay song look.. 'will you stop using the pc?'..

Please lah, poster baby.. he is not la. she is giving credit to herself for getting me those posters. and in fact she handed me those posters shortly after i got married to her son lor.
1 day never log in, so many posts to catch up. read till blurr.

Side track a bit, wanna ask u all what excuses will u cook up (beside taking mc/leave) to go for an interview?

Hi S@L

For the jewellery, i am int in the rainbow natural shell bracelet. I have the discount code meant for the second purchase.


For the yahoo group, can add me too at([email protected])


What's the chair u placed chloe in?


If any1 don't want ethan, maybe my cayenne can "chop" him.

If i take mc, my boss will ask me what sickness. If i take leave, he will see "big calendar" whoever take leave, can't clash. So sianz of working in this company. I was telling my hubby why don't i tell him i taking time off to go interview instead, don't know what will he react?


Forgot to add on, now bath and body works also got sale. i like their shower gel. www.bathandbodyworks.com
Here is the pair of Adidas Shoes that i brought for Claire in HK. Got Pink color but i prefer Blue coz Claire has too much pink stuff!


Anyone interested to go HK shopping liao? Hehe, there are more designs of Baby Adidas shoes!
Yvonne, i dun go Nu Ren Street anymore liao ever since I started working and have the purchasing power (not much but enough to let me indulge in some branded goods)... Hehe

U can go to the Factory Outlets at Tung Chung Station whereby there are 2 shops selling leather shoes, one is Joy n Peace & the other one is Le Saunda. There are quite a lot of factory outlets there... The stuff is good especially for Nike, Adidas & Puma.

The best time to shop in HK is where they have summer sale in Jul-Aug but the weather is even hotter than Singapore.

Those outlying islands are good for relaxation and hikes. Not to mention the food, yummy! Plus the air is so much better! If Claire is older, i think i will bring her there too!
fanny, then just take urgent leave lor, come back then kena fr boss.

kaye, nice leh the shoe diff design fr our local BP. my mum forbid me fr wearing shoes for ashlee til she is 1 yr old so most times she is bare feet.

Thanks for the input. How come your mum don't let u wear shoes for ashlee, is there a "story" behind the reason? My friend only says not to buy shoes for the kid before she knows how to walk. It is sort of "pantang".
Fanny, yalor take urgent leave or MC. If ur boss asked, just say menstrual cramps/LS/headache etc or personal reasons

Re: Shoes
I kiasu Mummy mah, i buy it for her to wear when she is 1 yr old. I saw another pair of shoes that is very nice but its SG$50 after conversion.. So, i din buy! Just bought her this pair and it also comes with a toy. This shoe is actually designed in conjuction with Fisher Price!
k@ye, the shoe is so cute! er, but how u know the size fits for her when she's 1? hehe...

I also heard the saying that b4 bb can walk, dun put on shoes for them, also dunno why...

fanny, tell ur boss last min. no one takes care of ur gal, u hv to take leave... else if u can, arrange ur interview during lunch hr or after office hour, then your boss wnt have anything to say/ask u liao...

langlao, ya, so quiet tonight... sigh, juz finished my concall! so tired... but still feel like browsing thru the threads leh... hehe, now u tell me, i also feel like looking into the BP thread for anything that i can spend on *lol*
fanny, i oso dunno why but it is patang. she say soft soles can, hard sole cant.

gemini, how to combine to make up 5 BECO?

dreamer, me sending u my order. managed to find more stuff 2 buy including 2 hats
wow!! threads so long ah??.....

dreamer/pig07/fanny/ mambobb
wow!!! suddenly so many potentials ah??? so you guys don't mind Ethan too far hor???... then "on" lah .....Ethan..don't cry don't cry....mommy find you 4 potentials liao ..but hor .... ...Ethan has seen mambobb's girl, but hasn't seen dreamer and fanny 's girl girl leh ...don't know got chemistry or not leh ....for pig07's girl must wait until Dec then can tell "gum bo" ....

what to do!! Ethan "bei pao qi" twice already leh ...me "kan cheong" liao lah ...no potential headache, ah but then hor, now got 4 potentials ...also headache ...haiz ....haaaa....

I think Chloe got the "she2 bu4 de2" my Ethan look leh .... you bad mommy ..."break" them up ... heeee...
Hi Shane,

wa lau. you still must see photo before can decide if want to match make with Ethan bo ah? haha.. my maternal instinct is telling me that it could be a gal this time. shall see.

the pair of shoes is nice sia. Didnt see this design available at the BP. Stylo sia.

Seeing this pair of shoe suddenly remind me of the show by julia roberts and Richard gere 'runaway bride'..haha.
yo...don't worry too much ...last time ...most of the kids also 1 year apart ..my bro and I also 1 year apart ...and last time people have so many kids some more ... I think Sin not that common 1 year apart??? but you will be very "xin nang" already after that ..my mum told me want to give birth better give birth fast ..bring the young young children up together is xiong, but as they grow older, it gets easier ....can play together ...so nice ....yo..pig07, you should ask you MIL: "mother, you got " mug huah" -eye blur, boh? poster baby is someone else bb leh ...Kiros doesn't look like your son meh??" heee...

yo..the shoes so nice
I wanted to buy shoes also for Ethan, but hor, after thinking twice, I think better buy after he can walk cos' their feet outgrow very fast ...if buy too big and wait for him to walk ..then hor ,if other nicer designs come out hor, I more "qi gake" ...
Chloe still new to this rocker, so guai guai lor. Quite deep for her to flip.

True.. u feel more ease at work when u know your darlings whom u have carried in yr womb for mths are with some1 u trust.

Haha. U know my Chloe best ah! I also find her like 'buay song'.. so funny , tt's y I took a few pics of her lidat.
Seems like u have a traditional 'po po' but a bit modest compared to the ancient type.. using indirect methods to hint hint u. She muz b v happy now that u r preggy.. =)

Chloe is in a rocker that can be carried around, like a basket.

I like tt pair of Adidas!! Arrghh.. made me even more 'gian' to go HK. But as long as I stay in my current job, I won't b able to get to HK during its seasonal sales =(

Hmm.. Maybe hor? I dun mean to 'break' them up leh. Now ended up my Chloe alone.. no taker liao. U come back with Ethan la.. later your hb may 'se bu de' n give in to u? *hehe*
You seeeee... what you have done to Chloe.....now got 4 potentials leh..they bo hiam Ethan too far leh...better have DIL fly here...then can see grandchildren everyday...haaaaa....am I thinking too far liao...haaaaaa....

mommies with boy boy hor...if you don't go back to your MIL house hor...you not scared next time your future DIL does the same thing to you ah????heeeee...
Shane, u really so funny!!! As much as we also want to be filial and do our part as DIL. Somehow, when got preferential treatment... U won't want to visit the in laws liao. :p

Yvonne, can also go to HK during Sep-Oct, they might have leftover summer sale items. Plus the weather is good also!

I purposely buy bigger. My only concern that it might be too small for Claire coz she inherited my big foot! Oh, it has been medically proven that best not to let children wear shoes b4 they know how to walk, so as not to restrict their feet growth. I guess old folks last time dunno, so it becomes a "pantang".
Gemini, langlao3, no its not from cozybabies, its from theportablebaby.com

i can pass u the contacts if u can get 5 orders. cos its nt worth to pay for shipping if u cannot get tt much orders.

As i hv mentioned me and Ueno intended to buy from this web initially,. but reckon tt the price diff nt much and now already end Apr, might as well wait for cosybabies stocks to come in in May.

due to the recent recall problem, i think its better to get support from local distributor rather than buy direct from the US cos they dun give warranty or repair service for out of the country sales. hope tt helps
hi all, juz to share, i bot my beco from a US website and it was a butterfly. for the recent recall, i sent it back for repair with no problems. got it back already.

juz to share with u
when i shipped over there, they were willing to pay for it... but i no have paypal a/c then, ... so i told them forget about reimbursing me. (on hindsight, should have juz asked them to pay lah ... hahaha...so after that, i went to get a paypal a/c)

then they sent it back to me via the usual USPS with tracking service. they paid for it.
S@l, awwwwwww. There goes my Pediped shoes!!!! Nvm, will get Shane to buy for me if she is coming back to Sg in Nov... Hehehe! *Evil laughs*

S@l, what is the difference bet ur 4th Generation & the Butterfly Beco carrier?
dreamerhk i see that sounds quite ok.

k@ye buy from the BP now lo. got bundle sales i think.

i m nt sure why the other mummy told me butterfly nt so good . she decided to keep her 4th gen and sold her butterfly. i think she mentioned becos butterfly has another layer 'Y' shape thingy inside and put baby first then sling onto body...4th gen is opposite. she said 4th gen easier. i dunno cos nvr tried 4th gen before. maybe next time we shall hv a gathering, Dreamerhk u bring ur butterfly then we compare and see the diff. i m tempted to get butterfly for the 'design's' sake la...function wise i think is the same.
united square got kids bazaar sale..was there yday for lunch. they have sale for guess kids, osh kosh, bob the dog, disney babies, enfant, gio kids, etc..
k@ye, i think one key difference is the number of ways u can carry the child -- with 4th gen, seems like can carry front facing. with butterfly cannot.

after i bot butterfly, i kinda "Regret" -- tot mebbe 4th gen will be better... but anywayz, i dun have 4th gen, so cannot compare....heehee.

and, actually i've haven't used my butterfly yet... have been using my Obi carrier (also fr beco... which i lurve...for the ease) ... but not very good as the baby gets heavier!

gemini, i got it from www.frogmama.com .... her butterfly is not the cheapest around...but becos i wanted to buy the obi (she has seconds which were cheaper), so i bot 2 from her....plus she's quite responsive
dreamhk, no 4th gen cannot face front too. only can hip carry i think butterfly cannot, anyway i also nvr tried to use hipcarry.

wah u bought obi too? up to how many KG?

S@l, i buey gum wan that the BP charges postage for the shoes coz the BP owner is doing online biz also. The owner not like u leh, doing BP coz u like to share with us good buy. Hehe, i know i quite cat on these lor! :p

I just went Amazon and bought books for Claire! Hehe, Skye², ur "fault" for posting those books on ur blog lah.... I fell in love with them, i think i will try to read it to Claire!
