(2007/11) November MTBs

RE: Bumbo seat

Mummies who are keen to get, can go TAKA bb fair. its $59.90 with tray. no need to wait for Isetan sale next week.
I ordered 1 pc of pink col already, but in the end didnt buy cos dun think i will need it. So many things to let Mischa sit on, Combi highchair, FP rocker, bumper mat, and now Jumperoo..hahaha...hubby is gonna kill me. Like i have 5 kids ard need so many things.

Hi mommies, thanks for replies on burping.

Grace, Ash looks so cute in the jumperoo - hoping like a kanga.

It's so expensive. My husband sure won't let me buy, especially when I've just bought the bumper mat. I never 'invested' in such things when I had my son.
i like to sell my bumbo (lilac colour) + tray since now I've bought the jumperoo (no space to store!), any takers? In excellent condition..box intact. Pls PM or email me at [email protected] for price and details. Thanks.
thks langlao3. thinking whether to get it new or 2nd hand. I checked out at SH, cost abt S$100 for just the bumbo seat. So decided to get it from SH and have my friend who is coming over next month to bring for me. So still discussing to get a 2nd month one from one mummy at $35. But then hers doesnt come with a tray. Just thinking this deal is quite worth it.

But those mummies have this, u think our bb outgrow them very fast? My hubby doesnt want to buy too many thgs for Matt in SH. Else we hv to ship back next time. Typical practicall daddy. But mummy wants to buy everythg for him.
hi all,

i oso back from isetan sale...
hands wanna break liaoz..
good buy there leh...
the toys mostly 30% off...
i wanted to get the tiger bundle oso but ended up getting the thermos shuttle chef...the magic cooker thingy..
oso got the blender, my fren say good so i get...
re: burping
i'm very lazy when coming to burping my bb...if less than 1min she don't burp i stop le. but i do put her down on her back then pick her up again to help her burp..it works! sometimes she'll burp aft her diaper change aft milk, on her own, sometimes on her Bumbo seat. if she cries when i put her on her back i'll pick her up and burb her to make sure it isn't a burp.

i try to maintain a 4 1/2hr nap time in the day time from the time she wakes, 730am, to the time she sleeps 830-9pm. i'll worry she can't sleep if she oversleeps her naps. which also mean i'll wake her up once it's milktime regardless on how sleepy she is, that's only for daytime.
generally, it goes like this
730am wake & milk
9-10am nap
11am milk
12pm-2pm nap (this nap is the longest..esp when her morning nap is less than 1 hr..gd cos it gives me time to catch up on sleep or do housewk etc)
2pm milk
4pm-430pm nap
5pm mllk
630pm-7pm nap
730pm milk
9pm bedtime
1030pm dream feed
afternoon naps are the most erratic and hardly lasts for more than 1hr

Eliza still wakes up at night...sometimes hourly (drives me nuts if she does that), not for milk but to kick and scratch her face. hai....on better days she wakes up once to do the same thing. i use pacifier to get her back to sleep. i know it's not gd but it's the easiest..sometimes she doesn't even want it. my last resort is to turn her over on her tummy to sleep, she sleeps the best this way. i also try my best not to carry her up..cos i realize that unless she's genuinely hungry, my carrying her up wakes her up.

jiayous woh! not easy waking up in the middle of the night many times...crawling out of bed and back again. sometimes i just wake my hubby up to coax her instead...dunno how he sleep thru so soundly.
Hi there! can someone pls help me with my query i posted earlier? reali need some advice n help. My girl only drinks abt 15min on both sides and can last at least 3-4h, sometimes 5h even. Dunno is it cos she's not feeling well. Went to e PD 4 times within 3 wks. So poor thing, have to take 4 different types of medicine! =(
Hi Jay,

For me, I express my breast milk and store in fridge. I never latched my boy on for the whole 4 months. I feel that i can gauge his intake better this way though i might have missed out certain bonding with my boy by not latching on. Also because I want complete rest during confinement and leave the feeding to Confinement lady.

I expressed like 4-5 times a day. Making it around 6-7 bottles day. Each bottle is approximately 150ml. But his amount of milk varies from mummies to mummies. Besides that, I also suuplement my boy with formula milk.

My first pumping session of the day begins at 9am, and ends at 11pm. i dont wake up to pump. Interval of approximately 3-4 hours.

For a start at 2nd month, i supplement with 1 feed of FM a day, then slowly to 2, and now he is on full formula milk.

What did your PD say? is her urine ok when you see from her diapers? Is it wet? her poo also. How is the poo condition? What about her weight gain? If all is fine then perhaps you shouldnt worry so much. As I have heard before that latching on is 'ON DEMAND'..

If you are worried, why dont you pump out and let your gal drink and gauge from there? If you are considering to switch to FM, you can start on FM too. Like that maybe wont waste your BM.

What medicine did your PD prescribe? Why is there a need to take medicine? Medicine will probably make your gal more drowsy and no mood for milk. That is what happened when i gave paracetomol to my boy after his jab.
dordor or jay,
i express 4 times a day but it's not according to my bb's feeding time. initially i'll express after a feed to empty both breasts and increase my milk supply but that was when bb was 1mth plus. now my bb is on TBM, except for middle of the night feeds if she needs. ideally a 3-4 hour schedule for expressing is advised to keep yr milk supply going. but i find it too many times a day so i slowly decrease to a 5-6hr schedule but i also express more than what my bb drinks each time.
maybe you can try expressing after feeds to 'empty' both sides, and use it as a supplement feed or for feeds when you are not around to latch yr bb. or if you choose to feed yr bb EBM you express milk during that particular time.
is yr bb gaining weight well? if he/she is should be ok. at 4mths some bb can last 4hrs, b/w feeds it's quite normal.
oh dear...so is yr bb sick? how come have to take so much meds?
hi jay,

i am doing 2 feeds a day now with FM but will switch to 3 feeds a day soon. I'm trying to replace all the feeds that i'll be at work with FM and latch on in evening and night when i get back from work. However I do notice that my boy doesn't seem to cry out for milk already. like I have to REMIND him: time to drink milk. He usually latches on for 30 to 45min still, both breasts. I'm not doing any pumping so I can't help you on amt that I have.

If you want to pump, I think you should start by pumping like say 30min before one of her feeds.then you can btl feed her directly. OR if you mean that you want to pump milk to STORE up or something, or to build milk ss, then u can pump after feeds or in between feeds.

Olive:: here's travis's schedule.

6am: I'll wake him up for feed, then he'll zzz back.
8-830am: Gets up and play
930am: Bath time
10-1030am: FM Milk, then play
12 to 1pm: Water and nap
1 t0 130pm: play
130 to 215 or 230pm: Latch
230 to 4pm: Play
4 to 5pm: Nap
515pm: Bath time again
530 to 615pm: FM milk
615 to 7pm: play
7pm: nap a bit till 730pm
730 to 9: play and milk andzzzz
1030pm: will wake him to feed - depends on the time of his last feed. if it's 9pm then i won't, but if his last feed is around 7plus to 8plus, i'll wake him.
ard 3 to 4am: will get up on his own to feed.
Then 6am: the day starts again,
Hi Pig07 & skye,

my baby is borned very small, 2.265kg. during her 3rd mth jab, her weight was 4.6kg. PD says gd cos weight doubled. But after tt, she fell sick cos got it fm me. She seemed to be recovering till 2nd wk got worse. PD prescribed another medicine 4 her.
1 wk later, no improvement. She developed so much phelgm and has running nose, keeps sneezing. So PD asked me to give her e neubuliser. But didnt work as well. Yesterday went back for review, she gave another 3 new medicines. Heart pain cos even adults dun take so much medication.

Her urine is ok and she still poo poo as usual. Ever since she fell sick, she lost 100g and then put on 200g. So for e entire mth, she only put on 200g. So little.

I started to give her formula milk for her final night feed and she can manage abt 120ml.

Last time I used to express after her feed but only can manage abt 30ml. So thot its not worth e effort to express. too much trouble. Moreover, Im a SAHM with no help at all. Have to cook lunch, attend to her....

So what do you think? Should I continue to express? Cos she's very attached to me. She doesn't allow any1 else to put her to sleep except me. Any1 else she will wail frantically. Sigh! so even if i express and store, will i ever get to use it? I hv a few bottles of EMB in the freezer. Thinking of throwing away cos abt 2mths oredi.
Hi Jay,

Perhaps all the stress and duties as a SAHM you are facing, you could only express 30ml that time.

I know i should be encouraging mummies to BF, but if i am in your shoe in this case, probably i will switch to more or full FM, and pump whenever and as much as I can. However much or little you can pump, use it as supplement for her. Main will be FM. Anyway, you mentioned that can manage about 120ml for her nite feed shows that she is drinking okay.

Perhaps the medication also make her drowsy hence she chose to sleep as opposed to drinking, which is normal. But if you main concern is to pump weight into her, perhaps you shld consider switching to FM or EBM where you can see the amount she is drinking.

My feel la, if she is not drinking enough (be it FM or EBM), it could make it harder for her to recover fully as she lacks the nutrients and anti-bodies to fight the bacteria in her.

My boy caught his runny nose and cough from me few weeks ago. He recovered after 4-5 days of medication I blamed myself initially for passing the germs to him.

You been seeing the same PD all the while? Wonder if it helps to change PD at this time? To seek a second opinion if it really worries you about her weight gain etc.
my gal just flipped! THRICE! First time, i helped her 10%. 2nd time she flipped herself, then i flipped her back and called my hubby to come and watched, and she performed for daddy again!! SO HAPPY! Heeee
Hi Dreamer

Same here...my boy used to drink alot...now he drinks like 5 mins one side, and dont want anymore...and can last like 2 over hours , even 3...and today, my breast hard like rock as he hardly drank much...he is 3 months 3 weeks already. He's been like that since he turned 3 months...
Wonder why when baby turned 3 months their intake will be less? Will ask my PD when I see her next week.
Regarding burping, I still burp my boy, but realised that most of the time, he burped himself if you hold him upright, so no real need to really burp.

Wah Gloomybear, so nice..your girl flipped...my boy still have problems lifting his head for a long time when on his tummy(not his fav as his head pretty heavy). Dont know when he will flipped.
Jay, agreed with Pig07 why don u seek a second opinion? Go to another PD. Meanwhile don give up bf until u are certain that u need FM to help her to gain weight.

S@L very tempted after seeing grace's daughter in action. :p
How long can we use it?
Jay, my bb is on total expressed BM since Wk 2. Like Pig07, I found it easier to monitor how much Matt takes (maybe I am too much a control freak) and I dislike the messiness if bb cannot latch properly. Back at work for almost 1 month now, my milk supply is pretty stable and I express about 1 litre a day, 4 times. I stretch max 7 hours sometimes, whereas others can be ard 4-6hr. At first when I started stretching to 7hrs, my milk supply dipped a bit, so I try to express longer and hv bb latch on a bit to help increase. Now it's quite stabilised.

My boy caught a slight cold 2 weeks ago. Went to 2 PDs in Shanghai as I work and live there now. Both Ang Mo. Both never give any medicine. One even said use my BM to apply into his nose since my BM would have the antibodies since I spreaded the cold to him. I tried for almost a week and he recovered subsequently. Guess Ang Mo docs dun believe in administering too much medicine. But u can give this a try if u want. No promise though, may vary from bb to bb.
When are u going to order? Can u save a slot for me 1st? $210 including delivery is gd so that can send to my friend's place, then he can help me bring back to SH. But give me the wkend, let me try to check this out at Toys R Us here. Let Matt try to see if he likes it. What's the brand of the jumperoo?
pig07, poissons,
What's that occasion at 4 months old? What purpose is it for? Is it hokkien thing since u eat mee suan? Me cantonese, never hear abt this from my mum before.
It's Fisherprice Rainforest Jumperoo.

No special occasion actually, just a traditional practice to let our babies taste food so that they will "appreciate" food (poultry, veggie, seafood) in future. My mum learnt it from her nanny fren, we are hokkien/teochew...not sure if cantonese practise this as well.
Do you wish to try TCM?
My boy has alot of phlegm so I bring him to a TCM in Jurong East recommended by a close friend. This sinseh specialises in infant and kids and I find that she's quite good. The inconvenient part is you have to brew the medicine yourself but that's quite easy and manageable. Perhaps you can bring your baby to let her "tiao" and see how? I always believe that chinese medicine can kill the roots of illness, but you have to peservere to see the results in the long term. Western medicine are just temp solution and usually the illness will recur.

PM me if you wish to have the contact.
Tinkabel, i think Cantonese also have such things. My Mum also told me that in their kampong, they also let the babies have a taste of food. But, she discouraged me from doing that to Claire coz Claire is already very greedy, by doing so... She will be even more greedy.... Hehe!

Plumsource, yalor Claire has thunder thighs. The M size diaper is starting to be bursting at the seams!
dokie and tinkabel:: if u want the Jumperoo, please let me know,I've ordered mine from the contact given by sally but if i order alone it's 215. If there's 4 others plus mine, then each of us get to save 5 dollars.
Tinkabel, hehee.. I think Matt will like the taste of the drumstick!

Oh, my Mum gave Claire potato & tomatoes mashed up together to try.
Hi Pig07, dokie, tinkabel,poissons,

Thanks for your advice. I think my milk supply might not be that fantastic. Guess could be due to me falling sick few wks back. Sickness affects milk supply too.

As for my little darling, will let her take the mediciation for another few more days and assess her condition. Think she's sick of taking them cos these 2 days she keeps spitting them out.

I called the lactation consultant. She said to give her BM and supplement with FM. If not, she might not gain enuf weight.

sometimes I wonder why some mums have such gd supply while others struggle.
Hi Sal,
Bought the jumperoo ystdy but my boy can't reach the floor haha! so he just smiled at the sun and the other toys around the jumperoo so funny. I already adjusted to the lowest length. Do you think it's bcos he's still too short?

suzanne:: LOL you're soo cute! how many cm is your boy now?

kaye:: Hmm preferably by tmr cause I'm already liasing with the girl. so if confirm can get 4 orders, I can get a discount of 5dollars each for us.
But I'll confirm with her!

meanwhile, those of you who confirm want jumperoo can sms me lah 94759662 preferably by tomorrow night.
Hi Cindy,
Hmmm the last visit to the peads, he was 62cm. But that was in feb. Not too sure what's his length now...
Do you think i can elevate the floor by placing a telephone directory below? Hee...
Suzanne, i think its normal. if u check out Grace's link, her girl Ashlyn also cannot reach the floor. she used some telephone books. i think my gal also cannot reach. but soon they will.
Oh thought my son was too short haha! I'll give him some elevation tonight and see how he performs. Thanks for the info.

Zzz, It was so packed at Istean ystdy! wanted to get the thermos too but i just couldn't get past the crowd and didn't want to buy in impluse. How much did you pay for that? It's the one you can cook porridge right?
suzanne, i put a phonebook below. so that she wont tip toe. she can reach the floor already but i dont want to let her tip top. try again tonite.

as the for food jar, its $49 extra 10 percent. taka seling $69.
hi mummies, I just called isetan, the jumperoo is still at $199. They are having the Little Tots fair from 13 March to 5 April.
k@ye, juz to share with u...i remember reading somewhere that for eczema sufferers, should avoid tomatoes. i am not sure where i read it...i will go look for it... fyi.
thanks langlao!

But i think i'll still get the 215 one la. after all got free delivery and if i take taxi there and back already more than 215 liaos! ahahah!

those of you who are still interested, Sorry, the lady says have to confirm by tonight as she is delivering my order tomorrow morning.

If can't make it and still want to have her contact, let me know.
Hi Tinkabel,

Ya.. do let Matt have a taste of it. SImply brush past his lips if you fear its too oily. I am a teochew and hubby hokkien. But my mum told me cantonese does that too. kiros was so greedy. he got angry when we took the drumstick away. hahaha

Hi Jay,
Dont lament on the the milk supply. I guess its just that some has more supply than the others. Just do your best for your gal. Meantime ty what Tinkabel suggested, use yr BM and apply on her nose. see if that helps. No harm trying.

My PD also suggested to me to carry Kiros with his head on my shoulder and have him nap that way. Or can nap on infant car seat. That can help to relive block/runny nose while he is sleeping.
Dreamer, thanks for the info. I wanted Claire to eat tomatoes so that she can have good skin!

I m a tomato fan also! Hehehe!

Langlao, did they say the Jumperoo is while stocks last? I m definitely going to get it liao! Hehe! Jumperoo! Jump Jump!
Does anyone knw how many teaspoon should i give my son e Heinz pureed? The onw which a can of different fruit.. My son coming 4 months, don't really knw how 2 feed him wif those. Any suggestion?
unable to let u know by tonight, cos will need to bring matt to the toys r us to try it and also to check out the price.
Its better to start baby on solids when they are 6 mths old. U may like to check with yr PD if u really wana start early. For 1st foods, better to give plain baby rice/cereal, start with 1-2 teaspoon and gradually increase the amt if yr baby shows signs of wanting more. After 1 week, can start introducing vegs. I would not give my baby fruit 1st, as i dont want him to get used to the sweet flavour n reject the other bland food.

yes it was really packed.
initially got the $55 bundle, but later decided to get the thermos magic cooker instead cos the person and my fren say it stays warm even till the next day but dunno if she's using the same brand...
also planned to use it to cook soup or dessert for myself, like maybe put in the morning then hopefully evening come back can eat liaoz..hahaha
but dunno if its tat good lah...
i got the small 1, i tink its $85 less 10%...

did u get the u-like blender??
my fren say very good, so i got tat also..
buy so many things and take bus back..
my arms almost broke..hehe
