(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

CM: the bumps never increase.. to date only 5 of them in all over his body n they seems to be subsiding and no fever too. hmm maybe really his skin easily irritated by dirty linen or exposed to outside thing?

sanbebe: can u share what brand is the thermos cooking pot? though i wont start porridge till baby 8 mths old haha

feeding: think he doesnt like carrot..make the viomiting expression.. ha or mayb i dun cook long enough..? or maybe the vege smell v strong.
but mix with cereal he ll still take it..

unice: u mentioned ard 4 scoops (FM scoop) of cereal will replace a feed.. what brand of cereal? heinz or HT? seems like HT rice cereal powder like require more scoops than heinz to be ard the same amt..
Dear mummies,

this is my blog selling bb stuff. if interested, can go view.

And help me circulate to your friends and colleagues etc....Thanks ah !!
I will be updating some new arrivals today, hope by evening i can finsh upload all the pics.
Meanwhile you all can go see see look look.
Hi Zhen Zhen,
For me I'll cook for 2 meals. Keep the dinner in Thermos Jar. The one I bought by evening already cold, so usually I'll add some water and re-heat before feeding my son for dinner. Whereas some mummies cook porridge is slow cooker which some mummies said nutrients will be lost. I'm not sure about it.

Recently just join a BP for Leak-Proof Food Jar B3000PK2 (BP already closed). According to the mummy, by evening, the porridge is just nice for her daughter. U want like to try this.

babybaobei: u didnt leave the blog addy?

anyway MUMMIES using enfapro: NTUC haivng sale 2 for $62.75 (original px $68) so can go stock up.. i bought 2 too..
whahahahahaa....pai sei pai sei...
i am blur mummy...

now i still updating some stuff...hhehee..
you can go c c 1st...

btw the mummies here, my boy reaching 7mths soon.
i wan to change to 2nd stage of the milk powder.
now drinking friso 1 ....i asked the PD, she said friso 2 is the exactly same powder as no.1 ...is only cheaper?????? is it true?
i thinking to change to Similac.... any advices for me?
babybaibei: u still never leave ur blog addy leh!? haha

think similac is better in nutrients content than friso for omega 3,6, DHA, AA etc..
enfapro too.. for me thinking of switching to enfapro to try.

remember that friso 1 can be drink till end of 6 mths and enfapro to be start from 7mths onwards but similac can start from 6 mths onwards..
ecookie, I also notice small bumps on my baby recently. She has them all over her left eyebrow, neck and just today, red little bumps surface on her back. Could they be heat rashes?? coz weather really hot these few days.

So tired and sleepy dis few days. My son down wif fever, cough and running nose. Think i pass the virus to him!!

Fri morning just brought him to see PD for cough den late afternoon suddenly got high fever 39.4 degree!!! Faster bring him to KK. I show kk's doc the medicine his PD gave dat morning and he say dis medicine too strong for my son. OMG nearly faint... !!

Dis few days, my bb from a super active boy suddenly become so quiet and restless. Not his usual self. Poor boy....
BB Lance,
Great to hear from you. U are indeed a strong boy. Wishing u speedy recovery... *.*
Mummy Junnie,
U be strong too. Take gd care.

Ok... In that case, I need to prepare n bring along Jerry's lunch. Coz he is having his lunch around 12pm. Erhmmm... any gd place for all of us to gather @ Harbourfront/Vivo after the class?

re: porridge
Jerry normally has his porridge fresh from the stove. I steam the fish/potatoes/sweet potatoes with red dates, cook the blended brown rice till paste form (e.g. 1 1/2 similac scoop of blended brown rice to 100ml water) and mix them 2gether.
By the way, I find it slow to cook the normal rice (grain form) via the stove. Takes long time to cook till 'nua' form. Any advice on how to do that?
junnie, glad to hear bb lance is back home with you!! oh, poor boy kenna poked so many needle holes... *hugz*

zhen zhen, xavier will also have his porridge fresh from the small slow cooker or stove.

doobom, yeah, it takes very long time to cook the normal grain to nua nua type.. you just got to keep stiring it lor... i sometimes also stir until hand tired... if not use the small slow cooker, just throw everything in and wait for it to cook...
hi all

thks 4 encouragements once again. finally get to sort of settled down & will b going back to work tis tuesday. hmm.. bb lance is doing well except down w a little cough/phylem... his feeding time has been messed up during the hospital stay (now will wake up 2+am and/or 4/5+am for milk, quite 'siong' 4 me...), i still trying to 'tune' it back (last time 11+pm or 12am, sleep thru till 6/7am).

re porridge, i also hvnt start yet, currently bb is on frisocream (when i take care) & EYS brown rice (when with nanny) for lunch oni, hvnt increase to 2 meal yet, bb love to drink milk alot, sometime 180ml also not enuff (3 - 3.5hrly, oni when he sleep can last 4hr) but dare not increase for time being. nanny say will try porridge abt 2 mths time... usually nanny cooked 2 meal for bb (she brew a big pot of soup & use the soup to cook porridge & add fine ingredients eg. fish, veg, etc), but when i do it myself over weekend or nanny 'on leave', i'll oni cook once (using same method, brew diffent types of soup & use the broth to cook porridge) & i store in the pot & reheat. if going out, i'll store in thermal flask (the brand i bought last time is 'gourmet' - pour v hot porridge inside can stay 6-7hrs still warm). i find using slow cooker to cook porridge tends to bcom watery v easily (though porridge can b v fine), so i use pot to cook instead. hope my info helps.

annie... keep sponging your bb if fever shoot up, esp the forehead, neck, behind ears, armpit, groins areas... thru my experience, if bb hving infection (high fever), the paraceltamol wont b so effective, ie, b4 6hrly the fever will come back & cant feed paraceltamol again... so sponging is still the best... hope your bb recover soon..
Hi, for those wanting to get the bumper mat, for the yellow bear 1850mmx1250mmx12mm, alien sells slightly cheaper..

Oh, now then I figure out got bigger mat and different thickness. So is the thicker one more better?
mon blues, esp got to part with bb..

poor lance, so many red marks.. heartache..

thanks for ssw website: what's the diff between bumper mat & floormat? CC store is it in any building?

perlicia: what's alien? how much does it sell?
monday blues: im having it too.. seeing my MIL early in the morning and having to part my baby to let her take care is really v sianz!! feel like screaming! grr...

zinterz: bumper mat is thicker and will cushion baby head when they roll here n there..
CC store is at the carprk building opp OG at china town located on 3rd storey
morning mummies...

i so pissed with MIL yesterday. i ask my maid to open a can of longan and leave it in the fridge on sat, then sunday when i wan to eat, FINISHED LIAO! ah ya, not i petty over a can of longan, but is that when i got the urge to eat, nothing left liao! so pissed off, they wan to eat open themselves lah.. so irritating... hubby was so puzzled why i behave like this, i say whenever i want to eat something, that something sure finish one! very funny hor? then he say can go and buy mah, i say when i wan to eat means now wan to eat, all the way go and buy then open again, then finish up by someone else again, what's the point? my MIL still dare to stare back at me, kaoz!

even i buy like cans of green tea, soft drinks and leave it in the fridge hor, everytime i wan to drink no more left liao! so irritating!! i feel like telling him, it's fine to stay with the parents, but they should know how to behave lor, then make life easier for everyone. I dun eat or drink whatever they buy.
little lance,
you've been a very brave boi. so sorry you got so many red dots on your hand and feet, dun worry they will go away soon. stay strong ok and don't forget to be happy and smile smile when mommy and daddy and big sister play with you.
remember aunties here all thinking and hoping for the best for you
Today my boy at my mum's place...At least I know he will have porridge to eat...MIL go holiday already....

zinterz, oh, alien is another person selling the bumper mat, hers is around $110 compared to ssw $119...I am now think about whether to get bigger one and thicker one...But ex leh..
Pls try to psycho me which one is better... Think my husband will scream if he hear that the most ex one is $266.
frosty, don't be too angry at that...I get use to it already. My mil use to buy cheap ice-cream. When i buy magmum etc, wow, when I want to eat,no more liao. So I make up my mind, I won't buy. Nag to husband before, then he said FAMILY why must like that. Put there means anybody can eat...so I will not buy even I want to eat so much.
there are 3 lessons altogether. U will need to start on 26apr, 2pm. Is it ok with u?

Trio Trial

Sat 26apr, 2pm
2. jas55
3. totoro_bb
4. ueno
perlicia: same here, my dh will scream if i want to buy the bumper mat, so ex, compared to ntuc puzzle mats, tho i'm sure bumper mat's softer, cuter & better quality, sigh

frosty, try to close both eyes.. for me, everything i told mil about bb e.g. try not to sleep 'yao lan', let bb try a new food every 2-3 days etc, were not adhered to.. there was once mil let bb try 2 new foods in a day! thank goodness bb has no reaction or else!!
Perlicia, ya, now i dun buy anything to keep in the fridge liao! so pissed off liao, i am thinking to buy those mini fridge to put inside my room! hahaahah...

ecookie, ya lah, pek chek right? so irritating. somemore the PILs can finish it in one day..when i havent even touch it. kaoz...

then my MIL always bio i buy what bras somemore... kaoz.. say i buy so nice bras and undies, go where buy one? she already 70 liao leh, still wan to wear the same as me??? 0_o"
zinterz, luckily of all, hubby support to let my mum take care of my boy, if not i will faint if MIL take care.

anyway, i caught my maid kissing my boy today... any suggestion to stop her from doing so ah? ah yo... really headache man..

Glad to hear BB Lance and u are back... Lance really a strong boy and will stay healthy..
..Mummy junnie have to take care and rest well too...Hughugzz to both of u =)
so pissed off with my husband...just don't understand why man are like that... He just don't agreed to buy the bigger bumper mat. It all come to being more expensive. I told him if it is just $10 more , he will sure ask me to get the big one... And he said yes.

Make me so no mood to buy already. worried that difficult to roll up, heavy when his mother want to mop the floor.
frosty: where did the maid kiss ur boy? cheeks shd be ok right? dh kiss my bb on the lips and he kept denying initially! after i nagged about bacteria etc, he stopped (i hope)

perlicia: it sure is ex tho.. i'm still wondering if i shd get for bb.. cos if i want, i prob have to buy first then 'report' to dh later, haha
zinterz, this morning i happened to catch her giving a light peck on the lips! which i was shocked, she also shocked to see me. sighz, very irritating man.. even the mummy (which is myself) also dun kiss him on the lips lah!

then this morning when i leaving the house, she carry my boy and say goodbye mah, then my boy's face sort of go very close to her and she kiss him again! wah kaoz!
zinterz, in the end, i think i'm going to buy the puzzle floor mat. cos have to buy 3 sets, quite xiong on the wallet lor. but i'm going to buy the big squares type. hopefully that will be better.

frosty, must really tell explain to your maid why you don't want her kissing your boy. if she doesn't understand, she will keep doing it.
frosty fiona: ask ur maid dun do that leh!! not v hygenic leh!! even i myself only smell my boy (okie sometimes i go kiss his cheeks.. ha)

gingerleaf: u thinking of collating?? i dun mind a pack!

perlicia:maybe u buy the not so thick one like 11mm? its good enough for baby n defintiely easy to wrap up by ur MIL (aka not heavy)
Hi hi mommies!

Poor little Lance. Myself already cringe when the nurse poke the noodle to put the epi drip. Cannot relate how painful it must have been for him to be poke so many times!

your bb start to accept cereal? I still have NO LUCK! And now I realized if I feed him biscuits with hand, he eats! but once I start using the spoon, he turns away. GRrrr!!! How to feed cereal with hand!?! o_O
oh yeah...I forgot to mention that my boy has decided to declare strike to me by not drinking milk too! aiyo! already not taking cereal and now milk intake also drop!! used to be 900-1000ml / day but now barely 500-600ml.

What could be the reason? Don't like milk? teething? fussy? growth spurt?!
the price of $7.66 is b4 gst. After gst is $8.20

Ya, I shld be getting, but not sure how many I want tho. =/


it's such a good deal! But I already have like 10 packs at home so I'll have to practice control now..kekeke

that's what I thought too. Dunno whether is it because I change from Friso to Similac so he reject. Then now I check back to Friso he also don't want! like angry with me for changing. hahaha.
