(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Re: sleeping thu,,

My gal normally kicks up a fuss by 9+ and will wanna sleep. Most of the time, she'll be asleep by 10ish. I will give her her last feed at 1230-0130, depending on the time of the previous feed. I always make 1oz extra, but most of time, she dun need it. She can sleep thru till 630am. Sometimes, she'll be nice n sleep thru till 8am!

Shes getting her 5-in-1 this thursday! Finally! Waited so long for the vaccine! Im vert kiasu, I think I'll give her whatever vaccine thats available.

Happy New Year mummies n babes! So nice, to be able to cross over to 2008 with our new additions. Xmas n New year have never been more meaningful to me, till now.

I have a Qn on how to calculate the age of bb, do u count by the date ie. 28th to the next 28th as a mth or you count by the number of days/weeks ??

When pple ask me how many mths, I often quite confused as to what to tell them ...

ur girl super super sweet!
think her eyes are thrice the size of my boy! definately a da yan mei nu
re vaccination:

we also opt for pneumococcal ($140 per jab) and rotavirus ($80 each) beside the 6 in 1. im also kiasu... :p

any of u opt for infant care? may i have your views on this? read sunday time rgd the "infant school"... hubby seems very interested...
Hi Dodo,

ur pneumococcal jab and rotavirus is cheap leh.. where is ur PD ar? The PD i went charged me $180 for pneumococcal and $100 for rotavirus..
hihi mommies....

happy new year everyone.....

agree with gingerleaf....this year has been a wonderful year...a real blessing to have our new little additions....

my new year resolution..to be a better and great mummy to my little gal....hehe...

at the moment...baby is at least 6 to 6.5kg at 2mths 10 days....abit overweight rite?

totoro..me also dunno how to calculate..coz some say calculate start from the day of birth...but i started 1 week after...so its 1 week short....

dodo...the only thing i worry about the infant school is whether really reliable or not? or just for news story..also worry they catch germs easily there too....
Hello Frostyfiona,

Raphael only 5.45kg at 3 months and 57cm. I forget to ask the doctor whether is he too small or not. Maybe he is eating around 130ml only. I must push him to eat more.

Countdown will be at home with baby sleeping
perlicia, i think should be ok ba. my consultant at KKH mentioned baby will double their birth weight between 3-5 mths. so as long as hit that, shouldnt worry so much. my boy is drinking abt 70 - 80 ml per feed.

happy 2008 everyone! =)
Hi all
happy new year!!!=)

regarding infant schools, I really feel there's not a need at the moment cos what an infant needs now is the love, care n support his parents can give him. At this age, infants r still very very young to understand. I studied psychology n touched abit on child psychology. What the early childhood consultants said in the aritcle is true... cos eventually all kids when they reach five or six...the academic learning will come in naturally... n even if a child lag behind in the initial years, once he/she reach kindergarten age, he will still be able to catch up wif fellow peers. The academic of a child does not start so soon in the early years..the early years r the EQ of a kid that will develop... so parents n care giver plays a very IMPT part in the early years. (Alot of kids these days seem to have low EQ) If u wan, playgroup(abt 18mths) is good as a kid can interact wif others...hone their social skills n EQ level. =) End of the day, it's up to parents how they wanna bring up their kids... I'm just sharing what I know. =)

your daughter wakes up at 1230 to feed or you wake her up? My son like totally comatose. Call him, rub his hands, he doesn't respond much less drink his milk. So I always struggle to make him finish his last feed at 9 cause he'll be in deep sleep.

re: weight
My son was 5.42kg at 2 months and 6 days. Also drinking 130ml now every 3 hours but night he can last up to 8-9 hours.

re: feeding
how do you count when was the last feed? From the time he start feeding or the time he ended finishing his milk?

we take the vaccines at GP near my house... maybe that's why cheaper cost

bbunny & lavender,

thanks for sharing
actually i decided to take no pay leave for half a year, so now looking at the alternatives after i back to work, guess it's either my mum, nanny or infant school... the best option is my mum as she is very patient, careful and gentle... and most importantly she dotes on my boy so much and she knows my "style" of doing thing, and she also reads alot on taking care of baby... but my main concern is that i think it will be very tiring for her to take care of bb, she's typical tai tai, she never worked before and spend her days shopping, play mahjong, do facial etc... it means a great change to her lifestyle loh.. though she offers to help... as for nanny, i dun really trust loh.. hmm, shall carefully decide on this and yes i definately agree what bb needs most is our love! so i cant bear to go back to work...
Hello All,

Thanks for the info on baby's weight. Everyone said he looks long for his age. But he is not chubby until can squeeze the cheeks...Maybe I am a kiasu mummy...heeehee...Must give him an upsized meal.

The metal piece can used lemon juice and let it soak for 1/2h,remove and then do a sterilization.

I wake her up.
I will switch on her room lights, scoop her up and lay her on the changing table to change her diapers. By now, she'll oreadi be twisting n turning n rubbing her eyes alot n oso ee ee ah ah abit. Then I will put a hankie under her chin b4 I scoop her up again. She seems to understand that the hankie placed = milk time.

re: feed
Last feed is the starting time of the last feed.
happy new year everyone!

my gal was drinking ard 120ml a couple of weeks ago. but recently, her appetite has decreased. now only drink 60-90ml each time. any one experience this?
hi all
Happy New Year to you and your family.

so sad.. my gal suddenly doesnt want to latch anymore.. she'll cry like i'm torturing her with my breast when i gv her my breast. Else when she's slpy, she'll also forget how to suckle. I feel so sad tt i cant latch her anymore. I miss the feeling so much.
i agree with lavender. Now bb so young, I feel that a gd caregiver who loves and take care of bb well is more impt. For me, of coz will prefer my mum to help look after. For my elder son, he was colicky and tt made my mum's BP go up. So, no choice, we left him with a nanny which works out well as she was v experienced and took v good care of him. It's best tt your mum help to look after. If she cant, then try to get a good and reliable nanny. else, no choice but infant care. Btw, there are also good and bad infant care. Best to ask ard and get one which you know pple hv tried. I know of one mummy who puts her son in this infant care which she says is good. The other person i know who uses infant care thot tt the infant care was no good as they didnt take care off bb well. didnt feed her well plus didnt change the diaper often enough.
zhen zhen
ya, my gal also.. think when she was drinking the 120ml, it's her growth spurt. My gal drinks 80-120ml each time. think 100ml is her own max, coz the extra 20ml is me trying to gv her more so tt she will not wake up to hv night feeds.
HI dodo, krissee an all,

im also in a fit, not sure if to send my son to infant care. currently my mil is helping me to take care of him when my hubby and i cant (our works r still flexible ). But the problem is, she taking care of my hubby's nephew at the same time (who is 2.5 yrs old). I found the environment v hostile, with lost of varglar language used. Having confilcts w my mil over the ways we wants to bring up brig too. I refuse to feed him to the quantity she wants.. she will mentioned to my bb... the milk is enough... mummy said is enough..etc etc.. kept mentioning my bb has not enough milk.. (which is not true.. i have no problem feeding him...).. he is born 2.8kg only... now is 6.4kg at 3mths...
She e very supersition type.

Worse of all, my sis & bro in lw are not corporative. Whenever his son is sick, they refuse to take off.. and i have to take off to take care of my own bb so that he will get the germs. When bb is 7 weeks old, both fell sick at the same time... i have to take care of bb on my own when my mil take care of the other one. i feel v down then as im a new mummy when bb is so so young at that time when he is sick but have no one to help me. it happened again... and my mil want me to take leave so that my bb will not be affected. They inform me v last min ( at 5plus pm the day befroe they want me to take leeave)... which i refused. Luckily my hubby is not working on that day. The next day when my hubby want my mil to tell my sil to take leave to take are of her own son, she refuse.... worse.. my mil told me is ok to bring my bb over... germ and virus will not spread if they are not near to each other... who can gurantee????? is so heartache when bb fell sick.. they cant express their discomfort... just cry... cant drink milk.. etc....
end up i took urgent leave and had to send my BB to another relative.

when my hubby bring up this topic again .. want my mil to be firm... whoever son is sick.. whoever take lave.. she said there no way the other party will cooperate. She mentioned the baby is our.. is up to us wether to send to infant care or not.

But at the same time, my mil is a v experienced bb sitter.. she take care of my bb .. although didnt teach much.. but at least he is clean and well attended to..

What sohuld i do? will infant care be better??
hi all
HAPPY 2008!!

perlicia... my bb 7.5kg, 60cm @abt 3mths 1 wk, he looks v chubby, cant find his 'neck'! doc said not overweight but on high side... i feed him 150ml per 3-3.5/4hr (sometime got balance), nanny feed 170-180ml per 3.5/4hr (she said at times not enuff??? ) doc said as long dun force feed, jus give on bb's demand...

re sleep thru.. my bb last feed is btw 11pm-12am, he will wake abt 4-6 hrs later... the timing always not fixed, so cant tell exactly wat time... anyway his feeding time differs everyday depending how long he sleep throughout the day or when he cry for milk, we only judge by 3.5-4hrly to feed him..

lavender...ntd u touch abit on child psychology, appreciate if u cud advise how to 'tame' a 'hot-tempered' 4yrs old? my gal giving me hard time lately eversince i preggie till gv birth....eg. like to throw tantrum over little things & v rude...whenever she gets angry..she'll not talk nicely, started to yell for wat she wants & will push/bite ppl..hiaz...

duno if any mummy came across one of the Channel 8 shows 'bu shi wo bu ting hua' (sat nite)...where there's a kid consultant worked fm home, she advise parent how to teach those naughty/problematic kids (someting like 'super nanny').. any1 knw of the contact?

chintz.. my bukit merah branch polyclinic dun hv rotovirus & pneumococcal, not sure if the rest of branches hv or not..

dodo.. ya, your GP charges v cheap for the rotovirus & pneumococcal jabs leh.. may i hv the clinic info pls?
hi dodo, krissie
the topic of care giving is also uppermost in my mind. my mum working part time so can't take care of bb. initial decision was to get a maid but wasn't safe leaving the maid without supervision if i went back work. so another suggestion was to put at my MIL place. tat was a disaster. my MIL was pinching pennies over the use of electricity, asking if necessary to use aircon - i swaddled him up so obviously would need aircon right? how can i tahan the heat with the extra layer of cloth wrapped tightly around him. on fan also say dun on so long, wait fan spoil, so got to manual/hand fan. can u imagine that? need water then boil - bb when hungry will wait meh? my bb will scream the house down even if wait for just 1 min. i felt like i'm gone back to the primitive days where aircon,fans,hot pot weren't invented. n as a result, my bb sweat alot n had rash around his neck n arm.

that experience had me made the decision to take no pay leave for the next few mths to try to train the maid up at my own place, telling my maid tat she must learn n b independent. i'm taking a huge gamble but i'm just not comfortable leaving my bb n my maid wif a MIL who is not understanding of the baby's needs n think that I (daughter in law) is trying to spoil the bb when i insist on certain things. dun have contacts for a gd nanny as well. sigh... the woes of a mother trying her best to do something for her bb. i hope these few mths of unpaid leave will pay off for my bb.
junnie - i called up polyclinic before and they do not have rotavirus and pneumoccocal jabs, these u must take outside polyclinic. I can't remember how much is mine cos i took up a package at my pd. i figured it's ok to pay just a bit more since she has bb's casesheets since birth and also have a keen eye.
ho garden_dreamz,

why a maid and not a infant care? I cant decide over a maid or infant care yet..

sign... we r in the same boat...
wah, chris and garden_dream, both your experiences make me felt so lucky that I have my mum (who quit her job) to supervise my maid when she look after my baby when i am away at work. I will drop my maid and baby at my mum's place. Even though mil stays with us, I still insist to send my baby back to mum's place for her to take care. mil make noise but i bo chap cos I know only my mum will support the way i am going to bring up my baby.

how abt leaving babies with friends' mum leh? like someone you all trust lah. I have some friends doing that.
i feel lucky myself after reading what garden_dreams and chris is facing. Im lucky that my mil is pretty okie, and doesnt interfers with the way we wanna bring up our baby.
Hi mummies,

need some venue to vent my frustration and this is the only place i can think of. my bb suddenly rejects the bottle 2 days ago. she oni wans to drink formula frm bottle but not the express breastmilk. however, she still wants to latch on woh. keep giving her the expressed breastmilk thru the btl but she keep crying, spit the milk out & rather go hungry.

so ironic since i noe that there are many mummies who wish they got enuf breastmilk for their bb, i'm the lucky one who had enuf but now it's my bb who is not drinking the breastmilk. so heartpain to c her spitting the milk out. sigh, feeling like giving up breastfeeding as i've stop expressing since she's not taking. the pain of engorgement and seeing the milk being donated to the basin or the toilet is not helping at all, sob sob
krissie, garden & chris,

for my case, my mum keep offers to help but i worry abt her health... she used to those carefree lifestyle, i worried she will lose the freedom and she shd be enjoying life at this age... my mum really very wei da and nice, she will discuss wi me abt ways to handle bb and read books/ articles on it, she even cut those newspaper articles and show it to me... and she understand that i have my own way of bringing up bb, she very accomodative as well... she's a very modern mum
as for my MIL, she stays far from me and she's working. morever, she has 3 dogs at house, i dun really like that idea loh, my FIL smokes also, so definately a NO NO...

think other than our own mums, the next best maybe is a very reliable and trustworthy nanny?

my GP's:
CCK-24hr family clinic
Blk 304 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4 #01-653 Tel: 68910338

i visited Dr Helena Wong. i visited her for abt 6 yrs... she's very good and always explain things in detailed, maybe some will find her long-winded but i think it's a good assurance...

is it because of your change in diet? bb dislike the taste of it? how abt monitor ur diet and bb's drinking behaviour first...
re: feeding
Mentally I very long give up BF already. Just like a few day, I will express out whatever amount and give to my baby...for the sake of immunity. but now, he ended up didn't want to drink them at all. Maybe because FM is more sweeter.So I want to keep my PIS advance already.

re: baby care.
chris and garden_dream, don't be dishardened. There maybe other way out. If you can get a good nanny, at least we pay to reduce stress and worry.
My Mother and MIL also offer to take care of their grandson. But my hubby insists that his mum should take care. Good in a way is that no worries, but bad is that she will talk and sing craps to my boy.
krissie, good to know that i'm not alone.

angelz, maybe the BM u fed her went off? remember some others saying they store their BM near meat, then have a funny smell. maybe same thing happened with yours?

hee.. i believe it's ok that ur MIL talk and sing to bb right? think they need ample of human interactions.. my mum also super cute, she sang "cai2 shen2 dao4" to my boy yesterday! and he enjoyed that so much, laughed till cannot see his eyes leh! haa...
dodo, bb adri looks exactly like my hubby la.. =D

re: infant care.. hv u discussed wif ur mum? i noe u wan her to hv a more relaxed lifestyle and not tax her on taking care of bb anderson but she might be more than willing to, u know? i also feel heartpain when my mum has to be more xin ku cos she's taking care of my bb now but i know she is loving every minute of it (guess our mums are all very wei da! haha!).. e way she looks at bb, e way she carries her, e way she protects her.. keke..

do talk to ur mum and if she reali would love to help u, i see no harm in it! maybe to lessen her chores, u can engage a part-time helper? better than infantcare cos when bb falls sick, ur mum or urself will still be e person to take care till bb gets better.. and e germs are aplenty in such centres wor...

how you send your maid and bb to your mom's place? Every morning? Now we're temp staying at my mil's place as it's very troublesome to go back & forth our place and my mil's place. Furthermore, when we're working means we have to leave the house real early. Is that what you're doing?

re: taking care
my mil is taking care but she doesn't seem to meet his needs properly, like bathing him during his feeding time only to find a screaming baby, keeping my baby awake all day, then end up he sleeps early everyday at 7pm and wakes up at 4am! Sometimes a little thing also overreact.

My mother is another disappointment. Don't even want to take care cause she prefers her tai tai life. Only want to play with baby...

Sigh... envy those with mothers who offers to help!
dodo, ya, at least need some interactions. The OMG thing is that she make up those songs like, karang guni, wanton mee, who's that who's that song... noise pollutions...hahaha

Buy toys for my boy, then she said got who who to give us etc...she is typical stingy.

Even yesterday buy some new year clothings she also said, thought got ppl give already.then i told her that i want to buy things for my son.
dodo, zhen)zhen,

dun tink so leh, still keep the same stuff in the fridge & she still keeps drinking until 2 days ago. sian ah, i think my breast had hardened like rock liao. want to buy the medicine to stop breastfeeding frm guardian but still needs prescription frm doc woh, someone pls pls shoot me, no eyes to c liao
bbwow, for me its my MIL who refused to help us. Lucky my mum offered if not I really duno what I should do.

Re: babycare
My story is sometimes in apr last year, due to some circumstanaces, I have to stop sending my elder girl to nanny and to get help from my MIL. That time she already knew I preggy with no 2. Hubby 1st approached her cos we just live 2 floors up and will be convenient if she help us. We even told her we will get her a maid to help out. But her decision is NO cos she need to help out in my FIL's business in the wet market. This decision made us sold off our unit in the midst of my pregnancy and move to bunk in with my parents cos my mum readily agreed when I approached her. I'm now still bunking with my parents till I get the keys to my new house this fri.

Its a very tough decision but for the sake of my elder daughter we got no choice.. Now we see her so happy at my parents' place we know that the decisions we made is correct even though my hubby was pretty disappointed with his mum for not offering her help.. I really appreciated my mum so much for lending us a helping hand when we asked..
Hapi NEW YEAR OCT mummies,

has been busy cos my son kena Uninary tract infection on X'mas eve. But he's very brave, din cry at all even he's having high fever and 2jabs!

Thank God he's ok now. Tml have to go for a scan to detect the cause of the virus. And also time to take 6in1 jabs.

I put my bb with bbsitter instead. Infant care got more germs leh. As for maid, I and hubi are not comfortable to live with a stranger, so option is out.

You may want to try tasting your own EBM. Maybe there's some changes in the taste which you gal dislikes?

Like what Velvet said, polyclinics don't offer those jabs.

Sounds to me like your gal is 'jealous' of your little one. And she's doing things to get your attention. And usually bad behavior catches more attention. Btw, that program is being replayed now on Channel 8, Wed, 2pm. Or you can try calling TCS for that psychologist's detail.
Anyone whose bb doesnt poo eveyday?

Mine haven poo for 6 days liao...she hasnt been pooing..always have to use the medicine to put in her butt..then she poo...a bit worried...her poo comes out soft though, even after 5 days...
krissie and the rest,
i really feel comforted knowing that you have the same problem as me!!! my girl started to show symptom of nipple confusion 2 days ago and yesterday i was so sad to really admit that she doesn't want to latch anymore. i forced her to drink yesterday morning. ended up she sucked in a lot of wind and she was colicky the entire night and this morning. hubby was mad at me. i was so depressed and felt so dejected that i thought of stopping breastfeeding and also expressing. i seek comfort and advice by calling my LC and she told me that breast milk has all the antibodies and antiviral to protect the baby, so, it's all worth it despite all the obstacles and challenges we're facing now. so, i've decided to continue pumping my milk out for her. well, i've been doing that for the 1st month, so why not and at least i had a chance to latch her for a month (fyi,i only managed to latch her after she turned 1 mth old). well, like krissie, i really miss the time when she's in my arm sucking away. i really dun mind waking up in the wee ours to feed her but haiz guess she prefers the easy way out - bottle

i believe you BB is on TBF right? lucky her.. got so much BM to drink.. it's common that TBF babies don't poo for up to 1 week.
oh yeah mummies. recently i notice my girl started to notice that she has hands!! so cute
she'll bring her hand to her mouth, bring it away from her and keep looking at it with so much interest..

yah, my mum's place is 5mins drive from my place so very convenient. I felt so lucky that I chose to live near my parents when i bought this house. but now definitely i am leaving my house earlier than before. but one thing good is, i wouldnt be caught in the jam on expressway cos i leave my area earlier and i am not late for work anymore. =P
fitty nitty is right...she throws tantrums could be due to attention seeking(if her behaviour before u got preggie was not like this)... guess u have to strike a balance to show her some attention...
must also explain n tell her nicely why the little one needs more attention. Comment to her that she's a big girl now... good independent girl... mummy also loves ya. have to be patient..also do commend her if she behaves herself... like that she'll continue behaving... positive reinforcement. =)

hi all

dodo, thks 4 the clinic info.

re bb care, in order to reduce conflict w MIL or my mum over tis issue/method, i sent my gal to childcare ctr & bb to nanny. if not, they'll sure be over pampered & 'climb' over my head...

fitty..thks 4 telling me the repeated show.
fitty, lavender.. i also thot my gal cud b jealous & trying seek more attention, but fm observing the way she gets along w her little bro is contradicting loh. she luv to hug & kiss him, bid him good morning & nite, saying he's her little cute bro, handling him gently,etc.. so i'm confused. so everyday, i wud hv to sit down & 'talk' to her, figuring out wat she not hapi w, y she's so cranky - v. tiring.. eg. like tis morning, wake up oni, she says she dun want to go to schl, her reason is : i dun like to go to sch??? i must keep pressing her y she dun like then she will tell u many excuses, eg. her friend not here anymore (cos due to schl fee increase, some of her classmates drop out to other childcare), she dun like tis & tat teacher, she dun like the schl compound, etc, etc... 4 years old oni gv u sooo many problms, also she knw i wont 'gv in' to her ridiculous request at times (at grandparent house, she'll get wat she wants)... hiaz... she really trying my patient...
