(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Choco An_gal

Bao Ying Dan is more for infants and the Ba bao shan is more for toddlers..

I think after ze is better u can stop giving him the med.. no need to really finish 3 or 6


oo..let ze finish this bao yin dan 1st.
so far 2nd bottle still can hear his block nose when he sleep, so will let him take 1 more bottle or maybe finish all, hopefully he will be ok after the 3rd

an gal
nice meeting you, 1st time we met at buangkok.
ze slept already, haha, he is tooo tired

an gal, twinkle
i have 3 samples for gain iq step(3 yrs and above), anyone of u want?
cos ze is drinking pediasure, nt changing him liao since he is ok with that
we can meet at the playground

think u also can call abbott and ask for sample then u will have 6 pckts
morn choco,
nice meeting u yest evening.. u slim down alot liao n ze is such a gd boy..yes Melcolm taking the Gain IQ Kid.. y u change ze to pedisure? he don 1 Gain IQ Kid?

Melcolm totally reject the bao yin dan.. 1st tube he spit out everything, wasted man.. even i use candy or chocolate 2 bribe oso cant.. so open 2nd tube add to milk..

i hope the bao yin dan is effective if not mus go PD again.. jus last mth alone i had spent abt $400 for the 2 boys
an gal

he is shy, when see stanger he will be quiet but at home he is devil

if melcom reject then u no need try the huo ning liao, its the same size but each small bottle is 66, if he reject lagi heartpain

ze running nose is worse today, flowing like tap water, will let him continue eating, hopefully by the 3rd or 4th bottle will be better
i change ze milk powder abt 2-3 months ago as he keep complaining of tummy ache.
so dun know is he lactose intolrence or nt, then pd suggest change to pediasure since it is suitable for lactose intolrence kid + for fussy eater
Mummies ,
if your kids got flu symptom but no fever it's ok to try tcm but if fever sets in after cough or so better see doc. My fynn hav cough for past few weeks but is those mild type , so feed eys med . But notice these two days getting worse , fever sets in yesterday night n cough worsen. See doc today , lung infection Liao now on antibotics
same as melcolm, outside guai guai.. at hm monster !! y is hou ning so ex? for wat purpose?

hope fynn fastly recover.. u mus take care too..
if mild cough take ba bao san or bao ying dan, if more serious case take hou ning or hou zao. Actually still got other powder depending on wat type of cough

Yeah, Ba Bao Shan is for toddler and Bao Ying Dan is for infant, thats what the lady told me when I got it at the road show. So edn up I bought all 6 boxes of Bao Bao Shan at one go. An-gal, why don't U try use straw to blow into his mouth when he is sleeping?? My sis use that method leh, cos when thy are deep sleep they will not know and swallow with the saliva. Mostly my sis done it with Hou Ning, cos really too ex to waste, dun nd blow too hard cos only vry little powder, Ba Bao Shan also vry little, jz make sure it gets into his mouth can liao. Usually if I try about 3 bottles and not getting better, I will get the medi from Yu Guo, works wonders jz that need to make time to go down and collect.
my boy finish 3 bottle of the bao ying dan and no improvement lei, still running nose.
will finish the last 3 bottle then see how
melcolm light sleeper, abit he will wake up, i think is difficult.. nw eys got 20% off, if gd i will go buy more or wait for mil to com back cos i tink she is eys member

melcolm runny nose dry up liao.. still hav abit but nw got cough n phelgm.. he oso finish 3 bottles liao..

she is very pretty and she looks more like a 5 yrs old kid..

twinkle, angal
so did u go to sengkang and see the firework?
i can hear the ping ping pong pong from my house?
wow, chloe's looks change so much.. so girl nw n no longer tom boy :p her hair so long too, can tie alot of pattern hee..

i went, but not right at the event place. E fire works was at the empty field opp the wet mkt. So we actually station ourselves there, not crowded at all cos e field was so big! Maybe alot of people all crowd at the event place. Those army vehs also parade passed.

Chloe still as Tomboy lah, although she kept long hair, she can zoom on the scooter in the house until all sweat like his brother leh, climbing up and down also like his monkey brother leh.


Yes, she happy with all the cakes but she only eat the white cream leh nt the cakes.


Yeah, everyone says she is big like 4-5yrs old kid, she is taller then my sis gal who is 9 months older than her leh.
thks, will go daiso take a look if got passby..

nw tomboy is ok, next time grow up don b tomboy can liao..anhe
Hi everyone

I have a pair of adults universal studio to sell out at $100. Children below 4 years old are free. Any takers? Tickets are priced at $66 for each adult.

Tickets for this sat, 14 august.
PM me if keen!
love ur twins act lee kekekeke.. so cute..

chloe looks so big girl.. nice long hair, and you look much slimmer from last time we met!
ai yo

my boy canot make up what cake he wants.
baby goofy, then baby ploto, then babay donald then bear, then train....

