(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

OMG, why carene sleep until like that?hahaah!!!

hope ur girl starts feeling better

after hearing what happened when ur girl drank sugarcane I really must WARN my hb cos he does that all the time.always letting mathias taste his chopsticks, straw etc.

I hope u manage to find out what the rashes are...

Mathias has the same sitting style as Tricia when I feed him in his high chair!! I always ask him is he an ah peh in a kopi tiam...

ha, I only sharp eyes when look at pretty gal and pretty gal's cloth...


ruoxi already 7 and half month still can't crawl, heard some bb just passed by the crawl step and walk directly, no need to worry.


Just remembered read somewhere b4 bb 1 years old can't give them salt and sugar..bb's food all tasteless once.
An_gal, Chomecc, Ocean, Magical:

Big headache, but finally managed to sort out the calculations. What you paid was just enough to cover the cost of your leapfrog items including shipping and box weight:

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>Actual </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bee Leong</TD><TD>163.55</TD><TD> $178.03 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chomecc</TD><TD>82.46</TD><TD>82.46 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19 </TD></TR><TR><TD>An_gal</TD><TD>14.36</TD><TD>14.36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Magical</TD><TD>14.36</TD><TD>14.36 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>130.18</td></tr></table>
hi mel...wow mathias love sleeping in the ergo carrier?!...hehe...that is great!
yah,its seems that everytime we out him in, he sleeps! SO weird...but we dont want him to get too used to being in the ERGO either so we still bring him out in the stroller (since he actually doent fuss in it) but use the ERGO for short outings to nearby places..
Dear mummies,

Good afternoon, just got in for work, was bringing Meg to Yu Guo as recommended by Adeline and some other mummies.
She enjoyed the tuina, but as usual, she was so busy and can't sit still :p That is her character.

She is still having flu and her mucus can't seem to dry up, tts y i let her try Yu Guo, anyway, the doc said to come for 2 more sessions.
Really hope that she can sleep well and recover faster.
Her sleeping time is messed up. She will sleep around 10, or 10+ and (never fail) to wake up at 11+ or 12+ and only fell back into deep sleep some time after 3/4/5 am!!!!! Pity her ler... and pity me as well and also hubby

Misch, An_gal, Mel, Xman,

Ya.. sugarcane is the culprit. Eggs, I have not let her try yet.
Yup after 1 dose (3 drops) of antihistamine, she settled down, and the swell and redness went off slowly through the nite.

Misch, really? How i wish my girl's tooth coming up soon.
xing ku to see her like that.
Paige is really sweet. I still remember about her fever session previously, the late nite and no-sleep nite that you mentioned.
Glad that she is gaining weight and getting chubbier :p

Carene so cute :p her way of sleeping, she must be super tired.

Let me know is it better thn shichida, I plan to withdraw after next term as already paid for the next term fee liao, so have to finish the next term. By the way, does trio need us to pay $300 deposit like shichida? Where is the trio centre located huuh?

Curriculum wise, Shichida has a wider variety of activities as they are more established. According to Trio's principal, they are looking into more types of activities for their classes.

My personal view is that the delivery is more important and teachers at Trio are more lively and can catch my 2 yo girl's attention. Her current teacher in Shichida is good too but she may be swopped next term. So teacher standard is not guaranteed. Trio's classes are Tri-lingual (full lesson conducted in jap, english and mandarin) which I find is good exposure for my girl. She seems to enjoy the jap and mandarin classes very much.

Per minute cost is actually not much different cos Shichida lesson is 75 mins and Trio is only 60 mins. The huge difference is GST 7% and deposit of $300 (which Trio don't charge for both).

My girl tend to get distracted towards the end of her Shichida class and will not want to do the activities so 60 mins is just nice. And I intend to self practise those "lacking" activities with her myself so it should be ok.

An important reason why I pulled out from Shichida is cos I find the people there getting very high-handed. I guess it has to do with the management cos they have a looong waiting list which they never fail to emphasize. So any form of request is futile. I don't like to feel that I owe it to them when I'm the customer. So I'd rather they not get our hard-earned $ and give others a chance.

Trio is at beach road. It's near to where the DHL air balloon is, at the end of Tan Quee Lan street. No need deposit. It's $600 nett for weekend class and 1st time need to add $50 member fee only.

How long is your son with shichida liao? My girl only 2 terms. A bit sim tia cos cannot get back the PEC refund for myself and hubby but the cost savings at trio made up for it.

You intending to bring your younger one for trial? I'm thinking of trying it for my #2 and see how she responds. Maybe we can get a few of us to form a trial class? If respond good I'll go speak to the MD.
rc cola,

Think her tooth coming out soon. But that's not the end of it, cos they'll have 19 more to go till 2+ yo. Oops...

Aside from fever, runny nose, cough and phelgm, my bb is very cranky and has no appetite for solids. Maybe I'll give Yu guo a try too. R they chinese sinseh? Got prescribe any medicine for yor girl?

think yr reason for switch is almost same as what I read from other forum..shichida really too good bussiness liao until they dont really cherish the customer.I'm interested to the trio trial class, is it same as shichida that 6 bb per class?
Yuguo gave the 'yao bao' which is the medicine sachet they ask me to put on baby's tummy, say to bring baby down for the next 3 days and baby will be ok. Hubby is skeptical but i told him i don't care, i'll just bring him, see whether it does help my boy since he hates the nasal spray so much. He's crying buckets oh man!
Gold piggy,

Really? You were there? i was there about 10+ and left about 11.40 something.
I was in blue tshirt and white pants.
The doctor didn;t gave my girl any packet thingy, just oral medication (powder) and something to rub on her nose to unblocked it.
Tomorrow my FIL will be bringing her there, coz she needs like 2 more massages.

Dun scare me ler.. till 2yrs old? Think after the first tooth coming out, at least better *self-consoled* hehehe
Misch, your baby gets fever, cough, phelgm, runny nose? wah it must be hard on the baby. No harm trying lar.
I think they are like chinese sinseh but in a pro way.
The doc (i called her a doc) she asked me before prescribing medicine, whether I am okay for bb to take chinese med. I told her ok lor,
anyway she has been taking like jin feng san, ba bao san, bao ying dan previously. No harm trying, I would say.

I am interested in the trio trial class also :p Please include me hor...
Saw some of you talking about Shichida. I was told to give a deposit of $300 for priority booking, but yet to make any payments as I saw some bad reviews about them! Is trio the same as shichida? I don't mind going for the trial, thanks
Just to let you know I overheard yesterday at Shichida (which is my girl's last lesson) that 2007 babies' priority booking has about 60 on waitlist.
Huh 60 babies! Than its not priority booking, no difference from the normal waiting list right. The worst thing is that they don't have trial classes and they called me serveral times to make the $300 payment, else I will be out of the priority booking.
Let me just consolidate those interested in the Trio centre trial and I'll call them on Wed to check on availability as they are closed on Mon and Tue. Shall we set it on a Sunday?

Trio Centre Trial
Max. per class: 6
1) Misch
2) Xman
3) Rc cola
4) Alsie
5) Adeline?

Mummies can pm me 1st the following details:
1) mummy nick
2) mummy real name
3) baby name
4) baby dob
5) contact no.
oh, i was there at about 9plus in the morning - left around 10plus, we might have missed each other. I was wearing an orange top? did you see me? HEHE-- oh, cos my son can't use the medicated powder on the nose. He's allergic else i'm sure i would have that too cos the doc told the nurse not to give my son.
rc cola,
Depends on bb one. My #1 girl breeze thru her teething which is a blessing for me. This #2 girl totally different story. Guess the first few teeth are the most difficult. Hope she won't be as cranky for her subsequent ones.

Abt yu guo, i'll have to convince my anti-chinese med hubby. Till now, both my girls have not tried any chinese med before. If anything happens he'll sure to blame me. Duh...
Trio Centre Trial
Cost: $100 for 3 trial lessons (jap, english and mandarin)
Date: A sunday?
Max. per class: 6
1) Misch
2) Xman
3) Rc cola
4) Alsie
5) Adeline?
6) Gold Piggy

Mummies can pm me 1st the following details:
1) mummy nick
2) mummy real name
3) baby name
4) baby dob
5) contact no.

Any other interested mummies pls add on your names and pm me your details. I'll update you after I check with them. Thanks!

PM you already.

My hubby is also somehow abit anti-chinese med, but well, after seeing 2 different docs and taking those western meds for about 2 weeks, there is very very little improvement. He surrender to my thought of bringing bb to Yu Guo, anyway it is just for massage. If you are against the chinese herb, maybe you could tell the sinseh if she prescribed it.

Gold piggy,
My girl's nose rub is in cream form, only the medication (oral) is in powder form. Yeah, we might have missed each other :p You went so early? My girl only woke up about 9, and after getting ready it was bout close to 10 already. It took me about 30 mins to travel from river valley to kembangan
buhahaha, Carene shop until knock out ah.. hehe so funi leh tat pic :p

wow, paige veri chubby now ah.. good job ;)

yeah, u can call tumbletots to go 4 trial class if u interested

u register for the trial class already? now isit too early to send our bb to trio centre?

fyi, Melcolm 8mths liaoz, can sit liaoz but cant crawl yet.. i hope he can skip the crawling and learn hw 2 walk, better rite haha

no prob, if u still interested in the trial class can call them 2 register, i tink tulip oso interested

thks for your help in helping with the leapfrog purchase, mus b veri time consuming 4 u, appreciate it

better to hold back the eggs and don let megan try 1st if she's prone to allergy
hi misch,
will it b too early to send our bb to trio centre? will they understand? i'm quite interested in the trial class oso but scared bb young don understand and waste $$

Trio Centre Trial
Cost: $100 for 3 trial lessons (jap, english and mandarin)
Date: A sunday?
Max. per class: 6
1) Misch
2) Xman
3) Rc cola
4) Alsie
5) Adeline?
6) Gold Piggy
ivy, i emailed you.

mel, rainy, winnie
your pigeon wipes are with me. pls check the thread on it for bank account information. thanks!
spree 2 on the discovery ball may end up more expensive if the price of the ball is the same (cannot make it for the 15% discount) plus have to pay shipping. On top of it, pay 5% for using CGW's credit card to order. It'll be interesting to see how much each spree ends up.
good to see you and the family on friday. need to go download the photos. ike is soooo well behaved compare to miss cranky pants. argh. we went out on sat and she was even worse. *sigh* how to travel with her like that??

good thing paige didn't join ike's "babies against bib" group!! :p

thanks for bringing the stuff back for me.

ike look so comfy in the patapum.
