(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Y wantan noodles? Dun get it?

How's ur trip? U brave the world together with ur bb liao?

Toddler Bed
Anyone interested?

oh dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sausage muffin
i am truly pai seh. i dun mean to make fun of your nick. i really dun know why i keep typing hotdog. anyway that is not my favourite food. i m really sorry. hope u go for our gathering n i will keep a lookout for u n serve u tea or coffee ok?

so stress! before i post , got to read 3 times before i enter.
hi jang

u have used bjorn b4 too rite? how do u rate between bjorn n ergo then? is it better for our back? u selling bjorn? not keeping it for number 2?

hi oceans
thanks for the kind words abt birthmark. when titus is angry or crying, the birthmark will be even more red n obvious. like harry potter's n his scar. dun know why its the shape of a V somemore. me naughty mummy, i used to dust a very little loose powder on it but not anymore.

anyway cosmetic procedures is so advance now. if he wants to go for IPL or laser later on when he is older, i will not object.

hi sunbloom
bible talks abt wife has to be submissive to hubby and hubby in return to love their wife with all his heart. haiz... i am still trying to be one. its difficult cos i always like to argue n fight for my rights in the r/s. not easy though but i am trying. hah!

hi mudpie
the coming mon is a confirmed class for titus. we went for the trial last mon n its abt $25. i thk u all shd join the one that chatty is organising cos its free. dun know why the one that i attended at tanglin mall has to pay.
hi mummies

just to share with u my recent thoughts. i am starting to enjoy motherhood n love every minutes i spend with him.

in the past 5 mths plus, i have so busy in taking care of his daily needs like feeding, changing, making him sleep, burp etc. all these take up so much of my time. only recently when i start to slow things down n also as he grow more responsive n easier to take care, i start to enjoy my son's company!

suddenly feel so joyful for being a mother.

hope everyone of u in the midst of working or taking care of the household, do take time to enjoy your little ones' company. before u know it, they will grow big soon.

aiyo why so emotional today? definitely not epidural this time. must be the hormones. haha!!
hi ladies!
been such a long time since i've checked in! what have i missed?
don't have much time to checkout all the prev postings.. been really busy settling yee heng into his granduncle's place since i'm starting work on MONDAY!! we're out of the house at 5.30am, and home at 8pm these days... will be weird being back at work after my 5 months leave..good thing its a 2 and 1/2 day work week!

Gooooooooood news with the PickUp/PutDown...just now when yee heng went to sleep, he did it on his own!!!!!! very 1st time EVER!! am SOOOO ecstatic about that
i made his winding down time a bit longer (10 mins) and he happily went to his cot, no worries..think that may be the trick with him..so any mummies thinking of starting this with ur little one, DO! its worth it! was wondering when he'd start to do it on his own cuz my arm n back was aching with picking him up n down...so hopefully this trend continues..
HAHA! my work colleagues love the "leng xiao hua" stuff too! have to pull this one on them!

Wantan noodles sound like..."One Ton" noodles mar!!

since i hv the Ergo now, i can buy an infant insert if there's a number 2. I prefer Ergo compared to Bjorn. It doesn't burden the shoulders and the back that much. Highly recommended!

me appear like genie again!sorry ah,am soooo busy with work that can't log in frequently,heng now the thread is not flying..

regarding gathering,guess i should start collecting money right?or should i ask all those going to transfer to me after CNY holiday?since the gathering is on 24th Feb,should still have ample time..

and all who expressed interest in coming,so long as we don't exceed 50pax should be no problem!


can I get an extra set of valves from you during the gathering?my SIL said the pump is not working properly think might be due to the valves.she's stopping pumping soon but i'm lending the pump to my other friend,so get for her instead..and let me know the price ok,thanks!


that is such good news!well done!!
i think i'll have to start PU/PD very soon too cos now enci always don't want to go for her night sleep.if she still does not improve will have to try liao.however i'm really quite blur abt how i should actually do it leh.
so if she doesn't cry(only don't want to sleep)no need to pick her up?once she cries i pick her up and put her down immediately even when she's still crying?
i only get the 2.5 day workweek this week cuz of CNY! then its back to full time!

i used the age-appropriate guide in the Babywhisperer website..depends on ur bub and also personality about how long it takes to work too...i added my own tweaking by adding the longer winding down....i got all my info on this fr the website..but also took into account that yee heng is a spirited baby, so went in there to read what other mums did for pu/pd with their own spirited bubs..so u could say i did lots of research before going down this route!
maybe go have a read first..just google the site..u need to register too..see what u decide on, and then start planning out ur strategy about what u want to do? that's what i did..with a whole typed-out plan and everything! that way when i was super tired and a bit confused starting up, i could go back to my plan and remind myself what i was supposed to do, and why..its almost something i'd do for my own patients when modifying behaviours!

looking back, we started this almost 2 weeks ago now(we started on the 20/1)..and its been getting better n better over time..today feels like such an accomplisment!
Hi chatty, ke...ke...paiseh, didn't read the part "You can invite your friends with children (2 to 36 months old), if they are interested." Anyway, thanks for including me. Will cancel the class on coming Tues.

jete, I just went to L'organic at Dempsey to get the rice cereal, but when I read through the preparation instruction on the package, then I realised that I hve to cook it over low heat. So troublesome.

Baby Bjourn
Just saw in motherhood magazine, there's an advertisement on the new Baby Bjourn with good back support. Too bad I've got my bjourn, otherwise, that would be good. Hve been having backache lately, must be the side effect from epidural and also changing of my boy's diaper on my bed. It's been so difficult to change him lately, he likes to roll over to grab things, these days changing him is really a challenge.
Please add or remove your name from the list below.

Kindermusik Free Trial on 16 Feb 08 at Rosyhearts
2)Inu (To be confirmed)
3)Muddypie (To be confirmed)
4)Cookie Gal (To be confirmed)
5)Mikko (To be confirmed)
6)Woof (To be confirmed)
Please add or remove your name from the list below.

Kindermusik Free Trial on 16 Feb 08 at Rosyhearts
2)Inu (To be confirmed)
3)Muddypie (To be confirmed)
4)Cookie Gal (To be confirmed)
5)Mikko (To be confirmed)
6)Woof (To be confirmed)
7)Jete (To be confirmed)
hey i wan more milk bags! almost used up the two bags inu passed to me liao..
count me in pls! in case i dont check forum often, can PM me abt status ? thanks!

thanks!ya i've registered in that forum long before this,read up a bit there too but it sounded even more confusing..but the main factor why i haven't started it yet was because enci still will get to sleep if we pat her when she's tired.just that now we have to pat her for longer and longer periods of time and i'm starting to think its becoming a prop instead.sigh..someday when i'm really frustrated will steel my heart and start PU/PD,definitely don't want to still have to pat her to sleep for half an hour a few mths down the road!

ok gals i'm going to sleep..tell me your thoughts abt how to settle the payment thing for the gathering ya.

oceans: Baby and I are back home!! haha.. I went off at 8.30pm and ended up 9.30pm at home.
Baby is aslp now.. I'll be blogging the whole escapade
Please add or remove your name from the list below.

Kindermusik Free Trial on 16 Feb 08 at Rosyhearts
2)Inu (To be confirmed)
3)Muddypie (To be confirmed)
4)Cookie Gal (To be confirmed)
5)Mikko (To be confirmed)
6)Woof (To be confirmed)
7)Jete (To be confirmed)
8) Jang

decided to take a cab there!! hehe..

hehe.. thought u going back to work part time, 2.5days per week. i'm still trying to psycho my mum to come help me take care at home, then maybe can arrange to do some work from home. Nothing will get done if i have to take care of jaeden full time!

if u are going for the gathering, can we have a longggg conversation on PUPD? :D
I only wanted to disturb you laaa with the epidural induced incident :p heheheheheeheh.. you were so funny, I was killing myself laughing!!
Please add or remove your name from the list below.

Kindermusik Free Trial on 16 Feb 08 at Rosyhearts
2)Inu (To be confirmed)
3)Muddypie (To be confirmed)
4)Cookie Gal (To be confirmed)
5)Mikko (To be confirmed)
6)Woof (To be confirmed)
7)Jete (To be confirmed)
8) Jang
9) Tulip
zhu zhu ..so poor thing..even when they see you carrying tricia..no one want to give up seat? is it very crowded?

magical..u still want more milk bag? my 2 boxes still not used..my milk ss now is today pump..tomolo finish one..not even enuff to store as frozen..and i am stopping soon...looking forward to 12 feb heee

u let me know....hmmmw..wonder shld i msg u instead
Thanks for the clarification! Silly me..
Din noe wanton was so heavy till now!
Thot is "wan tan" (finished) liao. Hmmm... better dun eat so much!

I thot the "V" mark was really cool. I meant last time i watch drama, those fairy always got a marking in their forehead. Like "Bao Qin tian" got a moon. Isn't him look styloooo?
No need go for any comestic correction lah! N c, Harry poter also got a scar n pple jus love him, not for the scar, but for who he is!
So, tat's apply to ur little victory!

Wow... blogging the whole escapade?! Cool! Somehow i really salute to u mummies for blogging. Me... jus a lazy mum..
so bad, nobody gave up seats to u.. luckily u can grab 1 fast..

haha.. my hubby say tis forum is all mummies influencing each other nia hehe.. but to me is the support n strength among all of us here

buai tahan, u r making me laughing after reading ur post.. i'm still thinking abt the hotdog, sausage n muffin haha..

welcome back to the workforce.. but y u need to leave house so early like 5.30am??
ya lol.. eversince i started working, i hate taking the train.. is a killer.. lucky managed to find 1 colleague stay nearby me n can take train 2gether..
i'm also enjoying every single moment of being a mother since chloe is born and she has indeed brought so much joy & laughter to my family. so much so that sometimes crazy me just wished that things remain as what it is now.

yeap... agree that now changing them is realy a challenge. sometimes chloe can even shift and rotate herself to the middle of the bed *faintz*

those passengers must be pretending to sleep when they saw u step in the train. once someone offered me a seat when he saw me carry chloe, end up a boy age ard 5-6 just sat on it and even made face at my chloe!!! *felt like slapping him* and his mummy just stood there and said coldly "no boy, cannot...".

i agree! it's the strength and support that keeps us going on here.
Glad u enjoying motherhood.
Now our babies are so active, sometimes change diaper, they start to flip.

Little Gracia likes to lift up her body and trying to crawl, but she still not much strength. End up, she looked like she is shaking her butt.

Me sacrfice sleep to surf net. At least now i on leave still can catch up... if not, i probably miss u all again.

O, someone post the link for Jete forum? Cant find it...
N no pt my saving in favourites as my hse PC..... sigh...
Chole looked so happy eating it. But the inital expressin was... "hey, wat's tat?"
She is really sweet leh! Ooooo... still envy her hair very much!

The CNY wear -> It does looked abit big, but if skirt is shorter, it looked perfectly ok.

Sidetrack abit, O, u look so pretty in ur wedding gown!

no problem....the milk powder will be reserved for you...if you really cannot make it, i bring to the gathering for u...
sigh, my AVENT ISIS IQ DUO breast pump spoil after use for only less than 3 months, called the toapayoh show room they said need to change the silicon accessories every 2 or 3 months as it will suck the air in and may cause the motor spoil, dont know true or not..lucky it's under warranty so they promise to change a new motor for me but i need to take half day to there to change...


remember u r also a AVENT ISIS IQ DUO user, is it true we need to change the silicon part every 2 or 3 months?I may go to buy 2 new sets later since it's not easy to go there so will buy 2 spare..
I don't think my son nor myself can go with the PU/PD method. He used to sleep around 8plus now he dragged and he slept only at 11pm and my house, my goodness, is in a total mess because everything i put him to bed, i end up sleeping till the middle of the night when i was awaken by my own thoughts that 'hey,you have not sterilise bottles and pumps' then i woke up and realised that it's already 3am and then after a while, he will want milk. Every night without fail, he will want milk at least 3 times.

So i am So...tired everyday when at work. PU/PD takes a lot of time and i wanted to do it from day 1 but its taking too much attention and time for this though i would really love to try it.

And thanks to epidural, my back is aching really badly
Please add or remove your name from the list below.

Kindermusik Free Trial on 16 Feb 08 at Rosyhearts
2)Inu (To be confirmed)
3)Muddypie (To be confirmed)
4)Cookie Gal
5)Mikko (To be confirmed)
6)Woof (To be confirmed)
7)Jete (To be confirmed)
8) Jang
9) Tulip

is that so? Cos I have been using it since Oct'07 till now, its the old silicon from previous seller leh, but I bought a new set too, so I am using both set...and I also hv a spare set standing by but not use yet...thk I must change to new set liao since thy say so..before its burn also...my set also still under warranty till Aug'08, hope it will last...
my avent pump motor oso spoilt liaoz n i haven sent in for repair.. wen i on, it will auto shutdown after a few secs..

u buy ur pump when har?? last time my avent pump also like that....then bring to avent showroom...they tested and give me one to one exchange...
my pump i bought last yr mar.. i oledi ask my frend to bring to philips once n ask them chk liaoz but they say no prob, after get back, ok for awhile then even bigger prob, cant on...
wow I love the hair of chloe...pray every day hard hard my girl would have more hair..ha

Check w u all mummies. Seem like many asian mummies dont freeze puree. They all do fresh ones every day. I wonder so free meh?

If I freeze the puree, do I have to use sterlized container? To eat, I have to de freeze all is it?
i oni do fresh 1 wen i was SAHM last time.. now puree all freeze.. i do sterlized the cubes for freezing puree after every usage

the cubes is those normal for ice cubes one is it? So if I freeze all the veg puree. Can I just de frost and serve?
