(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs


I am so angry now!
I order sth fr spree and opted for courier to send to me.
Know what the courier guy did, dumped my parcel to wrong unit!!!! I called him to retrieve the things back, but he asked me to do it myself..
He said that house is empty. what if the owner dun want to return to me..

I stil think it is better for the courier guy to retrieve it back himself coz he is the one who made the mistake!
How can ask me to go and get it myself.. somemore I dunno the person in that unit..

What should I do mummies!!!

any idea the promotion until when? don tink buying today cos sure no more slice cake liaoz.. so late already.. no wonder yest i saw some gals carry bakinzinn cake box hahaha
aiyo, the courier company shd retrieve it mah, as long as ur address is correct, they shd complete the task!

My friend's friend got chicken pox 3x. Heard if someone immune system really weak, can have the virus attack again.
But normally is life time la, seldom hear ppl get it twice

Hmm, my mum and bb sitter said better not take the vacination, they preferred the kid get it, so all the poison inside the body can be out...whahaha
As a working mum, i doubt we have the time and attention if our kiddos kena chicken pox coz it will take abt 2 weeks for recovery
I was thinking to slip a note to that unit so that the person can return it back to me (hopefully).. so u think i shouldnt do it ?
if u 1 2 get ur parcel urgently then mus approach ur neighbour.. if not i feel tat u shld go back to courier company.
i rem i can make appointment for the vaccination, the waiting time is quite reasonable. I didnt wait as long as at the PD's...

the promo is till end of the month...

is it from a reputable company?
i think u can try to apprach the neighbour 1st.
if the neighbour no respond then make hell for the courier company
Re chicken pox vaccine, just to share with you when I asked my family doc whether I should let my girl take it, he advised us to take it even though it is not 100% prevention, it will lesson the chance of them getting chicken pox in future, and even if they do get it, it will not be so severe.

He say there are serious complications that can develop from chicken pox, and especially for girls should go because don't want them to have scars.
i will let my boy take the chicken pox vaccine before he starts school...

can take from GP right, PD very expensive.

but yet i very worry if bring him to GP.
few weeks ago, when my boy is having flu, i brought him to the GP below my flat.
i feed my boy the flu medicine for abt 4 days, then i notice that he keep breaking into cold sweat,hand and leg is always cold, neck has rashes and his face is pale white, but still as active.

then i stop the medicine.
but is it normal for the face to turn white, really white lei. i scared the medicine is too strong for him
choco, unless your GP is experience with children, else i rather not take chances, wld prefer PD for small children. Last time I brought Sam to a GP when he was an infant, less than 1mth old, cos' alot of phlegm and cough..didn't get better and then went to see PD. The PD said the medicine is too strong for a babe and said is wrong prescription. Anyway, at the end of the day, depend on who you trust and comfortable with.
Cola, i felt that it is faster for you to try retrieve it else the courier(being so irresponsible) may take ages to help you to settle this matter. Next time you can use your own courier contact and collect from the spree org. instead. This way more reliable i think.

Glee: i did not go afterall, hope you have a great trip.
since 1mth promo no need so gan cheong to buy.. nw oni beginning of the mth hehehe.. if the cake sold out today still hav 2mr :p

See that U hv supply problm huuh...snowwy is right, U need to pump every 2hrs to get the supply in, if baby is not latching, u need to use pump...don't need to pump 1 hour lah...jz pump 15mins each side, slowly the supply will come in, dun care how much U manage to pump out now, if not enough can substitute formula first. During my 1st month, I got infection and was banned from pumping for 2days, end up every session I only get 20mls...i struggle to pump every 2hrs even there is not much milk, but after confinement, my supply slowly increase and up to the state tht I hv to donate my milk leh...jz drink more fresh milk and milky stuff like holicks or milo, juices, soup...thats wht I did to keep the milk coming in...Mel...I did it and I am sure U can too...jiayou...!!


U going abroad?? Did I miss anything??
I am here, was very busy and am still very busy.. haiz!

Re: courier
Thanks for all your advice. I manage to get the things back from my neighbour.

I have checked with the spree organizer, she uses a company and not private courier service. Have told her that to tell the courier company about this chap. The address written on the parcel is accurate! Such an irresponsible chap!!

Hm.. I think the med could be too strong for him, if not how come he turned pale rite? U may want to ask him what’s his feeling after feeding him the medicine (I remember your Ze is quite conversant rite?) he could be able to tell u how he feels..
I personally dun like to feed my kids too much of western medication, I feel that sometimes it is really too strong for them.
So if meg has some running nose or some fever/flu, I will just give her ba bao san from eu yan sang, I think that is very good..

so angry with the standard chartered telemarkerts...

they call me abt some credit card promo, then after the explaination, i say i dun want, then he buay siong say 'oh nvm, its up to u', then slam down the phone...so rude lei

buay tahan
hahaha usually i'm the one who slam the phone with these credit card telemarkerts cos i don hav the patience to listen to them... then everytime my hubby will say y i so bad kekeke..
no wonder me and hubby are fat fat one, last night I passed by bakerzin and bought 4 sliced of blueberry cheesecake then decided to get 2 additional whole blueberry cheese cakes kakakaka.. we gave 1 wholecake to our home's guardhouse and the rest we brought home! that's like enough for 8 ppl eaten by 3 adult and a kid kakakakaakak..

wow...thats a lot lei....
so 3 adults and a kid had i whole cake + 4 slices!!!

don't u find it very 'ji lat'?? like too overwhelming?
kakakaka.. I think the slice is too small!! the slice I am used to is like double than that..now still got left over lah but I think will finish today kekeke..

i keep having on-off tummy ache but i dun know it is stomachache or cramp?

my appmt is tmr, but do u think its a concern to see gynae today??

my hb say me 2nd times mummy but still like novice...
isit due to u r too tired then pain? usually if pain my gynae will advise to rest.. if after rest still doesn't go away then she say to see her..

i dun know lei...
i dun know the pain is constipation pain or not?(but i did pass motion yest)

i will monitor till abt 3pm see how.
if pain until i want to cry, then i will go see

i cannot rest cos today busy, i still have to come back office after tmr check up
Thanks 4 ur advice..so far usually can meet Mikayla's demand. Juz that it takes me 1hr to pump out e required amount like really have 2 squeeze w my hand after using pump until every drop so precious but e past few days i try 2 latch her on more often n pump abt every 2hrs..
U can tk cranberry juice 4 UTI..

How much milk do ur #2 take per feed? When CL was here she gave Mikayla 80ml but since she left 3days ago Mikayla seems 2 tk a maximum of 60ml only no matter how i force her..so i decided 2 juz give her 60ml instead of keep throwing away my Ebm that she cant finish. Is it too little?
Some ppl just v easy to get UTI.

My boi took abt 90ml when he was abt 1 mth old for every 2.5hr. Now he is taking 100-120ml for 2.5hr. Last feed can take up to 150ml but sill wake up for feeding 2,5hr later...haizz
Ian drink much huh? Hmm..then how? even if in the bottle have 80ml she die die wont finish it..she'll even make herself vomit if I force the teat in her mouth..these 2 days I give her 60ml she can finish but also drink very slow and she'll drink every 3 hrs...
