(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

btw, dear all,

i hv applied my ML today, will start rest at home from next monday, too tired to get up from bed every morning. can accompany ruoxi to sleep till she wakes up liao.

oh take good care, rest well ")

i also put mine for sale.. if no one wants then may still go, cos hb is keen to go.. maybe will not bring my gal along
keke. my hubby oso think dun need to buy coz juz buy more ice pack can liao. but hor, i told him the last time i froze all the EBM so can last long long in the normal chiller bags.

heard from a fren that if can, try not to freeze coz may lose some nutrients (dunno how true leh). so if only chilled EBM, i worried the EBM turn bad leh. so juz invest in one lor. ignored my hubby. =P
yah. cool leh. they can juz walk off so happily within minutes of meeting each other. haha. machiam like old time frens while the mummies look on. keke.
so good, last day of work today! Rest more b4 #2 pop. Wish u have a smooth delivery in advance first, since u are ready anytime..kekeke.

Me so tempted to get MC every morning..hahahha
Nowadays very hard to get Doren to pose
he seems to hate having his photos taken, not cooperative at all

Doren had a mini 2nd Birthday celebration last Friday.

more noise pollution at home...! Thanks to my bro!

Going to shave Darius's hair very soon.
his hair is always like Einstein's
then we tried using hair gel, look more like a boy!
it is good, highly recommend it. BUT the BP price i dont find that great. I have the mini fridge and I bought it at taka at the same price as BP. May want to check out the prices out there (esp with store card discount etc) and see if can get it cheaper.

ops, sorry to hear you ended up with mastitis. doren's mini cake not very mini. i was thinking of getting a smaller cake than that even. so funny you gel darius's hair, but his hair is really quite wild. he likes his new chew friend?

i like black forest and lychee martini.
Doren has cheeky smile hahahah.. nice cake too! and yes loud bang bang bang on top of Darius' cry I think now will be on your daily plate hehehehe..
wah....darius is so bubbly...he looks smarter with his hair down..
doren is still as handsome as before

wah...mee sua for melcolm again har....
ya... this is the 3rd time ganna mastitis. fever was as high as 39degC. lucky now it has subsided.
have to take antibiotics. dunno it it because of my supply or not.
i pump only on weekdays so weekends i think have a surplus of about 350ml even after Darius latches on.
could this be the cause? breasts not well drained?

it's a mini celebration with a big cake.
the cake was 2-kg, in order to hold the toys i bought for Doren

Darius seems to like Sophie though he is not that good in gripping it firmly.
it gets dirty quite easily right?
will the latex smell go away with time?

ya, Darius is still round, or rounder.
he is 9.8kg now leh! wearing 12-18 mths clothes already.
he does look like Doren from certain angles.
aiyo, mee sua, Doren wont eat for sure.
now with his refusal to eat, i have to resort to giving him Pedisure!

really noisy you know.
but Doren seems to like the drums set.

I just shave Darius' hair last night.
look like army recruit! haha!

actually i prefer Doren's fringe down cos his forehead is too high

the cake design is very simple.
i just put toys on top so that he can play with them after we stomach the cake!
sound like your ss super good. i think weekend you need to keep to the same schedule as weekday, or after you latch you need to do a short pump to clear your breast. if not you need to tune down your ss.

my fren use a ribbon and put velcro on the ribbon to secure ard sophie's neck, in case it drops. it's being handled quite a bit so i guess it does get dirty. L seem to like it but not sure what to make of it yet. got latex smell? should go away once it's in the open for a while right?

you order the cake from pine gardens? then put your own deco on top? i'm a bad mommy, until now haven't even ordered p's cake.

how's your boy doing with his new french gf?
actually i am too lazy and cant find time to pump after each feed on weekends.
think i better start clearing the milk to prevent mastitis again.

you mean your sophie dun have a smell?
After Darius chews on it, his mouth also has rubber smell! haha!

yes, the cake is from Pine Garden.
i bought Fisher Price Little People Baby Zoo Animals and did a simple drawing for PG to follow
so I just placed the figurines on top before bringing out the cake for cutting.
very easy. PG did a bit of grass patches, add some icing flowers and snails. that's all.
haha here come this year mee sua.. in fact, we had mee sua for lunch today too..


actually Melcolm didnt eat alot too, jus want to make sure he eat abit yisi yisi.. luckily 2day he quite ok but the drumstick he rejected as usual.. so mummy and daddy confiscated it hahaha

u need to cook mee sua for carene soon too :p

How long is the feeding time does your precious took?
Ivan can eat up to 1hr for a bowl of rice with soup! I got backache aft feeding him. Any way to make him eat faster? The carrot, potato, meat and vege r not chunky. He will hold the food in his mouth sometimes. Haizzzz

at least your boy is eating rice and soup.
mine is not even opening his mouth for all these even though he takes only 10 mins to finish a bowl of cereal
My boi was quite choosy on food last time. To make him eat more, we will wait him to be v hungry first, like about 5hrs fr the last feed. Then he will just keep eating! If not, he can't even finish half a bowl and keep splitting out the food onto the palm. He will feed me with the splitting food, faintzz.
He likes Rice + soup , he is a 100% cantonise! hahahahaha
Happy Chinese Bday to Melcom! haha.. big drum stick wor!

Bliss, Loh
I think i am the cruel mummy here, Meg takes about 15mins to 20mins to finish her rice + vege + meat + soup..
If she hoards the food inside her mouth and not chewing, she is gonna get a flick on her cheek.. same thing if she spits out the food, a flick on the cheek..
Until now, she can even tell me "If i puke out the food, mummy will flick me"
If she doesnt want to open her mouth, will use the ji mao dan (donno what's it call haha).. and give her the mao... she is damn scared with it..

Actually i think my girl is super itchy hand one ler.. dunno if all the kids are like that, she is touching whatever that we are touching! urgh!!! my MIL said last time SIL's daughter never did all those.. she can sit there and watch tv or play with her own toys while adults are doing another thing like arranging cabinets or hanging laundry.. my girl!! wah if we open a cabinet, she will sure squat beside us and start touching things/taking things out!!! sometimes it drives me mad ler..
MY boy is dunno what.. 100% indonesian or angmoh hahaahahah.. he likes noodle, udon and spaghetti are his fave, he loooooves tofu, indonesian bean cake called tempe, brocolli ..
but if he's not in the mood eating, anything he will pretend to gag out one.. as if he was gonna puke.. first few weeks this worked.. but then I recognised he was cheating me, so I scolded him must eat although he pretended to gag, so he cried wanted his daddy.. gggrrrrhhh!!
no worries for itchy hands, it shows she's inquisitive, important to be like this at current age.. we need to be patient and watchful make sure she doesnt get into trouble / danger.. Ike climbed up the gate in front of the door all the way up and so far I only make sure some1 watch behind him to catch him when he fall, also told him must ask someone to go there if he';s gonna climb hahaha.. most of the time he obeys..
Got this via email..dunno if its true but just share with u all just in case.

Yesterday, my youngest daughter, Halle who is just 4 years old, was rushed to the ER by her father for being severely lethargic and incoherent in her classroom. He was called to her school by the school secretary who said that she was 'VERY VERY SICK'!
He told me that when he arrived at her classroom, Halle was barely sitting in the chair. She couldn't hold her own head up and when he looked into her eyes, she couldn't focus them.
He immediately scooped her up and rushed her to the closest ER, and then called me. When he got there, they ran blood test after blood test and did x-rays, every test imaginable. Her white blood cell count was normal, nothing was out of the ordinary.. When I arrived at the ER, the doctor there told us that he had done everything that he could do so he was transferring her to Saint Francis Hospital for further tests.
Right as we were leaving in the ambulance, her teacher arrived at the ER and told us that after questioning Halle 's classmates, She had found out that our little girl had licked liquid hand sanitizer off of her hands !!!
Hand sanitizer, of all things. But it makes sense. These days they have all kinds of different scents and flavors and when you have a curious child, they put all kinds of things into their mouth.
When we arrived at the Saint Francis' Hospital ER, we told the ER Doctor there to check her blood alcohol level, and yes we did get weird looks, but they did it.
The results showed her blood alcohol level was 85% -- six hours after we first took her.. There's no telling what it would have been if we would have requested it at the first ER. Since then, her school and a few surrounding schools have taken the liquid hand sanitizers out of all the lower grade classes, but what's to stop middle and high schoolers from ingesting this stuff? After doing research on the Internet, we found out that it only takes about
3 squirts of the stuff ingested to be fatal to a toddler.
For her blood alcohol level to be so high, it would be like someone her size drinking120 proof liquor. So PLEASE PLEASE don't disregard this because we don't ever want another family to go through what ours has gone through.

Please send this to everyone you know that have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or cousins.
It doesn't matter what age. This could affect anyone of them .
So it's normal to have itchy hands at this stage rite.. coz MIL everytime said SIL's daug never did that, did this.. it makes me feel like IS MEG NORMAL? IS MEG HYPER? i personally dun think she is hyper at all, coz she can focus and finishes her 40pcs puzzles, that shows she is still having normal concentration span..

Mine dun really climb here and there, she only loves to touch things! Yest, she was doing sth v dangerous, she switched on the fan, and switch if off, then put her fingers inside and i can hear the fan's palate (whatever it is called) sweeping against her little index finger!! i told her daddy, and she got serious punishment from daddy.. we wanna make sure she wont do dangerous stuff like that, luckily the fan was off, if the fan is on, and she puts her finger inside, i think her nail is gonna drop off! actually i pity him when she cries so sadly and said in gagging voice (coz crying).. MEGAN KNOWS MEGAN IS WRONG.. SOOO OOOORR RRRY PAPA...

i heartpain ler when he punished her.. super heart pain seeing her crying like that..
dear all,

thanks for the good wishes, today is my EDD,i'm still here.


Darius with hair jel really looks like Doren, yr boys both hv very good hairs.


the mee suan looks yummy, still remember last year u also cooked the same mee suan.

may wait till my maternity leaves end then only buy.


can u let me know if u found anywhere got good deal?thanks.
wow thanks for sharing... the hand sanitizer is very commonly used nowadays. I will now just use the wet tissues for Ike.. scary!!

very normal for an active kid.. no worries.. If Meg is Hyper, Ike will be what?? super hyper?? got such grade meeeh? hahahaahahah.. as long as still can listen to instruction (altho forgten next second) and still can repeat what you're saying, she's OK.. last week NUH PD did an assessment on him and all is good.. I told her he's super active, she said normal active although excessive (more than Ike is) still OK as long as he can also sit down and listen and learn..
hi mummies,

wow, is the anxiety v bad?

my gal is oso v active all along.. cannot sit still..
during weekends, the oni time i can take a breather is when she is sleeping...

we went cruise again last weekend, i was so tired running after her.. and she 'danced' non-stop until i had to forcefully carry her away from the dance floor
Ahah, glee, you have a dancing queen in the house..

you super enjoy cruising around :p

Xman - have a smooth and safe delivery. You trying for natural? Your 1st is c-section right?

For those who are pregnant with their 2nd one, don't you think it's quite tiring to have a toddler and then yet get pregnant at the same time? Reason cos I think I see a lot of mummie here TTC...
Thanks! so my girl is just like any other tod, super active and curious about everything..

Cruising again? haha.. your girl is gonna be a dancing queen..
Mine only her old pattern dance *shake shake booty* with legs open v wide haha!

Long time no see. how are u..
Definitely tired if preg with a tod in tow, but even more tiring when bb is born keke..

Wish you a smooth delivery.. must inform us when u are admitted for your delivery k. Jia YIo!
Nowaday kids know how to give us a trick ya....so clever thanks to all the DHA in fm.
Ivan will know how to cheat us fr retrain him on the high chair by saying that he wants to pee. Once a few drops of pee done in the potty, he will happily go to play wif his toys instead and never come back to the dinning table...

Waiting game again, but you can relax b4 pop...heheh

Kids just like to touch here touch there coz of curiosity. They will learn through sensing. Guessed is normal to every child.
Wah, megan knows how to play wif 40 pieces puzzle liao....v good!

Yesterday went to Sakae Sushi, they required every customers to use hand sanitizer b4 entering their place which i found it is so ridiculous. Ppl can still bring germs in through clothing, arms and the rest of body parts. The sterilised hands will still touching here and there and get contaminated again after a very short while.
Actually when ur kid is noti, do you scream around to stop him/her? Or talk nice wif the kid? I scared neighbour is wondering are we mad coz i never heard them scolding kids and their kids dun cry!

Haha! I am definitely a mad woman around the neighbourhood (i think :p) my girl is immune to nice talk, or she probably takes my nice warning as wind..
i will warn her nicely 3 times and if i am not feeding or carrying baby, instead of screaming like mad, i will just take her away from the things which i dun want her to touch, or take the things away from her.. she will cry, so let her be.. after she calms down, i will tel her, I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU DO NOT DO THAT, THAT'S WHY I TAKE (ABC OR WHATEVER) AWAY FROM YOU.

If i happen to be feeding baby and she is messign around, i will definitely scream (not a good example coz sometimes when she is angry she screams back so i try not to scream too much now)!

Fixing puzzles are not difficult at all, coz once they learn the trick of twisting and turning it around and fixing to the correct piece, they can even fix a 1800pcs puzzles (will bore them to death bah hahaha), meg started with the 16pcs barney puzzle which hubby bought from ntuc, and now she can fix the 40pcs puzzles.. enough for the puzzling thingy, now i am try to teach her to count, she doesnt seem to be interested at all..
her 'dancing' also shake booty or running/ jumping around , haha sometimes she will do some patterns with her hands

u planning? or not so keen to have #2 yet?

we are goin to the one at lotone this evening..

jus to share, the sakae sushi at tradehub21 has a little play area for kids, not that well equipped but good enough for our little ones to have some fun. if u book one of the rooms, u can have direct access to the play area, but there is a minimum spending required.
Talk abt hyper...u should see Mathias..Jete just saw him last Fri and he was like an energizer bunny!hahha!!

Oh my! Your bb really enjoying inside..maybe cos inside still have space.mine everyday pushing against my tummy cos no space for her to move already I think.

yah..after I read that article I called my hubby to tell him to stop using hand sanitizer on Mathias cos he lets Mathias use it sometimes when Mathias sees him using it and ask for it.

Yes, its very tiring being pregnant with a active toddler in the house but somehow I managed to survive till now!haha!! Sometimes I find it amazing..wonder how I managed to survive my MS in the first trimester...
wow. megan can do 40 pc puzzle? my boy cannot even do 2 pc puzzle... *faintz*

it is very tiring to have a tod and expect a #2. esp during the 1st tri (if u got bad MS) and the last tri. if ur family support is gd, then it will be easier on u. but this is to be expected if u dun want their age gap to be too far apart lor. =)

most of the time, i try to talk nicely to him and distract him with something else. but hor at times i oso shout at him to stop doing something when i am at the end of my rope. or really got no hands to stop him... =P

wah...have a smooth delivery yah. =)
an_gal, loh, cola,
ya, anything chunkier Doren will definitely spit out. the ultimatum is vomit like a merlion!
i ganna this umpteen times!

the consolation for you all is that your kids still receptive to eating all kinds of food.
mine simply refuse to open the mouth, like what the old folks said "gold mouth"! haha!

i have bought Pediasure for Doren to take.
he loves it but dunno in the long term, this is good or not.
miaon, cola,
Ivan has some fuit puzzles which he 'ate' some parts of them (gone missing)..hhahahaah

Yalor, my boi will take my words as wind. Left ear in, right ear out. Wondering how come handling kids are not as easy as last time.

Heard fr my mum, she just make sure we did go home eat and sleep when we were small. We can access the door and go out play like crazy, climbing trees, hide and seek, started a fire to cook grass, leaf, aloe vera (whatever that we can pick), catch birds..so many fun things to do during childhood. But now the kids stay at HDB/condo wif a few walls surrounded, so bored.

Ya i heard pediasure works for kids who don't fancy eating..
What do u always feed Doreen? i think for kids they prefer the nice smelling food. Meg likes her rice dry.. and not soaked in soup.. and fried chicken or prawn.

Since she is so small size, I am very concerned whether she finishes her food or not.. she loves fried stuff (home fried stuff of course), so my mil always fried tempura prawn or chicken for her, plus we will cut the vege that we eat and mix into her rice and feed her.. if she eats by herself, she will pick out all the prawn or chicken and leave the vege on the bowl hehe..

If you are not against doreen eating fried stuff, perhaps you can let him eat fried chicken wing mix with rice.. but home fried better coz our oil is clean..

I think DHA is one of the culprit, nowadays kids are so smart and full of tricks.. last time we all gong gong also grow up like now hahaha..

Boys are very active one.. now that u are heavily preg, i really dun want to recall the time when i was preg and meg kept asking me to carry her haha..
I remember the mornign when we took cab to hospi, i still carried meg to flag for cab haha.. luckily bb didnt came out in taxi hahaha.. (dilated and got contraction and got blood discharge signs at that time wor hahaha!)

Next time must let the 2 girls shake booty together haha
