(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Jules.. d same thing happen to me last week.. rushed hm aft wrk to find a empty hse.. PIL took bb out w/o informin me too.. i was pretty upset n called up my hb.. end up he tok in a nt-so-nice tone to his mum n she cried

i felt bad.. but then like u i feel tt they shld at least let me noe if they're bringin bb out.. i've no objections to it juz tt i feel i shld noe his whrabts isnt it.. i'm d mummy afterall

mummies.. r u ladies stil droppin hair or it has stopped.. i c d amt of hair i'm droppin i oso very worried.. wonder when tis wil stop leh
good morning.....

early in the morning my boss chase me for stuff that he give me late evening last nite. so sianz and spoilt my day
thanks mummies for all ur words of consolation. just had to rant and release steam last night. they came home at 1045 last night!! had to deal with a grumpy baby who just cried and refused to smile/look at me.

hb thinks i am making a big fuss out of nothing.. ermm even after calming down and a (not so gd) nights rest, i still think i deserve to know if they are bringing bb out.

dorami, good to know i am not alone in feeling this way. ya man.. think its ridiculous that me as the mummy has no idea where my bb is.

mightyminx, oops.. tenoSYNOVITIS.. paiseh.. see i've been hiding in cubicles way too long. must go out and see the real world soon.. otw there goes 5 years for nothing.

bedebe, oh dear the poor gal kena saline push up her nose?? its very gan kor!! even hb teared when he had that procedure done.. so must have been super uncomfortable/painful.

flipping- can veve flip back from tummy to back? xy still cant.. its really quite irritating having to rescue her every now and then and esp at night!

dropping hair - lets just say my room looks like its being occupied by a patient undergoing chemo.. my part time helper asked if someone was 'sick' cos there is so much hair on the floor (though i vacuum/sweep every other day).

peck, bochup la.. weekend is here!!
GRRR... just have to vent out... had a arguement with hubby over something puny!! *we left home late becoz i blend kaelyn's food* then Give me that Sian2 look the whole journey to my mum's plc!!!

was suppose to tighten belt.. BUTTTTTT HECK WITH IT NOW!!! i just shopping spree at gymboree! STILL got spree to come!!! GRRRR
(retail therapy) hehe..

oh do u gals think leapfrog learning table is better or the Fisher price learn & laugh learning table?? went to toys r us yesterday... i kinda like the FP one...

OH!! and i going to get a walk behind walker from FP too... from learn n laugh collection too!! amazon SElling at $15 USdollars!!!!!!!!!!! at toys r us here i saw at $90!!!!!!!!!!!! GOing to spend all my allowance n ask him for more!! IDIOT!!! SPOIL my whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!hehehe
hi lilac,

when you let zach CIO, won't you get heart pain? My boy has been crying lots over the past few weeks and mostly at night and I supposed before sleeping. Sometimes I think just let him cry but he cries till his face turns red and seemed like short of breath even, ends up choking, no choice have to keep carrying him.. even then he still goes on crying...really very sian to see him like that all the time....I am so bad, I will then let me helper carry him....I really dread nights and am afraid to let him sleep with me at night too...so end up my helper sleeps with him...
hi berry,

dun worry you are not the only one experiencing these problems....my boy born on the 9th july also dunno how to flip yet...he flips only to one side but cannot quite get past it afterwards...and as for the night feeds....he still wakes up abt twice a night to feed....as for sitting down, he likes to be carried that way and doesnt like to be cradled anymore....plus has been crying lots these past few weeks even more than when he was a newborn....very sian to be honest with you.....
peck, I guess its not easy if you are living with your mum. I don't think I will be able to do it if I am living with my mum.

keagan, thankfully Zachy does not cry for long. Plus, if he is well-fed and not soiled, the only reason why he is crying is because he is tired. I have got to let him learn how to sleep by his own. One thing to note though, I usually don't let him cry for more than 10 mins. I can understand how you feel. I think there is always a limit to how much one can take. So when the occasion arises, just let your helper take over. There are other ways of sharing your love to him. Press on. Motherhood is exhausting but at the same time enjoyable too =)
Hi,sorry to probe in your thread. Just need some advice from mummies here.

My baby was borned in 27th July so going to 4mos liao but til now his stomach still have lots of gas and this causes him not able to lie down on the bed to sleep.

Everytime after BF, he will sleep and I try to put him down on the bed but after 5 to 10 mins, he will start to jerk his legs and fart. And this will go on and on.....end up I have to put him on the rocker to sleep.

very worried whether sleeping on the rocker for so long good or not?

Any advice?
jojo, did u burp him after everyfeed? my boy also have lotsa gas till now, we burp him after every feed and apply ru yi oil on him after bath and before sleep.. usually he fart alot in his sleep
lilac, no choice, my mum is a kind that what ever she say sure right one lor... i only can ren ren and ren!! Lucky she is my mum if is my IL i think i will have big fight w my hb :p
wow I didn't realise so many of us have that bad wrist thingy!! and I thought I was the only one suffering!! strangely for me, I had the pain even b4 Ashley was born, around 8mths, and though it has eased somewhat, the pain these days is different. If I happen to carry her on do something at a 'wrong angle', I will get a jabbing sharp pain!! OUCH!!
Thanks, mightyminx/bedebe, for the info on the steroid cream. I've been taking the trouble to keep Ems' face clean and dry and it seems to be working - rash seems to be clearing well. Have also started applying the calendula cream which seems to be working nicely as well

bedebe: yah I wonder abt the scales sometimes! ems only put on abt 350gm last month and that was after feeding on demand, feeding more, force-feeding etc. very disheartened after that! yes, I do think if we have active bbs, the weight gain is likely to be lesser. The PD observed Ems who was happily flipping, grabbing at things and belly-crawling on the PD's cushioned table-top and said, 'er...I don't think this one will ever be a big baby'.

Ooops hb wants to go out now - post more later!
Hi, mightyminx, berry and jojo. Welcome.

Lilac: Great job! Glad that Zacky is doing so well.

RE: sleeping
Peck: I know how you feel. MIL pats and rocks my son to sleep during the day. She even lets him sleep on her shoulder. She is definitely at my son's beck and call. I'm really worried that I'm going to have a pampered child.

It has been quite difficult to get Matt to sleep on his own nowadays. He used to be able to sleep on his own without much patting at bedtime. However, I don't know why he has been fussing lately. Like today, he fussed again when I tucked him in. Then, he settled down and fell asleep. But after sleeping for a few minutes, he woke up again and wailed. He cried and cried so hard. Initially, I tried the CIO method, thinking that he will settle down after a while but he just continued crying so badly and I relented and had to carry and rock him but that didn't pacify him too. Well, it was after a long time that he finally settled down and I fed him a bit and he fell asleep. I suspect he wanted to be rocked to sleep. At the thought of this, I can't help but blame my MIL in my heart for rocking him to sleep every day. Sigh...very bad right? What an ungrateful daughter in law! Now that I'm on holiday and at home during the day, I hope I can break this routine of rocking him to sleep in the day. Wish me success.

Berry: We are all learning and everyone has our their own difficulties handling their children. I guess we just have to be flexible and do what best suit our child.

Matt still can't really sleep through yet too. He will sleep at 7.30pm and have his last feed at 10.30. Thereafter, he will wake up once in the middle of the night for another feed. He usually wakes up around 7am. He's an early riser.

Perhaps, you want to try to bring the last feed earlier so that you can go to bed earlier too.

Yolk sac: I think it really helps to clean Ems'face often. My MIL always clean my boy's face, after feeding, before his sleep and after crying. Hehehe, so I can say that Matt has got quite a clean face.; P

BTW, heard from a mummy that breastfeeding helps in keeping eczema at bay. Try to breastfeed as long as you can.
Hi Peck, ya I did burp every feed but don't know why his legs will still curl up to his stomach when sleeping and then jerk, this has make him very uncomfortable and not able to get to sleep.

Putting ruyi oil din really help a lot, don't know what to do liao.

Putting her on rocker to sleep, good or not? Any side effects?
Yah, agree. With my mom taking care, can't have everything the way i want, got to compromise. But unlike Jules and Dorami, it's a bit easier than with in-laws. Just a small piece of advice, for in-laws, let your hubby handle them if you're unhappy, best not to tell them off yourself. It's better for everyone.

don't fret, if it makes you feel better, my baby drinks around 9pm then 12mn then 3 or 4 then 6 or 7. Sigh used to it already. and she's 5.5 mths!

sigh i very failure. Baby addicted to being rocked to sleep or nursed. think that's it already, don't know if i have energy to fight with her.

i think 200g ok right? sounds quite alright, i mean if they grow so much all the time they will be HUGE. so don't worry i think. Chloe didn't even gain any weight the past 2 weeks. Haha I find it so cute that Veve will fall asleep on tummy when tired then get up to exercise again. So funny!

I so understand your need to spend spend spend! I just joined TWO sprees! Can't help it, the clothes so cute.. oh dear oh dear.....
jojo, not sure leh as my boy only slp on sarong in the day in cot in the nite, btw did u try to give him ridwind before milk? it may help
hello mummies

been busy the whole day...no fun being a maria and moomoo mummy :p add on 2 sick fellas at home- hb and veve ...

yolksac...glad tt her rash is clearing up. if the rash worsens (hopefully it'll not) do bring ems to the pd ya?

jules...veve can turn back on her own sometimes...other times when i turn her to lie on her back she'll immed flip back...aargh...dunno wat she wants la

mightyminx...hee...i too find it cute...she'll like suddenly from a lying on tummy sleeping position push herself up look ard...then lay her head down again to continue to zzz....but when she falls into deep sleep and then awakens...think she gets disoriented and then she'll wail for rescue :p

dun worry...am sure chloe will flip soon. for veve for the longest time she'll just turn to her side and stop there...she used to hate being on tummy. then for the 2 days before she started to flip on her own, i actually decided to practise with her flipping. did it a couple of times a day...turn her to side then push her a bit more. next thing i know...on 3rd day morning...she flipped on her own(i missed it). maybe you can try guiding her.

irene...i kenna banned fr spree le :p

have a restful weekend everyone!
Hi All
Noticed that a lot of babies have eczema and would like to share my experience (not baby, maybe hubby genes stronger).

Sorry for the long note, and hope that my message will help some babies.

For eczema carriers, theres likelihood that 1 in 3 kids will have the same skin allergies. Given my history (including my mums family history, eczema too but different trigger), I would recommend to all to start baby on solid from 6 months onwards if possible. According to some professional website, breastfeeding will help to minimize skin allergies.

I'm borned with eczema and have very bad rashes since young (thankfully, now much much better). The key is to identify and avoid the trigger completely. There are 2 types of eczema, i) contact eczema or ii) food eczema.

Different people have different trigger. You can bring your baby to national skin center for patch test (contact allergies) or prick test (food allergies). I had my done at a young age, but definitely not baby (so better call to see if they can test on baby).

When down with eczema, try to keep your baby airy (cotton clothing, where possible) and avoid rash chemical that will further inflamed the skin (eczema is worst than chicken box to me). Perhaps you can leting yr baby sleep on his/her side (airy). Also wipe (pat) your baby often. I noticed that sweat (salty) will trigger eczema. So need to keep the baby as comfortable as possible.

Do not expose your baby to prolong steriod cream cos it will thin the skin if use continuously. Use steroid to treat ugly or angry rashes only and under 1 week. Also the skin will be resistant towards steroid cream when use for an extended period.

I'm allergic to preservative that can be found in 99.99% of all skincare, shampoo, bath gel, lotion, creams, washing powder, detergents, dishwash liquid etc. Im allergic to Chinese medicated oil, nickel (like silver, coins, keys), fragrance and alcohol. Even a dedicated baby shower/gel like Johnson & Johnson baby will trigger skin reaction. So do not assume all baby products should be mild enough for your baby. So key is to identify what trigger the rashes.

I no longer see skin specialist for many years now. What I have to do is to avoid chemical or things that Im allergic to.
hi and welcome to all the new mummies

i got the dreambag coz my dd loves to kick up her blankets, found her one day with the blanket covering her face, almost freaked out... the sleeping bag eliminates this problem, thank goodness.

re: eczema
my bb has this behind her right ear, PD prescribed desowen... it helps immediately. i still apply it on and off when the rashes come back

hehe, decided to get one as my dd's christmas pressie
will bring her out and try to see which one she likes

brought my dd to the PD for her 6-in-1 and rota today. she only weighs 6.22kg at 4mths 1wk... PD is happy with her development though... she was happily "talking" to him. not so happy when he flipped her over and gave 2 jabs on her bum :p but she only cried for 30sec, and stopped immediately when we sat her up (she loves to sit up and look around)

she's still refusing to flip though. managed it once, and hated it... never even made the effort to try again.

re: shopping
hehe, spending tons of money again... here's a latest pic of her in her new headband just received from a BP


good morning!!
start to count down again, sianz....
shymz, the headband so sweet..

think i will get the dreambag, jovan keep kicking away the blanket and i keep waking up to check on him..
thanks keagan,claire,bedebe,mightyminx

for the advice and info, now i tried myself to get use to it, as i am on shift working so therefore it is really tedious to keep waking up to feed and burp him.... (*yawn)...


well my in law also always giving me headache a very very big headache. Basically she cant let baby cry for milk, she will keep feeding according to 3 hr method, my baby spit out quite often as I think he is full or not ready for feed yet. I told her and she give me faces too, i bo bian let my hubby tell her. She more lagi angry with me for being troublesome.

The best part is she wake my baby up for milk eventhough he is not hungry. When she wake the baby up, he cry loudly until she panick and put he down to sleep again. Strange way rite.. Sorry for being rude to in law complaining hahaha...
morning everyone!

back to work... Jules on leave today.. so envious!

your daughter is so sweet! Mine only flips front to back when she's tired on staying on her front. Very cute cuz she will start to make noise, then if no one rescues her she just flips onto her back herself. Heh

should get dreambag, i'm more at ease now cuz I don't have to worry she will smother herself with blankie. Oh yah all mommies with baby flipping problems, Dreambag will totally eliminate that, so you don't have to keep rescuing them in he middle of the night!

ok better get to work.
morning mummies!

shymz, aiyo ur gal so pretty with the headband!

re: flipping
my boy still dunno hw to flip! haha slow ya :p
morning mommies,i din post in forum for a very long time liao..i had attended the swensen dinner and yolksac's house for gathering...rem me?!!! heehee

I named my boy sean..let me see if I can upload his pic here...and he looks like me..hohoho...

shymz..ur girl enjoying the reading session? My boy dun likes sitting still leh...arrgghh.
hiiii ling, your here, welcome back

ur boy so cute hor.. boy are like tat lah mine also very notti and violent leh
just thought i'd share something with all the BF mommies here.

for those who have not started solids, you might want to consider holding off till baby is 6 moonths old. World Health Organisation (WHO) has cited several studies that have shown a significant reduction in respiratory & gastrointestinal infections ( ie flus & tummy upsets) in babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. so breastmilk is really good enough till then.

For those still BF now and finding it very tiring, just to encourage you to keep going. Studies have also shown that BF has a significant benefit until the age of 2 YEARS! therafter not much. I know it's very long, I think it's going to be very difficult too but for the sake of baby, think I'll try..

Go Moo Moo Mommies Go!
yannie, you cant post on spree direct as your account only start on sept 07 you need to wait till sept 08 then you can post, at the meantime you only can pm or email then your order
morning guys..

on leave but in a very down mood
been a bad weekend for me cos bb has been ignoring me since yesterday.. let her go over to my parents place to stay on sat night as usual. but i think she had stranger anxiety cos she cried quite badly on sat night b4 going to sleep.. then on sun when she was back home, she was like a totally diff baby. refused to look/smile at any of us.. only got back to normal last night to my PILs.. but till now, still not looking at me. think she blames me for abandoning her on sat.
why like this.. feel so sad and rejected when i see her smiling happily at my MIL, then when i call her, the smile immediately disappears. sigh.. mood really low low low man.

mightyminx, i gave in to peer pressure (my parents, hb and ILs) and gave her cereal this morning! the healthy times brown rice cereal.she really loved it man.. kept smacking her lips and leaning forward for more. when i bring the spoon towards her she will open her mouth damn big and clamp down on the whole spoon! so cute
she is definitely ready for it cos she didnt try to push the food out or anything.. every bit of cereal went in. can cry when i didnt feed fast enough somemore! got a greedy girl here..
jules, so excited that xy start on solid today..
i will start give jovan when he turn 5 mth old and i plan to give him myself.. agreed with u that everybody is giving me pressure to give him solid and i didnt buy any of it to store at home.. afraid that they give behalf my back!
peck, jovan turning 5 mths in a few days time right?? can liao la.. xy is 5mths 10days today.. really very fun to see her eating. when i was preparing her cereal, she was damn excited. keep kicking and waving her arms.
peck, not so shiok leh.. not like i can sleep.. xy sleep very restlessly since yesterday. every few min will cry in her sleep..gotta be guard dog and pat her every now and then..
jules...that's exhausting man...veve would cry in her sleep the past few nites and only settle when we carry her...nose still congested la...then last nite i decided to swaddle her (it was a mess...i actually can't remember how to swaddle le!)...gave her the in-arms feeling...she slept all the way...din even fidget in her sleep :p maybe you can try...

veve is 5 months old today. we went to ica jus now to collect her passport. the normal q was actly faster than the q for the interview room. waited 1h...there were 100 pp before us...so glad i'll only need to go back there in 5years time :p

mightminx...thanks for the info. i was planning to be a moomoo as long as i can. think hb already realised tt my boobs belong to veve for as long as she wants. sigh...there goes champagne, wine and a whole load of other food for a long long time...

peck...ya raining...shiok but got thunder. i always imagine everytime got thunder...babies all around will startle and start wailing :p

leobaby...me leaving this sat and haven't planned wat to do/go/eat yet! when you leaving?
Wow Jules and Peck,

so excited to hear you're starting your babies on solid. Matthew is turning 5 months next Wed and I can't wait to give him his first solids. Have already bought a few brands of rice cereal at home and even gotten a copy of the "First Food" book. Now I'm just wondering if it's better to wait till 1 or 2 weeks before he turns 6 months to be on the safe side.
hihi peck..so u have bou tat dream bag u mentioned? im still hesitating..haha..have been spending and spending...my bumper mat arrived last sat liao..still having 2nd thought of placing him on the mat cos the rubber smell is still there...

bedebe..wrt passport..ur girl shared the same passport w you or her is individual? how much huh? i might be gg to penang this thur, now pending for hotel confirmation...was told by the agency that babies.toddlers under 2 yrs old is FOC..shld make sure of the priviledges the next time ...haha

wrt to breastfeeding..i just wean off not long ago..got the urge to latch him on again..missed those special moments bet. him and me...*sob*
en hui, i was also not sure if i shld give the cereal.. but figured that since its just 2 wks away from the 6 mth guideline, dun think it will hurt. quite a few of the studies actually compare starting solids at 4 mths vs 6 mths.. and there are proven benefits for waiting till 6 mths as compared to 4 mths. but 5.5 mths is kinda a grey area.. heck la
think my girl has been salivating after our food for long enough already! (since she was 4 mths old!)

bedebe, think swaddlign xy will make her even more agitated leh.. now i dont dare to do anything she hates liao.. scared she hates me more and ignores me longer!
peck & jules,

i tried feedin ayden with puree and rice cereal.. he prefer puree! white rice cereal to him is tasteless coz he had bi gor since he was 4 mths..
fun to see them tasting it.. haa!

i bought healthy times food jars and cereal for him too.. so far he only tried the carrot food jar :p

thanks Dorami & mei2 for feedback wrt leapfrog touchpad...trying to order one from the spree but difficult leh cos' can't post and the organizers ignored my PM...hai..

so cool..so many of the babies here reaching 5mth - 5mth plus...mine just turned 4 mth yesterday. 2 more months before starting solid but she's already losing interest in milk. Does that mean she's ready to take solid?
