(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Thanks.. I'll go explore and look for the PD next to Lot 1.
Wah, ur boi poo so much? i think i only remember one day when my ger poo twice.

qsg, catherine,
Thanks for the assurance abt bb poo frequency. The texture has been fine so far...not hard at all.

Alamak, now i kena bleeding on my left nipple...the other nipple still healing from a blister.... sigh...my ger ah, really cannot latch her properly.

What should i do to make bleeding nipple heal faster?

Chang, i used both Neo Garden and Mum's Kitchen before. I kinda like both.

Bobianah, refrain from latching on for time being and use a nipple shield.

wah! go pak tor huh!
i wish i could too but nei nei so pain that i must go around the house with breast exposed
how to go gai gai! now have to make sure i don't end up on the front page of lianhe wanpao for indecent exposure!


so sorry to hear about your dad. but i think you are right to visit for the closure. *hugs* regardless how far apart you have drifted, the feeling of loss could still be overwhelming! be strong k?


i also kanna bleeding nipples one week ago, the husband went out and got me medela's pure lanolin to apply and it became better the next day.

thx 4 e concern. i'm alrite liao. just needed to cry out this afternoon. then tot bt it.. felt alrite again. can still joke n laugh w hubby liao.
sat's my bb's full mth celebration tho, dunno can still carry thru..


my bb poo at almost every feeding n she pees super a lot. e whole cloth diaper can be drenched in urine tho i change at every feeding. e diaper got so saturated twice tt urine leaked out fr e diaper pants n wet her clothes... haiz...


my bb can oso poo until drop out onto e diaper pants... she loves to poo n urine just after i cleaned her or when i'm drying her on e towel. just now kena urine on me while drying her again... n it's a freshly washed towel! %#&$@^^(*@!!$#&

once, she farted while i's changing diaper n this small piece o shit flew into my eye. can u beat tt? heh heh...

neo garden's food is nt bad.ordered tingkat fr them. in fact my hubby likes it a lot. haf been having it since monday. we oso wanted 1 lunch n 2 dinners but i tink they dun haf tt so we just ordered food 4 3 ppl. dun tink they wanna deliver twice a day to e same place oso. order 4 3 oso cheaper. e servings enof for 4 tho. so next mth, if we're continuing, we'll order 4 2, shld b enof 4 3!

as 4 caterer. cos we're nt having a lot o guests so we're ordering pizza n kfc. cos most caterers need min 30pax 4 buffet.

pokemon, gan,

gd gd... got sembawang kaki liao. all o us stay w/in walking dist 2 sun plaza rite? anyway, tt's like e only place to meet up in sembawang...
i stay in blk 686c....juz a few blks away....next time our bb got playmate liao......serene oso stay nearby...

my part time maid quite gd, $10 per hr....she does thgs quite fast.

aiyo, festive season they dun ve or neeee....i oso heard is nice...

my boi only put his hands in the mouth when he's hungry....as i m alone at nite, i tried 2 give pacifier 2 my boi but he spit it out.....hehheh....if can better dun give ur ger

huh?...seems like my boi really poo alot....i thot must poo 3 4 times per day so when he poo less i will go & make mmmmmm sound 2 make him poo ;P

at 1st oso kena blister but after awhile ur nipples will get used 2 it.....like now my nipple immune 2 pain & blister liao.....vanessa says use bm 2 apply on ur nipple & air them dry.....it works....u try & c....& i thk must let ur bleeding nipple ve time off....let it rest 4 a day
haahaa......i thot my boi naughty.....his poopoo kana my clothes so many time until i immune 2 it liao....urs even worst....kena ur eyes....so funni....my boi oso like dat.....luv 2 pee after bathing....always pee on the rubber mat & the urine will kena his clothes then got2 change again....

btw, how come my boi peepee always leak & kena his whole back & wet his clothes????

neo garden tingka sound gd....ok, will try after confinement.....so u order for 3 pax then they sent the food 2 u during lunch....dinner then heat up the rest izzit?
qsg, doggiebb, chang
thanks...i'll keep bb off nipple for a while...think i have the medela lotion, a fren gave...

haha! yah, my ger oso, sometimes changing her diaper, she will pee on the new diaper...sometimes very heng that i just put diaper there otherwise pee all over liao. When she does that I just tell myself, lucky she is a ger, or else pee will spray into my face liao. :p

mbb, chang
my bb oso sometimes put her mittened hand to her mouth when she's fussing...i tried using pacifier before...she spat it out too. never tried anymore after that.

my ger farts a lot...but dun poo that much...i rub her tummy, make the mmmmmm sound, she oso dun poo. hopefully like wat qsg and catherine say, that its nothing to worry abt. anyway, i will monitor and see how.
tok abt bb pee and poo, Wat diaper you ladies using now? i realised that Drypers (S) size and Pampers Baby Care (S) size very small compared to Pampers premium NB size...now i quickly using the Drypers and Pampers Baby Care that were given to me before i use Pampers Premium again.
apply nipple cream,
u must have not latch her in a proper way thats why nipple bleed if u latch in a proper way theres not problem with nipple bleed or not.
ur aerole must be completely put into her mouth so that she could suckle in a proper way.

cf chang,
what brand of pamper u using? if drypers cfm leak. try using fitti much cheaper then dryper. and it won't leak.
using pacifier must have tactic one hehe.
i carry my ger push pacifier into her mouth then make her face my breast so that my breast support her pacifier and to prevent it to drop.
The PD at blding next to Lot 1, the building is it where the library is? Post Office downstairs ah?
When u taking Philson for his 1 mth jabs? U going there?

yalor, the reason why i expressing to feed bb is oso cos her latching is very bad...her mouth open very small, very hard to make her latch properly. I even got a private LC to come and help me. Wah, she oso got difficulty getting my ger to latch. I see her stuff my nipple and aerola into my ger mouth and force my ger to open her mouth i oso dunno how to do it.
Now i latch my ger for abt 15mins for bonding and for her comfort only...maybe she gets a bit of BM from there i dunno. I oso hv very low BM ss, so i supplement with FM. All these take up a lot of time. I spend almost 1.5hrs latch, feed EBM, feed FM and express for next feed!

haha, didn't know use pacifier got tactic! I will remember...
bobianah, catherine
i use fixies....aiyo bb only 3 wks old oredi used up 1 carton liao....dat is 6 pkts....

catherine, i will switch 2 fitti after i finished my the other carton of fixies...heard fr my sil, fitti is quite gd 4 newborn cos usuage very high & it is cheap & gd
yup yup....is dat building....but i ve not been there b4....juz heard abt it

for jabs i will bring him 2 polyclinic....cheaper & MBB said go b4 bb 1 mth old then no need 2 Q....heehee

wow....u really spend alotsa time....by the time u finished, time for next feed.....very tiring.....mine is latch ard 40min then FM ard 10min, burp ard 10min & cuddle cuddle another 10min....put him 2 slp....then will wake up 2hrs later....& the routine begins ;p
i got the formula fr Mrs's Wong TMC breastfeeding book.. it's onli for 1-7 days old bb though...

it's meant as a guide for cup feeding bb.. but i assume tt shd be the same for bottle feeding... here's the estimation:
First day of bb's life: Give him 60ml per kg of his weight per day and divide the total into eight feeds. Feed your bb every 2-3hours.
Second Day: Give him 80ml per kg of his body weight for 8-10 feeds
Third day: Give him 100ml per kg of his body weight
4th-7th day: increase the daily total by 20ml per kg of his body weight per day.

mine oso.. feed very irregular.. sometimes can go hungry within 1 hour.. sometimes can last 3hours..

hai~ these two days dunnoe wat happen to my boy.. he can keep requesting for milk every hourly for 3 hours.. den aft tt falls into deep sleep for 3hours.. for today's episode, i latch him on twice.. once at 1.15pm for 30min, 2.30pm for 35min.. n gave him 60ml of EBM at 4.30pm.. my CL is saying tt he din suckle efficiently lor.. tt's y still hungry..

take care... maybe try to visit ur dad so tt u won't regret in future.. but dunnoe if hosp environment is gd for bb anot..

my CL gave my boy pacifier without my permission..
but partly my fault too lah.. i bought the steriliser n it came with free pacifier.. while sterilising my bottles, i throw the pacifier in.. so she thot i okie with it.. :p anyway, she told me tt onli give pacifier to bb when bb wants to suckle to sleep.. den when bb reach 4th mth, can start weaning bb off the pacifier liao.. whenever bb starts lookign for pacifier, play with bb till bb very sleepy den bb will auto fall asleep without pacifier.. juz need a week or two to wean off bb..

kimi, Chang,
my boy oso poo n pee alot.. but it's frequency, not quantity... he practically poo n pee aft every feed... he will juz "fart" n poo comes out liao.. den later, when he requested for comfort suckling n i offer my breast to him, he will poo again.. aiyo.. like my bm is laxative lidat... hopefully it's normal... told pd tt bb poos aft every feed n she seems okie with it...

when my CL gave bb pacifier, bb spat it out too.. need to push it in.. hold it there until bb suckle... den bb will take the pacifier.. :p
Oke...will go check it out. Maybe I'll ask dr ong when i see him again next mth...

yalor, take very long time ah...the things we do for our bb...dunno how long i'll keep this up...maybe i'll spend less time expressing.

Ladies, those who express milk, how long do you spend expressing?



Hee...Im oso tinkin when I can start on my second bb...I miss bein preg...

Hi Ladies

Im carryin bb wif 1 hand n typin wif the other...reason...Im hv a phobia of my MIL poppin up to c bb every time he cries...

I envy some of u wif supportin MILs / mums...my MIL keeps naggin n naggin n naggin too...

(1) She wanna gif bb sips of plain water even tho I told her tat total BF bbs dun nid plain water as supp.

(2) She insists tat bb shldnt b startled freq. Thus she bot "jin feng san" to apply on bb. When I refused, she even warned me tat if freq startlin may result in mental retardation. ABSURD!!! She deliberately waited for me to finish feedin at 1am tat nite and came in to issue me tat warnin. She sewed a big rice sack (other pepole r norm usin dou ya ke) pillow weighin at least 0.5kg for bb. I hid it away after discoverin tat she put tat heavy tink on bb.

(3) She always nag at us to pile bb wif clothes n insist tat bb is cold, even when bb has a layer of clothin wif mittens n booties and swaddled in a nappy wif another nappy layered on top of him. She kept askin us to close all the windows. Goodness, how can someone sleep w/o ventilation???!!!

N she kept poppin up to c bb n naggin tat bb is frightened everytime he cries...n Im so terrified of bb cryin now as Im afraid tat the cryin wil attract my MIL into my rm. She is spposed to b my confinemt nanny...but only my hb n I r takin care of bb exclusively now...I try not to let her carry bb...in case she does tinks to bb which I dun like.

I hv been cryin a lot cos of my MIL...my hb refused to ask her to go home...is there anyone not hvg a confinemt lady???...tat day...she din cook lunch...n asked me to eat bread n Milo...haizzz...I really hate confinemt...

Sorry...jus wanna rattle a bit here...
aiyo then best u pump you breast milk out, other wise ur nipple will bleed more. you really got to push ur nipple in so that bb latch well.

yah fitti basic pack very good and cheap , better then drypers won't leak at all. i suggest if ur neighbourhood got seng siong can go there buy much cheaper then ntuc.

previously my girl us drypers every nite also leak until she scream now no problem after using fitti.

i don't know s size how many pcs but M size 80 pcs
thanks Shihui. guess i just have to agar agar his appetite. i think he drinks so often is also becos he poos almost after every feed! we change diapers until seow. sometimes right after we change he will give a loud long fart and then poo again!!

usually i spend half an hr expressing. depending on flow, sometimes can get as much as 150ml but sometimes only 100ml. if express longer for an hr will likely get abt 180ml. so alot depends on the flow which in turns depend on our diet. Consume more fresh milk, papaya fish soup and drink enough water will up the ss.
my PD said is common dat bb who is taking BM pee & poo alotsa time...dun worrie...& the poo will b more watery

i m going 2 c dr ong next mth 2 at mt E for my diabetes review.....hope everythg is fine.....

ladies, bf can eat chocolate ornt??....althou i not alot of BM but still must b careful of wat i eat.....suddenly got craving 4 chocolate.....yesterday eat potatoes chips....heehee

dun cry....hugz hugz....i understand how u feel....

i oso dun ve a confinement lady....my mil does it 4 me.....but she is very unhygenic.....she's not as naggy as urs....mayb bcos i ignore her when she nag...& everyday hide myself & bb in the rm & lock the door so she got no chance 2 pop in.....how can ur mil din cook lunch 4 u.....she busy doing wat???.....mine will cook 4 me but everyday, every meal will b the same & she lazy 2 prepare soup or anythg pu for me. when my hubby is ard, she will prepare fish essence for me....now hubby not ard....she cant b bother.....

i oso dun like my mil 2 carry my bb.....cos she neber wash hand after eating, she smokes, she luv 2 tok rubbish 2 bb while carring him......& she wear alotsa sharp sharp bangles....scare she might hurt my bb

my mil oso asked me 2 pile my bb with alotsa clothes & wrap him like a xmas present.....but i told her this is s'pore....not winter
Ya, we took the photo at home n send online. We use my hb's hp to snap, cos his sony Ericsson K800i got cyber shot, so can choose the best shot out of 9 snaps.
Think my hb wants to go back to JB once after full month...SIAN

Now I'm using Mammy Poko, cos the 1st few nites I change my gal's pamper until my hand soft... wa lau, using pampers premium and she shit like no body business... sometimes just change n she shit again!! Really sim tia to change like that, so I quickly asked my hb to go n get mammypoko since it's second of premium.

i think my bill will come out to the same as yours. i only settled mine and will go back on 26/12 to settle bb's.

i didnt use their binders. is it that painful??

MC Tan is good in neonatal care and i am glad to have him as my boy is prematured. he is supposed to be due on 25/12 but came out a month earlier. Glad MC Tan was recommended and i feel safe to have him take care of my boy.

i didnt sign up the jab package but will complete his jabs in RH. actually i didnt know there is such a package. how does it work? is it cheaper if we sign up?

sometimes i let my boy wear sleeveless with fan circulating as it is HOT in SG. babies get cranky when it is too hot or too cold.

at night with aircon on he will wear long sleeve and be covered with blanket to keep him warm.
Relax... just tell ur MIL nicely abt those facts u know lor.... I've got a book of Parent's guide for newborn from PD, too bad u stay too far, else it's a good guide for 1st time mtb.
I also sneaked out once with hubby to do grocery shopping at Carrerfour...must really go out to take a breather lor..else sure will PNS..

I ordered buffet from Angel's restaurant and cakes from Choz..this buffet is for our frens and cols..will have another session for relatives at a chinese restaurant on the actual day..

I also feed my boy with some water cos he is on partial FM..

My boy also like to bite his mittens..but i dun like the idea of a pacifier..heard tat it will affect the shape of the mouth and teeth development...

I tried using nipple shields when i had sore nipples but my boy dun like them apparently and refused to latch on no matter how hard i try...so i tried expressing and feed him with a bottle instead..try to use nipple cream overnight, the nipples will be feel better the next morning...

Dun cry...but u very poor thing also..eat bread and milo for lunch during confinement...i also dun hv confinement lady...Hubby's aunt is here everyday to cook confinement meals for me..MIL will take over in the evening when she is back from work...older generation will hv more traditional beliefs and practices lor..gotta close one eye sometimes..the aunt also want to give my boy "jin feng shan" and I let her..anyway she meant good for the bb...

ya lor! straight into my eye. somemore i'm wearing contacts. but cldn't leave cos must finish changing diaper. after tt quickly went 2 put eye drop. scared kena eye infection! heh..

as 4 wetting clothes. 4 my gal, it's bcos she pee so mch during e 3 hrs in b/w feedings tt e cloth diapers got so saturated tt e urine kinda bk flow lor... scary one leh..her whole diaper, even e front part wld b soaking wet! lukily got diaper pants!

we orderd dinner 4 3, n keep e rest for lunch e next day cos we tot they dun deliver lunch but apparently they do i tink... so i tink order lunch 4 3, then heat up during dinner time better. food fresher..


hiyoh.. so kor lian... sometimes i feel v tired taking care o bb w no help then i tink o all e troubles u all haf w CL, parents, ILs... then i feel i v heng. i usu still haf q a bit o energy 2 do other leisure things in e day. i tink it's bcs i dun haf stress fr all these 'helpful' ppl...

ur MIL does sound q overbearing leh... y ur hubby dun wanna send her bk? seems like u r almost taking care o bb urself already. if u're conident u dun need help, just convince ur hubby n let him noe she's adding more stress then helping u...


4 me, once i feel tt it's painful when bb latches, i'll break e latch n make her try again. v tiring lah. sometimes can take up 2 45mins just 2 get a proper latch n in b/w there'll b lotsa wailings, struggling, milk leaking everywhere etc... but she eventually will latch on well. tink long term lor. if nipple sore until cannot latch, act compromises everything... i hope thru practise, she'll soon learn wat's a gd latch...


i eat everything but in moderation. ust like during pregy. but u hk ur diabetes level 1st hor. oh yah,cannot eat peanuts while BFing cos it'll higher e chance o bb having allergy to nuts. n o cos keep away fr alcohol n caffeine. caffeine, esp if ur bb has reflux. sianz.... n i tot i cld drink my tea n coffee all i want after giving birth...


all o u using diapers (as in non-cloth ones) during nite ar? me 24hrs oso use cloth diapers leh. so far haf only started using huggies sample n some other brand when bringing her out. dun like huggies. like v hard n must tug q a bit when taking off n bb gets startled when doing tt.

btw, when shld we take bb 4 her vacinnation? i noe she's already done BCG n Hep B at e hosp... e rest?


so fast must do passport liao meh? *scratch head*
Vanessa, thanks for the info! So I guess I better continue to alternate-latch her on ...sighh...

btw, mommies, ask u all one question... my lochia ended last week..then today i noticed fresh red stains (just abit) on my panty..is it possible for lochia to come back, or is it my menses coming back, or is there something wrong? Based on http://www.pregnancy.com.au/the_postnatal_woman.htm it says that "For women who choose to bottle feed their baby, they can expect their periods to return four to six weeks after the birth." but I am not exactly bottle feeding leh...

Shihui, one other reason why I alternate latch and pump/bottle feed is bcos my bb does not drink much and therefore there is still alot of milk (percentage-wise) after she finish drinking so I try to pump out to prevent block ducts.

kimi,...take care....

today went to kkh for my breast center checkup (mastitis)... come home and guess what did i find? CL watching TV and hubby telling me that bb had been crying on off and refusing to sleep and he had to carry her. The 2 of them have a dyfunctional relationship.....

MBB, I wish my hubby will think abt 2nd kid :p :p :p

Vanessa, feed every hourly if its growth spurt? Then my gal definitely growing spurt liao (now crying again) though she is at her 6th week which is not a supposed growth spurt week.

kimi, neo garden so 'dao' dunwana deliver to the same place twice a day? When my bb was discharged, the nurse gave me the health booklet and a letter and ask me to go polyclinic for the wgt checkup and to get appt for Hep B 2nd dosage jab... did you get that?

Fizz, ur MIL sounds nasty..but frankly speaking this is not the same case of MIL anyhow doing confinement that I had heard of.. I really don't understand why they think they can do confinement with that kind of standard...
today bb sneezed a few times.. CL said tt he had sensitive nose.. but hor, i think i heard CL sneezed a few times the day b4 leh.. dunnoe isit CL having flu anot.. but never see CL with runny nose leh.. onli sneezing.. worried now...

take care.. confinement will be over soon n u can wave gdbye to ur MIL..

ya lor.. BF bb poo n pee more.. so tiring... but not me lah.. it's CL washing up for bb mah.. :p

ya lor.. me using pampers now.. told hubby tt he needs to go buy another packet liao.. mine oso mah.. juz keep poo poo.. juz change liao.. den i heard the so familiar "poooo" sound n i sian liao... gto to change again.. :p

i use cloth nappy in the day.. den night time use pamper lor...

i started bottle feeding coz couldn't tahan the stress.. den now i recovering n coping better.. hoping to go back latching again.. hai~ me always san1 xin1 liang3 yi4...
now bb seems to like the easy way out.. prefer bottle.. coz can feel tt his suction not very strong liao..
i am using pet pet in the day and pampers at nite.
my ger poo alot. like 3 to 4 tines a day.

wah, Mandy can really aim and shoot

my ger often poo half way one. while changing her diaper, she will hv another round and i had to make the mmmmmmm sound to get her to finish her business.
can see her shit going in and out....hee heee.
sometimes, i use the swab to help dig a bit.

wah, you really solid gal.
i gave up using cloth diapers leh.
my place got no sun for lundry and it's really mafan having to change so often.


i also miss the bb in tummy period

gynea said one year later i can start trying for no 2. hopefully, i dun chix out by then.

sexy sexy.....

we wanted to stick to Dr. MC Tan for the first 3 mth initially but now have decided to go poly leh. i tink it's easier to start off in poly.

i am not too sure if package is cheaper coz package no 10% discount. it may end up abt the same.

the binder was on me when i woke up from my op. so no choice, have to pay for it.
it's not tat painful but the binder helps to flatten my tummy

still wearing it till now.

yeah hor. forgotten tat you need to bring Reyna to JB.

tats wat i am afraid. weaning child off pacifier like very sim tia. but if my ger end up sucking fingers too often, i would rather she suck pacifier coz pacifier can get rid but fingers cannot chop off.

you tinking of no 2 also?

oh, so you kinda hv 2 bb shower.
busy busy....

My PD told me tt is normal for BB to sneeze 10-20 times a day..it is a way for BB to clear the dirt and dust in their nose.. as long as the sneezing does not come with cough or fever or running nose..should not be problem...

I didn't use cotton nappy these few days due to the heavy rain...my boi uses like 10-15 pieces of diapers per day lor...very siong...BTW, my boi seems to outgrown the diaper newborn size
Luckily didnt stock up alot previously...
Wah! You so fast planning for second one already! Told hubby I am still traumatised by the birth process..will need at least 2 years to get over it :p

As for the baby shower, my in laws wanted to hold it in a restaurant but we find it too ex to have it for everybody so limit that to only close relatives only...having a baby is really expensive man!
Hi Ladies...

Thanx for yr kind totz...

CF Chang

I heard tat the mummy has to drink "tonic" soup for supper at least every alt day fm the 12th day durin confinemt...my MIL doesnt prepare any for me either...I tink she lacks the expertise knowledge in confinemt care...jus tat she AI (Artificial Intelligence aka gek kiang)...


I use Mamy Poko for daytime n Pampers NB for nite time...MP is a bit big as it tends to slip down...

Thx for yr offer...I hv books on the Bb's 1st Yr too...but my MIL dismisses them...sayin tat we dun believe her...anyway...I brot my hb to the PD today...n I deliberately asked all the ques to counter my MIL's beliefs...so tat I can tell my hb..."the PD says so..."...


Yah...when I refused to eat the bread n Milo for lunch...she asked me if I wanna b "sheng xian" (fairy)...in the end I complained to my hb...n he asked her to cook for me...beef hor fun...


Yeah...she oni cooks n watches TV...she forgot to cook the herb shower water today for me...n asked me to bathe at nite...wah...so in the end I used warm tap water to bathe as I din wanna bathe at nite durin confinemt...


Lochia may "come bac"...it happens to some women...

Yr CL sounds lazy too...but some CL may not wanna keep carryin the bb...anyway...doesnt she help wif the hse work???

Uve got it rite...my MIL doesnt really noe the dos n duns of confinemt...


I oso wanna try for a bb again...my gynae told me I dun nid family plannin liao...1 yr 1 bb...:p

I HV A HAPPY NEWS...I SACKED MY "CONFINEMT LADY"...MY MIL...my hb jus agreed to ask her to go bac on sat b4 Christmas...thank God!!!

i read in one breastfeeding book. growth spurt happens at 2 to 3 weeks and at 6 weeks.so bb kathleen is having growth spurt now lah. quick feed more more!


happy for you that your mil is leaving!!!

i am actually thinking of extending my CL. the thought of me being alone with bb gives me the shivers leh. will sleep on this and see how cos she cannot be with me forever so i should try to adjust as soon as possible also.

today i tried the breast shield. wah! not easy at all, it keeps slipping away and with bb squirming, took me 20 mins to get a latch but then it couldn't last, 10 mins later, slipped out liao. may not be a good solution. guess the next few days will have to express. but expressing the amount very little leh. so sad!
juz now broke down n cried again.. worried abt bb's sneezing problem.. dunnoe tt it's normal... den called my mom n got my mom worried abt me instead... :p hubby oso worried n called his mom.. his mom will be coming tml morning to help.. i think i really need some help first.. dun care abt my freedom liao.. bb more impt....

not really happy with my CL.. so got MIL to come tml to jagar her abit.. think the CL feels tt she more experienced in childcare than us.. anything i said, she will dismiss it...

as bb still abit jaundice, she took off bb's clothes this afternoon n sun him at the window.. although no rain today, but the wind quite cold... i told her it's too cold.. but she said bb not afraid of cold.. bb sneezed.. she said he sensitive nose.. n sensitive nose bb onli afraid of hot weather.. not cold weather.. doesn't sound rite to me leh..

den juz now bb poo.. she said weather cold.. so dun wash his piku.. she juz use tissue to wipe.. hubby ask her to use the wet tissue n she told him dun need.. she onli use it aft hubby insist..

den told her to bathe bb in the morning n wipe bb in the evening.. she onli bathe in the morning.. observed two days without mentioning anything.. tml going to instruct her to wipe bb in the evening liao..

den found her quite possesive of bb leh.. always carry bb.. whenever bb cry abit, she will carry.. when i eating dinner, she carry bb n sit in a corner although bb not crying.. den when i go sleep n wake up, i will find her carrying bb oso.. quite scary.. i noe fr the agent tt her daughter juz gave birth recently too.. dunnoe isit bcoz she miss her grandchild n is taking mine as substitute...

really gives me worries n so decided to hav MIL over to jagar her.. no choice... having own pple ard to look aft bb is better than stranger lah.. at least i can rest peacefully knowing MIL will jagar for me...
Hi mummies, me reporting at very odd hours. Still a giraffe
Me last two days was very depressed n upset. If bb dun come out soon will catch pre-ND liao. Hb n i decided if still no action by this Fri gynae check up will ask gynae to induce liao cos am so upset wif bb...keep scolding bb until hb oso scared liao.

Congratulations on ur birth. Rest n take care hoh.

Ok lah better try to get to sleep. Every nite oso cannot sleep cos bb keep moving n knocking at cervix area n hv to go pee like 6-7 times a nite. Cannot tahan oredi!!!!

Dora, hope u r faring better than me.

I also just cried..my boy just vomitted the whole feed again...this happened for 3 days already..always at this time...dunno whats the problem..really scared me

Regarding the sneezing part, my boy also sneezed alot throughout the whole day..my PD assured me it is normal..so i dun worry tat much...

Your CL dun sound professional to me leh...how come dun use wet tissue to clean piku? Like that not very clean leh..BB may kanna nappy rash ...I think u need to set rules for her and insist she does the things accordingly lor..

BTW, is it normal for baby to vomit out the whole feed at a certain time of the day? My boy been vomitting out the whole feed for 3 consecutive days at around midnight...dunno whats is the problem..could it be becos I hv been feeding him with EBM for the whole day and suddenly change to FM at midnight feed? Very worried now..dunno if this is normal
feeding bb now.. today most of the time latch on bb.. since introducing bottle, can see tt bb spends more time to latch..

take care.. soon it will be ur turn to wake up at night to feed bb etc... dun be too anxious..

ya lor.. find tt she doesn't clean too well lidat leh.. juz now observing her cleaning bb.. bb poo poo leh.. den she juz used 1 wet tissue to wipe once.. den another tissue to dry.. den wrap with pamper liao.. i shall leave matters to my MIL liao.. tml when MIL comes, i will tok to her regarding all these issues.. den see wat she thinks.. i dun want to be too panaroid.. maybe things not as bad as i imagine to be...
qianhui, sylk, shihui,
thanks for the info on the stamp thingy. hubby say no more time to do that liao... plus v inconvienient coz he got to work. shihui, think the idea of print & pasting on is great.. but i dont haf chinese software to type.. think bo pian hubby will write... it'll be ugly but no choice la..


hurray for u to be able to 'sack' your mil. where got ppl do confinement eat bread n milo for lunch one...

your CL do haf some funny ideas abt bb... anyway good thing that you asking your mil to jagar oso. your mil & fil will be v pleased abt it.

your turn soon liao... don't worry! don't keep scolding bb la. seems like my bb dont like to look at me, and my mum ask issit bcoz i keep scolding bb while she is in the tummy?


yesterday went to see PD, baby putting on weight better than expected. yippee... at least can put at ease that my supply is still adequate. coz seems like pump out v little. previous evening i kiasu pump v hard till now one side nipple extra sore. the other side i think gettin used to it liao.. phew!

past 2 nites really jialet. i can feel my energy level really going down liao. bb keep wanting to suck for comfort. put her down she start crying, mouth open n move here n there. latch her on, she suck like twice then zzz liao. try to break latch, she suck/hold extra strong. she doesnt do that during the day. why like that har??

anyway i am not a afternoon nap kinda person so really struggling to do nite feed/comfort now. carry n bf till i fall asleep.. and feel so scared that i might drop bb or something.. i tried the lying side by side position but scared i w accidently lie on her. many times i woke up in a shock wondering where is bb...
Morning ladies

Giraffe reporting...

LiL...I think both of us sama sama... I'm also getting very impatient liao... Hubby still saying maybe bb can wait till 1/1/07 and be Singapore's 1st baby... I told him I'll go crazy before tat lor... I also have problems sleeping every nite... same symptoms as you... Last nite started to have some cramps at the pelvis area.. was soooooo happy tot action coming, in the end... NOTHING!!!

Going to see gynae tonight... hopefully he has better news for me than "Let's just wait and see when baby wants to come out!" :p

Your mandy is really funny!!! Next time can be olympic champion in shooting!!
Congrats !!!!

Pokemom, Karen,
My gal is also jaundice, went back for check up yesterday at PD's clinic. Took another blood test to test on the liver and jaundice level. Thank God (Hallelujah) all is well. But jaundice level went up a little compared to when she was discharged from her photo therapy session. I also start to give her FM as advised by PD. But she refuses FM or bottle feed especially in the nite. Hubby tried feeding her she used both hands to push away, i tried also cannot, end up her mouth keep searching for my breast. So have to breast feed her in the nite and try FM in the day.

Another way for your nipple to heal the fastest is the apply breast milk to it and allow it to air for 5 mins. I had sore nipple that time, and it healed within 1 day after i applied breast milk on it. But i applied a few times in the day.
Shihui, Starluster
Thx for the encouragement. Ya lor my poor bb kena scolded by siao mummy. I think poor bb also wanna cum out cuz he keep kicking n struggling. Last nite I feel better so apologize to bb liao
Hope bb will forgive me leh. If my bb dun like to look at me I sure cry liao!!!

This morning when I went to wee wee at 8.20am got a bit of bloodstains liao...so maybe cervix dilated slightly liao. Hopefully not long now, maybe tonite or tomr will happen (fingers crossed). Last few nites I also hv menses like cramps in lower abdomen n some aching in my lower back on n off. Ya sounds like we hv same symptoms so u shd be popping soon oso. All the best to you hoh!
Dora, Lil,
Don't be anxious ok. Enjoy the feeling of bb kicking and moving now, coz you will miss it after you delivered.

If you really popping soon. All the best, and may it be a smooth and quick delivery
Dora, Lil,
Don't be anxious ok. Enjoy the feeling of bb kicking and moving now, coz you will miss it after you delivered.

If you really popping soon. All the best, and may it be a smooth and quick delivery
LiL... I already got brown stains since week 34... try beating tat... so now I can even differentiate if the brown stains are signs that I'm going to pop soon.... hiaz....

Hopefully the cramps at the pelvis is an indication....
But I think for you really sounds like it leh... Jia you Jia you!!!
All the best to you!!

ur CL is still there ar? but confinement over liao rite? keeping her 4 a full mth? erm, how come ur hubby won't tell her off one huh?

nt tt neo garden is dao lah. i act nv ask if they can deliver twice to e same place. saw no pt oso lah cos we must wash e tingkat container one leh... troublesome... anyway, it's our practise to cook for 2 meals n above too...


my bb oso always poo. poo b4 feeding, while feeding n after change diapers liao can hear poo again. but sometimes it's fart lah. last time used to change b4 AND after feeding. now even when i hear her poo after changing, i oso can't b bothered... but every change, i'll put drapolene lor. so far no rashes yet... whew!

sneezing is q common lah. mine sneeze n cough whole day. it's their way o clearing their respiratory system so nt 2 worry. like wat ey said, unless accompanied by fever or other signs o sickness or it's ok. u woried just take his temp. lor! but placing bb near window w/o clothes! wah! like tt sure zhao liang one wat! weather so cold nowadays. if i c tt, i'll scream at her liao...

n how can she nt clean bb's piku thoroughly? esp since urs poo so much. then dry tissue so rough! their poo oso v sticky one, even use wet wipes i oso need to use up 2 6-7 wipes per change. u better ask ur MIL to really ding1 zhe4 ta1 man.... but no need to get paranoid. bbs seem 2 b more hardy then we tink..


bobian lah! commerial diapers soooo ex! mine needs bt 10 changes a day leh. will go broke man!

MBB, bloom, fizz,

yeah yeah. me oso want no. 2. in fact, i kinda miss my labour leh tho it's like so chaotic n pretty traumatising at times n sooo long.. heh heh. but on hindsight, found it v fun leh! only dread e 1st trimester... sianz.... act. i'm eating much more now than when pregnant cos i tink my reflux was v bad during pregy. guess bb din get enof nutrients in my tummy so came out so early....

well, gd thing is. doc said e chances o me having premmie again is v v slim. cos mine is e 5% who has premmie /o any known reasons.

but hor, heard if 1st bb v guai, nd one wld b trouble leh. dunno true or not. *shudder*


congrats! won't need to face ur MIL 4 much longer!


e KKH nurse told me tt FM is thicker than BM so might nt sit well n bb's stomach. tt's y on my gal's 1st day. she vomitted out e FM oso. so she asked me to quickly pump n bring some EBM to her. maybe tt's wat's happening 2 ur bb too?

Thanks for your encouragement. I know I'll definitely miss her movements in my tummy... but then... oh well.... in such great dilemma!! :p
Thx for ur well wishes. Ya I also know I will miss bb kicking inside me n will also hv more heardaches after bb cum out but now so uncomfortable n stressful so I think it will be better for both me n bb if he comes out already.

U had brown stains since wk 34. Is it everytime u go toilet? Last wk gynae said my cervix is already soft n she said delivery is imminent. So hopefully this is a real sign for me. Also still hving menses like cramps on n off now. Whereas previous nites, the cramps were gone in the morning.

Yah, the brown stains were on and off. Initially not everyday, but since week 37, it has been everyday, not everytime I go toilet, but everyday sure stain panty liner one... hiaz... tat time at week 34 gynae was still worried might be premature... but seems like my cervix is just more sensitive than normal!! :p
I think yours really sounds like it.... jia you jia you!!
Thx...you jia you too!! Just now got more brownish discharge come out. Maybe shd call gynae n c if I need to go in earlier for my check up instead of waiting for tomr. But only hv menses like cramps n some lower backache. Dunno if this is due to early phase contractions or not. My mother said when she had me n my bro she dun feel pain one leh, so maybe she said I oso like tat.
same here.. feed bb till i fall asleep.. was wondering how to do the side lying feed too.. :p one of the nights, i pump until i sleep too.. tt was ultimate.. :p my bb oso... suck for comfort.. when i try to break suction, he will suck xtra hard.. :p

maybe it's time soon..
i hav brown stains on n off too.. but the day my contraction came, i had blood red stain... my contraction pain osos feels alot like menses cramp leh.. even when i reached hosp, it's still menses like cramp.. juz tt it's super painful.. i dun hav backache etc at all... u can start timing the pain interval and duration of each cramp liao.. hav all these info ready so tt the midwifes/gynae can better guage u...

kimi, dey,
find it so comforting to hear tt sneezing is common.. phew.. i nearly cried to my mom while asking her for help.. den got to hold it back.. else she sure worried one...
