(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi Wendy,
There is few brand i saw, e.g Anmum(same as Anlene), another one is same brand as enflagrow. u can check it out. i'm drinking anmum.

Hi thewife & doggiemummy,
how about Dr. Koh at raffles ? he seem quite experience. u can visit him at tampinese branch. i think monday, thursday & friday (his clinic operate till 9pm).

hi doggiemummy... hw's ur spotting like? prev in my 1st preg i slight bleeding everytime (like 1-2days very little blood..) after seeing the gynae.. later my gynae explain its due to the vaginal scan..

Brown spotting like before period, could it be i ate kimchi soup and black fungus and bamboo shoot.
But Dr Fong assured me that it is not womb that is bleeding.

hi hi doggiemummy..
actually i have this gf (L) from another thread that u kept in touch with..i finally see her online & told her abt my gd news..so was telling her abt Dr Fong that i m thinking of seeing..then she tell me that she dun have a gd impression of him..abt his gf's experience..L mentioned that he's not very gd in expressing news to her gf & other patients..also to another L's gf, he prescribled a medicine or something w/o checking the the lady is preggy or something like that..L got recommend her current gynae to me but i know her gynae is only avail in glen so i need to re-check the hospital charges to go thru & short-list whc hospital most likely i will be gg with then decide whc gynae to use..but she also shared her view, we shd concentrate on the gd gynae b4 deciding on the hospital cost..this is what i know lah..

hi hi Jasmine (mommy2006)..
i will go & check it out..actally i tried taking full cream milk this morn..then duno is it i m not used to it, just Lau-Sai 5 mins ago..duno if i ate any wrong thing or it's unusual..alittle worried now..btw, is Dr Koh at male gynae? i m looking for a male gynae..where's his clinic located in tamp? can share with me his contacts? u stay in the east too? me stay in tamp..thks!

Hi doggiemom,

I'm not an expert, but as far as i know, this can be implantation, your little embryo is sticking to the wall or maybe you're sensitive to the progesterone you are inserting(if you do have), so the "lining" or whatever becomes sensitive. hahaha...i think i have confused you more, the bottomline is, do not worry, though i know it's easier said than done, as long as the doctor said it's alright, then it's fine. How about having a bedrest? don't move much or carry heavy things.

Like May said, it can also be due to vaginal scan, that's why my doc here doesn't like to do it, he said he is being bugged by calls telling him there is a spotting. So i concluded that can be one of the cause. You just had a vaginal scan, right? You should have ask your doctor why you are spotting, if you are not comfortable with him, change. Avoid spicy food.


We are the same ;-) My EDD (my own computation only) is Oct. 20th. The truth is, i don't know how to count, confusing, i thought too that i'm 6th week, but when i check babycenter, they count it differently, it says i'm on 7th week now. Can you enlighten me on this? My LMP is Jan. 11. Should i say we are now 6th week going to 7th week.

On CD28, i am 4 weeks. On CD29, i can say i'm 5 weeks?

My test of patience is 10 more days to go. I started nausea few days back esp after having meal and brushing my teeth.

Wow Wendy,

That's fast, i am a small frame, so i don't think my boobs has grown bigger, but i find it so full. Hope i can have cleavage later ;-)

U mean Dr Fong can't explain himself? true leh, I am always the one doing the talking, then hubby abit fedup about him ... hehee. Everytime, i tell him i have spotting he will ask me what did i do. Then he will ask me not to do that next time, sometimes, it's like i am finding solutions to my own problem, but then again, he will not know what did I do mah, how to blame him??

As for prescbibing medicine w/o checking if the lady is pregnant, i kena too, but i heard from other ladies who see him, it's because, he is helping us safe money. I told him I tested +ve on my own, then he asked if the 2 lines are as dark, then he say he is not scanning me cos can't see anything then (week 4) the scan costs $50, even if cant see anything still need to pay. Didnt do urnie test to cost need to pay. He saw that I look disappointed then he reschedule me on my week 6 to scan cos by then can see 'something" liao
Hi doggiemummy,
my gynae is jocelyn wong TMC 6353 2033. she is very patient and detailed. you may want to consider.

HI luckyme,
my Edd is 18Oct, 6 weeks, you should be about the same. what are your symtoms now?
hi thewife,

check out babycenter, it says we are 7th week. Anyway, i know it's only 6th week, that's why doc ask me to go back next week to see heartbeat, usually can see on the 7th.

Symptoms? starting from 6th week, the other day, i have nausea after eating, but no vomitting yet. Then for the past 2 days, i have to wake up at 3-4am as my tummy is so hungry. Have to eat. My sense of smell is getting strong too. My burping is on the whole day from the time i haven't learned i'm preggy. I thought i have indigestion problem. And you?

what do you mean baby like spicy food? it should be the mom like spicy food.....heheheh.....it's okay, as long as you take it in moderation. I know we like eating spicy and hot foods, but my friend says avoid it as well as deep fried foods. I don't know why lah.

You're doc in a way is good to try to save money ;-) How about blood test? did he do it? I did urine, beta hcg blood test to confirm.
HI luckyme,
im going back next thur, u? who's your gynae?

mine - breasts pain esp. at nite, eat too full feel like puking but after a while will be ok. hungry at 12am-1am. Burping not really...
Hi jackie,

the earlier the better, so you can take folic acid or whatever support is necessary.

The wife,

I'm the one living in Hk. Good luck to both of us next week. This waiting game is testing our patience. Almost same symptoms we have.
Hi Wendy,
yeah...he is a male gynae. His clinic at tampines junction, raffles women's& children clinic, tel: 67882288. during my 1st visit, when i was 5 weeks. he did normal scan for me but can't c anything. so he decide to do virginal scan and make sure tat i saw the sac and is stable stick at womb. and during 2nd visit (7 weeks), i go thru normal scan n hear baby heartbeat. he even told me tat my sac is quite behide but is normal. he said is not necessary to do virginal scan.

my hubby and i quite happy with him coz he will answer all our question.i ask him about d powder milk. he told me is up to individual coz he scare i will gain too much weight after drink tat milk. maybe sshould start at 2nd tri.
Hello Luckyme

I am already taking folic acid since last year Oct as I have been TTC.

Will I be able to see the heart beat at 6 weeks after LMP?


Hi hi luckyme..
i guess maybe i m towards the plump side..plus i just came back from my 2nd HM-Hokkaido..also put on weight when we are back lor, very cold so ate alot there to keep warm....heehee..but i guess i m ok lah, never been so big..so i dun mind lah..just curious how big it will continue to grow..i guess diff pple react differently lah..heehee..

hi hi doggiemummy..
personally i will prefer a gynae that can be as detailed & also no "save cost" in such a manner..coz i will end up worrying than i will rather pay for it...at least to pay for the peace & assurance also..i m trying to check out other male gynaes as well..if i can manage to find one, i m comfty with, i guess i will go with the male gynae ba..

hi hi thewife..
u r also having the same gynae as one of my gf..

hi hi Jackiejon..
i think as soon as u know u r preggy, u shd visit one..so that u can start on the folica acid soon..

hi hi Jasmine (mommy2006)..
thks for ur recommendation..since he's also in tamp, i guess i will go with him..also better..since nearer to my place..thks for sharing..thks!will give him a call right away..cheers~

Hi wendy,
yeah... me too. i stay at loyang. so, i hav to find clinic tat is convinience for me. if not, when i'm 7 or 8 mths pregnant, hav 2 check up frequently ma...
hi hi Jasmine (mommy 2006)..
how did u get to know abt Dr Koh? his packages seems quite expensive also..$1800 aft 12wks..only deliver at Raffles Hospital..the plus point is very near to my home..walking distance only..somemore got evening slot..i need to discuss with hubby tonight..will let u know again..cheers~
I starting to crave for hot spicy stuff after pregnancy
so it's not me... hehee... I will get dizzy spells when I dont give baby what he wants

Blood test? didnt do any test at all, except for scanning since week 6, find it weird too, since I have hyperthyroid, but never mind, seeing my Thyroid specialist at the same time, since my company alllows me to claim this :p

It's the 1st appointment that nothing/no test is done, 2nd appointment onwards, he will do scaning and the rest will follow when the time is right.
Think both his clinics are far for you too, go to one that is nearer to you there are good male gyneas everywhere.
just went for scanning. comfirm 7 weeks already and can see baby. my edd is 12/10 and clinic is KKH, can someone pls update me.
can i drink chicken essence or not now?
Doggiemummy, when I bled alot the last time, my gynae told me there's a few reasons. 1) Implantation was not proper, so attachment was weak thus the likelihood to bleed when one move around too much. 2) Placenta growing so the stretch cause the bleed 3) Placenta at too low a position during initial stage so too much pressure from above when one moves, so bleed. But usually, rest helps. Since now you've stop spotting, just be gentl and rest more, don't worry too much. Your bb should be fine.

Wendy, the last time I bought Enfamum to drink I LS after that. I checked with gynae and he said it's bcos such milk (like full cream) usually have higher concentration og lactose. And he suggets that there's no need to drink such milk since I'm eating normally, and the vitamins he gave is sufficient.

My ms peak on Wed and today it seem to be slightly better, I can start eating more although I still feel nausea. Counting down to Sat to see gynae!
wei kuan, the general advise is not to eat bu so soon. I went to Yu Yan Sheng, they also told me not to eat bu until after 1st tri.
I am sure how much u wished there is a miracle pill coz i hv read ur postings and ur MS is worse than mine. So if i am wishing for it now, i am sure u r wishing harder for it!

I noe lah, MS is a blessing in another way. Early last wk when my MS subsided for a few days, i actually got worried! But now it has returned wif vengence!
Hi, all. Today I went for my 2nd scan. Can hear the baby's heartbeat and can see baby is developing little hands and legs. So cute
I'm 8 weeks liao and the baby is about 1.54 cm. During my 6th week scan, it was only 0.22 cm. I laughed when I heard the heartbeat cuz it was beating so fast, like a little monster. My gynae said jokingly that it sounds like horse racing

My MS is slightly better today. Previously I felt like puking and when I tried to puke, nothing came out. Told my gynae and she said this is considered quite mild. She said it might get worse over the next 2 weeks. Will be seeing her again in 2 weeks' time before my business travels. So relieved that the baby is developing well.

hi hi doggiemummy..
i will still search ard for the right male gynae in the hospital..hopefully i get to find one..actually i will prefer the hospital to be at mt alvernia..now waiting for another colleague to help me check out w/ her gf..

hi hi wei kuan..
welcome to the thread! so hope to hear from u often..i m not sure abt chicken essence actually..but i m not taking now..we hv the same EDD..heehee..cheers~

hi hi coral..
i hvnt buy any milk powder..will probably wait upon gynae's recommendation..but i LS today..kinda green & yellowish..duno if it's becoz i drank full cream milk this morning..then went office drank ribena..hopefully it wont come back..glad to hear that ur MS is getting better..do try to eat more for the bb's sake even if u dont have much appetite..

hi hi crystallized..
ya, MS is in another way a good sign..i m also hoping that i wil have MS..heehee..must take gd care of urself..try to hve some sweets or sour stuff with u in the bag..dun strave urself..

hi hi Vicky..
thks for sharing w/ us..wow..so nice to hear that bb is really growing so fast..mine during 6th week (last wk) is 4.3mm..so cute..heehee..i m also very excited for u..i'm very touched when i 1st hear the bb's heartbeat..didnt knw that i can hear the heartbeat then..now i wish that the time for me to see the gynae quickly come so that i get to see bb again..so happy..

Hi All,

Hope that everyone is well.
Wow,the thread is moving very fast. Cant really catch up. I was busy at work so able to log in.

My nipples are very painful esp @ nite. I sleep braless as my hubby encourage me to do so. Any mummies-to-be have ways to relieve the pain? Also, feeling my breasts getting heavier..

Whenever i feel nausea and feel like puking (but nothing will come out), I will suck on sweets. For me, this does help to disperse the nausea. Perhaps you gals can try this out.

One very sensitive question, do you still ML with your hubby? Well, my hubby do not ask for it since I'm pregnant now, afraid that I'm too tired. Me also not very keen now, afraid of hurting the baby. But, if 9 mths don't ML, quite poor thing for the hubbys, right?
hi hi Gemini..
my breast are also quite heavy nowadays..i used to sleep braless..but now cannot, have to sleep with the bra to feel better..i went to get new bra with a diff cup size...or u can try buying bra extension if ur current bra are quite tight..even since i knew that i m preggy, i dun ML with hubby..i will be asking gynae during my next appt to see if it's ok...i guess if he slowly service me shd be ok lah..haahaa..
Wendy tan,
Cheer! We have the same EDD date. So happy to know that. So do you feel very xin ku nowsday.
I never have a good deep sleep and always wake up at 4am, so tired and dizzy
Hi gals,
V sorry for disappearing for 1wk. I am actually summon bedrest by my gynae due to staining even after taking the hormones pills for a week.
Luckily my bb is ok....
Got a jab on the buttock... hehee not as pain as i tot...

Hi the wife,
I think the hormone pill is to stabilise the bb.

Thks for informing about taking the reciepts during delivery time. But how much is the a/mount to claim?? All?? or is there a maximum amt??

I am going to see my gynae tomorrow to see if my condition is ok... I do not have staining after this week rest....
but really bored so did some hsework(sweep floor/ironing) secretly even I was told no hsework is allowed..... got nagging fm my hb.

i really envy those who mil really bother to cook pu or really cares... my mil did not even call to ask nor give even a box of chicken essences. Even my mum is complaining saying they are damn stingy & unconcern for me... I am sad too... guess i m not the 1st to b preg in their family sooo it is consider a norm to them...
Told my hb he just say they are pang dan
I spotting again today, 1st day of work, after 4 days of rest.
how huh??!! I very sian already. Could it be my womb is "weak"??

hi hi weikuan..
i dun have MS now, only sore breast..i guess the breast part, everyone is common..as for sleeping habits, i m very happy that i sleep earlier as compared to my wee hrs in the past & is happier that i get to sleep more easily unlike in the past got to roll here & there b4 i can get to sleep..haahaa..i also realised i wake up at abt 6+ nowadays..also gd lah, sleep early & wake up early, gd for health...sometimes wake up in the middle of night, go to peep, then aft a while, want to pee again will be blur blur thinking if i got wake up earlier anot..do i hv to wake up now? haahaa..

hi hi grace song..
do hope u r feeling better..u must take gd care..actually me is scare of injection or any jab, the last time i went to see gynae for norm check-up, i had a blood withdrawal & i was soo scared..hubby keep laughing at me non-stop ever since..i think u better dun do any housework for the time being..maybe ur MIL will be cooking some tonics for u when u r at ur 2nd trimester? some of them shared that it's better to eat tonics then, right? hmm..

hi hi doggiemumy..
did u call Dr Fong to check with him? i suggest u better call him & find out..if needed, at least u can go down durinf ur lunch to check with him..u dun walk too much for now ba..

doggiemummy, any chance to arrange to work from home so as to avoid too much movements?

Angeline, I also start waking up at 5+ these few days. Was able to sleep through previouly but dunno why now like that.

Grace, don't be sad. You still have you family and hb who fuss about you. Be a happy mummy so little bb in you can feel the joy too.

This time, my breast no change at all. The last time grew big and sore very early, maybe dur to the medication i took the last time for engorgement, so thin time my breast won't grow. Hope I'll still have good milk supply...
One of the colleague beside me wear very strong perfume today, in then end I have to switch table with another colleague as I keep wanting to puke at my own desk. So pai seh. Now the whole world knows I'm preg.
hi Coral,
I don't think so, cos as an non-engineer, I am not entitled to carry laptop ... #@@$#@%@#%

my office is at Enous, his clinic is at Tiong Babru
doggiemummy, the last time I was like you, spotting, then bed rest, but the moment went back to work, started spotting again in a few days. Since yours is special circumstances, any chance to negotiatwith company? Isn't it better for yu to work from home than to have you need to take MC and be absent from work? I think you need more rest.
HI Doggiemummy,
see your gynae during lunch, for peace of mind. Dun worry too much first okie.

so funny....i felt like puking last nite. I think my hormones are stronger at night, because i feel hotter, breasts more sore and heavy, and slightly more nauseous from evening onwards.
how did u solve the spotting problem?
my backup (ex-boss) called me everyday until i fedup off my phone

My level (Assistant Engineer) need to punch card lor, so working from home will be to "troublesome" to my company
I've not been vomitting for the past 2 days. But still have that feeling to vomit lah. Hope will be like you, the peak of MS go away keke... But dunno is it because I'm resting at home lah.

Dunno the Baby Festival has what?? By the way, there is a Motherhood fair coming on 31 May to 4 June at Expo.

kekeke... your gynae got ask you to stop ML or not? Actually hor, is ok to continue ML lah. But you observe lor, if after ML got spotting, then stop. My gynae actually told me to stop ML during 1st trimester. Actually most impt is, both you and your hb must be comfortable in doing lah. I still got ML with hb lah. That time, I stopped ML only when I was 8 mths preggie.

There is a maximum amt to claim one, but hor I lazy to go check my bills hahaha... But I remember deducting $2.8K from Mother and Baby bills.
Housework is good. Helps you to move around,easy labour leh. But I think for now, you rest first bah.

You spotting again? Aiyo, check with gynae. This one I can't advise...
i know the cause is due to the cooling food i ate accidentally, need a chinese doc to react to the harm done. Western docs cant do much in this case, i feel.
dun sian...
they say bb in us very ban tang....so cannot keep say one...will no ggood...
dun affect ur mood...mood affected....bb also grow slow...
hi Wendy,
Thks for your advise....
Btw did all of you measure your weight??
I dun seems to increase.. dun noe normal a not.
i m 8wks now...

when will the tummy show????

My gynae actually use v scan for the previous scanning.. we saw the bb heartbeat only but no chance to hear. Wonder when i can use ultrascan and also hear my bb heartbeat.... I will chk with her tomorrow....
Then go to see a chinese physician asap. If not, I think Yu Ren Sheng staff will also advise you what to eat.

1st trimester will lose weight one, no worries. After that then you know hahaha... the weight will goes up and up like stock market kekeke.
Tummy, depends on individual, usually for 1st preggie women, it will tends to show at end of 3rd and beginning of 4th mth.
hi mtbs,
can i join in? i've juz tested '+' last wkend. Edd is 15 oct 06, gynae is Dr. Adrian B.Woodworth, am in my 6wks now, this is will be my #2.
#1 is 15mths now..

hi <font color="ff6000">doggiemummy</font>
do go to ur gynae for a check .. rest well ya..

<font color="ff6000">grace</font>
u can request ur gynae to let u hear ur bb's heartbeat. he will use a doppler, from tt u can hear. the usual scan machine can't hear heartbeat one ..

today is friday.. cheer up!!.. weekend is coming!!
I think you might not be suitable to eat cooling stuff right now, avoid them hor. I think different women experience differently. I ate a lot of cooling stuff for my No. 1 cos I craved so much... especially the Ice Monster Mango Ice... Yummy...

Welcome!! Your No. 1 is boy or gal?
My labour for No. 1 is short leh. My waterbag burst at 12.15am, called my gynae and he told me to wait till morning 7am, then admitted hospital. I admitted at 7.45am. Went into labour room immediately, as my blood pressure was high, gynae decided to induce me at 10am. Contractions started at 12pm+ and I gave birth 2 hrs later.
<font color="ff6000">hi jenny</font>
my #1 is a girl

how abt urs?

wow, u hv a fast labour! probably this time will be also..
Mine also gal gal keke...
I love gal!

Yep, hope this round also fast labour. But hor praying hard there is no complications this round for me. I had internal bleeding which led to blood clot after 3rd day of delivery, and was put to GA for a wash up. Then bedded for 1 week. It took me almost 3 weeks to fully recovered

my #1 is gal too...22 mths....
now #2....
just positive on tuesday...
seeing gynae on my 6 weeks...
finally preg after i night weaned my gal off the breast....now want to resume as she wanted...hoped wun cause any thing to bb inside...

u have short labour...
for me i induced at 9plus...gave birth at 1310hrs...how abt chihiro
