(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

just an update : any new addition ar?

leobbsmum - EDD 16 Sept 2008
amy (yamyam) - EDD mid Nov 2008
Jasmommy - EDD ?
Yoshi - EDD ?

hi mommies..

finally have time to log in and read through the post...

Hi HoneyB..

welcome back.. glad you and your family enjoyed yourself at Japan.. Happy to hear that Hannah enjoyed her birthday celebration at Japan..

Hi SL..

Guess you must be back to S'pore today.. u must have miss Crisann alot.. enjoy the weekends with her..

Hi leobbsmom..

envy you going on ML soon.. mine finishing soon.. haahaa.. frankly cant wait to go back to work..

Zorian has been super sticky and act like a crying baby since baby Caralisa comes along.. he has also grow thinner.. not sure if it is jealous or not.. but I tried my best to give him all my attention.. after my confinement, I took care of him myself in the day.. my MIL will help to handle Caralisa.. but still, he will wake up crying for me at night, insist I sleep beside him.. during the day, he wont want anyone besides me.. keep on crying non-stop till the whole family cant stand him.. anyone has the similar issue?? appreciate your advise.. cos I m really losing my mind here with his consistant whinning.. tried using the cane, ignoring him and placing him out of the house.. but none help.. he only end up crying even more and vomitted.. sigh.. help help!!

hi piyo..

when you going back to work?? after discuss with boss, i will be going back on 08-Sept...

Not sure how Caralisa gets her ear infection.. PD said usually starts with flu or cough but Caralisa has none of that.. so she said just infection.. bringing her back to PD for follow up tomorrow..

How is baby Nicole coming along?? Does Megan dotes on her??

Hi Fiona..

how are things for you??

All the cakes looks so yummy.. all our little babies have grown up..
Hi Amy & Leobbsmom,

My plan was to work till 17th Oct, then take AL from 20th Oct onwards. ML starts on 1 nov....EDD is 11th Nov but think will give birth early if based on my previous experiences

I also only intend to take 3 months ML only and leave that extra month to use next year. Think my boss will kill me if they know i intend to take 3 full months!! ha ha...... Deciding whether to change job too after ML....but in any case, still have to come back to work first b4 serving notice
oh ya, i forgot abt Jesline! =P thanks for reminding!

zorian sounds seriously jealous leh, u and family must be really tired looking after him. how is he treating caralisa?

3mths are okay mah, not as if u are clearing 4mths ok! =P ur boss shld be happy liao! and most imptly is tat after we come back after ML, the workload dun increase and we can leave office on the DOT! if not, i will hv to look for another job liao...hee... =P
Cough during sleep? Hmm now she stop coughing after recovered lo. Seen 4 doctors till my SIL recommend me to Nam Seng at Upper Bt Timah and she took e med recover after 3days! Phew...

I believe this is jealousy. Give zorian sometime.. Natalie also like this. She is suffering both jealousy and separation anxiety! Maybe partly having nicole meimei and she go to childcare. Just try play with him more, get him involve in meimei activites like taking pampers, throwing, touching her. Natalie till now, 3rd mth will still cry at nite to sleep with me and even ask milk at nite every 3hrly! Crazy right. BUT morning wake up she happy nothing and behave normal and treat meimei well.. Its kids emotional we cant really know how to rectify but just to give more assurance and time to them. My frd say can take up to 6months lo.

I decide to withdraw Natalie from her school after seeing horrible sight recently AND also alot issue on the school hygiene too. Natalie has not been happy there and been refusing to go school. Though at times she ok go school but night time crying so miserable and keep saying no no no! When morning bring her to school she keep saying "mummie no no don't want"

The horrible sight I see ( make me realise the teacher not caring & no much activities to occupied the kids!!!)

2 days ago, I went to pick Natalie earlier about 4, I was again standing near window peek what she is doing. I saw a lil gal around her age in a corner crying with the teacher standing infront of her NOT doing anything to console or comfort her. There are other kids around there watching her and TEACHER just do nothing just stand there and let the kids do nothing. I was so heart pain the lil gal and WHY didnt the teacher do something to stop? Never mind.. I look around where is Natalie. I found her hiding at a corner near TV crying!!! NO TEACHER bother too.. ITS HORRIBLE! I cant believe my eyes. When the teacher spotted me finally, she is very shocked... Guess she never expect a parent to see such a sight? I thought teacher should be caring and able to get them involve in activities..

After what I see and also what my cousin told me about the school there, I decide to withdraw her lo.. I felt I am a lousy mummy, sending e wrong school that result her misery instead of happy... Hoping after withdraw her she will be happier at home time being with me and nicole around..

Well so conclusion is REALLY need to spend alot time finding the right school and sometime I felt people recommendations, feedback, also some reputation play a part too..

Sorry... for the long post...
Sherv has sensitive airway, tats why her cough persists for 3mths now... my hubby has asthma history lor...

I pity the little girl and nat! aiyoz... the teachers really doesnt hv a heart for children, and how can she be a good caregiver! i'm glad to know tat u hv decided to withdraw Nat from the school. make ur reason known to the principal, so tat other kids wont suffer tat same fate after nat is gone..
Hi Cynthia,

Poor Nat. Not easy at all to find a good school with dedicated teachers. Good for you to decide straight away to withdraw her from the school.

So, you will be looking around for another school?

Anyway, it's Friday. All mummies, have a good weekend!

my edd is 29 jan 2009... iz 3rd day CNY i think...

ouch, zorian sounds so insecure huh? know u doing ur best, but also on the verge of going nuts...give it sometime, when u go back work, maybe you will have more own time n can cope better...
Hi leobbsmom,
My company culture doesn't support or encourage pregnant women
. Furthermore, its really difficult for me to leave on the dot. Nobody in my company do that leh. If they do, they bosses sure got comments lor. History in my co for women on ML is that they only take 2 months then either forfeit the rest or only take a few days of balance ML......

So, i will be the FIRST one to take 3 full months leh...think the bosses will faint..ha ha...( they ever commented that if a co can funtion without that person for 3 months, then that person don't have to come back already!!

So, I'm thinking of changing job after ML liao.
You also have 1 kid '06 & 1 kid '01? hehehe that day my son complain that the boys on the school bus teast himcos he sat with a gal. Noe he dun wan to sit with that gal anymore on the school bus
haiz..... P1 BGR??

What's PG cake? from where?

Me goin too with my sis & her boy, also a Aug '06 baby
But we're going for the 2pm slot.

Sorry to hear about ur gal's bad experience at the CC, which CC is that if you dun mind?

Most local companies dun support the long ML, usually they operate on limited staff & tight budget.
we are doing good, things have change for the better recently. how's caralisa? hope she is better now.
Zorian does seem very insecure leh...erm maybe try not to scold him and use the soft method? my friend told me everything must attend to the elder one 1st so they won't feel less important, eg. whenever i feed Lucien milk, Denise will definitely ask me for milk too, so i will really put down Lucien even if he cries just to make milk for Denise, then she'll drink it by herself and be happy abt it.

i also felt the pain for nat when you mentioned abt how she's being treated in CC...get her out of that horrible place fast.

no lah...i have a kid in aug '06 and just had another in june '08 ;)

must utilise the ML lah...aiyo women in your co very lugi like dat leh...
Hi Kris

Yes just back on Friday. Really miss Crisann. When I reach spore call hm and found that she is down with flu. So sad to hear that.

Hope Zorian will be fine soon. Think he is jealous over his mei mei. Give him sometime to adapt and try to spend more time with him.

Hi Mummies

Seeing so many mummies when having no 2 and no 1 is jealous abt it. I'm so worry if I plan for no 2 and Crisann is also like that. Think I sure can't take it 1....


Crisann also perspire alot even though she sleep in the aircon room she still perspire. Her hair alway have the sour smell....

Hi Cynthia

Poor Natalie. Find u have make the right choice. Take your time to look for another CC.

Ya.. we are making plans to withdraw her and made it known to the principal. She say will look into the matter. I wonder really? Mayb I have lost the faith bah. As for which school, I don't think its nice to say the actual name out as It may affect or may not. But it is under New Era Educare Group. They have few childcare services over the areas like sengkang, woodlands, hougang, pasir ris, tampiness... I think maybe some school ok BUT most of all will depends on the teacher too... I ask Natalie just now whether she wanna go to school,she say YES.. Aiyo sometimes I wonder they really understand us???

Now just holding alot plans on hand till we can settle down Natalie most important.. so tiring especially never really been resting since June after birth of Nicole.. lucky nicole behaving very well lately... cross my finger..
hi everyone..

just to update i bit the bullet and put my ah boy in a preschool class - we started with 3 times a week only first.

I feel the same as u and my heart goes out to you and your gal. these schools say so many nice things when we are considering to sign up but i really wonder if they follow thru.. i cant help but be a bit skeptical. I took really long b4 i decided on my boy's school and i am still monitering.

after reading your post I have decided to 'spot' check the class soon :p
hi cynthia,
so sorry to hear about what happened. guess it would be good to withdraw her early before more damage is done.

hi mummies,
re: perspiration
kayden always perspires a lot even though he sleeps in aircon room. i din think much of it cos my nephew is also like that since young.

hi kris,
think zorian is scared that mei mei will take u away from him. it's like kayden's suffering from separation anxiety when he started school. very clingy and wants me to be with him all the day. even in the same room, he'll stick to me. give him more love and attention 1st and once he's assured that mei mei won't snatch u away from him, he should be fine. i did that too and now he's alright.

seems so difficult to take care of the kids. am thinking of trying for another one next yr when kayden's older but a bit apprehensive. some more must go through morning sickness again. yucks!
Hi Itsy Bitsy,
Thanks for the thread on scrapbooking. I've put my supplies in cold storage for the longest time liao.... din have time to indulge in it

PG stands for Pine Garden. They have two shops in AMK ave 5

Hi Fiona,
Ya lor...most of them just suffer silently. However, as this is my third child, all 16 weeks will be borne by government, so I'll just act blur and take it even though I know my bosses won't like it.
Hi leobbsmom & Amy and mummies,

MY EDD will be on 18 Jan 08 but think will be earlier as opting for c-sect.

Went for my DS last Friday & i'm expecting a baby boy this time....
good morning mummies!!

think it's the 4th day, coz 26 is the first day wor... =)

is ur co. very "chinese-cultured"? it's like everything they say goes, rite! aiyaz, dun care, u must at least take 3mths ok! =P it's not fair for us to compromise so much when govt is giving us wat we well-deserved! n__n

i can tell tat u really dote on Nat! u're doing a good job to love her all u can even thou u're strained n stretched urself! jia you mummy! u r the best!

dun worry! u will figure the way out when u hv no. 2! hahaha...... i guess so gua! i'm nervous too, coz Sherv has been very clingy to me since the maid came 2weeks ago. i dunno she will react when she see her DiDi in a week's or 2 times... =P

congrats on the ah boy!! hee... think hubby wont bug u for the time being liao! =P and u can rest n relax until u feel like having no.3 or not... ? =P
Hi Yoshi & leobbsmom,

thanks....leobbsmom, u r wrong... hee hee.. hubby still said can go for one more .... cos when we still dont know the gender, hubby will ask Jia Hui she want di di or mei mei & JH replied saying DiDiMeimei lor... so after di di, think got another mei mei lor... ha ha...

will see how it goes..... my gynae said i got low placenta when he saw the detailed scan report & did a scan & mentioned that since i am going for c-sect, then ok.. then he also mentioned that if the placenta is very near my previous wound, i may bleed alot during delivery... so he will monitor lor....
haha........Jes, then u tell hubby tat he must learn to help u take care of this #2 first b4 u will consider to try for #3! u will appraise him first! =P

hmmm.....dunno why i've been sensitive to smells lately! week 38 liao, then sensitive....... @__@|||
Hi leobbsmom,
Ya..u're right! My co very "chinese" culture!! But guess i'm "bo chap" type. will die die take 3 months then come back. Anyway, i've intention to leave even b4 i was preggie. However, found myself preggie liao so no choice but to stay on. Will consider leaving after coming back from ML next year and access the situation.

Wow...u jia you too!! 38 weeks liao. another few more days to go
yup at this age the kids seem to know lots of things but there are still alot they dun understand, so it's ok. just do what you think is best for nat

oh ya hor...since it's all borne by the govt, all the more must fully utilise the benefit.

congrats! wa your hubby still wants another bb ar? i just mentioned to my hubby again last nite, that i'm very serious abt not having another after these 2, and he agrees with me. think he's also scared liao after having to take care of 2 babies.

haha...some ppl gets sensitive towards the end de..so fast hor, it's your turn to deliver soon
ya lor! those chinese towkay always KNS! they tink they are KINGS! my sis used to work in these co. b4, and in the end, she kenna "makan" alot of benefits leh... but thank God tat my sis has left them and is now working in a MNC. she feels tat it's a whole world of difference! =P

so i also encourage u to fully utilise the 4-mth ML. it's your entitlement, not a privilege from your towkay. =P but maybe u dun announce ur plan to take the 3-mth ML first, only when time arrives, then u let them know. if not, they will "chu" pattern now...

congrats on a prince yah... take care.. i buay tahan the other thread.. move so fast leh..

yoshi & cynthia,

Pine garden their lychee martini really nice when cold.. but their orange zest chocolate only so-so lah.. their cake very soft leh.. but not too sweet.. the relatives finish up the 3kg cake leh.. no extra left for me to slowly enjoy after that..

but they got the design wrong leh.. sigh.. but since it looks ok, suan le..
Fiona Chin,
Sorry, mixed you up with someone with similar nick in 2001 thread

Eh.... seems to have quite a number of preggie mums in this thread

Wow... that Barney suit o_O Where did you get it?

How did you find the play? I think the part where the guy introduce the musical instrument a bit dry, too complicated for children of 2 -4 age group to understand, can hear the kids are very restless during that segment.
jadelle looks so tall...... congrat to u too having a prince.... got a "hao" zi... can close shop already... hee hee

ya the thread is moving very fast.... so u went for yr DS already?
itsy bitsy,

hubby rented it from a fren who brought in 3 suits (bear, dog, barney) for parents to rent for self-entertaining at parties (he intend to use it to help the lower-income families with teenagers to earn money on weekends to supplement their pocket money and also donate part to charity)..

Hubby rented 2 suits.. one barney, one bear.. cost 200sgd/ suit but if more then 1 suit taken, got small discount.. if u interested, PM me lah..
congrats on having a boy too! can close factory liao...which is what i'm planning to do hahaha...

yup quite alot of us here are preggy or delivered our 2nd child recently...very coincident right?
hmm... maybe bcos of the 2 yr age gap. For me, my 2 kids is 5 yr age gap
and YES, I AM CLOSING MY OLD FACTORY liao. If have a 3rd one, my hubby & I will have to slog till 70 yrs old manz...
hi mummies,
got a question. just started to potty-train my boy and he keeps sitting down to pee pee... he dun wanna stand up despite i keep telling him that boy boy must stand up... sud i continue to let him sit on potty and that he will change eventually? or must i keep forcing him?
hi jokojoko

leon also sits down to pee, if he stands to pee it'll trickle down his thighs .. prolly wait a while before he pees standing up?

other mommies - how your boy pee?
Hi Jokojoko,
Make potty training a happy one. My nephew who is now 3 only start standing Pee recently. He sit in his potty for the past 1 yr.
As long he must first master telling you he wanna pee & poo, the rest you can carry on from there slowly.

Remember, don't make potty training a tedious, unhappy one for you and your boy IF not side effects may occur
hi mummies,

my son was oso born in Aug 2006.. we started to potty-train him a couple months ago, but he sort of "reject" it leh..
so far, he has only managed to poo in the potty once or twice..
like wat cynthia said, most impt is he must be able to tell us he wanna pee or poo, else it is really a difficult & long process..
ya lor...i sure dun wanna slog till so old man!
5yrs gap also ok la...it's a bit of hard work now dealing with a 2 yrs old who seems to know alot but not fully understanding and a 2 mths old...hope it's "xian ku hou tian"
hi mummies,

re: solids

like to check with all of u.. r ur kids having solids for most meals now ? maybe plus a milk-feed b4 bed time..
for my son, we had tried to introduce rice for dinner but he always took a long time to finish his meal & the rice end up being cold & soggy.. but he could finish porridge or mee suah with 10 mins time..

thus, my son's meal schedule is something like tis :-

7am - cereal with milk
8.30am - 200ml milk (FM)

12pm - a bowl of mee suah
he will have ribena, yakult or yogurt drinks or some snacks in the afternoon

5.30pm - a bowl of porridge
8.00pm - some cereal / fruits

9.30-10pm - 240ml milk (FM)

i m concerned that he does not seems to like rice & meat.. is there any way i can do to help him go on rice as i m worried that porridge/mee suah may not be filling for him at this age now..
There's pros & cons for big age gap. The pros is that I can leave my son alone to do his things & give my gal more attention. Cons is that they don't really play together, my gal likes to play with what my son plays (big boys toys
) & my son don't like to play with mei mei, he complains that mei mei mess up his toys.... YES!! THEY quarrel like all siblings hahahaha...... even though they are 5 yrs difference. We have to keep reminding my son that mei mei still dunno a lot of things as she's still a baby. And my son will complain and said he wish that he's still a baby too o_O

I guess with close age gap, your kids can grow up together, playing & learning almost the same things.

Re. toilet training boys.
My son started with peeing in the potty sitting down too. We teach him to press down his bird bird so that he pees inside the potty & not shoot all over. When his older, we gave him a small stool to stand infront of the toilet bowl to pee. He's quite excited. Maybe mummies can try that, use a small stool. Your boy will have to stand on the stool to pee or he'll not be to pee into the toilet bowl, indirectly forcing him to pee standing up without u nagging at him.

Re. solid food
I don't really have a problem with my gal cos as I said earlier she practically eats everything. But my boy's quite picky with food since young. We usually encourage & let him try, telling him if he don't like he can spit it out. So he's very open to try new food. He used to hate veggies, then he progressed to only eating green leafy veggies, no stalk. Now he's ok with the veggies with stalk, but still refuses to eat veggies that are not green e.g white cabbages. I think most importantly is to encourage, don't force. I mean even we mummies also have some food that we bit die also don't eat yah?

Maybe can try make rice patty with mince meat. Or slowly give him drier porridge. Instead of mee suah , maybe can try giving macoroni with cheese.

We used to limit my son's menu to only a few types of food, maybe that's why he's so picky with food. For my gal, we let her eat everything, even gave her cheese cake b4 her 1 yr old bday.
itsy bitsy,
re: toilet training boys
hey, i like ur suggestion on letting them stand on a small stool to pee..
will try out this method & see if he will start to tell us when he wants to pee..

re: solids
yes, i forgot to mention we also tried giving him macoroni or pasta but still the same result, eat v slow & v little.. end up we switched back to porridge or mee suah as he will eat more & quicker..
i guess it's a matter of time and he will slowly adjust to eating what we are having..
poo poo leon consistently tells us he needs to poo.
pee pee on and off, quite inconsistent. if he is v engaged in playing he forgets .. then will inform us 'pee pee on the floor!'
r u kids v bossy? leon is vvvv bossy, i try to discipline him but he really likes to like tell mommy to sit where, tell daddy to turn left, turn right when he drives. etc etc
Hmm Natalie is having rice for her dinner for the past 6mths. We used to put some soup into her rice so will soften the rice. Now I cook the rice more soften. Sometimes I will cook fried rice with vege, meat inside lo. Basically Natalie she eat everything.. maybe we just give her what we have and she always share table with us eating. Recently she been eating alot as she able to feed herself so I believe is something new challenge for her and she make sure finish what we give her hahaha.

I think sometimes toddler especially this age have their own mind of choice. Sometimes Natalie like fish but sometime not. Sometime chicken sometime pork. All depends. But her All time favourite is still her Vegetables & soup which is available every dinner every day. Can try make the food look more "appeitizing"

Now Natalie Meal Schedule as follows:

7-8am : Milk (150ml)
8-9am : Breakfast (1 pc bread/cereal/cornflakes) either taken in school or at home.
9-11am : Sometime sudden she urge for milk.
1230-1pm: Porridge / Mee/ anything. Wit some vege + meat + fruits
1-3pm : Should be her napping time.
3-5pm : Milk (150ml) and some snacking like biscuit
6-7pm : Dinner(rice + meat + vege + soup +fruits)
Before sleep milk.

Sometime she can get urge to have milk so I just give her as and when and make adjustment on her timing lo.

wa, Natalie certainly eat more & not a fussy eater.. *envy*
how i wish my son can be like me, eat anything & everything.. keke..
can i check how much rice does natalie take ? for eg, half of the normal rice bowl ?
