(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Denise very tam jia one so she eats everything that we eat but nowadays she tends to be a little more picky and will choose and point to which food she wants on our plate. If give her the wrong thing, she'll make a big hoohaa...stress us leh.

aiyo you make me so happy leh say i slim... erm i did notice i got back into shape faster this time(i lose weight whenever i'm too tired or stress lor) but of course still got some more to shed, esp my flabby tum tum :p

ya lor your eyes sharp ar noticed the change to the url..hehe

so how's life as a SAHM? see when you free to meet up for tea.
me anytime free..juz let me know when...haha...hmm still monitoring the new maid leh..sigh...lets see which other mummies on ML can meet up as well leh..hee hee....

ya man...i can still rem that time last yr, jaz still in my tummy and jay juz turn 1 yr old and i am already in my advanced stage of pregnancy...time flies man....jazzele be 1 in oct liao...gonna see u all again at my hm ya...;P
hi mommies..

finally some time to log in and post.. hopefully before caralisa cries again.. :p

hi Sherv..

thanks.. will try that method later.. now giving her the Colic drop from PD.. hopefully her colic will go away soon.. plus now she starts to eat her pacificer.. so trying to let her tahan for 4 hrs before her feed...

Re : Maid...

my current maid has requested to be transferred.. good for us as well cos her performance not that good.. now waiting for the replacement one to arrive.. hopefully she is a much better one.. praying hard... also hope this new maid can come before my ML finish.. if not i very jiat liat.. this old maid cant even carry caralisa.. sure cry whenever she carry Caralisa...

Re : Speech

Zorian can form short sentences.. like Ma-mi, mei mei cries.. or Ma-mi, Guan Sheng sad sad. so Guan sheng cries..

if we dun understand what he says, he will act it out and repeat what he says..

Re : Potty

I tried to train him during my ML but he simply dun want to.. he can tell you he wants to poo poo.. then go hide in his "toilet" (which is our storeroom) and poo poo.. not much choice.. just have to wait till he is ready.. he can even say he wants to 'wee wee' but simply refuse to do it in potty..

Hi piyo..

when you going back to work?? Me still fat and cant wear my old clothings..

Hi Cyn..

now me sleeping with Caralisa in one room and Zorian with his father in our room.. but certain nights, Zorian will get up looking for me.. so end up three of us sleep on a single mattress in my pC room...

luckily at 6am, my MIL will take over on weekdays.. then i will move myself and Zorian back to our room and sleep.. so still managed to get some rest...

now scare wat will happen when i get back to work.. if he wakes up, then i will have to wave "bye" to him and go off.. he sure cries like mad.. like leaving him at daycare but with my MIL instead..
Presenting Baby Caralisa..

Try to let them sleep together if the room allow? Cos I believe in letting them to get use each other... Last time Nat sleep with daddy, while me & nicole in another room. Natalie will wake up alot time to find me.
Now after 2months of letting them sleep together with cries, Natalie & nicole seem to get use each other. Nicole having only 1 night feed, while Natalie sometimes will ask for milk alot times or even crying(she unwell lately), she see nicole sleep on floor mattress, will say "meimei shhshh sleep sleep" I tell her faster drink or keep quiet and sleep cos meimei sleeping.. THEN she sleep! Maybe you can try lo.. as long they get used to each other shld be alright. SOmetimes bo bian is BOTH LIKE ALARM cry suddenly.. so need to pacify.
Re : Food..

Zorian eats what we eat.. he eats almost everything... so when outside, he eats outside food..

Now, beside the cane, i will tell him that if he keeps on crying, I will lock him outside our house.. seem to work cos he dun really dares to cry now.. he will ask for me if he cant see me...

Re : pacificer...

now we just managed to stop him from having it 24/7.. giving him only when he sleeps.. hope he gets better and can wean off soon..
Hi Cynthia..

thanks!! Caralisa sleeps only after 2am.. then she will gets up every hour.. so now waiting for her to settle down then move her to my room... the PC room too small for all of us.. so only let zorian sleeps in when he cries..

have to go.. both kids are up and Caralisa is crying..
that's a good idea, so any mummies here free to meet up too?

jas & yoshi,
i've sent both of you an invitation to my blog

denise and lucien share a room with us, sometimes both will wake up wailing but so far still ok. maybe let them get used to it like what cynthia suggested?
Now sure bit tough... slowly.. cos I am facing the same issue like you. Is Caralisa colic? Alot wind? Can try Ridwind. I gave to Nicole and it helps. She hardly cry after 10pm liao lo and her tummy less bloated and wind...

Ridwind can be purchase at any Guardian Pharmacy
2nd time mummies due in 2008 after 17th Aug, u get to enjoy the new parenthood package liaoz. no need to pop after 1st jan 2009..congrats!!
Hi Mummies

Has been too busy and has no time to log in. So much post to read up...

Crisann has been talking quite a lot after attending CC. She has been eating what we eat but she has been a fussy eater recently. So I just let her be since she has been eating well in school.

Hi Kris

Caralisa is so cheerful and lovely. Miss crisann when she was a baby....

Hi Fiona

I can't access your blog as well. Pls add me in can? My email address is [email protected]. Thks.

Hi Augustmum

Btw can u pls add me to your blog as well. Thks.
My email address is [email protected].
morning all

Re. food:
Han is a very tum jia tod, though she didn't looks like it (I mean like she's not fei fei de). She eats every single morsel, 3 main meals & unlimited munchies inbetween. She will ask for biscuits, bananas, apple, bread or whatever she thinks is edible *faintz*.

And she's just learned to FEED herself
Guess going to child care does help in training her to be more independent.
Charlotte's Photo on last sunday manage to have time to reduce the size.

The 2nd Pic charlotte just can't wait to eat the cake we ask her to cut the cake with the knife she took the knife cut abit and lick the knife which have cream on it we laugh at her she just can't wait to eat the cake. I cut a small pcs for her to play and eat herself.




Hi Fiona,
Thanks for the invite.

Hi Mummies,
Yipee...i'll be eligible for the 16 weeks ML liao
can imagine my bosses "black" face ha ha....

Mummies, how to shrink photo size to 600 x 600 huh? tried compressed pic using powerpoint but still cannot post here leh. Any advise?
can try using paint then click image Stretch/stew reduce by horizontal and vertical size 50% each time until you get it smaller. then save as jpg. thats what i do lar. other programs i lazy to use
itsy bitsy,
My Denise is just like your Han leh...always ask for food till i scared, secretly keeps all the biscuits and food stuff away but she always knows where i keep them and will pester me to give, and will only give it a rest when the food is finished by her...and she also doesn't look like it.
charlotte enjoys herself so much

you can go search for free photo gadget pro download on the web, it's very useful for resizing photos
Oh dear, that's just like Han.... she wouldn't rest till we show her the emptied wrapper or tin! When my son wanna eat anything that's forbidden to Han e.g ice-cream, I have to ask him to either eat after Han's asleep or hide somewhere to eat hahahaha...

My MIL said Han eat so much also never put on weight kekeke..... which I'm cool about, like that she can eat all she wants without having to worry about her wt increasing.... (next time grow up liao no need waste money on slimming pills etc)
Yap She really enjoy i was wondering how she have the idea of using the knife to eat the cake.
Then i just remember when her first birthday we did that to her so maybe till now she still remember. End up hubby no choice hold her hand and cut the cake with her. otherwise she refuse to put down the knife.
Hi Jasmommy,

Thanks for your info on your view from ex-marymount girls. Just cross my fingers that my daughter will get used to it. I can't put her in neighbourhood school as she's not conversant in mandarin and also very "xiao jie" temper. Don't know how to defend herself leh

Hi Cat & Fiona,
Thank you ya! Will try it out. Have tried compressing the pic so many times that i'm frustrated liao

welcome.. ah.. before i forget, i wish to warn you: the gals now mature faster.. even my time, we started dating the boys (mostly cos they were like forbidden fruits) when we were 11?

And in an all girls' environment, it tend to get out of hand, resulting in the traditional view of "boy-crazy" convent girls..

Just be expected to handle it...i tuition alot of young kids from my alumni and once hit primary 4 onwards, they get very curious about boys..mostly it is harmless, and if not taken to extreme, it can be quite funny..
Hi jasmommy,

I'm also from convent school myself CHIJ (bukit timah). However, i guess i mature later lah hee hee.....

Having daughter makes my hubby damn worried lor. He's very VERY protective of his daughter! Let alone i have two
He'll cater to his daughters every whimper which i dun agree sometimes cos got to let go abit mah. If not, they'll never learn how to stand on their own then we "jia lat" liao.

actually, that does not happen to girls in convent schools only. Mixed schools (primary) also have their fair share. And, these girls, usually fall for boys in the weakest class.


Yah... having girls are more worrying. That's why, hubby's very contented wit having 2 boys.
jasmommy & augustmum,
Actually no matter what sex, u'll still worry lah. Just that girls might have different set of problems from boys ....
haiz...not easy to be parents ya.
Phew....finally able to post pic! Thanks to cat & Fiona

We celebrated kieira's birthday with a trip to the zoo followed by a small dinner on 13 August

Had a joint celebration with her sister, Shauna over last weekend as both are born in August.

Cake made by my brother

LUV the cakes!! Where did you get them? I didn't prepare any cakes for my gal as we only had a simple lunch with the extended family in one of the Chinese restaurant. Then my hubby, ever the dotting daddy said "How can bday no cake wan!!", so he bought an over-the-counter Bengawan Solo cake.

Re. the birds & bees
Think I will have major headache with 1 boy & 1 gal.... problem x 2? hahaha.... My son just told me he had hmm... 5 gfs in school! Oh well, let me headache his P1 yr end assessment first.
Hey Yoshi,

Eh, i was from CHIJ also leh. p1-p3 CHIJ bukit timah.. p4-p6 marymount convent!! damn coincidental..

Birds & Bees...

hmm, i agree that girls tend to be attract to boys in weakest class, cos they are the "bad boys", tendency to be cheeky, daring with an attitude that is so attractive.. keke.. cos i was like that when younger leh.. but older, the taste get more BORING.. whahahaha..

my dad has 5 daughters.. he had a permanent broom parked at the main door.. to chase all the boys away from the time we were 10 yrs old.. i still remember him going after this ang moh kid from the neighbourhood.. alamak.. i think back, so damn funny..

Hubby already starting to panic leh.. i starting to ask him he need a broom or a vacuum cleaner next to the door??
Hi everyone
hope ya all are enjoying your weekends!

I am starting to feel the terrible 2's starting and I am not liking it.
My boy seems to get frustrated every few min. He is pushing the limits and testing us more and more.
even if i scold him or beat his hand or leg it seems like he is not scared enough. we have started to try out the naughty corner.

suddenly he also refused to go to potty or toilet or even tell me when he poos. i dunno why he suddenly change. when we went to bangkok he would do his poo every morning in the hotel toilet - it was wonderful. i never had to clean a dirty bum.

really wonder why he has changed so much this week. worries me how things will be like when i start to send him for drop off playgroup.

i am getting 1st day school jitters. I really hope he wont cry too much

other mummies who have experienced sending your kids to drop off program/ cc... do share with me how to best cope... i so dun look forward to sending him in... my heart will break if he wails and wails for me when i walk off. :p
Hi itsy bitsy, augustmum, SL & jasmommy,

Thank you all for the compliments!
The first cake (white colour) one, was from Pine Garden. The chocolate cake was baked by my brother. He's a professional and has a shop in west coast area. Cupcakes are from cupcake divinity. However, the cupcake though looks really pretty but was quite dry leh..

P1-P6, (1981-1986)i'm all the way at CHIJ bukit timah. However, i should think that i'm older than you lah...ha ha..
itsy bitsy,
That's a very nice scrapbooking you've done
You did digital scrapbooking? Tried conventional ones but find it too tedious. Till now, have not done much though burnt a big hole buying all the supplies!
Hi Cyn..

thanks.. we are giving her Rid Wind and so far her tummy much less bloated..

Hi Fiona..

Tried putting them in the same room.. but Zorian sure end up crying and waking up Caralisa most of the time.. sigh.. we are still trying.. my ML is coming to an end... sian.. plus the new maid is not here yet.. damn worry what will happen afer i go back to work.. sigh..

Hi SL..

thanks.. how are u??

Hi Cat...

Charlotte sure looks pretty and happy to see her birthday cake..

Hi Yoshi..

kieira birthday cake looks so delicious.. she has grown so pretty..

Hi Jasmommy...

Prima cake taste delicious!! we love it.. we order the chocolate favour.. yummy... we give zorian the barny to eat.. but only the jelly on top.. not the sugur... will recommand u to get it..

Hi mommies..

Baby caralisa kena ear infection.. so upset.. brought her to see her PD.. hope she recovers soon and wont kena again.. cos very dangeous and might cause her to be deaf if serious.. sigh...
Jadon celebrated his 2nd birthday this afternoon with a little Mickey Mouse theme party with close relatives.

Cake from Coffeebean and figurines from disney.com.


Was really happy when everyone sang the birthday song. I think he likes all the singing and clapping but doubt he understands the concept of birthday, or that it's in his honour. :p

He now knows how to blow a candle, but not enough qi4 (his 4yr old cousin eventually got impatient and helped him with it).
He wonders why there's always a balloon following behind him. It was actually clipped onto the sleeves of his shirt.

And you'd have thought his cake tasted awful from the look of his face! It's not bad actually. Chocolate with hazelnut - super rich!

And that's him having fun with a red balloon.
Hi Kris

Hope Caralisa will be fine soon. Take care.

I'm fine. But has been v busy recently.

Hi Leia

Nice cake. Jadon is so cute. Big boy already.

Hi Mummies

This week i'm on business trip. Crisann is crying badly for me when she sent me off at the airport. So sad. Even after leaving the airport, on and off she still cry for me.

This is the 1st time i left her alone. Can't imagine when I bk on Fri. Think she will stick to me like a glue.
Morning mummies!

I'm back from Tokyo! What a tiring trip!

Hannah celebrated her 2nd birthday at Tokyo Disneyland. She was so happy when she saw Mickey Mouse, told me to let her come down and when it was our turn, she ran towards Mickey with her arms open and hug and kiss the mouse. She was so happy and smile when we took picture with Mickey, unfortunately that picture turned out abit blur, we should have asked for a few more clicks darn...

Re Speech Development;

During this trip, we discovered that Hannah is effectively bilingual. She will speak to us in English and the moment she turned to my parents, she will converse the exact same conversation with them in full Mandarin with accuracy in all her pronounciation, hubby literally dropped his jaws when he heard that! Hannah could speak long sentences and we noticed that her power of understanding is pretty good too. She can count 1-10 in English/Mandarin/Japanese, she recognizes all the 26 alphabets and can tell us what sound each letter makes. She's very observant and often picked up words from our conversation. For example, she picked up the word 'also' and actually used it to construct her sentence with all accuracy when talking to us, I was very shocked when I first heard that cos she actually understood the meaning of 'also' without me explaining to her.

Recently we realized that she's beginning to tell lies, like for example, when she's sitted in her stroller, she will suddenly tell us 'Mami here pain pain', when I repeatly asked her which area in pain, she will keep quiet and when we start to ignore her, she will tell us very softly without eye contact 'don't wan sit car car, Nana wan come down walk walk, wan go that side'...she does that nowadays when she's in her stroller, in the car seat, playing with her toys, hubby and I are at a loss of what to do, we are not sure if we should stop her lies, mummies out there, any advice on how you discipline your older kids when they tell lies?

Hannah is also starting to ask "what's that?" and "Who's that?" type of questions. Hubby and I think that her development is a little too fast and are starting to get really worried, is there something wrong with her??


your Hannah very advanced! some kids do develop faster.. my mum commented that by jade's age, i can speak full sentences also.. but then, i am still normal, guess this stage, you miss the BABY HANNAH and not sure how to cope with the TODLLER and CURIOUS HANNAH with all the problems associated.. earlier then the rest..

I say, take it in your stride, discuss with hubby the parenting approach you both wish to take with your kids.. just that it starts earlier for you!! no right, no wrong, just decide your own style through errors and trials...

am sure Augustmum and Yoshi will have more tips and ideas to cope..

BTW,you must stem the telling lies part fast.... i picked that up last time when young and it was a BIG problem for my mum.. recalling back, it came from fear (scoldings, being neglected, being yelled at being ignored etc) and insecurity and seeking attention..

it was seen as easy way out of a difficult situation!!

Jadelle copes with such situations differently.. she changes the topic!! faint.... i have to give it 5 mins of rest and steer her back to topic again..
