(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Elfstar/Mtan: dun haf ur contact number.. need to know whether are u 2 voting? If not i will go ahead w the result le....

Mummies: tomolo results will be out....

Qing Shi Mu Yi Dai...

<font color="ff0000">BBcutie</font>
You xin li you su meh? I don't leh.. All the babies are cute! Or you know something that I don't know huh?.... :p
Oh.. like that ah. I didnt log in to MSN now because I am busy at work so am afraid that I cannot resist temptations and start to chat. Forum still not so bad. :p

Hmmm.... I wonder who.
The winner for this round theme Beautiful Feature Baby Contest is:

Xin Ru(Amanda) with a number of 21 votes.
2nd Runnerup - Marcus and Sarah with 2 votes each
3rd Runnerup - Tiffany / Jayden / Ethan / Elie with 1 vote each.

Number of Votes send: 36
Number of Votes receive: 29
Number of Votes not voted: 5
Number of Votes rejected: 2

Winner will receive a online certificate done by Feza and a cash prize of $32.00 transfered by Stella.
Hehehe.. I wanted to vote for Xinru but give chance to other bb....kekeke

I know she will win because when I opened up the photo, xinru's pic is the most prominent...
summer/sunshinekid/smiley: hehe thank u... :p

summer: hehe hmm not enough to buy leh... hehe maybe i should use tat to go buy the carrier... hehe
bbcutie: hehe the one tat did not vote for Xin ru lor... hehe no lah cant tink of wat term to use... hehe so used rejected.. haha but it's the no reply one la... ET and mtan...
aiyo Feza, you super cute leh! your baby may not have best features but she may be the prettiest baby mah... come to think of it... wa lau my tiffany only 1 vote! my poor baby... wonder which kind soul cast that sympathetic vote.
Oops! I thought VOTING IS COMPULSORY, VOTING IS <font color="ff0000">SECRET</font>! bbcutie, thank you leh, you very kind.

Elsie, yr Ian now what's his height? My Reyes also abt the same weight as yr baby. He just turned 4mths, weighs 7.65kg but height only 60cm.
Hi gals

How to update my contact? My hp no. is not reflected during last contact list circulated.

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hi gals, am from the march forum. want to ask whther u gals still hv this brown line at the tummy n belly hole cos i try use baby oil n remove n it all came off le. wonder if u gals have try it??
Gong xi ni hahaha.... sure noe xin ru will win...

keagan oso no one vote ah hehehe...... but if got SERIOUS BB contest Keagan sure win hahaha....
bbcutie: hehe i voted for ur jayden...

ilim: hehe thank u thank u... :p

summer: hehe ya lor.. they all so bad one leh... so open say out one... hehe

sunshinekid: hehe the next theme annika can take part leh... hehe Fairest BB....
Gong xi gong xi... thu lunch on u liao!!

btw, fairest bb depends on the lighting when taking pic leh. If got 'swallow the whole fist" bb contest, i think feng kai will win. He is practically 'eating' his fist everyday.
<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
Cannot lah, Annika isnt that fair. There are so many other fairer babies around lah. Heee... Maybe Smallest Eyes Contest lah, I will consider sending in her pic.

Thursday got gathering ah.. Never jio me. :p
U take leave lor, we jus did the arrangement yesterday nite. We'll be meeting at borders cafe
at 1pm, violet taking leave for tht day hehehehe...
violet: hehe mai an ni leh... $32 only... hehe.... :p
hmmm so tink should change theme liao...

violet / sunshinekid: hmmm maybe hor if got a few ppl hands up on the theme u mention, we can go for tat theme leh... hehe

sunshinekid: u can take leave?? take la then come meet us... hehe

Mummies, how many ppl comin?? my lunch time is 1230 leh.. so i can go there and find place first since i am baby'less' for tat afternoon.. haha then hor i can stay till 1.30 only leh.. so it's half an hour to see u all only...

annissa: my one already pass 3 cycle le... hehe me only bf for the first month....
<font color="ff0000">ilim/Amanda</font>
Aiya.. I am taking half day on Friday leh. Because it is my son's Parents-Teachers meeting, so I will take the PM off. Moreover, my son is doing some dance performance, so must go there support support him mah. :p

You gals enjoy yah??

<font color="ff0000">Annisa</font>
My just came back. Just had the 2nd cycle. Why leh? U waitg for ur da yi ma???
Amanda /Sunshine...MINE not here yet leh??? I very scare da yi ma, always suffer frm serious cramps, heard that after birth the cramp will stop due to hormone changes.
Another scare is my bm supply will drop when menses come.
I also on half day this Fri, will be going for a back massage @ TrueSpa by TrueYoga... free. You gals can call for a free massage I suppose since she say can bring friends along. www.truespa.com.sg

My menses came last month. Dun worry, no cramps... i used to have bad cramps last time too. Yes, my MS drop dramatically after my menses came... was rationing then. Luckily me and my mum managed to win the 'battle' with soups, chicken essence, fish, etc. and fianally MS is back!
congrats, our princess xinru.....

feza, also no one vote for jarren lah cos i alr told stella he bo best feature liao hehe so expected.

oh fairest bb cant tk part lei jarren not fair lei

annissa, i BF for 5 months (just stop early tis month) and mens came last month.
sunshinekid: wow.. ai take pic then post in ringo ok.. hehe

annissa: haha haven come is also not bad thing leh.. hehe... me also have stomach cramp b4 givin birth but like wat other say after give birth wun haf such problem liao.. but hor hehe i kaka back pain.. hehe

bulma: xie xie ni wor... hehe

BB contest:
wow seems like there are not much bai bai de bb ard ah... should we skipped this theme??
Dun get so stress for not being able to produce enough BM lah. U have to eat a lot of carbohydrates and drink lotsa water to get more supply. At least you still have substantial amount for your bb now thou its not enough.

I only have supply for 2 weeks after birth nia woh. And the most I can supply is only 50ml the most. And I take 1 hour to pump out 50ml... Wo zhe zhi moo niu bo shi zao jiu zhu zai ban qiao le ma??? hehehehe

I was complaining to some of them in chat yesterday. I applied half day then my stup*d boss tell me to take another day 'cos ang moh is here this wk, got mtg in the pm.
You see la, ang moh here alrdy then tell me. Not prepared at all.

Anyway I tell her since mtg is at 4pm, I take 2 hrs and rush back la. Dun care la.
She ask me got something urgent to attend to izzit, I say yes. Let her think i go interview oso good 'cos I did express to her last week I wan to go for internal transfer.

I'll leave office by 12:30, if I reach b/f 1pm I'll call u then meet u first la.
