(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

she's ok in the day so long there's no lights on. Sunday was the worst...she cried and don't dare to look up at all...but at childcare, she doesn't bother by it..maybe teachers force her to see the lights??
yes it's about right brain training lor...haha but if the mummy dun wanna identify herself better keep it secret haha maybe she shy...hee

think what i gather from the program is ,it train them in memory and speed bah....

u MIA so long then suddenly come in to post...haha u very busy with ur kids ah??? weird to be afraid of lights huh....
haha dun keep u all in suspense la...it's violet...haha her daughter xuan and son FK hee
talented hor...the girl's english is good...can read those mi mi ma ma wordy book...impresive...fk very ke ai...
hi etelle..haha...very busy with my girl..goodness...and work is crazy...my hk trip has been postponing since Jan and finally going in July..no more changing...need a break..my girl is screaming for disneyland everyday.
do provide some feedback once u came back from there okie...haha thought of bringing the kids for a holiday there too...haha but always think only no concrete plans yet...waiting for #2 to clock 12 mths then bring hee hee :p
my kid has been to HK for abt 4 times already since she's 6 mth old...easy to handle cos she sit in the stroller all the time. u want to wait till no 2 1 yr old ah...i think baby better..at least not so mobile. No 1 and No 2 so mobile..i can't imagine.
Hi everyone!

It has been a very long time since I've the time to log in. Thread seems pretty quiet recently huh?

Well....just some updates on my kids. Marcus is fully toilet trained abt 4 mths back. He will tell us whenever he wants to wee wee or poo poo. He can also hold his urine at night till next morning then wee or wake us up if he wants to go toilet even at 2am. But, we still put on diaper for him, just in case. But he's getting very clingy to us recently. Keep on throwing tantrums whenever we bring him to my mil or my mum's place....whine & whine that he wants to go home. Temper also getting from bad to worse. Really spoilt by my pil. HOW???

As for Megan, she's growing very fine. Just turned 6 mths. Started her on cereal last weekend. She loved it. Still bf her too. But I find that she's more 'fragile' as compared to Marcus (who's tougher physically). Can sense the difference when we carry her. But she's pretty 'ba ba'....just feel very soft to the touch lor.

Okie....got to go back to fetch my kids. Catch up with u gals again.
hi everyone,
long time no chat... just found out that i am expecting no.2. was confine on bed due to spotting. think it will be a feb or early mar bb again
glad to know both ur kids are doing well and definitely girls are more"fragile" than boys hee ...girls have to handle with care

congrats to your pregnancy!
do keep us update on ur journey k
hi etelle and wendy
i am fine. huby recovered fully but got to be on aspirin for life.
ya N will be 3 then. din planned for this pregnancy. hubby dun take precaution so sway sway hit the bull's eye.
will keep all updated on my jourbey as well as gender. hope will be a boy again so can save money!!
haha dun u wish for a girl can dress mei mei le...haha though sae boy can save tons of money on clothes and toys...hee hee...recovered le good la...doesn't matter if have to be on medication la...take care ah...
hihi... i also long time no read forum le

koli, congrats
and glad to now that yr hb has recovered too

Any more mummies who are preg and no own up???

von, i cant advise cos my son also every morning rch cc wanna go home

haiz, i missed the 小超人.. i tot i next week lei...
Hi gals,
long time didnt post liao. Just get back to work today after my long MC (6wks+).

i am preg with No 2. Dun dare to tell u all cos i have a miscarriage in Feb mah. This time my MS is very bad and i was on 6wks+ of MC.


I am also going to HK in Jul, on the 24th. Are you going on that date too?

sorry this question again.. any 2-3 hours playgroup to recommend in the north?
haha mashy, you are funnie... jia you!
oh north as in TPY/AMK/Serangoon/Thomson/Novena/Newton area.

There's one in Newton Circus... but dunno what's the name of the centre.

my due date is on 30 dec. Also no feb mummies with me. I didnt join the Dec 08 thread cos few mths ago have a miscarriage and after that didnt dare to join the MTB thread. Now those mummies are like so use to each other liao so sudden join feel weird loh. So i am alone as well.
i also nv join the Jul 07 thread. i also fl funi to suddenly join them. last time initially got try to join then my preg not stable so i stop... then after dat fl funi to re-join haha

congrats, jappooh

Share a pic of my 2 boys

hey Bulma, your boys really from the same mould hor... jus that one big one small only. So handsome and cute with the pouty lips. I think Jarren has lost his baby fats?
haha same factory mah haha

He still has his baby fats but lesser haha when i pinch him, stil got fats for me to pinch :p
how come there are more intruders in thread selling stuff? Though should post in want to sell? Hmm...

yeah lor smae factory looks alike ah...but mine ah same factory but think eah boy takes after one parent hee
i was reading Jarren's diary when he was below 1 yr old.. those photos look like jovan haha jarren also says that is jovan when he saw it hehe
No posting ah???

u deliver already???? do keep us informed ah...

wanna ask mummies out here....Ethan doesn't want to poo in potty, each time he want to poo he request for diaper. if dun give he be crying le...i scared he constpated if i insist le...any advise?
I looked through Ethan's bb photos find my boys look different le...haha quite different...Ethan is more gentleman boyish kinda look and evan is mroe rugged sunshine boy kind le..
That reminds me so much of Gareth! He could pee in the toilet bowl when he was 2/3 YO, but when it comes to poo, he insists on wearing diapers. *Faint*.

No choice, we have to put it on for him, if not, he will tahan. But just 1 fine day, he was able to do it in the toilet bowl, I guess he was finally ready.
Stella, kids have diff timing for diff things, just got to be really patient.
*phew* thanks for your contribution. At least i know Ethan one fine day will jsut poo in toilet bowl...hopes not too long ha ha :p

when i asked him to try to poo in potty sometimes he go sit on it but tell me "hao liao" haha :p but no poo one then next moment put diaper on...all come out le...
u r right le! I think he is trying to "entertain" me haha. I asked him go toilet bowl. He will go sit on then when i ask him try he even do those gek sai sound the next moment said hao liaoz no more...then hor asked me put diaper...haha ...

think i just leave it to his own timing la...mil was concern said next time go school want diaper wouldn't people be laughing at him..haha i said by that time shd be able to poo in toilet bowl le la...
hi everyone
sorry for not posting often.was hospitalised on sat. dunno y this one i keep bleeding very often. not spotting leh it's real bleeding. no joke! this one is totally diff from N. MS whole day, like sour things, lost appetite. lost weight etc. got to go injection everyday.
congrats! my MS ia also very very jia lut! very kua zhang. most of the time MS whole entire day

Toilet train
N is toilet train daytime for both urine and pang sai but sometimes still accident.slowly la, our feb bb sure can do it!

ur 2 boys really xerox out ah! so alike!

my MS for this preg also very jialut. I cant get off my bed will feel giddy. Now i am getting soooooo much better. Hope it is coming to an end.

Have bleeding u have to rest more. Dun walk ard.

Elvin now also just wear diaper when he is sleep. Other then we let him use potty.
