(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

wow ju..how can ur neighbour like that?

my fren who lives near me has a ger who has fever and she told me not to bring justin to play..

katherine..go to fa yuen market for bb clothes..it is located near ladies' market..


next time better check with your neighbour before she comes in!! Hope Malc's cough is false alarm. I am taking extra care myself. When I find my throat too dry or cough once/twice, I drink medicine. As what u say, not trying to be paranoid but it really heart pain to see babies cough.
I fed Malc Prospan already. Hopefully it is a false alarm. Am glad to know that Javier has fully recovered.

I was also quite 'surprised' that she brought her sick kid along. I thought mother of two liao, should be more 'zi dong'. Haiz... actually I dun like to have her older kid over, coz now he always play rough with his brother and Malc one. Coz he is only coming to 3, he dunno what he is doing to the babies are wrong. For eg, there was one time, he wanted to dig Malc's eye. I told him if he dig Malc's eyes, I will dig his!! Hahaha... Then, the recent one, he tried to sit on Malc when Malc was crawling on the floor. Then I told him if he does that again, I will sit on him. There are alot of episodes on how he bullys his brother too.

Yah lor, very heart pain to see our little one sick. That is our most stressed time.
Geez.. I noticed something about Malc. He will call out 'mama... mama... mama...' whenever he is crying. However, when he is at play or at normal time, he will call out 'papa.. ah pa... papa...'. Now I know why I so 'kor mia'. Hahaha...
Ju,my son oso,whenever he wan something or cry he ll say ma ma but look at me,but my tat MIL say he is calling her,I dun wanna say back,cos I noe he is calling me as he is looking at me but not my MIL,ha ha.
As they always say, Mommy is for love & Daddy is for play; guess Malc knows that liao! hahaha

As for your neighbour's old kid, didn't she say anything even when the boy bully his own brother? A 3yo will half know half don't know, so adult shd always keep an eye on them and teach them. Even my boy now 5yo, whenever he play with Jaime, I'll still keep an eye on him, very scared he accidentally hurt the mei mei.
hey Ju! wah... ur that neighbour really not 'zi dong'.... dun worry too much, give malc more water.... adam also just recoverd and i still kiasu, give him barley every other day... bad weather recently.... all mommies and babies must take extra care ah....
Katherine, me thinking of how going with bb too .. so, i'm the one who need your advice, he he he .. just asked my HK colleague, places in HK are not so baby friendly as in SG. I agreed with her .. for instance, u can take the opened stroller all the way to the MTR platform, must close it, carry baby and use staircase, not all stations have lift/escalator accessibility.

The wonton noodle is really nice. Stuffs are quite Ex actually in HK. How much do u pay for the adult fare/infant fare? I've just called Chanbrothers for HK Guandong tour .. seems like don't need to pay tax for infant ..
I went 2 or 3 yrs ago n I agree tat their MTR really need to walk up n down the staircase. I will bring a sling n mayb the pram but still thinking abt it

I booked the Jetstar promo n booked the hotel thr Jetabout. AirFare for 2A+1Infant is $664 n the hotel at Kimberly for 4N is $504. I compare the price for tour n individual booking, tour price is more x. They charge for the infant too whereas Jetstar only charges $20 per way excluding air fuel (during the promo)

If u want to catch the Jetstar promo, u better book it now as it end 12 Sept. If u want to book thr Jetabout, u can look for Anne @ 62382834. She is so helpful
Hi mummies,

Ya, some HK MTR stations no lifts then no escalators for main exit to outside street for some MTR stations like Prince Edward. Hehe..just realise.

Susan, I agree, stuffs are actually quite ex in HK unless u go shen shui po where there are lots of wholesale shops there. Summer sales also just ended on 31.8.06. I did buy some bb clothes for boy and bib as well along fa yuen street near Mongkok MTR. Quite ok. Went Mongkok to buy some shoes as well, cheap.

Roast goose..hehe..I really miss those at yong1 ji4 in central. Didnt mge to hv it when I was there in Aug...FULL house. Need to wait for 45 min. No time so didnt wait
HI mummies!!!!! i believe u guys gave birth in e mth of nov 05?? well, actually me being here is just to say HELLO!!!! i gave birth last yr too to a son. n once he is 1 week old, his 2 bottom tooth came out!!! n now, recently, his 2 upper tooth coming out... n he is a australian born baby although both his parents are singaporean.. hehe =)

anyhow, i am just wondering do u mommies do actually meet n go out??.. cos i am tinking dun u tink its great if we can like have a get together with our babies?? (since all should be of the same age)... n they can play together n learn together, including in e future???? hhhmm.. any ideas any1??

hehe.. keep cool mummies!!! we are GREAT!!! ahaha =)
AprilPinky, can I know how to go to fa yuen street? Sometime I walk n shop wo looking at the street name so I not sure if I been there or not :p How abt Stanley market?

1983, I guess tat is the yr u r born? If yes, then u r same age as my youngest sis
Wow 1 week old n 2 teeth are out??? I thght 3 mths old wit teeth n I was WOW but ur boy is 1 WEEK OLD
My son got 2 teeth when he was 8.5mths old
I was so excited then
Good morning ladies....

Hi 1983, Welcome!!!
. So your bb borned in Nov'05 too? Is a boy or girl? R u in S'pore now? Oops.... too many questions!!! hee...
Welcome 1983!!!

Wow! U r the youngest here liao.. hahaha.. wat's ur son's name n actual bday?

we do meet up at times, not always.. coz its always difficult to arrange for all to meet up.. but i guess shouldn't b a prob.. hee.. if a few can't make it..

btw, where r u residing currently? as in whh part of Singapore..
hi mommies,

something to share!! baby can walk liao. at least, in the mind of her mummy
she can walk about 10-15 steps herself unaided before plopping down on her butt!
Katherine, your pkg is cheap leh ..

1983, many of us also looking forward for a playgroup, we had quite a big one back in Apr this year.

Bluelips, congrats to your gal .. mine just learned to stand unsupported.

aprilpinky, you must have walk a lot during your HK trip, he he .. I was thinking of the sling but then, surely will get shoulder and back pain.
Hi Baby2005, my eldest nephew had his 1st tooth when he is 9th or 10mths old only

Hi Bluelips, ur girl is smart
My boy just stand n dun walk yet.

Shuyan, I remembered yrs back I went HK n Espirt still not cheap unless u got the VIP card is it?

Susan, indeed is cheap. After booking everything, I got a sense of satisfaction. Ha ha ha...
Katherine,I went to buy a few pieces,its quite cheap,at least 30% cheaper,without card.On march I went for 5days 4nites by jet star too,then got 2 days in sheng zheng,stay in west hotel(HK),then a 5star hotel in sheng zheng,total cost me $495 per person.I book through a agency in chinatown.
Uu package is cheap still got go ShenZhen. Anything nice to go or shop at Shenzhen? Any idea rom HK, we just take train there n how long?
Bluelips, Congrats!!! Another milestone to celebrate.

Cel Mei Mei, you are no longer the youngest liao! But this also make me even older!! Wah!! Wah!! *crying* (my workstation flood liao!!)
really havent logged on for awhile. super busy at work. my hair all stand (or drop?) haha

finally booked a cruise in october. yeah!! going with my PIL. looking forward to it!

josh has 2 more teeth (upper gum) now. no wonder he was not drinking well for awhile. hehehe

ok go for lunch. later see got time to log on or not
baby2005.. hahaha.. ya lor.. not youngest liao.. nvm.. only a few yrs younger den me nia.. hahahah.. dun nid to cry lah.. YOung at heart cna liao.. kekeke..

Bluelips, ur gal really steady leh.. can walk.. walk so much steps.. gd enuff liao.. hee.. congrats to her new milestone..
katherine, it takes abt an hour from hk to shenzhen. u can take from the MTR (suddenly cant recall station name) to Luo Hu. must be cautious when u r in shenzhen hor. crime rate is high. traffic also terrible. the shops at Luo HU itself not cheap. in HKD. if u go further up (take a cab) to local shopping malls (e.g. hua qiang road) will be cheaper
Katherine,actually there is nothing much in shengzheng,unless u wanna buy "branded stuff"(priated) there,if not then is to see the attraction like the "shi jie zhi chuang" show all parts of china in mini size,but tat time we use almost half a day to walk the whole place,very big lor.Other than tat its nothing much,u can take mtr to sheng zheng,the station name is "hong han" or something like tat,around 45mins.But be very careful when u r there,alot of pick-pockets there.I saw it with my 2eyes.Got 1 man stand very near my hubby,then suddenly I saw his hand put inside my hubby's pocket.Then he notice tat I saw him he quickly run away.Lucky there's nothing in my hubby's pocket.
wow bluelips, good to hear that!u r going to be very busy chasing!
josh is only learning to stand on his own. always letting go of his hands once he stands up. and then fall on his butt. this already keeps the family busy. cos got to be near him in case he falls. cant imagine when he starts walking!!!
Hi ladies...

wow - 1983 - u are the same age as my youngest sister..she is still in school!! Welcome anyway!

Want to plan a short getaway for baby, hubby and me also. What do u all think...about Bangkok? Short flight and short trip...
hello ladies..

Chin, Bangkok not so good cuz quite polluted and not as safe as HK.

Kat, u alight at Mongkok then look at the map for the correct exit. Shd be able to see a long bridge. Fa Yuen street is near there. Clothes quite cheap.

Susan, yes, walked too fast and too much..in the end got to take cab back to hotel near midnite..cuz cant walk anymore. Dont try to use sling..dont think it will work.

Espirit quite ok... HKD 39 can get one tee..went to the one at Tsim Sha Tsui but not e one that I used to go..they got a new but smaller warehouse there. The tops no trying.
Chin, Japan will be a good choice!!!
for me i was thinking of bintan or cruise. dun dare to try flying yet. scared that he will be cranky on the flight. ehehehe so in the choice choose cruise cos my PIL going as well. more activities for them...
Shuyan, I read a lot abt pickpocket incident in ShenZhen. Luckily nothing is stolen if not, it will spolit ur holiday. I think I better dun go there as I very blur n not alert type :p

Chin, I agree wit Aprilpinky tat Bangkok not so good. I want a short break n my hubby suggested Bangkok, I said NO n he was surprise by my reaction as he know I like Bangkok

AprilPinky, may I know how old is ur kid? If dun use sling then how do u manage ur kid?
Kat, my kid only 10 mth old..didnt bring him along..only hubby and me..kekekkeee...next yr me planning go HK..will definitely bring pram or bring cheap cheap pram there or borrow fr our HK fren there who has a small kid also. See how first.
Good Morning ladies..

Thanks for the feedback abt Bangkok...actually my ulterior motive is to go and get clothes and toys for Darion..haha.

I actually brought Darion alone to JKT during one of my biz trips - he was 6months old then..and i think more manageable than now. Now he is so active and not able to sit still - as if there are nails on his backside!

BTW - discussed w my hubby - he also prefers HK!!

(JAP is good - but a bit out of my budget now, since I will be going to SHA in Nov also).
chin.. i actually also planning to go BKK nxt yr wif orlando.. same purpose as u.. to buy his clothes n toys.. n also my wacoal lingerie.. hahaha..

so decided to go Genting lor.. haiz.. juz a short getaway n cheap too.. kekeke.. i dun wan go HK.. unless its the SALES month.. heehee..
Just saw that there are lots of promo of air tickets on Singapore Airlines website. HK-SIN-Hk is only S$298 perpax - 2 to go.

Cel - yeah - lots of GOOOD shopping in Bangkok. My Thai friends also got many nice wooden toys for Darion from there! And yummy food, too....*hee hee*
Hello ladies,
Long time no "see". Been busy at work and also at home...its crazy at times how each day flies past.

My cubbie is sick - yet again. Chin, heng you never put D. in Shanghai. The weather and environment here is really not great for little kids...sigh...and she's not been having good appetite for the last 2 days. Its tough man....

I shorten my stay in HKG....
this is one in a million years that i say serender to shopping.....
I touch down at HKG on 11 sep on the earliest flght...
and intend to leave by the latest flight on 12 sep....

I was disappointed!!
The MTR (train systems) are definetly not baby friendly....
they do NOT have escalator or lift to bring you to the upper level. so you have to climb a itimidating flight of stairs.... so pram is out of the way....
I left my pram in the hotel and sling Hiroshi....
He is getting heavier than what i can handle though he is only 8.3kg!! So, If you are planning a trip to HKG, I urge that you seriously consider....

Noting much to buy at all.... my main purpose of this trip was to shop for clothes for Hiroshi.... But, I got NONE!! Think China and Japan makes better travel destination....

and people are NOT helpful at all....

Just my 2 cent worth....
Hiroshi ma, what kinda clothes u want for Hiroshi? Marilyn may be making a short trip back, I can get her to bring some back for u if u want...but u need to let me know what size...plus now its a lot of fall wear..so may not have as many choices
Furry! Good to hear from you - how is little Becky doing? Getting better soon, I hope. Just curious - where did u bring her to see the doc? I am thinking of bringing Darion to SHA in Nov....hmm..maybe it is not a good idea.

Oh yes, ladies, do NOT go to HK in early Oct - it will be flooded by Mainland China tourists. Initially, that was my plan - when I started looking at the hotel prices, they are so EXP...then I realised it is the peak season! Anyway....Bangkok is out, HK is out...nowhere to go - maybe Sentosa haha...
furryfurry: I would love carter rompers.... *ahem* they are made from CHINA!! some 12 months some 18 months will be good.... Then maybe some tops and shorts.... Dun need so complicated paterns, simple ones will do.... You help me shop lah.....
Be my mechandiser... then tell me the damage when Marilyn delivers the goods. Thks babe... really appreciate it...
waa.... suddenly so many things written here!!!

well, my son (hence, baby boy) given birth on 13 nov... n yes, being e only little baby in e WHOLE family, i just wanna expose him to other babies.... n of cos myself to other mummies.... haha

am staying around hougang kovan area....

yea, know am young n all... haha =)

n my son been travelling with us (his daddy n me) in aust, cos we have our own biz there, n we need to travel alot alot!!! so he was with us. since my confinement lady gone back to china after taking care of baby for 1.5mths...

n since 1.5mths, e baby was under my care n my husb care. But even during e 1.5mths, the confinement lady only works from 9-5 (mon to sat), so other than that, my son was under our care, good experience i would say, cos if he were to be given birth here in sg, things would be different... n i would not have e chance to like "totally" take care of him myself...

so after he was like 1.5 mths old, we brought him everywhere we go... which was "FUN".. haha.. having a baby in e car going for long long long rides.. hehe =)
n he manage to come back singapore only when he was 3.5 mths old!!!! ... n i have been wanting to go HK or somewhere, for a little break with e little one agian, but have yet to find e time for it... =)

but now, he is coming 10 mths already... time just fly so fast, its just seem yest that I was in labour pain... haaa....

so yepz! his name is BRYAN!!!...

if there is a chance, we should have like little gatherings? cos i always find it cute if the little one have plenty of same age friends even b4 he goes school!!! heez =) (maybe its my age, haha)
