(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Dear Sarah and James,
My deepest condolences. Take care!

Thank u so much for all the updates! You take care too!
so sad to hear of what happened.. tears juz flowed down..

My deepest condolences to Sarah & James
God has taken her away to a place where there are no sufferings..

count me in..

rem to get nice pretty flowers coz sabie loves pretty things.. rem how sarah used to mention little vainpoint sabie was.. wearing her accessories n stuff.......
count me in too..

I think I may have Sarah's address let me go home check.. but we duno if there is going to be a wake and if have where is it at so how to send the flowers?
Dear Sarah, James & family,

My deepest condolence to you
Though we have not met, i just cant stop my tears when i read that your little angel had gone to heaven. Stay strong and Sabie will watch you in heaven. Take care.
Dear Sarah & James,

My deepest condolences. Please take care and Little Sabie do not wish to see her mummy and daddy too sad.
I still cannot get over ... feel sad ...tears just keep pouring down... hope sarah and james will be strong. Sabie is so adorable. Take care
I saw the mummies grouping to send flowers and something.... thought maybe we should check with Carole first and see how it goes first?

Something come across my mind...but it is just suggestion or can put it up later. Since few mummies already want to contribute something, maybe we can contribute or form up a little donation (be it $1, $10 or big money) and the fund to be named under the memory/name of Sabie and contribute it to her church or to some needy foundation upon her parent's approval. Since Sarah mentioned they can still cope with hosp. bills etc. Of course, someone trusty like Carole or close friends of Sarah (if time permits) can help to do will be great.
This is just a suggestion only.

abt the donation thing, think we hold on first.. appreciate ur suggestion though but i guess everyone is very down now and sarah doubt will have the energy to think abt this kinda of things;.. thanks..


im checking on the address thing but i think we hang on first coz i have a feel tat the wake mite not b at sarah's hse.. mite b church or etc..
My deepest condolences to Sarah and family.

Little Sabie, May you rest in peace. Do 'look after' yr Mummy, Daddy, Grandparents, aunties & Aunties while you with God ok?

Just wondering but not too sure if is a gd idea: If we could ask Bee Lee to out Sabie's Pic as cover bb in Motherhood forum for 1 month to remember her?
Hi all.. do let us know what we can do to help.. June06 mum all hoping we can do something to help too...

Do take care all...



im fine.. how many ppl we have on the list? if we have too many ppl den maybe we can spilt to 2 wreaths oso?
Dear Sarah and James

I have not contribute directly to this thread but have been praying hard for sabie with the jan mommies 2006. I'm sure Sabie knows she is loved dearly by her parents and all who have prayed so hard for her... she may have had a brief life, but she has touched the hearts of many with her braveness..

Our prayers are with you in this difficult time. May the Lord be with you.
morraine: 8 at last count..
will send out the order when i get an add k? anyone who wants to join in pls add to the list.. thanks..

took a short breather and back...

During my absence, the MEDIA called me. They want interview Sarah abt Sabie and how the forum comes about knowing and all the prayers. But Sarah is not in the right state to speak about this, and will keep intouch with the relevent person soon.

<font size="+1"><u>Funeral wake</u></font>
I have spoke to Sarah, she sound down with her voice fighting back those tears. She will advice me on the address, and will post it up for mummies who wishes to pay last visit to our Little Princess, Sabie.

<font size="+1"><u>Wreath</u></font>
Thank you for all the nice gestures of mummies who wishes to get our Little Sabie wreaths. Can i suggest if you all can accummulate ie. $140, you all might wan to get 2 wreaths inside of one, which one abt $70, so make it 2. It will look better for our Little Sabie & family too.

<font size="+1"><u>Donations</u></font>
You might wish to gather friends/forum mummies whom you know to make a small token to Little Sabie's family. You do not need to restrict any amount, i guess a thought $1 is a good number. Any donations will be up to the discrimination of Sabie's family, whether to donate out or to cover the funeral expenses.

Mummies who is less well to do, you can opt to give a hand written card instead. More impt is the gestures and the thoughts that counts.

Once again, Thank you so much for being supportive mummies, we deeply appreciate for all thoughts.

I will once again keep all update on the venue once Sarah beeps me.
in addition to wat carole mentioned on those cards, if anyone has cards to pass to sabie.. pls jus pm me.. i wil come round to collect and pass them to sarah..
Hi, please count me in for the flower. Thanks.

carole: thanks for updating..

mummies who wanna share flowers w me.. carol has a point, but i really wanna get the one in the link i posted.. simple cos it's pretty.. for pretty sabie.. cost wise, will leave it up to the mummies who wanna share to decide how much they wanna contribute k? i'll top up whatever remaining..
thx morraine

i going offline now.. will come back to check again maybe tonight..

bbtree: i can't access my email leh..will come back here to check post k? or sms me?
wanted to post to fushiastar but she's offline aldy.

Can pm me your address so that I can mail a card to your home cos I am out of office until next week so by post may be easy for you. Thks
Dear sarah & james,
My deepest condolence. I know this is an extremely difficult time for the both of u. However please be strong for the sake for your child.For she has been such a strong and courageous child,i am sure she would want the both of u to be as strong as her.
Dear Sarah and James

My deepest condolences. Sabie has gone home to be with the Lord without the tubes and suffering anymore. While her life on earth was just 18mths, she has given her wonderful love and joy to both of you. Her life itself was a miracle and a testimony to everyone who rallied in prayer for her. The Lord has His purpose in everything.

Stay strong and remember all the good times that she gave you.
dunno why still hv not receive yet leh, can send to me again pls. Thanks.

I have also pm to you my contact no. so that if you want you can sms your addr also. But u lost your mobile silly me.

Updated list on the sharing of flowers


Please PM me the bank details once it's sorted out and I will transfer the money.

Take care Sarah.
