(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

San, ya i haven't cut her hair since birth.. flip side is that i need to keep hair away from face, n v hard cos' i can't let her go to bed with clips on her hair.

Yipee - i read in MYB some mths back abt this - i think it's just studies have shown la, it's not a 100% thing. Just tendency, no worries. My sis v low b wt (5 lbs) but adult life (now in her forties) very petite. Not fat at all.
yippee: think because mum's tend to over-compensate for their low birth wts and feed, feed, feed. I was a small baby too and was over fed when a child, so now bui bui also!

pammiee: your baby so cute... looks very grown up!
Hi pammie
thx for info. I was just thinking maybe one reason could be because they are low birth wt so parents want them to catch up so maybe feed & feed & end up obese.... hahaha. I admit I used to be so paranoid abt Kaiser's milk intake when he's 0-6mo. If u see his 3mo pic in the above posting, you will see his face so chubby compared to now at 9mo
fushiastar, my rules for Samuel are the same as yours. he must be sitting on the high-chair during mealtimes. but recently, he can be quite difficult, as he wants to drink water or leave his seat and fusses a little. my mil & hubby are the fat fat type. i also think Samuel is at risk of being obese not forgetting diabetes too (fil has it). so his diet must be controlled and all these must start from young.

Samuel has been taking his dinner before me. is it better to have dinner together or should he take his dinner first? my niece & nephew sit with us at the dining table and hog up 2 additional seats. and worst of all, they keep climbing up and down and walk from seat to seat behind us. they mess up the dining table as well as themselves and it's an unappetizing sight. it is so difficult to make them finish their food and dinner time is like battle time. should i let Samuel join in the "fun"? will he pick up bad habits from the older children?

pammie, i've always admired Tammi's big round eyes...she's such a beauty!

here's Samuel last weekend with Winnie the Pooh fan mesh on his head..
sneaky, Samuel is a good looker himself! we shld let the kids meet la, all thes pic make my heart go wild! It's so hard for u when u have other kids at home, it's hard to lay down rules without offending others! But Sam looks like a good boy...

Patsy - ya i think u are right abt the over compensating factor. Tammi birth wt is not low but as the mths go by she gets lighter n lighter. In past 1 mth, she only gained 60g. !! up to now, she's 11m tomrw and only 7.8kg!! v low on the charts..
sneaky: Samuel will definitely pick up the bad habits if he see's his cousins misbehaving. Thing is, you also have to consider "training" him to eat with adults so you'll have to weigh out your options. Can you and your HB not "eat" with him first? But Samuel is soooooooooo cute!!! Very expressive eyes!

Pammie: My Xaby was very small when born but now she's slightly overweight for her age (about 9 kgs now coz she lost a bit of weight after being sick for a while)But I don't think you should worry because each child grows on their own pace anyway. Tammie might have a growth spurt soon!
I wait for growth spurt for a long time liao... yes she eats alot but somehow not translated to equal wt gain. now i just acept she's petite little thing. ht wise, she's ok. in fact, quite tall i think!
pammie, i agree about the meetup. but seems like mummies here not easy to invite leh...haha. shall we try again?

patsy, your suggestions sounds like a good option. unfortunately, it's not so nice to have dinner before my parents-in-law sit down loh. unless we have something on, we'll wait for everyone to start dinner together...

oh yah...thanks for the compliments, aunty patsy & Pammie ~fm Samuel
**about low birth weigh't and obesity.. firstly low birth weight is defined as babies born with birth weight between 2.0-2.5kg.. studies have found that these babies insulin gene is "more active".. they don't know why but it's an observation.. also they found that these low birth weight babies tend to be obese later in life.. the postulation is that it has to do with this over active insulin gene which results in more fat deposition and thus obesity..so low birth weight and obesity likely to have a genetic link..

yipee ya ya: kaiser not low birth weight.. i remember looking at the baby chart for this thread.. zoe is the only low birth weight baby here..

pammie: zoe refuses mashed food.. so eats rice, meats and veg as cooked..maybe you can pre-mash tammi's food? tammi is so pretty! looks eurasian..

sneaky:hmmm.. in your situation, i would let samuel eat on his own cos i think the tendency would be for him to learn from his cousins.. how about you maybe cook a larger portion is samuel's food and eat that w him? i also think samuel is good looking
pammie, your ger so pretty
envy the hair.. my ger still got spiky hair..haha..

fushiastar, you very good and disciplined...
my ger like to "gum" the food in her mouth, otherwise, her legs will be up on the highchair table, or she will grab the spoon or bowl from me... sigh..
think i shld also try eating the same time when i feed her...

sneaky, haha.. so funny to put the mesh on samuel's head!

carole, can plan for number 2 liao is it coz period is here.. haha...

anyway, me gonna be starting a new job soon.. SAHM days are gonna be over... now headache.. dunno who to take care of Rae...
Sneaky: what if you and hb just have something light with Samuel, then eat the meal proper with your in-laws? At least Samuel gets the idea of eating at the dinner table with adults.

Pammie: how come? if she becomes Vogue cover girl her daddy will surely be proud!!!

fushiastar: i think Xaby also low birth weight! now over weight. I have to be careful else she will be spending the rest of her life dieting like her mum. Would you guys belive I was 100 lbs (bout 45 kgs) when i was 4 yrs old? When you say Zoe eats meats and veg as cooked, you don't grind them up anymore? I've been giving Xaby teo chew porridge type rice but still grind up her meat/veg but not into a puree, food looks like ground beef/fish. How do you cook the meats?

Flo: good luck in your new job! what about day care for Rae?
flo: mine also likes to grab spoon so i give her an extra one.. ,maybe IFC?

patsy: wah 45kg at 4 years! nope i don't grind.. her chicken and beef is minced, pork just tear into small pieces, fish also into small pieces.. chicken/beef/pork steamed or baked with different combinations of carrot, onion, tomato, capsicum, garlic, mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower (gonna try lemongrass soon..).. fish (cod, kurau, salmon) always steamed with ginger, parsley, tomato and mushroom.. leafy veg also tear into small pieces and steamed..
actually hubby and i now eat whatever zoe eats, don't cook seperately.. tonight i cooked yong tao fu- soup is just water boiled with ikan bilis and soya beans, then add tofu, tomato, green leafy veg and that's my yong tao fu.. plus rice..

ssl: my phone charging.. reply tomorrow k?
I dont think Xaby is overweight at 9kg. SHe just looks chubby that's all. Kaiser is also ard 9kg+, going by the growth chart he seems OK. I presume Xaby cant be too far off. She's OK too

you eat what Zoe eats, think that's really healthy diet. Good for you, no wonder you are slim. I dun think I can do it, my highest wt during pregnancy is 58kg, now I still at 53kg
I feel & look FAT but I still eat never diet. Think I'll never gonna lose it.
i give her an extra spoon. she puts in her mouth and chew chew chew.. dun wanna eat liao. aiyo! haha..

btw, what type of mushroom u cook?

thanks! see how we can meet up for lunch. hehehe..
Something to share with u all.... i have a video clip too those who want to see let me know cos its really cruel..


Pray and be prepared for a shock when you read it. This story is extremely sad.

My sister's co-worker has a sister in Texas who, with her husband, was planning a weekend trip across the Mexican border for a shopping spree.

At the last minute their baby sitter canceled, so they had to bring along their two-year-old son with them.

They had been across the border for about an hour when the baby got free and ran around the corner. The mother went chasing but the boy had disappeared.

The mother found a police officer that told her to go to the gate and wait. Not really understanding the instructions, she did as she was told.

About 45 minutes later, a man approached the border carrying the boy.
The mother ran to him, grateful that he had been found. When the man realized it was the boy's mother, he dropped the boy and ran. The police were waiting and got him.

The boy was dead. In the (less than) 45 minutes he was missing, he was cut open, ALL of his internal organs removed and his body cavity stuffed with COCAINE.

The man was going to carry him across the border as if he were asleep. A two-year-old boy, dead, discarded as if he were a piece of trash for somebody's cocaine.

If this story can get out and change one person's mind about what drugs mean to them, we are helping. Please send this E-mail to as many people as you can. If you have a home PC, send it out there, too. Let's hope and pray it changes a lot of minds.

The saddest thing about the whole situation is that those persons who suffer are innocent and people we love... God Bless you in this united effort to spread the word. You just might save a life!

May God bless you and keep you in his loving embrace.
fushiastar & patsy, both of you have almost the same idea. the trouble is with my hubby & me. we both reach home after 7.15pm. this is a bit too late for a kiddo's dinner. what do you think if i do this. let him take his dinner at 6.30pm and he join us at the dinner table when we return home.

patsy, i don't believe!!!

If u dun watch wat u eat.. just eat a fruit B4 u start yr meal.. this way yr fritu would have fill up part of yr appeitite and u wont eat as much lor

Best if u could limit yrself to 1 rice/noodle meal aday onli

i notice Alden also wan to have a spoon of his own to play with.. i started giving him one when i fed him yesterday. He will put the spoon into his mouth like trying to brush his teeth hahaa...
fushiastar: will have to think about that, gonna be difficult to organize coz of my work travel! Maybe on weekends she can eat the same as us! Zoe has no problem swallowing the small pcs of meat? Am afraid Xaby may choke!

Yippee: I dream of the day i break the 60 kgs mark!! hehe To think I only gained 4 kgs my entire pregnancy!! But re: Xaby's weight, her cardio thinks she's slightly over weight but mainly due to her heart condition. He wants here to only be 9 kgs at 1 year and she's heavier than that now!!

Sneaky: honest!!! so fat i had to wear special shoes to help me walk!

Niuniu: that's terrible! how could they do that to another human being?? a baby nonetheless!! I don't think I could bear to watch the video. What pain the little boy must have gone through....
sorry sorry - i was in mtg so didn't log on .. what's that horrible story u posted Niu! !

Fushiastar - i certainly wish Tammi could eat wat I feed her!

Patsy - no la, no vogue, no supermodel please.. daddy already hit the roof when I asked someone if Tammi could be on cover of motherhood!!! haha..

SOmeone was asking - Tammi is not eurasian - she's CHIN-DIAN. U go figure out.

Sneaky - Im temptd to arrange something.. do u prefer home setting or outdoor?
pammie, i think most of us quite chinchai one...outdoor will be more fun for the children but busier for the adults..haha
Mrs Tan - thanks for remembering!!

Sneaky - MRs Tan suggested Botanical Gdns - not a bad idea. Ok w u? How abt others - who can n want to join?
Thx Fun
May do just that. I try as much as possible to go to the gym in the morning as well.

Chin-dian?? Mix heritage.... cool huh?

how u gonna help Xaby to maintain at 9kg till 1yo. Maybe stop giving her snacks like rusks biscuits will help. Im also afraid that Kaiser may become obese cvos he always looks greedily at our food.
yipee ya ya: you are not fat! i was 43kg pre-pregnancy.. went up to 55kg.. now 48kg.. still can't wear my old clothes..

flo: shitake mushroom..

sneaky.. possible but what if samuel learns fr his cousins that are not sitting quietly?

patsy: zoe can swallow.. i was worried initially too.. started out w small pieces of fish which she was ok with.. then the minced meats.. but my small pieces is really small..the size of 2 rice grains..

pammie: i know what chindian is..
tammi is v fair..
you are chinese?

Haenim play yard: mummies that have this.. do you find that with 6 panels, the play yard walls are not as sturdy compared w just 4 panels? when zoe pulls to stand on 4 panel play yard, ok.. on 6 panels, wall seems to move slightly?.. and zoe's only about 7kg..
botanical gardens sounds like a good place to go...so how and when?

fushiastar, i'm so worried that he'll pick up bad habits leh...haiz...headache
Geez... you look gd now at 48kg, your pre-pregnancy wt is a bit too slim I think. Im already 47kg b4 pregnancy. During pregnancy I did not put on very much, compared to others who gained like 10-20kg. My gain is ard 8-10kg in the last month. After delivery, the extra 6kg is still with me until now
Frankly I can only fit into some of my old clothes (but look fat in them lor), want to buy new clothes also difficult cos I dun look good in them. So poor thing
my pre-pregnancy weight was also 47kg...i gained a total of 14.5kg and now i'm 52kg. how the hell can i shed that 5kgs???
pammie: am ok with botanical gardens too... bout time i stepped into there ;)

happy 11th month bday Tammie!!! Xaby is 10 months tomorrow... seems like yesterday she was just born. how fast time flies!

yippee: i really dunno... we don't really give her biscuits so much, just once in a while. Hopefully now she's a bit more active she'll burn some of the food she eats.

bout weight, i weigh a bit lower now than before i got pregnant, but my problem is my breasts have not gone back to regular size. I was a 36C then but now 38D.. looks so awful! Have resorted to buying button down shirts from Marks and Spencers to try to cover them... very hard to find good bras too!! Wish i could lose about 15 kgs but HB says I look like a turtle when I'm thin (big body, small head)

fushiastar: will take note of that, so far I feed her some of the food off my plate when we eat and she's ok with this. Just have to plan the menu properly now.

Sneaky: tough situation you are in. Maybe you can quietly tell Samuel what good manners are and use his cousins as an example. Problem with this is when Samuel can talk, he might blurt out that "mommy say you got no manners"

bout weight, i weigh a bit lower now than before i got pregnant, but my problem is my breasts have not gone back to regular size. I was a 36C then but now 38D.. looks so awful! Have resorted to buying button down shirts from Marks and Spencers to try to cover them... very hard to find good bras too!! Wish i could lose about 15 kgs but HB says I look like a turtle when I'm thin (big body, small head). Maybe we should have a losing weight forum here
Patsy, u still bf? Maybe that's why. Think when u stop, then it may go back to your normal size, if not smaller.... ya... think mine went down instead. Hey come to think of it, my whole body gets bigger in size except the breasts
why cant it be the other way round!
yippee, yah i know it's coz i'm still expressing! But it's been very depressing buying clothes for work.... size 12-14 fits ok everywhere but the bust, then it's size 18
patsy, wah...if Samuel was to blurt it out, i'll be in deep shit...i agree with yippee abt the breast size. mine became smaller, i think...so sad...if you look proportionate, just leave it as it is. most important is to live healthy...
hmmm.. i still breast feeeding too lehz.... and dunno why.. my MS increase after i gotten my 1st period... faint manz...
sneaky.. i think the likelihood of samuel learning from his cousins is v high lor.. or maybe you can join samuel for his lunch or dinner on weekends? when he is bigger and able to understand simple instruction then let him join the extended family? cos think bad habits dificult to correct..

About weight: i'm still 5kg heavier than pre pregnancy leh.. still bf-ing so cannot diet.. sigh..someone told me that if bf more than about 6m, breasts usually smaller than before.. i used to go for aerobics v regularly pre pregnancy.. so gonna try that when i stop bf-ing.. i have a friend who did nothing but go for slimming and managed to go back to pre pregnancy weight after both her pregnancies.. but spent quite a bit.. think about 5k+ each time..
me went from 47kg to 56kg. someone kept asking me "r u sure ur bb is alrite? put on so little weight"... think lost all the weight liao except the flabby tummy...
me already flat-chested by nature... so bf or not, still the same!

Happy 10months to Xaby, Amos, Grace and Charmaine!
time really flies...

me also dun mind going botanic gdn!

think exercise is good enuff... no need spend money on those slimming

me also got the play yard, i have 6 panels but only use 4 coz space constraint. seemed ok when i used 6 panels, mebbe coz 1 side of it is against the wall.

hmm.. mebbe it's a good start coz Alden will know how to brush his teeth
hi everyone..

Cereal: does anyone know where to buy the corn flake kind of cereal or muesli but without nuts? i can't find any anywhere.. all have traces of nuts..

Milk: i've heard that when babies hit a year can give fresh milk.. anyone gonna do so? and that oatmilk is actually better than cow's milk.. any comment on that?

Shoes for walking: i'm thinking of getting the clarks one for zoe once she is able to walk.. is that better than the combi and pigeon ones?

Potty: i have a simple potty for zoe.. placd just outside my bathroom.. now trying to get her to pee in it unsucessfully.. she thinks her potty is a toy/pull to stand object! i can get her to poo in it but not pee.. she still pees on the floor.. sigh.. do you think i should get the more elaborate pottys- the ones with handles and all? will it help?

I'm going to start the Botanical Garden Gathering thread going now.. I shall call it the BGG for Oct MTB n Babies! ;)
pleaes indicate the date/time/days whatever next to the name of baby and also if hubb n maid coming too please indicate.

1. PAMMIE/Tammi (2 Sep, Sat 5pm onwards)
2. MRSTAN/KenShin
3. SNEAKY/Samuel
4. FLO/
5. PATSY/Xaby
Fushiastar - i read somewhere that there is a problem with TOO early potty training - now i can't remember where i read it and what it will cause.. I have a potty for Tammi with 2 handles at the side, she sits on it like a chair but haven't let her use it yet. Maybe when she starts to walk I will try..

I'm going to start the Botanical Garden Gathering thread going now.. I shall call it the BGG for Oct MTB n Babies! ;)
pleaes indicate the date/time/days whatever next to the name of baby and also if hubb n maid coming too please indicate.

1. PAMMIE/Tammi (2 Sep, Sat 5pm onwards)
2. MRSTAN/KenShin
3. SNEAKY/Samuel
4. FLO/
5. PATSY/Xaby
6. Carole/Clarisse
