(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

honeystar, me also no choice... now rely on own savings till my mum stop working end of the year... i sacked the bb sitter coz my gal fell very sick twice within a mth in her hands...
i really can't trust another stranger to take care of my gal liao...

haha.. like someone was saying.. when u r a SAHM, u wanna be working. when u r working, u wanna be a SAHM... hee hee..

ssl: can't find the panadol suppository.. don't know where hubby kept.. have to wait til he comes back to ask him.. but he got it from guardian and i saw it at watsons before..

flo: me part time working.. also clean, cook, wash plus look after baby..maid lah, baby sitter, cook.. all in one.. haha
yah lor. sign...
wat abt putting her in infant care. I heard aft subsidy & less wkend, come up to arnd $500+. Equivalent to bb-sitter price.
<font color="aa00aa">Patsy:
is it those kraft cheddar cheese?? I still duno can feed her what type of cheese.. will try out this weekend.. u let her bite the bread or u tear small pieces feed her??</font>
Yupz, me too read the Supernanny book on discipline kids up to 5yo.

I think under heinz brand there is cheeze sticks that some mommies use to cook ABC pasta for children
SSL: I buy organic cheddar from Celar door in Bukit Timah Actually haven't tried to feed this to Xaby, but fed to her Daddy but I found the recipe from a children's food website. But since Xaby can bite hold and bite rusks on her own now, I don't think she will have problems eating the bread.
yipee ya ya: mind giving me the full name and author of the supernanny book? thanks!

patsy: mind giving me the name of the gina ford book? thanks!

where can i get them? borders?
i still breastfeeding and my son got 8 teeth rite now, four on top and four on bottom. Initially he did bite me lor quite pain. i will tell him firmly say "no bite bite, if bite no milk drinking". If he bite me again i will stop him for breatfeeding a while. Then feed again later. So i will repeat several time. Now he will still bite me occasionaly but i told him no then he will stop. I think sometime he just forgot and bite, dun worry and enjoy your breastfeeding time.
Title: Supernanny
Author: Jo Frost (the lady that was seen on the show)

this book is targeted at children 0-5yo, hence for below 1yo there are only a few techniques we can apply such as routine, consistency &amp; a few others. So far, I am quite happy with the results with whatever I can apply on Kaiser. Eg. I use the technique of setting routine for his naptimes &amp; bedtime. It works after a few tries. In addition, I also use the Authoritative Voice (as it is impossible to reason with below 1yo) to let him know my rules such as he cannot enter my bathroom &amp; kitchen, he cannot touch the fan. Now he knows those are his boundaries, although it has to be repeated &amp; repeated initially. This book is a good guide to me as I'm clueless about how to discipline children, esp children of today. It's gd to start young I guess, as I dread Kaiser may turn into a spoilt brat/uncontrollable kid with all the love &amp; attention he's enjoying from me, hb &amp; my family.
Yippee: it's the continuation of the contended little baby book , called From Contended Baby to Confident child. I got mine at Times I think. It's ok so far, but i'm so tired at the end of the day i've barely read a lot of it! It can be a bit difficult to understand because it assumes you've read the first book (I haven't) but otherwise it's ok. It covers a lot of info from first year feeding, sleeping and crying problems to toddlerhood, potty trainig, habits and discipline. I also have the contended book of weaning but i find the recipes a bit too ang moh for us asians. Plus Xaby doesn't eat a lot of the food listed for 9 - 12 months yet so have actually stopped following it. if you want to take a look at it, I can show it to you when you pick up Kaiser's dough.
fuschiastar: I'm also still bfing Ember who has I dunno how many teeth... I only know she has about 12+/-. She refuses to let me pry open her mouth for a good look. :p She bites me when she's teething and I just tell her firmly no biting and pull the nipple out. She will gimme this reproaching look like how can I suddenly deprive her of something so pleasurable... hehe.. then of cos I give her the breast again and she suck happily. But now she likes to bf standing or she climb onto me while I lie down on the bed facing up and suckle. She even knows how to lift my shirt up and she will stare at the breast for a v long time and shout at me to lift my shirt up more for her! I wanna wean her but keep having 2nd thoughts leh... sigh.. to wean or not to wean???
ssl: it's remedol 125.. guardian sells for about $10.. hubby said saw nuh sell for about $5.. if you are not in a rush, i can buy for you when i go down?

kris: ember is so cute!! don't wean lah.. Bf as long as you can..
good for mummy and baby..
zoe Also! likes to climb on me when i'm lying down and latch!!she doesn't know how to lift up my shirt properly but will tug at it when she wants a latch..

ahahahaha ember so cute!! u know what? kenshin also does that! he knows where the breast is, so he will say "ehh!" very loud asking me to lift up my shirt.i dunno why he will feed with his butt high up in the air, so sometimes can be quite painful. At this age, they really can recog already so i can tell that he suckle more for comfort.

well, in a way bf as long as we can is good, but then can be quite unsightly also leh, esp when our babies are turning 1 soon. I've seen some 2-3 yrs old still feeding on breast, thought it wasnt a very pleasant sight lor. But then again, I guess babies will naturally wean themselves off breast (I hope mine will eventually) so just let nature takes its course lah. now Kenshin has to latch on during bedtime or else he will cry until very cham, so I still have to depend on bf for now!
Ya... Yong Shan &amp; Zoe have same birthday leh. Hee hee dont know whether they have same character or not.

Mrs Tan,
Yong shan also has to latch during bedtime lor. So i also dunt know when i can wean him off..
Hi Kris.. I envy you, can stil endure the bf despite ember's full set of teeth!

Lately I noticed Tammi asking for Mum Mum quite often - out side of meal times. I read somewhere that if I feed bb thro'out the day when she asks for it, it may lead her to comfort eating when she turns into adult so I withheld from her. Yest, i met the PD and asked him how true this is and he said it is almost 100% for breastfed babies n said if BF, dont give whenever. Yet we so often read that babies know best and we shld feed on Demand. Such confusion..

Anyway, I've stopped Bf, since Apr.. no more milk.
mrs tan.. you are right! they definitely can recognise.. when i'm out with zoe and she wants a latch, she tugs at my top and mouths through my clothes..so must be quick.. i don't think i'm gonna bf til 3 years! but also waiting for zoe to self wean or milk to stop on its own..zoe's funny.. now needs to latch to nap in the day but doesn't need to latch to sleep at night.. night time she'll play, crawl in a darkened room til she's tired then roll around on the mattress and eventually just close her eyes and sleep by herself..

pammie: oh.. hmmm.. that's so confusing! zoe eats solid meals at her mealtimes only and only seated in her high chair.. milk wise, now there's a routine, but when she was a few months old.. it's on demand lor..

When u feed Zoe solids, is she at the same dining table as the whole family and is everyone eating together?

Cos' it's not the case for us, we take our meals at a different time than her so that I can be free to feed her.

I wonder which way is right.
Carole: did you manage to confirm the candy floss?

To those still bf'ing, I think you should continue to do so if you can. There is nothing that bonds a child to his/her mum more than breastfeeding. One of my biggest regrets is that I never had a chance to let Xaby suckle, because after she got out of the hospital, she wouldn't take to my nipple anymore, got too used to the bottle, so although i'm still giving her BM up till now, I still really wish I could have had the chance to hold her near my heart to feed her.
Mrs Tan: yes yes! Ember also like to put her butt high up in the air and her face is buried in my breast! I always need to to hold her face up abit so that she can still breathe! Ember even turn from right to left and all the while the breast is in her mouth! And sometimes she ends up chomping down on me cos it's like I'm her pivot point like that!!

fuschiastar/ Mrs Tan: ya lah... it's good if they can self-wean lah.. but I've a colleague who is still bfing her 3 yr old!!! The kid refuses to wean! Like that how?? And I've a friend who's younger sister bfed till abt 5 and her mom had to put chilli on her breast to discourage her from suckling! And even that failed! Bfing is really super comforting to our bbs loh... when ember hits her head or falls down etc and she wails, I just put the breast to her mouth and she automatically stop! The breast is the best painkiller! Instant one! Haha...

pammie: ya... even with 2 kids I also confused... But sometimes u really can't tell if they are hungry leh. I think at this point our bbs are still discovering food textures and learning to self-feed, so i suppose it's ok to give them snacks like gerber fruit puffs in between meals ba??
ya ya! can turn left and right one rite? Kenshin also! they think our breasts macham flexible, can twist and distort one...*faint*

My son mostly needs to bf only during bedtime at nite, or when I feel engorged, I dont really bf otherwise lah, cos dont wanna get him addicted to it too much also. ha ha ha i never tried that method u mentioned yet, ha ha, even panadol also no use, Breast is the cure!
I give Tammi those fruit puffs too.. I'm just crazy la, I'm so afraid she will grow up w weight problems like me.. U see, studies have shown that those w eating disorders - their parents linked reward w food. eg if u do well in yr studies, u get some kind of food.
hi mums,

anyone install camera(CCTV) in their hse cos i wan to install but dont know how to and where to buy them and the cost too.
pammie: Dun need to worry lah. Hehe.. I also bui bui one!
I suppose at this age we dun need to worry right?

Mrs Tan: I also only bf Ember when she needs to sleep at night. In the day I am not at home and I express at work loh. On weekends when I'm home she ends up not wanting the bottle and usually just suckle from me.
pammie: actually most of the time it's just me and zoe so i have to cook before hand.. now she eats practically the same foods as me..what i do is that i took away one of the dining table chairs, and zoe's high chair is there at the dining table instead.. at mealtime, i take out both my and her food.. then i eat and feed her at the same time..somehow it works best for me this way now.. so i eat one mouthful, then feed her one mouthful.. so in that way, we eat together..
i think at the end of the day, baby will eat at the same time as adults cos they have to learn to self feed right? and they learn best by example..

Kris: huh 5 years!! i cannot lah.. i the most 2 years, cos then i want to try for another baby
hope zoe self weans soon!
About snacking..i quite strictly only let zoe take solids at meal times only and on the high chair only.. cos i don't want her to grow up with the habit of snacking, especially cos she is low birth weight, and babies with low birth weight tend to be obese, have high blood pressure and diabetes later in life.. so i really don't want her to be fat lor..
in my family, my parents were also v strict with me when i was small, no snacks at all and meals only at mealtimes, plus no snacks at home.. and i don't have a snacking habit and none of my familky members are overtly fat..
on the contrary, my hubby's family is the total opposite, also tend to have a more rounded physique, grew up allowed to eat any and everything, had hawker or fast food for lunch when he was in primary school although his mum does not work! the consequence is that both hubby and bro were fat kids, also hubby's mum has fatty liver.. all related to eating habits lor.. so i don't want the snacking and unhealthy food eating habit of my hubby's family to happen in mine..
zoe simply cannot afford it, she is already at risk of being fat and diabetes and high blood pressure all linked to obesity..so i'm gonna be v strict w her eating habits as well and might as well start young..
fushiastar - wow, that's the best option. to be able to eat at same time as bb and eat same food on top of tat! dont u have to mash up her food? my Tammi is like princess, need to mash up otherwise sometimes u see her chewing forever on a small tiny piece of vege.. i want to incorporate her into dining table - i shld do it soon. I totally agree with your theory - and it's great that u are observing these habits from young. I dont know if i'm low b weight or what myself but I was super thin when i was young, the kind u call "GUM JEK" )got worms type, and then after I turned 9, and had measles, I started to eat!! and eat and eat.. then forever bui bui. So sad... it affects my self esteem leh!

<font color="aa00aa">pammi:
Tammi ia ao sweet.. big round eyes.. and I like her hair.. duno when my Sherisse's hair will be that long.. she still have spikey hair.. keke.. and not alot..
