(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font color="ff0000">Morning ladies..

hi niu niu..
care to intro more?

mrs tan - its okie la.. hee.. made me look out for u leh.. ha ha.. hmm.. the trial is quite okie lor.. i jus find tat the class is a bit rushed leh.. Ash enjoyed herself so much til the moment she stepped out n wave bye bye.. outside the sofa while my hubby went to fetch the car.. she feel asleep immediately!! *faint*</font>
Hi Sneaky...

Did u enjoy Kindermusik yesterday?? Tammi was sooooo tired out that she slept in the car on the way back. Dont know if your teacher was the same as Tammi's - her name is Doreen.
<font color="ff0000">patsy - jenifur had something impt to attend to so she wil not be able to check the forum.. she wil handle the things shortlY (just to let u noe in case u wondering how come no reply from her)

fun - ha ha.. i jin long bo break liaoz hor</font>
morraine: ok! thanks.. was wondering why she wasn't on MSN.

Funny how you guys who don't travel want to go.. but me who travel a lot would rather stay home! I really envy those of you who can spend the whole day with your babies!! Before I got pregnant, i was traveling every other week around Asia with 3-4 trips to Europe! Very tiring!! Now with baby still travel but not as often! Anyone want to trade places?
<font color="ff0000">fun - heh
but den im like niuniu lor.. my honeymoon was cancelled oso all thanks to my darling ash oso leh

patsy - hee..ur welcome.. and no lar.. i dun really wanna travel ard i rather b with my precious but den i need a little tiny weeny break lor.. n NO I WUN WANNA TRADE PLACES haha </font>
pammie, i think you're refering to MrsTan...Samuel has attended the 7th lesson already. to be frank, he only started to enjoy and understand what he's going through last sat...both OJX &amp; myself will be continuing with next syllabus called Dream Pillow. anyone wants to join in? class is on every sat 5pm. not sure if there are places available as priority is given to existing participants..

morraine, i went Shanghai then HK when i was 3mths &amp; 4mths preggy...keke...dared not walk too much though...
<font color="ff0000">patsy - i always tel tat to myself!! wahahahahah

sneaky - hee.. i went when i was 8mos preggy ha ha.. i heck care arh.. walk like mad n shop like mad!! </font>
<font color="ff0000">sneaky - kiang bo? ha ha.. tot walk more den can sey faster who noes!! wah.. think i overwalked so ash came out super late!!!</font>
i'd like to 1 too...but i will only consider if:-

1. i have 2 or more kids
2. hubby can afford to upkeep me, children and a car for me
ha ha morriane/sneaky, am in the same boat as you two! Would love to be a SAHM!! Must remember to go buy Toto before i go home today ;) If I win we all go for a nice nice dinner, ok? heheh (i can also dream!!!)
sneaky, i'll sleep in the cab on the way home ;) rushing home so i can feed xaby dinner, she's been VERY VERY fussy since she got sick and cries as soon as we put her in the high chair! I've been dancing /singing like a Getai performer for her the last few days!!
<font color="119911">wahahahah can can can.. i oso offer u all a super good meal plus ur kiddos IF i strike! wahahhaha

*pls dun wake me up from my sweet dream*

patsy - hahaha.. u not performing at the stage for 7th month but den performing at home arh!!</font>
morraine: only dare perform at home for xaby, she doesn't know how bad i sound yet
If on stage the ghosts will most likely throw rotten tomatoes at me ;)
BTW, spoke to GUG today, most likely they will have to have our trial on a weekday, if weekend, we wait until october, what would you guys prefer? Also, managed to get him to agree for 12 spots (their max class size)

List so far:
1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Raelyn/Flotan
5. Tammi/Pammie
6. Sherrise/San
7. Kaiser/Yippee
8. Janelle/Jenifur
9. Sabrina/Sharon
10. Zoe/Fushiastar
11. Samuel/Sneaky
12. ??????????
san: sherrise is wearing a cap! so cute! zoe always pulls off the bright pink cap i got her..

sneaky: wah.. i also want to be sahm w car of my own.. but think it's gonna be a long wait ..haha..

yipee ya ya: kaiser is cute...

patsy: babies always more clingy when they recover.. hope xaby eats more soon!
have pm u abt cereals
abt GUG, i'm ok w weekday as long as it's not a wed..

^ just wondering.. anyone thinking abt another baby ?
fushiastar, i want to be sahm without a car also cannot...if i sell my car now, i'll need to fork out $12k cash to pay off finance...i must be mad if i do so...
WAH... looks like lots of mums day dreaming hor.. kekee... monday blue ah.. hahaaa

I duno how to drive so have car also no use hahaa
Fun: i too would prefer weekends, but October may be too tight for me becuase Xaby has to go into the hospital for an angiogram 3- 5 Oct.. then i guess she'll have to rest a bit, but I'll check with her cardio to see what he says. I'll keep everyone posted anyway!

re: driving, before Xaby came along, HB was so anti-car, because we both travel so much the car will end up just parked in the car park... now considering if we want to get one, but have to think long and hard coz Xaby's medical expenses very high!! Her cardio just infomred us we will need at least 10L for her angiogram in Oct!! That plus birthday party almost 15k in one month, very siong!
hello mommies

I am from the Aug/Sep 05 thread and have a bad experience to share. Hope you wun have to go thru the same experience when you are organising your baby's party:

Megan is turning 1 on 30 Aug and I am celebrating her birthday this coming weekend. As you all know that children all love balloons and even though my budget for her party is small, I try to provide balloons at her party and contacted the business owner of http://www.twinkleballoons.com/

The first time I sms her ordering 30 latex balloons, she said okay, she'll come along to deliver with her delivery guy and asked me if I want to order mylar (foil) balloons for my daughter. I replied no as I have a tight budget. A few hours later, she sms me saying that she MIGHT not be able to deliver saying that her delivery schedule is very full. So we exchanged a LOT of sms with me trying to convince her as she committed delivery earlier. I asked her if her schedule is full, why is she able to come along with her delivery guy then, then she said that she must have told me wrongly cos she is leaving for US with her children to visit her hb who is currently posted there for a couple of months.

I ask her is my order too small for her to deliver, she said NO.. her minimum deliver order is $30 and I meet the min order requirement. Then I thought that maybe I increase my order a little cos I felt quite bad too so I ordered 50 balloons. ( I have only 10 kids at the party and 20 adults so I am ordering way too many balloons). She said ok to deliver after I increase the qty of my order.

Today, I calculated my expenses and found out that I've exceeded my budget so I sms her to reduce my order to 24 balloons and sms her and you guess what, the biz owner said the min order is $40 and I didn't meet it so she CAN'T deliver AGAIN!!!!

This is infurating!!!!

Conclusion: Don't order from her if your order is small. I have the impression that she welcomes only big buyers.

As for Megan's party, I will get my own tank and pump my own balloons or I will get a friend to buy inflated balloons from concourse.

If i have a big budget, I will order from http://www.grefio.com.sg/
sneaky.. wah.. cannot walk lah.. you'll also need car to fetch samuel around..

patsy.. how about getting a weekend car? cheaper, especially if yout usage is not high..

zoe's finally teething!! i felt two sharp teeth at her lower jaw today! on one hand happy that she Finally has teeth, but hope she doesn't bite me!
<font color="aa00aa">fushiastar:
I had a hard time keeping it on.. she keep pulling until covering her eyes.. haha.. but bo bian lah sun very big and hot so have to keep her hat on.. but once we in shelter have to take off if not she will be cranky and trying to pull it off.. keke.. can see from the photo that she very small size right.. sigh..

I prefer weekends also.. dun mind if its in Oct..

wah talking abt holiday and to be a SAHM.. my last holiday was 2 yrs ago.. my honeymoon.. also wished to be a SAHM and watched Sherisse grow but too bad can't afford..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">fushiastar:
have to be careful not to let Zoe catch hold of your finger.. my Sherisse simply likes to bite my finger.. just now she bite my finger until got teeth mark leh.. ouch.. somemore she got 4 teeth 2 on top and 2 below imagine when she bite down.. and she bite super hard somemore... </font>
hi, Patsy/morraine

Outing to Zoo
I'm ok with any date , as long as is on sunday.

1 Sharon/Sabrina
2) Patsy/Xaby
3) Morraine/Ash

Anymore mummies ?

Has Sabrina look change it to Toddler ??
patsy, please consider buying a car...it's a burden at times...like me, i just can't sell it away to save more hard cash...

fushiastar, precisely. without the car, siao liao...how to escape all the viruses? keke...i just hope my hubby &amp; i make more money...that will solve my problem; perhaps upgrade car somemore...
Sneaky, i know, which is why we've put it off till maybe next year, depending on how things go.

Fushiastar, dunno, hubby say not worth coz on top of monthly payment for car, we will still take cabs to work monday - friday ,so end up spending more.

sharon: sunday to zoo ok for me but must be after 1 as i have church!! Sabrina looks very grown up there!!

Speaking of dreaming, how I wish I could go to New York now on holiday, it's the Hermes, Prada and Barney's NY warehouse sales!! 40 - 80% off wholesale prices!!!!

Hi mommies
Just back from my parents' plc &amp; scroll through the above posts.

Just 2 cents worth from a SAHM. Actually I think being a SAHM is not a bed of roses, as you will lose your earning power &amp; may also more or less "degenerate" in terms of fashion awareness, lost touch with working frens etc. As for the part about having car, it's a gd idea for convenience but not so much for practical reason. I have a car, but most of the time I only drive out to nearby supermkt to pick up some groceries. The rest of the time when we go lunch/shopping/parents' plc, my dad &amp; mom will come &amp; pick us up. So my car ends up havg a "private" parking lot cos it's always parked there, seldom moved out. My frens also like to tease me that Im so "auntie" now.
