(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

this is only my 3rd LO.

the words? Joanne is 4 months younger than Li Wen. We meet up very often as their brothers Matthew and Cheng En love to play with each other. This shot was taken after sand play at West Coast Park.. 10 Jan 09

Toy r us has....some kiddy shops at IMM level 2 also have and Kiddy Palace might have....but you have to buy a nos. of pieces and join them together to get the desired length......I used to have one for my kitchen and I only need to buy 1 extra pc....
precious, i checked kiddy palace and toys r us. the longest length is 136-138cm, after extension. i need something to block kids off the entire balcony length.... which is the length of a room, wall to wall.

mummies, any suggestion?
u planning to do some ID right? talk to the designer, sometimes they can come up w some brilliant ideas.
there are quite a few ID shops in IMM. I went to one of them and he gave me quite a few ideas but i still have no solution for the balcony also.
If it is going to be a permanent fixture, then go to those who sells gate. I believe they can tailor made to desired length and height...Anyway, gate installed can be torn down very easily also...just need some touch up on walls thereafter.
precious, of course i hope to take them out in a couple of years when the kids know the danger of going out to the balcony, that's why i tot of just buying a safety gate. those pressure mounted ones will be easy to take out.

anyway, maybe like what bbgrace said, may have to consult some ID... sigh...
wah...what an experience earlier. wen went into the lift and the lift door closed before I could go in. pressed lift button from outside still cannot open (doors not fully closed yet).

she went up 3rd floor by herself.... cried and cried. i asked an auntie to stay outside the lift in case she comes down with the lift, whilst i ran upstairs. before i reached, auntie shouted to me that she is down. wah...... scared the hell out of her man! and me of course. can u imagine how mnay floors i have to run if the lift stops at top floor????!!!!! sigh.... anyway, taught her to press "1" if it happens again... cos she is not tall enough to press "12" (my flat level).

hopefully she will understand.
Thankfully, there's one helpful auntie....good that she is ok.

Don't press button, put your leg or hand or hard object before the door close....the sensor sense better this way...
i agree with precious, stick out your hand or leg would be faster.

My kids learnt not to go in without us after an incident where the lift door closed with them and daddy inside, leaving me outside. Took the opportunity to teach them not to go in first so now they wait for one of us to go in first or go in together with them.
I've also told them that in the event if the door closes without mommy or daddy, to stay inside the lift. Do not run out even when the door opens cos the lift will eventually bring them to back to where mommy is. I don't want to run floor by floor hunting for them. But if it really happens, i wonder if they will remember that. haha!
actually, i did put my hand in and pressed the side of the lift door (that part where it is movable). but it did not open as well. i had to take out my hand quickly just in case that part is really spoilt and clamp on my hand - din want to end up with a broken arm.
no. saw smthg we thot we like, but SW facing n owner's asking dun match bank's valuation. in fact bank's valuation was the amt we were willing to offer. nvr mind. no loss to me.

re: trapped in lift
my kids r also learned not to go into the lift before us when the lift door open. they hv to wait for us to say ok. then they can go in. M can reach the button for our level, but not Jo.
the prices are going up now. i also hope prices will go down some more, but the prices of the few properties we r looking at hv gone up 50-800psf! siao lor
i think the rising property prices is just a knee-jerk reaction because there were few new launches in the past half year. Now that there is some signs of optimism in the stock market, pple are going in to buy and the pent up demand with the short-term shortage of supply will push the prices up for a short while. My own sense is that this may not be sustainable.

Economists are still not very optimistic and we've not seen any signs of improvement in unemployment rate. There will be more properties getting TOP by year end or next year and these were the ones that were sold at the peak. There could be pple who may not be able to service the loan or secure a loan (esp those who bought on deferred payment scheme) upon TOP due to job loss or pay cuts and may be forced to sell them. May be worth the while to wait instead of rushing in when everyone is doing so.

This is just my 2 cents worth of assessment lah. There's no way to time it right.
there's a lot of "panic" buying at the new launches bcos a lot of pple r worried that prices will go up. that's why developers r also taking opportunity to raise prices. we r holding out now bcos some coy directors told mr pax that the economy will go down, recession to worsen nx yr...
babygrace, pax
Precisely, I share the same feelings as you... I took the opportunity to dispose off my CCK properties. I will continue to rent (rental is coming down now) if I can't get a property at an affordable price. I'm zooming in to look at a property having in mind a primary school for A.
ah.. same thots. thkg of moving to be near a good pri sch for M. :p
anyway mr pax jus submitted the PV form to Nan Hua. wait for their call now. stress
mummies, are u still bringing your todds into the cubicle with u in public toilets? if i dun bring, i scared en will run everywhere.

just now, i brought him in with me, as usual. i am having my menses and when he looked into the WC, he asked why there is blood. how to answer him ah? he associate blood with alot of pain. think he was scared for a while, but forgot soon after when he got distracted by some other stuff.
i must ask those medicine coys to rename their non-drowsy flu formula to "wake me up" flu formula. i took their descriptions as they are, and took them before i went to bed because i do not want to be drifted into a deep slumber. but who knows, it resulted in 2 sleepless nights. then i went to read the ingredients only to find out they have caffeine in them!!!!!! that is how to keep the patients awake after taking the flu medicine... sigh.....so misleading, right?
wat medicine did u take? non-drowwy formula, of cos won't fall asleep lah.. if u wan drowsy ones, try chlormine or polaramine tablets, can get fr pharmacy. my GP recommend to take at nite. for daytime, can take zyrtec tablet in the morning. at nite, then take the drowsy one. if u r talking abt cough mixture, most of them r non-drowsy

as for toilet, u know how M is lah. he'll wait for me outside the toilet cubicle. as for Jo, i'll hv to bring her in w me, if not she'll run away! most times i'll try not to go toilet so often, esp when hvg mense. try lah..
i still bring cherylin into the cubicle with me, shawn too since he's still a toddler. for boy, i guess it's a bit more awkward to bring them with us. sometimes, hubby will bring cherylin to toilet with him (cos she wants daddy to bring). hubby will tell her to turn her head and face the door, cannot turn back. so far, she's quite obedient in this aspect.

for me, hubby was from nanyang primary, so we paid $1k to join the alumni recently. can't believe our kids will be going to pri school soon.
pax, i dun mean the "won't fall asleep" thingy. it perpetually kept me awake the whole night cos of the caffeine content. so it should be rephased as "keep u awake" formula.

I normally go toilet when Ashley needs to go & I'll "shun bian" release myself :p Sometimes she'll go out of the cubicle to wait for me, sometimes she stays & i ask her to turn around (but she's NOT compliant & she'll be asking why why why incessantly that's very loud & embarrassing in the toilet). & of cos in the beginning there were really embarrassing qns she pop in the toilet, besides blood & pads!

Nowadays I'll just try to maintain her eye contact on my face/eyes & talk to her and finish & flush while seated so everything is gone by the time i stand up.
wahahaa.. reminds me of the time when M declared to the WWW the colour of my panty!!!

re: PV at Nan Hua
REJECTED.. sigh. expected. now mr pax say, either we move to my mom's place, buy or rent a place near there.. the sellers all asking for "sky-high" liao.. damn..

something to share...

i still bring my 4 yrs old son in, once he asked me "why" too, and i just explain to him exactly what is it, though he look blur, but he never ask me again
hey mummies, this mth's copy of young parents has a card that allows you to redeem a 500ml mineral botanical body wash from ahava worth $26 (only can redeem at the outlet at centerpoint).

i tried and it is really not bad. i think got extracts of mineral from the dead sea, etc etc. i was using this anti-bacteria body foam (reputable brand) and it COMPLETELY dries out my skin. my skin was flaking after a couple of weeks of using - and i dun sleep in air con!!! i tried this ahava body wash for only 2 days and the flaking is visibly under control, without the need to use a lotion after my shower.

anyway, it's a good exchange lah, cos YP magazine costs only $5. and they also give u additional $10 voucher to redeem on next purchase.

oh, and it is SLS and paraben free.
Oh...I dunno whether it's good or not...it's very near my parents' place though. I suppose shouldn't be too bad cos I dun remember seeing any rowdy kids around the area...heheh :p
St Anthony is quite a good school. mr pax's cousins went there. i think at least 2 pple told me abt the school.
jshoppers also hor, anyone planning to buy anything, jio me. i want to buy quite a few items, but can't make up for the 12k yen for free shipping... and other overseas spree collection venue is not convenient for me.
Harlow.. Im new here..
I have a boy who also born in yr2005 Feb...

So, I assume all mummies here have kid which born in yr2005 Feb/March, right?

Nice to meet you all.. -)

Heard about st anthony pri school.. the school just opp my block..hee.. not bad lah..heard quite diff to get in..
you all start to find the pri school for your kids?? i do not know if it's too early to serch for him.. for st anthony, even if it's <1km, I still gotta go through ballot... *sob sob*
Welcome! I hate this balloting...cos I never have luck, everything is hard work..... sob sob

I have sold my property, thinking of buying one in Bt Batok within 1km to St Anthony, so St. Anthony could be the choice for my girl. But still thinking hard....

If St. Anthony is good, then you need not search already....hope you have luck!
Hi Precious..

Thanks ler.. Hope I have the luck lah..
St Anthony don't accept PV..so, really depend my luck le.. hahha... =)

Orh..find one <1km to st anthony ar? Good good.. can be my neighbour.. heee..
wow u all talking abt primary school already!!! scary!
i dunt remember thinking abt pri sch till the yr b4 they are to be enrolled.

My SIL stays within 1km of Nan Hua and she got into the PV program...Her elder son is born Jan 2005. Still no guarantee she can get a space.
