(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Yah really v sad

Hi isabellai: sorry, din see your message until now. I think by now you should know the bad news.

catz: good that your hubby will be around for Tim's surgey. This tummy flu is so irritating. Marcus has been having loose stool for a week till his bum has open sore rash.
Tetra, yah tummy flu is a pain but actually diarrhoea is less messy than vomitting lor. :p Poor Marcus.. use Desitin? I do that whenever Beth has any stomach flu even though she doesn't have rash.
Hi Mummies,
Seem that there are quite a few sick kiddos here. I have been not well lately too. Cough is my second name in the morning and nights last week.
L has been bleeding in the nose too. 3 times in a week. 2x in happen at night in the middle of sleep. First time, he soak thru 4 hankies... quite a sight. Anyway, I guess he is too heaty.. too much junk food.

All well at home now?

Poor Marcus, must be very painful for him?

Yes, I think postponing it is good for you. At least, you are not solo n don't have to be the hero that day.
Piggy, have you been seeing a sinseh? Hope your recurrent cough can go away. I remember that one time that I got such a bad cough that I ended up with piles (still with me)
L bleeding in the nose? Eeks.. actually I used to have v v frequent nosebleeds as a girl. I still remember that smell of blood :p Dunno why also.. guess yah, too heaty.
Yes, saw sinseh and was better. Just that I have been busy so can't go for follow-up.
Yes, the bleeding is terrible. He will sit up in his sleep.... gush...the bloody tap will turn on and it takes a while to stop it as my boy is a mule. Will not listen to us telling him not to blow his nose when it bleeds....insist on blowing.... crying....and then when I threaten him that I will smack him.... he tells me that the reason that he bleeds is cos I scare him... he cries...so got blood. Really can drive me up the wall. Personally... I feel that this kid is such an Ah Pek.... Grumbles n talk like an old man this minute.... jolly n happy like a 4year old next. I really learn patience thru motherhood.

Today, hospital called to tell me that my dad admitted cos blood pressure too low.... Wah... that man is another handful.... Suppose to have a restricted diet, etc....don't follow... I told HB that in future we better don't behave like that....if not we will definitely be irritating old folk that everyone dislikes.
Piggy, aiyoh so drama.. and blood is so hard to wash off.

Hope that your Dad will be ok.. yah we must remember to be good patients ourselves
Kids are better. Sherilyn is off nebuliser but still coughing.

I got lots of nose bleeds as a child too. This week superhot. I had nosebleed as well. So glad it started raining again.

When we came back, sherilyn decided to have a new pattern of sleeping for the night really early, around 6:30-7:30pm. If we don't let her sleep, she will cry non stop in the car on the way home. Problem is, sometimes she wakes up at 2am and doesn' want to drink milk or sleep for 1 hr before she finally go back to sleep again. Then morning 7am don't want to wake up. V tired and fed up, dunno how.
babyd: I can understand the situation when the child has this sort of sleeping pattern. For me, it is to coincide both boys' sleeping time. When one naps, the other wakes up (or worst, wake the other up) ... it is endless entertainment. Can't imagine handling more kids.

piggy: challenging to find caterer for 20 pax unless the price is high per pax. Otherwise, it is to order from delifrance or coffee bean + pack some local delicacies back.
Hi Piggy,

You can try DeliHub and/or Neogarden (under same company but DeliHub is Halal certified). Both have mini buffet's menu. Ordered both for company's trainings and events and food taste great (especially the rendang and curry).
BabyD, aiyoh.. yah girls seem to be harder to deal with.. hehe.. same with Beth. Sounds like she might need an earlier and longer afternoon nap so she doesn't get so cranky by 6.30pm? Hopefully if she naps better, she'll sleep better.

emonster, heyyyy you still read this thread. Post lah.. update us on Phoebe!

Hate nosebleeds! Looks so ghastly and I still cant' get the awful smell of blood out of my head just imagining it.
Hi Mummies,

I do pop in to read the updates of mummies, toddlers and babies.

Hi Piggy & Catz,
P is getting checkier by the day. We love her smile and her laughter but her crying can drive us up the wall.. imagine the persistent crying that nothing works...

Her BD is coming soon, but I have no idea what we are going to do next year...

Any mummies throwing BD parties for your children? Can share about ideas?

Have a great weekend!
Actually I wanted to throw a party for family members n a few friends. But we had a bad experience last year due to the rain. After discussing with HB, I think this year, we will give it a miss. So I have decided to go for individual celebrations with different groups of people. We will probably eat out the next few weekends n as a result, my boy will get a few cakes which he will be more than happy. I even get HB to buy the candles that will not be extinguished for him to blow so that we can have a laugh. kekeke...evil mum...
Piggy, wah individual celebrations will be quite tiring in a different sort of way but probably Linus will have a great time

Emonster, actually i have been planning a big bash for the kids but had a bombshell news from my hubby last night i.e. he will be away the entire month and miss their actual birthdays as well as the party. V sian.. now dunno what to do. Cancel or just proceed.
Well, I can believe it 'cos when I stayed in UK, man oh man, some of those teenage mothers were just so nuuuaaa... they had silver cross buggies but their kids were dirty and smelly. But yeah, I don't like The Sun.. bought it once and never bought it again.
Same shoes as you... hubby away for most of Jan on reservist overseas exercise. During that time, he will miss Sherman's b'day, my mum's b'day and our wedding anniversary. Sherman has already decided that he wants a Thomas b'day cake, but now we don't know when to have the party. By the time he's back, almost time for CNY already. Can you postpone the party or make it earlier? That's what we're planning to do.

As for Sherilyn, the whole trouble with her is that she takes standard 1 hour naps only, not longer, sometimes shorter. If she naps earlier, she wakes up earlier and needs to nap again or sleep even earlier, so it doesn't work. My girl really cannot sleep late. Last 2 nights she slept around 6pm but woke up at 7pm. We kept her up till 8 plus, but she couldn't go to sleep after her feed even with my maid rocking and patting her. She cried till 9:30pm, when I finally finished settling Sherman for bed and came to rescue her by plonking her on my boobs. She still wakes up twice every night, around 1am and 5am. Sigh... don't know when it will end. Hopefully when she starts solids she will reduce to once a night and eventually sleep through.

Getting the candles that won't burn out is hilarious. I think L will just keep blowing and blowing and blowing, maybe he will scold the candle?
babyD - NZ? Sucks man... think they're on the same exercise :p Well, Timo's birthday is on the 4th, Beth's is on 2nd day of CNY and the party was supposed to be on Jan 10th. Ah well.

I think girls generally don't sleep as well.. haha.. I really struggled for the two months that I was trying to put Bethany on the Gina Ford timings.. but thank God at 4 months she quietly went on it and we've never looked back. Hope Sherilyn gets the swing of proper timing soon!
Nope, different ex nearer home up north. We were hoping it would get cancelled with all the airport closures and protests, but looks like it's still on lor. My girl seems to instinctively know that mummy is supposed to latch her to sleep at night. She's 6 months already, how time flies. Just started her on solids, so I'm hoping she will finally sleep better soon.
Just came back from Genting on Monday. Not a great holiday, I must say. The place is too crowded & noisy, and I was down with fever & flu on the 3rd day. The best time was spent in the room since it has been awhile we have our 'own' place. The jam was terrible on the way back @ the Malaysia custo, stuck for 1.5hr. I think it will be a very long time before we are back to Genting. For the kids, I think they enjoyed it although Lucas doesn't take changes very well. He kinda of went on food strike, I think it is due to a change in the routine, and the overstimulation by the light & noises. He enjoyed the train ride around the tower, about 15 over times, and the bumcar 4X. Other than that, didn't try out the rest. Marcus seemed contented with just the merry go round. I think it will be back to beach resort for us in the future.

We will probably have a small birthday party for Lucas with our extended family members. Hubby is quie shacked to do an elaborate party. I think it is a good idea to get one of those candles.

piggy: where to got them? I only know there is this shop that sell party stuff @ centrepoint.
BabyD, aiyah think it won't be cancelled since it's not dependent on civilian flights etc. Time does fly.. 6 months already?! Any photos?

Tetra, Genting must be packed 'cos holidays mah... aiyoh and to get ill up there..
The kids loved Genting but we went off-peak.. don't know if CNY is considered peak or not.. haha.. 'cos 2nd day of CNY is Beth's bday and we're intending to celebrate CNY in M'sia this year.. can just shoot up to Genting for 1 night.
For mums who want to know, I bought mine in Bukit Timah. I know quite a few shops sell them. Those that sells fake lizards, etc will have them. Off hand, I remember Great World City, Yes Tetra, maybe Centrepoint, Tanglin Mall, any "magic" or gadget shops should carry them. They look like ordinary candles so I guess I should be able to trick my boy..... can't wait. kekekeke....
Merry X'mas to all mummies, daddies & kiddos.

Happy Belated birthday to Wilfred. I am sure Eve must have a great party for him again.

And Happy Birthday to Linus too.

My helper is on holiday leave now. It has been a roller coaster busy week for me - to tend to 2 kiddos and 2 elderly at home. Having a cold & a persistent 3 wk cough, made it even worse. Lost my sense of hearing, smell & taste. Can't even smell Marcus has poo ... sigh.
Oh dear... seems that your helper's leave is at the wrong time. Do drink lots of water and watch what you eat to eradicate the cough. My experience with such cough is no chicken, peanuts, eggs, fried food strictly for a few days... You will see a great improvement.

My helper is also going back for leave. I plan to send her in Jan during the CNY period for her deserved 2 weeks break. Wa....
I handle L for 2days in the weekend I get so exhausted. Really very taxing....
Last Friday, he reminded me n hb that he didn't get a X'mas & BD pressie from us. (Fact is we bought a "building" set but didn't give it to him as it is somewhat similar to the one that SIL bought.) So we thought of holding it awhile till he get sick of SIL's toy before giving it to him. We did give him a Littlest pet toy on X'mas morning but he reminded us that that toy is from Santa....not from mum & dad. Somemore can tell us that, "Am I not suppose to get a big toy for X'mas from mum & dad?"
Wonder if it is only him or other kids are also "reasoning" with their parents now to get their way. So yesterday, Isetan had a private sale, I bought him there to choose what he deem interesting n fun...... Choose the train set + station , etc, etc. Luckily it is sale time..... Finally, he told us that he is satisfied now. Pengsan.......

By the way, Happy Birthday to Lucas.
piggy: I guess you are right about certain food restriction. It is the 3rd wk mark today for my cough, so tired. It does get better, at least I don't cough till vomit. But I think Lucas caught it and hubby seemed likely to come down with a cold as well.

During this period without my helper, I have been spending less time with Lucas. And boy, he was behaving so badly, on food strike & everything is NO when asked. Marcus is also demanding more attention from us. I really wonder if I could give enough attention to both boys when we move to AZ without any help. There goes my plan for a 3rd child... I wonder how catz handles this attention demand from 2 kids when you have to do the chores as well.
Tetra, aiyoh, cough until vomit is v serious wor. Actually my worst cough is what caused me to have piles.. so nuisance. Lots of bugs going around.. my hubby has caught the flu so he's moping around the house since Fri. Sian.

Attention demanding from 2 kids.. terok. Everyday I am breaking up fights.. esp when I go into the kitchen to wash or cook, alamak, sure got fight erupt outside. Even as it is, I try to do all my chores after the kids sleep so I can maximise my time spent with them. But yeah, now you know why I never ever want #3.. cannot tahan.. me vs 2 monkeys is bad enough.

Piggy, Linus super funny lah.. yes there is a lot of bargaining and 'excuses' nowadays. Sigh. I can't believe you went for the private sale.. madness! The last quarterly one we went for was so crowded!!!

Happy Belated Birthday to Lucas and Linus and also to Dylan!
I really salute you handling 2 kids days in and out. Not a easy task at all. Can understand why no number 3.

I have to go for the sale as I told Linus about Santa giving toys to good children on X'mas morning....so he told me since he got a toy from Santa, he should get one from dad n mum too. So bo bian. HB drove us there n waited at the road side while we went in to choose what he wanted.

I guess when you go into a routine, you will be able to handle them. Though I think initially it will be a struggle. Any special celebration for Lucas' BD?

Happy BD to Dylan!! Hope you had a happy time with mum & dad & meimei.
Piggy, hehe.. I'm not the type who likes having a helper around the house, so yeah no #3 for me, thank you. If my hubby was rich and I could have a housekeeper who comes in everyday to wash/clean, then maybe I would reconsider.. but haha, dream on :p
I've also been sick with different bugs the whole month of Dec ever since we got back from Tazzy. Hopefully this one is the last one.

Can't believe you went to queue for the Isetan private sale with Linus in tow and your hubby waited by the side of the road some more. Sherman is the same with the bargaining and asking for presents. I find sometimes he can be so mature and sometimes so childish.

Actually I find even with maid I'm not sure I have the energy to have #3. Especially since my kids take such a long time to sleep through the night, not like yours. I have to say my new maid is not too bad, sweet disposition, works hard and loves Sherilyn to bits. Sherman doesn't listen to her though.

Speaking of Sherilyn, it's scary how fast she grows. She's really strong and is almost able to push herself from crawling position to sitting already. I recall Sherman only managed to do that around 10 months?? I think she will crawl much faster than Sherman ever did.
There was no queue in Isetan itself. The q is at the roads leading to the carpark. kekeke...
Wow, exactly how many months is Sherilyn now?
piggy: We did not intend to buy any thing for Lucas's birthday since we had just bought some stuff for him not long ago. But it broke his daddy's heart when the morning went like this:
Lucas woke up & asked daddy "Is it my birthday today?" and then went yehhhh! followed by "I bet you didn't get anything for me, rite?" then "There isn't anything for my on my birthday." So we took him to Toy r us in the morning to let him choose his gift, at the same time to use the coupon. And he chose the most boring thing, the battery operated Edward and Henry trains. I said you had Thomas & Gordon which looked so much like Edward, and Percy which looked like Henry, can't he chose something else. He said it must be complete, as both of them work together. Well, at least he didn't pick up the biggest box or those really ex ones. Then bought him a birthday cakes, his cousins came to visit, so machiam like party. So he was very pleased at the end of the day.

Helper came back yesterday, and somehow the routine is back to normal, and I was able to spend more time with Lucas & with more tolerance. My focus now is to create more time for the 2 boys to play together. Marcus is really demanding so much attention, and somehow both of them always fight for the same thing (whoever picks it first) even sitting on mummy's lap.

We noticed that Lucas's bad behaviour during the last few days, was due to us spending more time with Marcus. We thought by taking Marcus away, Lucas could enjoy his toys himself. But it only makes it worse, he wanted to be part of the play & it only makes him dislikes his brother even more. The other thing is that if we play the trains with him, we have to play his way, can't do this & that. daddy said very boring to play with him at times, and now Marcus is so cute, it is so easy to divert more love to the younger brother, and so the elder one always get the brunt of scolding most of the time. We admittedly agree that we forget that he is only 4, and had set too much expectation of him. Seemed like 1.5 to 4 yr old needs the most attention.

My SIL just returned from Japan, and she brought along her 5th baby (3 mth old) along. Her 1st born is 12 yr old now, and the 4th one is about 8. I have no idea how she cope without any domestic help. They shared with me in Japan, most households has 1 child who is usually dropped at the childcare centre and the mothers in their thick make up, matching attire, luxury apparels, will meet and go for tea, shopping, grooming etc. This is on a everyday routine & we are taking about the average households.

Anyway, I think I need to do my dry run with both boys on how I spend my days handling them & chores in Adelaide without any help. The ultimate will be having to finding time for fortnightly pedicure. haha...
Tetra, oh yah... 2 kids sure fight like cats and dogs. I am constantly refereeing their fights. But honestly they do play together quite well at times.


Oh.. as SAHM, it's hard to take time off for yourself unless your hubby can babysit. My pedicures are super erratic so I bought a whole bunch of pedi and mani stuff from OPI and Crabtree to DIY at home.
Sherilyn is only 6.5 months, that's why so amazed she can already sit unsupported, push up bum in crawling position and cleopetra push almost to sitting from tummy position. The other day, she managed to "crawl" out from Sherman's box mattress despite the padded sides.

I understand how it's sometimes easy to favour one child over the other, especially when one of them is consistently misbehaving. Sherman also had a v naughty and disobedient phase when Sherilyn was born. We found ourselves scolding and disciplining him all the time while cooing and smiling at Sherilyn, which probably made it worse for him. It's tough being 4... they can be independent, but still need us. Jap households are like that, drop off at childcare and the mum can have tea and lunch. Maybe when Marcus is bigger and starts childcare you can go and do your pedicures...

haha... I haven't painted my nails since I was pregnant with Sherilyn! Jialat, so auntie....
catz: you r rite, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... and mine, her kids are so well-behaved. In fact all the kids helped out in the chores i.e. washing dishes, laundry, carrying baby, etc. So when she has 4 older kids helping out, it doesn't seem so hard after all.

babyd: I think I can forget about pedicures when I move. Just let them rot lah.

That day, Marcus took my compact powder and went putting on the powder himself. Now can't find my hp, he has the habit of relocating our stuff i.e. kor kor's train in the rubbish bin.
Tetra, I think your SIL manages her household really well. I do make the kids do the chores that they can manage (without too much breakage or mess)...haha.. if not I sure die. But even with 4 older kids, can you imagine the workload? Pei fu pei fu!

Pedicure cannot let them slide 'cos your feet will really suffer. Best is to DIY scrub and pumice in the shower, then moisturise as much as you can.

Missing stuff - sighhh.. we lost our DVD remote for the longest time. Haha.. not to mention countless bits of toys.
<font color="aa00aa"><blink><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MUMMIES</font></blink></font>

Have just celebrate Dariz 4th birthday last week cos I have to go back to work on his actual birthday which falls on the 2nd Saturday. No big celebration but just a cake my fil bought at Jalan Kayu. The cake taste delicious.

With 2 older boys with very near age gap, I am also in ur kind of situation. Travis and Dariz fight all day long. You scold one and dun scold the other, it won't make any of them feel good. So everytime they fight, I would skip the scolding part and ask them to pull their ears facing the walls. There, they will keep mumbling saying it's each others fault. Will separate them if that happens. And then call them over to one corner and explain things to them one at a time. But this method take a long time to see result. Now they dun fight as often, but still sometimes will engage in quarrels or 'small fight'. Haiz, really give me headache at times... I am always scared that either one of them will find me biased against another one.. So I keep trying to be 'fair' to all of them. But it seems like no matter how hard I try, it's hard to be totally fair....
isabelli: Happy belated birthday to Dariz. I think there is this popular cake shop @ Jln Kayu, known for its chocolate cake &amp; so on. With a close age gap, I think they can play better together than my 2 boys.

Happy 2009 to all mums, dads &amp; kids here!

And best wishes to Tim's coming birthday. Another 3 weeks will be CNY, so fast, still haven't get any new clothing for all of us yet.
Tetra, thanks!

Yah CNY is so fast this year. Beth's birthday is on 2nd day.. still haven't decided if we can go back to KL to celebrate with my family.. 'cos have not done so since 2006! Miss my aunts so much!

Isabella, aiyoh you hv to work on Saturday? I always had the impression you were a SAHM like me!

Yah it's really tough to be fair.. I think your 2 boys are even closer age-gap? Mine are 24 months apart.. maybe boy and girl easier to seem 'fair' since they are of different gender, know what I mean? Whereas 2 boys, v close in age, harder to make a decision which will please both.

How was everyone's first day at school? Timo ah.. say got stomachache. Luckily my hubby helped out today if not I surely die.
