(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Just wondering... Where will u bring your kids for picnic?? Me thought of bringing mine for picnic.. But doesn't wanna go East Coast Beach as it's very crowded during weekends and it's quite dangerous too with those cyclist & skaters ard.. So would like to ask for more opinion.. Thanks in advance~

Botanic gardens, West Coast Park, Labrador Park, Fort Canning, Mount Faber, Pasir Ris. I think other mummies can add to this list?
Thanks for the suggestion.. Will do a search on the areas u suggest to see which one better.. Cos I'm staying at AMK. Gotta find one that is easily accessible by public transport as me & hubby not driving~
Hi Piggy,

Thanks for your advise. Will go to his web and look for my info. Are his charges on the high side? Wow, you must be so happy to be without glasses.. envy envy

Hi Tetra,
Can I know what time is the gathering? Hubby got to tend to shop...dont have transport...
Hi Isabelle,

There is a Paw Walk 08 for babies, toddlers and their parents happening on 20th July 2008 which u may be interested. It would be fun to bring ur kids along and it's near to AMK.

Babies, toddlers and their parents are invited to participate in this fun-filled mini walk to raise awareness of pneumococcal disease and to pledge their support in the fight against a disease that young children under the age of 5 are most susceptible to.

There will be games and competition such as the mum and baby look-alike contest, cutest baby contest..

Time: 8.30am – 12.00pm
Venue: Bishan Park – The Green (Along Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 and near the Bishan Park Skating Rink)
Participation Fees: Admission is free
Hi Twinkle: It will be from 11.30am to 3pm this Friday. You can pm me so that I can provide you more info.

1) Piggylee (3 adults, 1kid)
2) Evelyn Au (2 adults, 2kids)
3) Dolphina (3 adults, 1kid+1infant)
4) Isabella (1 adult, 2 kids)
5) Joan (2 adults, 1 kid)
6) TBA: babyd: (2 adults, 1 kid, 1 infant)
7) TBA: twinkle

Catz: will be great if you can make it in time. Don't have to rush if time doesn't permit, we still have chance to meet.
Hi Mummies , I am a mother of two kids and I am trying to intro phonics to my son (3 years old) . Any one know of any courses or is any one's child taking phonics classes here?
Thanks, piggy for the mistake. It should be 13th, this Sunday, 11.30am to 3pm.

1) Piggylee (3 adults, 1kid)
2) Evelyn Au (2 adults, 2kids)
3) Dolphina (3 adults, 1kid+1infant)
4) Isabella (1 adult, 2 kids)
5) Joan (2 adults, 1 kid)
6) TBA: babyd: (2 adults, 1 kid, 1 infant)
7) TBA: twinkle
hi tetra,

Sorry for the late notice but will not be bringing my helper and baby along this sun as helper was sick since Monday and decided to quarantine her at home this weekend as she still appear weak (dunno she got chao geng or wat)!!

tetra, will u be PM-ing us your addy or via SMS handphone...no change in my number provided u still have my number with you..

bad week to start off coz sunday went A & E and was admitted for a minor surgery the same evening under GA and discharged on Monday..wah piang everything happen so quickly and so dramatic.. now my throat hurt big times due to scratches by the inhaler tube...been 5 days and still very painful..anyone has similar experience?
Joan Yeo
Thanks for the info. I got the pamphlet from SBCC the other day. The other mummies from the 2003 thread also did discuss on this too.. Will be taking my kids there.. You going too??
Would like to ask if any mimmies here knows where to get FUN & Educational CD-Rom for kids age 3-6?? Pls recommend!!! Thanks in advance!

Yes, will be going with my family. Maybe, will meet one another at the park. Any mommies going too?

U can try the A-Star programmes which has a range of educational CD Roms for English, Mandarin and Math. Quite costly though, about $1k for the whole set.

One of my son classmate's mommy bought the whole set, which can be used up to Primary schooll. She said that her son is having fun time playing with the computer and is about to recognise some English and Chinese characters, thru this interactive programmes.

You can read up their website to find out more. www.a-star.com.sg/index.htm
There is a promotion at sengkang compassvale mall till tomolo on a-star products. hehe for phonics , it's $139. for the whole set till primary 6 is $1799. ;)
Thanks for the invitation today. Wished that I could stay longer to chat but judging by L's pattern, tantrums are not far away. After we left, he kept grumbling about buying new toys, etc, etc... then finally knock out & fell asleep on the way back. Anyway, we had a good time today n as usual, your mum's cooking is impressive.
We must try to gather again before you go.. btw, any other mums came after I left?

Nice meeting up with you. It's never too late to get to know all of us. Hope you got some baby dust today from the other 3mums.

Wow, you don't look like you have just given birth 1.5 months ago. Enjoy the rest of your ML.

You still look so slim & pretty.
Wilfred is really shy n I am impressed at his chicken wing self feed kung fu. Maybe you can post some pics to share?
Isabella: It's ok. No worries. Hope you are feeling better today. I am sure there will still be chance for us to meet

piggy,joan,Evelyn,Dolphina: Thank you ladies for coming. It was fun to meet up and chat. I am glad that the food is to your liking and hope that the kids have enjoyed themselves. It turned out that all the boys can play among themselves. Luckily, I have toys for the boys...imagine only dolls & girl stuff if I have 2 girls instead. All the boys have indeed grown taller & bigger and even Shawn who is the youngest, stands taller than Lucas (I think he takes after me, hobbit height)...

Joan: You can and should have more kids...Can see that you and hubby love kids. Especially your hubby, can still play along with the boys. My hubby already exhausted just watching Lucas play.

We will definitely meet again before we go, still a long way.
Hi Tetra,

I Pm you last fri but didnt recd a reply from u. Was thinking maybe u did nt check ur email. I thought of dropping by if my hubby closes shop early. But I dont have ur contact or address so in the end did not come by. Tks for the invitation anyway. Hope to be able to meet up with u before you leave ya...
Tetra, Piggy, Dolphina, Evelyn,
So glad to meet up and chat with u mommies. We had great time there
. After we left Tetra's house, Sean was still very energetic and was talking non-stop while on the way home. But immediately when he reached home, he was so exhausted that he walked to his room and knock out straight away....

Thanks for the great lunch. My mum-in-law tried the glutinous rice which we brought back and she said is good!
Ya, my hubby loves kids and yes, we will continue to try our luck. Worse come to worse, IVF!!!! But I guess we will stop at two cos it's too costly to have more, even though my hubby prefers more, the merrier.

Hopefully you can hear some good news from me the few months, after gathering the baby dust from the mommies.
Hi Tetra, so sad we had to miss it. Hubby went and did the Osim Triathlon leaving us in the lurch for almost the whole of Sunday. #$%^& Buay tahan.. So sayang that I didn't get to meet up with all the kakis! Eh let me know when you are gonna move to AMK k?

Thanks for your concern but i still feel not so good.. I feel like my chest a bit pain these few days.. Dunno is it because I'm obese so now affecting my heart function. Going to see a DR these few days..
twinkle: so sorry tt I didn't respond to your PM...checked already but didn;t see it in my mailbox. No worries, we will arrange another gathering again.

catz: ai-ya, then should have come lah. Your hubby can fetch you after tt. Planning to move to AMK in early Sep.

Isabella: Don't play play...better go for a checkup soon.

Did anyone buy the ticket to Thomas live performance?
Tetra, yah lor :p Anyway, when you move to AMK in Sept, still got opportunity
Yes yes hv already booked for Sunday (last day) performance at 4pm.. you?
Isabella: You can check it out from sistic website. Toyrus card member is entitled to 10% discount. It will be in the 1st wk of Sep during the school holiday.

catz: I have booked the Thursday afternoon show. Just me and Lucas. I think he will be so overwhelmed by the performance.
Wanting to book the last show on Sunday as hubby will only have time with us on Sundays.. Both my elder wans love Thomas and frenx~ especially the 2n wan..I think he'll def be very excited on that day.. Thanks Tetra for your info~ *wink*
Yesterday, Lucas was so mad with me when he couldn't have his mashed potato that he just laid on the floor under the pram, held back his tears and slept. Then at night, we went out for dinner to celebrate Marucs's birthday. He ate red bean ice-cream (in a very melted stage) and a big bowl of soup ramen. On the way out, talking loudly that he was still hungry (some diners were amused), then end with a tub of KFC mashed potato. Ended the day very happily & our birthday boy was just contented to have tofu in the restaurant.

Maybe have been eating homecooked food everyday, find tt the Jap food is just too salty with the sauce on every dish. sigh...
I think our boys are at the stage that they get angry over things just like adults.
I fetched L from school yesterday. As soon as he came out, he told me that his teacher put his water bottle high up & refuse to return it to him. And that he is very angry at her doing such a thing. So he cried in class.
I went on to ask why she did that? He replied me that he is suppose to do colouring but he got no time to do them, he is in a rush... So when teacher don't return the bottle to him, he became very angry at her.
I wanted to laugh out loud....Why no time? Why in a rush? haha..
Lucas must be feeling that you are not being reasonable...by stopping his craving for that mashed potato. kekeke...
By the way, I also got that comment from L. Right after a big meal, he tells me he is hungry n need more food. I wonder why they seem to have a bottomless pit of a tummy???
Jap food is a favorite for L too. He will choose his sushi from the conveyor belt n proclaim very loudly that "Today is my Happy Day...doodah doodah..."
hi ladies, TGIF!

tetra, thanks for organising the gathering.. really enjoy ourselves. if not for my in laws sending SOS coz they cannot handle my ger, would love to stay longer..oh your mum cooking really fantastic..simply love the glutinous rice!

thanks for your compliments! but i still very much overweight lah, hoping to lose more weight by swimming but due to the surgery hv to give up the idea..2 more weeks to go before ML ends.. very sian...

nice meeting u n your family. ya can see that your hubby really good with engaging conversation with the kids... shall sprinkle lotsa of bbdust to u ya...

indeed kiddo at this age is very expressive, jov have tons of excuses whenever we asked him to do somethings.. n love to rebuke us too...sigh!

jov having mild running nose and now meimei also kena, gonna bring her to see dr later... aiyo big headache!

hv a good weekend all..
Sorry I missed the gathering. Sherman needed to have his nap on time as we were having guests at our home at 4pm that day. A bit rushed for us after church.

Think our kids are exerting their independence, but get frustrated because they cannot get their way or do what they want. Sherman sometimes gets really angry and frustrated trying to join a toy or zip up something and when he can't do it, he throws a temper. It's worse if one of us try to help him, he gets mad at us and all the floodgates will open. Think it's because once we help him, he gets upset that he couldn't do it by himself.

Tomorrow is my girl's one month party, but her face and scalp is covered with rashes. Haiz... not pretty. Here's a picture of her before the rashes came out. Still looks like girl version of Sherman.

Wow...one month party already? That's fast. Hope you had a good time.
As for the rash, I use to use a Fucidin (hope that my spelling is correct) cream from the PD, maybe you can ask your PD during the next checkup?

So fast going back to work? How are the 2 kids?
BabyD, goodness, so quick! She's such a pretty little thing but I can't decide if she looks more like B or you!

Dolphina, tell you honestly, swimming cannot lose weight one.. more for just heart health. DOn't worry, when your #2 gets bigger, you will lose weight from running around. hehe.. just like me!

Bad news... Timo is going for minor surgery next THursday for his eye lump.. GA leh.. rather worried.
What happened to Tim's eye that requires surgery?

Well, I'm still hopeful that she'll look more like me as she grows older. But my two kiddo's baby pictures look like identical twins.


You took 8 weeks ML only? I'm going for 12 weeks straight cos I see that colleagues who took 8 weeks didn't really manage to take the remaining 4 weeks easily and it was actually more disruptive to their work.

Hubby says it's baby acne, due to maternal hormones. Sherman had it too, exactly the same. It erupted at 3 weeks and slowly resolved by about 5-6 weeks old. I think Sherilyn's rashes are clearing up, but I'll see what the PD says when we go for the jab and assessment tomorrow.
babyd: Sherilyn looks so blissful and chubby, must be your powerful bm. Sherman and Sherilyn really look so alike, can't tell some of the photos on the right. But the one on the bottom centre looks more like yr hubby. hey, are you planning to travel? I thot to pass the things to you over the weekends when hubby is not working. It'll be jsut a short while 'cause I know yr weekends are usually busy.

catz: what happened to Tim's eye? Don't worry, he will be in good hands. Does he need to be warded after the surgery?
Hi Mommies,
How's everyone? Heehee..... missing for quite a while.. Been busy..

Agreed with Piggy, all kids are the same. At this age, they tend to be more demanding and will try all means to get what they want.

Since the 1st day of school in June, I brought Sean to United Square (his school is just beside United Square) for buy a Cha Shao Bao that cost $0.90! for a small piece but he loves it. From that day onwards, he will insist that he must get a bao from United Square after school, before we heading for home.

Sherilyn is so chubby & adorable! Both Sherman and Sherilyn do look alike, based on the pics posted. I like the individual pic you posted, she has big eyes. Sean used to have very bad scalp problem when during his 1st 3 months since birth but it recovered after that.

Linus is a handsome boy leh. Am very impressed by his wild imagination.. He enjoys sushi? Sean will only eat the rice portion instead... He is very picky with food. Hmm.... guess most kids are the same.

I hope you are better now.

Have you started working? Thanks thanks for the baby dust, hope it works...
So your maid is taking care of your kids? How's ur 2 little kiddos, did they recover from the running nose?

Sounds serious, what happen to Tim's eye?
How much is the ticket for Thomas & Fren? The venue? Brought Sean to watch Hi 5 last year (if I remember correctly), he loves it and something funny happened.. We were sitting at the audience seat when my hubby decided to bring him near the stage to dance but the dance area was very dim, esp a corner near where u can hardly see one another. My hubby saw his friend and started to chat, he was so engrossed with the chatting that he forgotten about Sean. Realised his son was missing and worried, he start searching for him amidst the crowd.. Minutes later, someone pulled his pants and when he looked down, was his little cutie son..
Joan, Tetra, BabyD, Timo keeps getting swollen eyelid since last Nov.. then this round was quite awful, with pus and blood.. and it took a long time to clear. So went to the pd opthalmologist to check it out and the chalazone needs to be cut and drained to prevent further infections. Will be day surgery, under GA. No need to ward.. although if I itchy backside want to ward, can claim fully under insurance. Heh. But think it will be traumatic for him, better bring him home to make life as normal as possible. Not too sure what to expect too

BabyD, omg, Sherman's doppelganger!

Joan, is Sean attending Genevieve's?
Don't worry, everything is going to turn out fine.. Take care...
Sean is attending a church kindergarten at Thomson Road Baptist Kindergarten.
Don't worry. Am sure that the opthalmologist will do a great job. Just ensure you get an eye protector to stick over his eye at night to prevent him rubbing it. Since you got insurance, can try to make it like a "mini holiday", get a full claim n use that money to get him lots of good toys.
Joan, ah..
No wonder you're just next to United Sq. I'm enrolling my younger one in ELC playgroup at United Sq.. maybe might catch you there some mornings!

Piggy, so scary lei... sigh...
Wah you used such a cheem word, "doppelganger". I had to Wiki it, but I thought the definition was a bit odd. Don't worry, Tim will be ok.

Brought Sherilyn to see PD for jab yesterday. I forget how much they grow in the first month. She put on 1.3kg and grew a whopping 4.5cm to 55cm already. My goodness. Apparently she still has mild jaundice, that's why she looks so tan in her photos, thankfully it never got worse. Her rashes are clearing up. My brave girl only gave a single loud wail after the injection went in.

Sure, if you come on a weekend in the afternoon between 3-4:30pm, we'll definitely be in as Sherman is taking his nap then. Hubby is thinking of going to Australia again, but we haven't decided as he's still really busy at work, so not confirmed yet. We're also a bit worried about Sherilyn going to cold places, as she sneezes the moment we carry her into an aircon room, and she gets blocked nose on rainy days so I have to dress her up in long sleeves. This is Singapore!
BabyD, cheem ah? hehe.. just that both of them are spitting images of each other lor. Hahahahhaa.. she is one brave little girl!
When is ur kiddo starting class? Pardon me har but what does ELC stand for har? Pai say, frequent United Square lately but never seen the school before. Guess it's at the highest floor at the mall where most of the educational centres are located, rite?

Gona put Sean on school bus in August cos it's almost the same price paid if I bring him through and fro from school. Best part is Sean needs to pay bus fare now that he has exceeded the height limit of 90cm.

Joan, yah I think the height restriction of 90cm is simply ridiculous. My skinny boy is already more than 100cm! My girl is starting in the first week of August at ELC, the toy store
They have playgroup there
Can't afford those high class educational centres..hehe.
