(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Thanks for that info. Was thinking long n short if I take that med for him. I think I will get it for him thing tomorrow.

No. I didn't jab him as I felt that it is not like 100% won't get with that vaccine.

Ya...my mum asked me to prepare ling liang for him. But I guess I will give him lots of water instead. Btw, you leaving for holiday soon? Remember to pack some panadol for kids.
Your HB's friend so poor thing. Must be very tiring to look after her.
Hiya, sorry babyD for delay, just came back here...yes, had the same fear about the voktage differences and researched the avent isis duo manual frm USA quite obssesively before I bought it and according to the manual the adaptor it came with could switch between our voltage (i forgot the technical term lah cos am technically challenged) - basically meant that can use in Singapore oso lah...but it was a bit of a gamble until the thing finally arrived and i plugged it in...phew!

If u want to know the route i used, i ordered frm amazon (it is going at usd 220 now, just checked) and the shipping from vpost was about $60-80 plus i think with the UOB 15% discount. It came in a big box and quite fast. All in all a good deal only i still donno how i will repair it here if it conks on me but i think can ask phillips here lor...and can gamble that the pump shouldn't die out so fast for first use right? most people lend these pumps out to their friends a few times before it conks...but touch wood of course, hope i wont be posting soon about how it conked on me!

it is not top heavy but if u use it with the small avent bottkes u need to put it in the white holders cos it will topple. not a big prob lah. And the milk tends to get left between the valve area so be careful not to tip it out of the funnel. Once you are used to it you wont be spilling the milk out of it like i did the first few times and it's only a bit anyway. I am kiasu so i will open it and pour back into the bottle cos every drop counts haha.

I used to love my ameda lah but wow, this one i really like cos it doesnt hurt me so much and gets a lot of milk quite fast so i have junked my ameda and use this only, maybe it depends on boob shape lor..but generally if u love the avent manual you should like this one too..it's still a bit rougher than the manual but better than the rest like medela for me.

i oso see quite a few mothers trying to sell off secondhand now but if you go thru the above route, you pretty much get a brand new set at the same price and for breast milk stuff i quite fussy, want new lah.

btw, once long long ago, i bumped into your hubby with Sherman at your condo playground and recognised him from the pics on the forum !! haha...we live next to each other.
You serious, we live in the same estate ah!?? I think I won't be able to recognize you or your princess leh, I'm very bad at faces and our kids change so fast. It's been a long time since we went swimming in our own pool. Sherman goes to my parent's place to swim mostly.

Thanks so much for the information on Avent Duo. I searched and searched the web but wasn't so sure even though the brochure said 100-240V. I even checked the Avent Philips ones bought here in Singapore and they all have an adaptor box like a laptop cable, but wanted to make sure the America sets were similar. I think I'm pretty set, going to get it through Amazon from US cos it's a really good deal. The alternative would have been to get my SIL to help me buy when they go there for holiday, but in the end, still cheaper to buy online and ship it, can save them the trouble and let them buy back lots of Carters stuff for baby girl instead. One last question, isn't the America Avent set also made by Avent Philips?

I pm you already. So maybe I'll see you tomorrow?

Yah, we didn't vaccinate Sherman either cos hubby said the vaccine not 100% plus chicken pox not dangerous and the vaccine hasn't been around for that long compared to others. I highly recommend the anti-viral meds, after taking it, the new poxes will hopefully look more like heat rash rather than big angry blisters.
no, not same estate...it's next door...u can see our tennis court and i can see yours haha...yours has a nice playground so i was sneaking in there with another mum! havent been back since though.

yah catz, dec baby lor and after 4 days at home with no. 1 buay tahan and sent her back lah and school said no more cases so touchwood lah...poor no, 2 couldnt sleep at all cos his cher cher kept disturbing him and mom was simply exhausted thinking up things for her to do apart frm vegetate in front of playhouse disney.

babyd, yes, avent america oso avent phillips cos philipps bought over the whole avent operation so i figure worse come to worse i can ask the phillips guys here to repair my pump and pay them if no warranty lor.

btw, euramedics is no longer handling ameda (too bad, i really thought they knew their product and were very willing to deliver personally to my office which is too rare) and the new distributor is infantree, they have a warehouse in Tagore Lane and quite hard to find. must get exact address before you head down, i think generally cheaper to get ameda from Robinsons when got 20% sale plus the extra 5% off later if you are a cardmember.

still havent found the courage to bring my no. 1 for the pneumococcal vaccine yet...they so aware now that i get more chickenshit. did chickenpox at the poly simply cos it was available and think not worth the trouble dealing with my difficult little princess with pox lah...

she is also a night cougher lah, very bad especially at 4-5 am when the air colder. poor thing, i have 6 bottles of prospan in my cupboard cos she is so chronically coughy...the last time the pd prescribed a nebuliser when it got really bad but the hubby is anti all these things and said the doc was being alarmist. god knows lah. but wonder why the breastfeeding didnt seem to help huh...is it really worth all this trouble?

such negative thoughts at night...of course i am posting while pumping hahah damn sien.

i think whoever finally invents a breast pump that can extract milk from tired moms while they sleep will be the next multibillionaire...make that extract and store haha. guess nothing beats baby...but i too tired to deal with him latching on and dozing on and off at night.
Poor thing, blogging so late at night while pumping. So we're still kind of neighbours then, think I know where you stay. I'll probably do what you did and get online through vpost.

Nice to see you, Lucas and Marcus. Lucas is such a Thomas & friends fan, just like Sherman. Hope you find all the clothes useful and do have a nice holiday in Australia.
Wanted to check if any of you girls engage a part-time cleaner who is reliable (can leave keys with the person type)? I prefer not to go through an agent so that it's always the same person. I want to get someone that has been tried and tested by people I know. I plan to start around June as I'm about to deliver and will probably be at home to supervise for at least 2 months. But when I go back to work, I can't supervise anymore and don't want to change halfway because I heard some are dishonest or only reliable when there are people watching them.
babyD, Al, if you're shipping bulky items, it's waaaay cheaper to go via Comgateway. As for part-time cleaner, if you want accountability and professionalism, I suggest going with Amahs on Wheels. They're about $300 per month for once a week cleaning but they're good and trustworthy. I thought you had a maid?

I brought Timo to school today, heard that there's a case of N1 (afternoon session) HFMD and promptly brought him back again. He'll be home for a week.. sighh..
Hi Catz,
Are you using Amah on Wheels? I prefer not to go to agency based ones because I'm not really comfortable with having different people coming into my house when I'm not around. Prefer to stick to one person type. $300 per month quite expensive for once a week cleaning. Was told the normal going rate is $10/hr? I only need cleaner for 2-3 hrs, mainly to clean the floor and toilets only, no point paying so much.

My maid went back last year end Nov to get married. We were ok to let her go since she really wasn't doing much when Sherman started school and my MIL is now retired. I shared earlier on forum that I don't really want to get another maid if I can help it. Right now, I'm quite comfy doing the housework on weekends and Sherman sticks to us at nights and weekends anyway even when maid was around. But when the new baby comes along, I'll definitely not be able to do everything myself for the first few months.

Discussed with MIL and told her if she needs a maid, we will employ but the maid will stay with her and be based at her house, so that she can actually help with the cooking and cleaning everyday. Last time my maid didn't really help do much in MIL's place except wash dishes and take care of Sherman's needs because we didn't want to be accused of having her work in two households. FIL did all the cooking. End up my maid just do laundry & ironing, clean once a week on Saturdays, feed and bathe Sherman twice a day. Better life than most of us, I think.
babyD, I have a trusty cleaner but when the awful day comes and she no longer wants to do this, I will switch to Amahs on Wheels. The same amah will do your house every week and they're really good. My sis is using them right now. I guess they might be a bit too much for what you really need... mostly those who charge $10/hr are quite awful.
babyd: It was nice to meet you yesterday. Too bad that we didn't get a chance to meet Sherman otherwise Lucas will be happy that he has a friend who he can play Thomas train with. Thanks for lending the clothing & baby carrier, definitely will be very useful for the boys.

We used to have a part-time cleaner, about $160 a month, for 4 hrs a week. I have tried 2 cleaners for 5 years and they are indeed great help. Once trust was established, we would leave the house for breakfast while she cleaned. They are locals, chinese homemaker who take the additional job to supplement their children expenses.
Can you sms me their contacts? It sounds very much like what I need. What did you ask them to do? Just cleaning, or also ironing? (I keep thinking cleaning alone won't take more than 2-3 hours.) Do you stay near me? I know some part-time cleaners are not so keen to travel too far.

How much are you paying for your trusty cleaner and is it likely that she wants to stop working soon?
babyd: I'm so sorry that I can't help on this as both of them have stopped working. I found the 1st one from an agent. He took the commission from the cleaner about $125 for the introduction fee. After that, I negotiated with the cleaner directly when it was time for renewal. Even with the agent, I only pay $160 monthly. She was very good, with me for 3 years then decided to look for a job with CPF. So it is really not so bad going through the agent if you do not have contact. My 2nd one is through my ex-nanny's contact. She stopped after 2 yrs after making enough money.

The time is usually from 8am to 12pm. She will mop the floor, wash the toilets, clean the kitchen, iron the clothes, clean the furniture and other special project which either initiated by me i.e. washing the kitchen hood or by her i.e. cleaning windows, etc.

You definitely need to look for someone staying near you as they usually don't want to incur much expenses to travel.
BabyD, sorry my cleaner is not taking in any new clients at the moment. I pay her $60 per session and she stays for anywhere btw 4-5 hours.

Aiks, looks like the Tulip Garden en bloc is a no go? So your in laws how?
so many things happened.. I have been out of action cos of training and etc.

So babyD is back from taiwan trip.. tetra is gng to australia. piggylee's linus is down with chickenpox... Oh, must tell him again and again not to scratch.. Al has to take care of both ah boy and ah ger.. and catz is hungry for a holiday..

Re Ballet.. Angel is attending bebe bellet class at tampines yamaha too.. She just had her second lesson last evening.. I had to rush home after work, grab a quick dinner then bring her down on the train.. Got the clothes and shoes yesterday and that cost nearly $100.. but she loves it cos everything is pink.. She goes into class without crying and when I was a few mins late to fetch her (got caught up with shopping), she did not cry and was waiting for me patiently.. haiz, she is all grown up already.. 4 years ago, she was still in my tummy.. sob..
You still got Bryan n can plan for another one mah. Don't need to sob sob one. If they don't grow up, we will worry liao....
This is the 3rd morning I have this coversation...
L: "Mama, baby still got pokey dokey...cannot go to school."
Me:"I know, when u can go to school, I will tell you, ok"
L:"Very long cannot go."
Me,"But your Mrs Chia miss you, you know?"
L:"I don't miss Mrs Chia...."
yve, yah lor...the other day mu hubby said let's bring her to the bouldering gym and let her try some rockclimbing, she really enjoyed it cos they are natural climbers at this age and i thot wow, so fast already can join us in these things but yesterday ah, she pooed in her pants hahahah....still a baby lah...she had a cough and refused to eat for two days (yessss can imagine me frantically checking for hfmd) so no poo for 4 days!! longest ever and suddenly yesterday she cannot tahan and it all came out, all over the carpet...what can i say, never buy a carpet or car from a man with toddlers heheh.

but my girl really has a chronic problem with pooing lah, if i lazy one day and dont force her to eat apple and drink water means next day sure got problem pooing...have to stock up prune juice oso. hope no. 2 doesnt have same issue, very leceh and hard to toilet train cos they keep holding back until too late and become accident cos they scared poo if the poo is too hard, so i have been sneaking in lactulose at least one feed a day to keep it soft and break this cycle, nowadays i oso sneak in any breastmilk that her didi doesnt finish within 2 hours so she get ultra power milk haha..she is changing pattern now, doesnt want toddler formula anymore, only fresh milk which is okay i guess, just hope doesnt cause any more poo problems lor.

no. 2 is very cute now, 3 months 3 weeks and going thru the same as no. 1, last night didnt want to sleep cos he is practising his flipping and he got stuck halfway...so cute, i forgot all this about no. 1 already so when i see no. 2, it all comes back to me now
haiyoo, Brian will definitely not cry.. He is very sam seng.. He wanted to join his sis for ballet.. But i think they dun take boys leh.. cos they were not selling any ballet clothes for boys..

The other day the CC brought them to botanic garden.. angel can complain that she walked until her legs ache.. Ah boy was full of energy and refused to hold the teacher's hands..

No number 3 for me.. 2 is enough..
catz, piggy: yahoo! Passed my practical driving test today. I think this is the most difficult test I have ever taken in my life. Stressful but very lucky. I was practically laughing all the way when the tester was summarizing my results as I can't believe I've passed. After all the $, time and stress, finally conquer one big mountain and move on to other things.
Tetra, congrats!!!! Good for you! Now got wheels can travel liao!

yve, I considered sending Timo for ballet with my ex teacher Sylvia McCully but my hubby freaked out :p ah well.. like you, 2 is enough!
Piggy/ catz: Thanks. Good to pass now before the trip since will be away for almost a month. Otherwise, have to revise again.

catz: wah, you can do ballet? I was deprived of the opportunity when young, so did jazz ballet in my early 20s, just for kick. You so brave, want to send Tim for ballet. Maybe can try tap dancing (riverdance?) like the movie "Elliot", not so feminine but must still wear tights. My hubby will also disapprove if I send Lucas for ballet.
Tetra, yeah I took ballet when I was a kid.. heh. I always run into Ms McCully 'cos we're always at Thomson Plaza.. but I guess I only can send Beth if not my hub and dad will faint. Actually quite stress for me being single income 'cos my parents gave us the chance to try whatever lessons we wanted.. I had piano, ballet, art, even chinese brush painting.. and dunno what else. My parents just gave us whatever we wanted.. now, hard lah 'cos hard to afford so much!
My in laws happy leh, get 5% plus no need to move. They were having headache where to buy with the sky high property prices, not easy to get nice place in that area of similar size.

Pity. I won't go through agent, still find it too risky to give people my house keys if I don't have a strong recommendation from someone I know. 2 months too short to make a good assessment, ren xin nan ce.
catz: Don't worry, you are already giving the most valuable thing to your kids, and that's your time. I also have not been sending Lucas to any class. He is happily enjoying himself @ home with his toys, and if mummy brings him out, he also happy. So most importantly, they are happy.

babyd: You don't have to pass the key to the cleaner until you are very comfortable with her. It took me about 5-6 mths after I know more about her, where she stays, her family background, her contact number, etc. I actually didn't pass the key to her, if she knocked off before we returned, she can lock without the keys on the way out.
babyD, luckily they had not committed to another property if not they would lugi!
But yeah, Tulip Garden is a really nice place!

Tetra, dunno lei... I just feel that my kids are short changed whenever everyone else talks about their enrichment classes
catz: I am like you, happen to be not in the "Everyone else" and I believe there is also some mums who are not among the "everyone else". Don't feel bad about it, you are doing whatever you can, with your best ability. Most importantly, they must love and enjoy learning.

I remember one of my ex-colleague who told us that she was a qualified (dunno what grade) pianist. We were surprised because we never heard her mentioned about her passion for music. She told us that she used to love piano and always urged her mum for piano lessons. Then the lessons became a chore for her. She had several lessons a week for many years, and always been told to play the same sets of music for the purpose of passing the grade. It was boring and stressful for her as the pressure to obtain the grade is far more important than learning to play her favourite music. After she got the grade, she gave up playing piano, as a defiance to her mum because her mum kept harping how much the lessons cost. She told herself she is not going to continue to play piano. So sad when I heard this, such a waste.

Another of my staff who was a high performer in school, she told me she will not become a SAHM because her mum's role is so boring. Always made her take lessons and to participate in drawing competitions. Again we didn't believe she used to take art lessons when she was a student because she has never mentioned about arts, etc. She later shared that there were so many lessons that she felt bored, and she thinks her mum's life is just revolving around her academic performance.

I guess everyone of us takes things differently. Some kids will like to attend lots of lessons which is also good - get to learn, make friends, play, etc. And there are some who dislike it. I think it very much depends on the parents.

Well, I think you are doing great. Beth and Tim are forunate to have your time. So use the time to connect and play with them. I am reading "Playful Parenting" from the library. Very useful, enlightening and self-empowering.

BTW, I also have lots of "everyone else" who talks about the number of enrichment classes their kids are attending, and I do feel being marginalised at times+ (my friend spend about $1200/mth for her 2 kids - 7 and 5 yrs old on enrichment classes not including kindergarten classes). But time is too short to feel bad, just enjoy our kids as they are now.
Well said. Been speaking to a few mums who told me that weekends are for running around Singapore for Enrichment classes. Gosh!! Spoke to a dad recently that one of his kids is into fencing n another into archery? The third he suspects will go into motoracing.
He spend so much money every month on them. Hmm.... Well, I think everyone has their own set of agenda n if they see that you are not doing the same, they will start making you feel inferior or themselves superior by questioning....
Anyway, if our kids are meant to be that great pianist of that great artist, I am sure things will turn out in the way that their talents will be found.

Don't feel like that, ok? You have given them your precious time n efforts. No enrichment classes can replace that.

If I were your PILs, I will laki happy. Like strike lottery....
But like Catz said, those who committed to another property will cry.
hi, yalah...i only send my daughter to ballet classes once a week cos she loves dancing anyway but not gonna try all those scary things like sichida method etc cos too much for a 3 year old lah. believe it should be fun for the kid, that's the main thing...and for the mum too haha...

the one class i remember growing up were my art classes and those i really loved as a kid by this Malay lady called Cikgu Wariah and i think my dad enjoyed those classes with us as well, stuff like paper mache classes etc, want to replicate that experience with my kids if i can..but no need art classes cos I can do that at home with her myself but whatever she likes I will send her provided not too expensive.

btw, i suffered thru my piano and violin lessons for 8 plus years and although i really hated them at the time, now I have this urge to buy a secondhand piano and thump out a few simple tunes and play with my kids again, so i guess it's not totally wasted now...but yes, used to be those kind practise exam piece only.

but all these things are, sooo basic compared to all the hothousing classes out there which are just plain scary lah...am only thinking about chinese classes and still hmmm and haahhh about them cos dont like the thot of pushing her to go to those things but scared i will be saboing her with my attitude if she has to face chinese in primary school and useless mom's chinese vocab consists of "dont want cili" and "turn left/right" (that and pidgin cantonese learned from unhealthy childhood obsession with TVB swordfighting serials)..dunno leh...
Hi Hi

Just pop in to say hi before I disappear again.

Tetra.. Congratulations!!
I passed my driving test like 7 years ago and only drove like 20 times only till date. Cos my husband only likes manual car and everytime I drive, I'll scream from point A to point B. hahaha

Catz, Phoebe is also not in any enrichment classes. I had intentions to send her to ballet a few months ago cos she loves dancing (though her dance moves kinda mimic those of monkey dance).. but now it's on KIV cos she loves singing and dancing now. I might send her to speech, drama or whatever classes which incorporate both. Hopefully P will enjoy, but if she's feeling stressed out then I'll pull her out... Like what Piggy and Tetra said, your quality time with Tim and Beth wins heads down.
hello ladies!!

Thought I'd posted a reply but it went missing!! :p

Tetra, thanks for the wonderful encouragement. I guess it's hard when most people view SAHM with such cynicism and sarcasm lor. But I will be strong and persevere in my erm, cheapo zero dollar methods. Heh. Oh and congrats on the license! Woohoo... finally you have legs!

Emonster, it's always good to see you posting.. must post more lah dear!!

Piggy, how's your poor Linus? Any scarring? Going back to school yet? Timo is going back to school tomorrow after more than 1 week break. Heh..

Al, my mandarin is lagi cham also..teehee.. Timo's lao shi says he speaks mandarin with angmoh accent.. peng san.. oh well, what to do? Just try our best right?
L has fully recovered from CP. His PD gave a go ahead to go back to school today. But I will keep him in for 2 more days as I believe after the CP, their immune system is not fully up. Can't really see much scarring now cos the dried skin is still attached.
Speaking about Mandarin, L's mandarin is very atrocious too. Sometimes it's so funny that I have to bite myself to prevent myself from laughing.
Piggy, teehee.. I cannot laugh 'cos my mandarin is equally atrocious :p But I'm glad Linus is all better. Actually I'm sure that at this young age, there would not be any scarring.

Timo is actually on some long term meds for his cough - Zaditen.. and also Reutelene (probiotics) to build up his immunity. Dr complained too skinny :p
Hi Ladies,

I m back. Good trip overall. Glad to see Linus up and running from CP and Tetra passing her driving test.. congrats tetra.

I m like emon screaming from 1 place to another as my hubby used to drive manual cars, only this yr we bought an auto one..phew...

Catz, my son is also on long term antibotics due to UTI, quite upset to see him taking medication daily.. wat to do... oh ya, I salute you for being a sahm, wat ple say are nt impt, quality tijme with ur kids beats all!!! If we can afford, I would opt for SAHM too!!
WAAAAHHH.. my hubby also was on antibiotics for 4 months for UTI. Better to treat when younger.. if not end up a medical problem. Circumcision is better?
Hi Twinkle, Catz & mummies,

Hope everyone is well.

Hubby and I intend to let my boys go for circumcision just for hygiene purpose. But KK doctor not encourage us to do that. Actually their follow-up appointment will be in next month. We have not made the decision yet. Any advise? Thanks!
Hi Eve,

I personally find that cicumcision is good, esp when they have to go thru NS in future.. I mean if you have a history of UTI, it might be good to go for it.... its rather common that boys are going for circumcision nwadays.. many are newborns too. Why did the doctors in KK discourage you? Any reasons?

My son was hospitalised in KK for UTI when he had his first occurence. I withdrew him after seeing some inconsistencies with diagnosis from drs and went to my PD instead. My PD recommended me a pte uro surgeon for padietric and he is very good... my son did not fuss at all and the wound healed very well.. though the ops was rather expensive...
Evelyn, think if your boys have no history of UTI, then no point lah.. no point putting them through this misery at this young age. Only if there's a medical reason to do it.. as with all medical procedures, there are risks lor.
Hi mummies
Jus wanna check out reponses and feedback regarding home childcare services as i may wan to start a class in my home at anchorvale with a max of 4 children of age 3-4 next year (mon - fri only fr 8-6)Time-table as per how a childcare center runs
small group teaching, own utensils, home evironment, chances of transmitting virus is minimise, more flexibility...
no govt subsidy, no bb bonus, no mixed age group activities...
Appreciate your feedback and suggestions. What price range will mummies be comfortable with the above mentioned pros and cons?
Catz, Piggy & Tetra,
I totally agree with your views on enrichment classes. My colleagues were telling me about tuition and enrichment classes etc. Father is a doctor, mother is a lawyer and the mum quit her high flying banking legal counsel job to stay at home so that she can give the children tuition and ferry them around their enrichment classes. I was thinking the parents so smart, children in top schools, all this is for competitive edge to make sure the children top of tops. Singapore is really too competitive.

I was also one of those kids forced to play piano and take exams. I didn't like the exams and boring classical pieces. After passing Grade 8, I stopped playing for a few years. But later on I started playing accompaniment music for church, which was a very different style (band with drums, guitars etc). Threw my classical training out of the window cos got no scores to follow, but I enjoyed it a lot more. Actually wish I could go back to it, but now a mum, got no time to go for practice in church leh. I think it's better to do things at home with our children according to their interests, so I applaud the SAHM. Sherman likes painting, but I hardly have time. Mon morning, he begged me to paint a picture of Percy, but I had to tell him sorry, mummy has to go to work. He actually remembered, and made me paint the moment I got back that day, but he was so very happy I didn't mind eating dinner later.

I only have 2-3 months maternity leave to be at home. Once I start work, have to hand keys over unless cleaner willing to come on weekends. Usually quite hard to find someone to do weekends, esp housewives with kids type, who would prefer to work weekdays.
babyd: Both my ex-cleaners used to come on weekends. I am sure you will be able to find one but must start finding one early so that you can try out before you give birth.

Super busy these few days, both boy are down with viral cough. Lucas has already recovered after taking antibotics but poor Marcus still struggling with phelmgy cough and running nose. We rented the neubliser for 2 days and he just hated it. Within 1 week, spent like close to $400 and got a buffet of medicine to bring to AZ. Still have one day for Marcus to get better b4 flying off. He is also sticky to me until Lucas resort to act baby so that he gets same amount of attention.
Hi ladies,
Thank you for the advice. Well noted.
I will tell my husband that not circumcise our boys. Unless like Catz mentioned…..only if there's a medical reason to do it.

Hi Twinkle,
Due to their young age and only had once urine infection so far. Thus, the doctor discouraged lor!

I hope Marcus will get well soon. Take care!
Oh dear. Hope Marcus recover before your trip. Take care n do come online if you have the chance.

Have a safe & happy holiday.
Hi ladies, we are now @ my bro's place in Perth, going to Margaret River tomorrow. 1st time to Adelaide and Perth. Adelaide is much more backward and slower than the other major cities - Sydney and Melbourne. But it has lots of interesting and fun places for kids. We went to the National Railway Museum which houses several old engines & locomotives as well as the carriages which you can climb into. Though it can be much better run (the place is quite run-down & not really well-maintained), it does offer a good real experience for kids who want to come close to a real train.

And I must say, it is a tiring holiday for us to tend to the 2 boys. Both are still on medication and have finished most of the medicine but still have running nose. Luckily, we rented a car so can dump lots of things inside. Most of the time, we are just attending to the boys. Hardly have time for ourselves. But I guess it is like that...

I will drop by again once I have a chance.

Tetra, waaaah.. feel so privileged to get an update from you all the way from oz! SO SIAN MU AH!!!!! Hope the kiddies' runny noses will get better soon. Yah lah, holidays with kids are not very holiday like at all sometimes.. heee
