(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

e pigeon step 3 toothbrush's bristles is indeed very hard. i used it once on gabe n he didnt like it, told me "pain pain"

i back 2 using his step2 toothbrush.

thks 4 e warm welcome.
will definitely love 2 join all of u. let me check wif husband 1st.

i heard of e news yesterday, they even showed the lil girl's bandaged foot. so scary!

TBL, seagal, Kelly, mngo:
tks! ahhhhhhhh so pigeon step 3 is too hard!
OK - i must get the oral B one!!

Yeah Kelly, do join us!
update the list if you're coming k?
apparently the gap between the step and the balustrade (ie. the side-railing) is a culprit. Also when the escalator steps "flatten"- also culprit for trapping clothes/ shoes/ limbs. Skimmed thru the article, seems alot of 2-yr old victims, and most ARE accompanied by adult. Just that shoelace/ shoe itself/ trousers leg/ skirt often trapped in those areas...
. Though there are cases where some kids deliberately stick feet/ hands thru the gap
. Another case was a gal bent down to retrieve a coin dropped and hair got caught, almost scalped
. Or when a kid sits on the escalator and clothing gets caught. Very heartbreaking.
pls add sulivyn into our dec party.

she lost her pwd to the forum.

Trix mummy >> is for u to read... i've reg u .
thanks for the article....

gosh! I am so afraid of escalator now . and scared to let declan take it.
mngo..dont killed me..my rusty brain just started to think abit..haha

Gals..hello..so long dint chat at all! Dont mind me sneaking my way to the biggest outing! COz i die die must meet up before 2006 gone mah;) Hope u gals wont mind!


1. yam paste (recommended by cody/seagal)
2. curry chicken (recommended by yuru/lachesiz)
3. fried rice (recommended by LL)
4. kong ba bao (recommended by Lachesiz/seagal/yuru)
5. sambal cuttlefish (recommended by lachesiz/yuru)
6. Fried Bee Hoon (recommended by yuru)

Event: Dec2004 Babies' Christmas Bash
Date: 17 Dec 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 4.30pm - 10pm
Venue: Bishan (Function Room)

Attendance Update:
- cody, hubby, maid + dean: 3+1
- yuru, hubby + Cindy: 2+1
- Eve leo + Nat : 1+1
- seagal + shermyn : 1+1
- Mngo , hubby + Declan : 2+1
- Joann, Hubby + belly dancer julien : 2+1
- coco1074, hubby + Rachel : 2+1
- LL + Steffi + maid : 2+1
- elmobbger + ger + my mum (can bo?? keke.. she also will be keen to meet all the cuties) : 2 + 1
- TBL + hubby + nat&nat : 2+1+1
- Ethel + josh : 1+1 (hubby's attendance tbc)
- Potato Family: 2 + 1
- KC + hubby + RY + mei mei: 2 + 2
- Cindy + hubby + maid + Clarise: 3 + 1
- Maple + hubby + Aaron : 2+1
- Jen + hubby + Jean: 2+1
- Eve + Wesley + Wilfred + maid : 2 + 2 (hubbys attendance tbc)
- duffymummie+hubby+chloe+maid: 3+1
-sulivyn + trixilia : 1+1 (hub to be confirm soon)

TOTAL: 37 Adults + 22 younglings
wahha.. finally u managed to login!

pardon me for my laziness. i din even copy and paste the list :p
medusa: tks for the article, i'm TOTALLY freaked out now!!
aiks ... lift doors are also dangerous - hubby's finger got caught in it once, so we are very careful with that as well.

cham lah - what do i tell my helper? take the stairs??
no worries, you're not too late!
deadline is Nov 30 anyway...

just to let you know there is going to be a gift exchange. Each kid must bring a unisex gift approx $15 for the gift exchange that will be conducted like a lucky draw.

when gabe was abt 1yr old, his finger got caught at e lift door once. luckily only his skin was peeled off & bled a lil and he cried very badly. painful mah...then his skin was exposed for e next few days. it disturbed him a lil (cos he cant use tat finger much) but since then he dun dare 2 touch e lift doors anymore. partly me & my husband's mistake. i was were holding onto him but we were chatting in e lift. didnt pay attention 2 his hands.
oh, so the paintings will be given back nxt wk. hee... thks! no lah, not blame hubby. he already very headache handle nat alr.

i think next lesson onwards i better buy some sweets to standby. :p
aiyo, all the cruise talk.. make me heart itchy too. but hubby doesn't like cruise

<font color="aa00aa">elmobbger,</font>
check this out. think their 60 days saver quite alrite, if take Deck 10/11 flr, no window, low season, abt $315 per pax, exclude passenger handling fee of $79. mid season will be abt $385 per pax.

or is there cheaper lobang? btw, our kiddos whose bday are over, still consider infnat (below 2) or not?
angelia - they very strict. they calculate the child's age as per the date of birth on their passport.
If you child is 2years 1 day old - they pay child rate instead of infant rate!

kelly: OMG! were you totally freaked out???
poor gabe ... luckily nothing severe happened!

another 2 year old got stuck at the escalator in Tampines Mall.
Luckily she escaped with just a 1cm cut!
LOL yuru!!! i was just thinking the same!!!
dean also got his fingers jammed at the door hinge when my nephew pushed the door close.
Luckily my maid was fast enough to react, else he could have lost all 4 fingers!
yuru: you bought an allerhand bag???

yeah, sometimes its hard isn't it?
on one hand we try not to be over-protective.
on the other hand, accidents CAN be so severe we'd live to regret it...

We are at different class, was at classroom B but was asked to go to the classroom next door. The "Rachel" in your class is not my Rachel leh.
I saw your hubby with nat in the class, nat is really cute with big round eyes, your hubby keep telling nat "dun worry, dun worry", think your hubby really very stress. Is a passing phase, dun give up, give nat more time. Try to distract her by pointing to the colourful pics on the walls or give her some sweets/snacks if she cries in class. Carry her and stand behind helps too.

Think i saw u after class, sort of recognise shermyn. Are u the one waiting behind me to wash shaemyn's hand? Next time must say hello to you.

Rachel also din rec many presents, more ang pao loh. Think will go get a proper kitchen set for her.

Escalator incident,
Really makes me shiver... now i also decided to carry rachel while taking escalator or lift. Better be safe than sorry. Read from a report from WoBao that tots should not be wearing open toes shoes or shoes that are too loose. It will easily get caught in bet the escalator gap.
oh i see. the rachel in our class came with her daddy so i thot u were not around that day. what a coincidence.

oh yes, i vaguely remembered shermyn queueing behind another tod to wash her hands at the end of the lesson. so it was u!
Sorry I couldn't recognise Rachel. Post her pics here leh. And next time must say hi! =)

which kitchen set are u gals looking at now ? i'm still looking around.
all these kiddy accidents are making me freak out too. i have aborted the idea of buying croc shoes for Shermyn too - genuine or fake. i think they are really suffering from the bad press now...

re the Tampines Mall incident - i wonder if the girl was wearing croc shoes as well ....
<font color="aa00aa">cody,</font>
oh, is that so? hmm.. what is the child rate? i don't see (or i cock-eye) on the page leh. maybe i go check again.
aiyo, i must give my hubby a big hug tonight.

last night I asked him whether he wants to consider take care of nathan while I accompany natalie to class, but he said no lei. Think to him it'll be more stressful to look after nathan. :p
coming saturday my whole family will be there, hope to see u then.
mngo, no worries lar..hahaha

Hi Cody, Thanks for the arrangement!
Noted on the gift exchange and by 30th, i will update whether my hub can make it!

Dear <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Cindy and Rachel, </font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">You are 2 Today!</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">HAPPY BIRTHDAY!</font></font>
Change of FM
hi mommies. i am facing some "crisis". declan has been on Friso until now. few weeks ago, we gave him sample of Enfagrow and he was fine. so i bought a tin. but last night, this morning, we gave him and just one taste, he rejected it last night. as for this morning , he saw that the FM tin is different, therefore rejected it even before trying out.

what should i do? revert to the Friso brand?

Mngo: why did you change the milk in the first place?
unless declan is allergic or responding to the Friso with constipation, i wouldn't make a switch.
Putting myself in your shoes, i will switch back to Friso just so that i can get some milk in his system...

Sulivyn: no prob!

aiya cos my IL say friso stinko. enfa nicer smell lor. i am afraid from now on, declan stop drinking milk cos i scared he think tat is the new FM
ha? milk powder stinko??
hmmmmm that's a new one!

but too bad lah - betw stinko milk powder vs not drinkinng milk at all ... i think the former is still better!

that is v nice kitchen. my boy played with that at a neighbourhood toy store. alot of kids, both boys and girls like that,

No more fries for nat at the time being.... Meaning i cannt eat mac if she is ard
Haiz... she always kena sore throat aft she ate fries. It happen twice already.... Lucky this time we notice it early and give her the medicine. She recover in a day time.


Can i ve ur maid agency no. TIA! I remember u ever mentioned that ur maid agency is gd, rite? So far how is ur maid? Where ur maid from?
Hi Rochelle,
Long time no see ur post! Can't wait to see pics of ur boys. They must be very cute now.

Which kitchen u referring to ? The one LL has from Toys R Us issit?

<font color="0000ff">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL NOV TODDS!!</font>

Eve Leo,
Does Nat eat a lot of fries at one go ? We only give Shermyn a few bites whenever we go MACs. Don't dare to let her take too much fried stuff.

How do u tell that she has sore throat ? She'll tell u pain huh?
<font color="ff0000">Happy Belated Birthday to Cindy n Rachel!</font>
Pai seh.... yty was nt around.


Ur mil find enfa smell nicer??? I find it stinko.... I always feel like vomiting when i open up the bottle to wash....
she find tht in powder form smells nice. But to me, all FM stinks man! hahaha ... esp like u, when open up the bottle to wash .

anyway last night we bought Friso and Declan was damn happy. he was jumping up and down, clapping when he saw the FM tin. Poor him la, more than 24 hrs din take FM. heeee...
Eve leo:
my agent is very responsible, in the business for long time already.
(I experienced another agency before - they went bankrupt shortly after i got my maid, then when i wanted a replacement - they didn't have! so incurred big loss there.)

This agent is used by my entire family, for many many years already.

Tel: 6557 0020

Look for Eza or Maryann. Tell them that I recommended you (quote my name: Woon Yuet).

here's their website:

When viewing their biodata, you can also ask Eza or Maryann to select those maids with a higher IQ. (Yes, they conduct IQ test!)

I think only the indonesians have the IQ test, and they are hand-picked by maryann (she's the boss) and her husband.
Whereas the filipinos are from a central pool (shared by several maid agencies).

I hired an indonesian maid - handpicked and recommended by Maryann. So far very good, i'm very pleased!

BUT i have to tell you this first - my agent's fees are slightly more expensive. Apart from the maid's loans, i pay agency fees almost $400.
I don't mind the higher fee as long as the agent is good.

I dun know leh(1st time i was busy with nydia. 2nd time my sis brot her to mac last sun) but think shld be ard 10. I oso dun dare to let her eat too much. She is very prompt to fever/sore throat when she ate too much fried/heaty food. Partially becos she got heaty body and she dun like to drink water.

Oh yes she'll point to her mouth n tell us pain pain.

Tks.... Oh yes, the fee is high. But i think the 400 include maid insur.... blah blah blah.., rite? Will call them later. The agency that we visited, recommend myammar maid to us. They said they r more easy to control n most of them understand english-actually they gd in writing but nt speaking. So to me indo n myammar is the same. Just that myammar maid may pick up the language faster. Myammar maid fee is so much higher, it's 500+.


Abit funny hor... how come declan drank when u gave him the sample and refuse the FM u bot. Dun tell me sample got more gd stuffs... wahaha... me siao.... But im glad that declan is back to drinking again.

Some pixs of nydia n nat cutting hair..


Taken few days b4 her haircut. Dun wan to shave her botak oso cannt. She has been dropping lots of hair and left with those spiky one.



Since we r there... hb oso ask the gal to trim nat's hair.
declan drank sample cos we din let him see the sample pak. but recently he saw the enfa Milk Tin, diff from his usual one. tats why.

That was wat im thinking initially, i mean declan refused to drink becos he saw the tin is diff. But i think nt possible as it shld be the taste tat is diff. Since it's the tin problem... how abt u pour the enfa FM(since u already bot) into friso tin aft declan finish it? If nt it will be wasted to throw it away. Btw, u bot the 900g or 1.8kg?

Tks..... but I think she look funny. Everyone keep looking at her when we bring her out, so pai seh.... So nwaday i let her wear cap when we go out.
Eve leo:
on the contrary, i think being botak makes her look even prettier! Her beautiful featuers really STAND OUT now!

no need to wear hat to conceal that she's botak ... unless you are afraid she gets mistaken as a boy? but wearing all PINK means girl already mah...

haha no more Friso tin. cos the il at home very fast one. the min friso no powder, there goes the tin too! i bought 900g one. but i managed to sell to my colleague
