(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

There were more members in this thread. NOw only 10% still chatting liao. Hoho.. sad hor.

Wah piang, you mah chiam busy all day. If me, I would have reached boiling point by am!!! No ME time leh. I think you are amazing!! No maid some more leh. I told hb get the robot, he say can't clean the corners. Hmmm...
Do you still homesch sarah?

<silently reading>
Yes, got the robots. www.irobot.com.sg

True, can't clean the corners, and under low lying furniture, and if your furniture is cluttered, the robot can't reach there. But they are for daily maintenance, and I sweep out the parts they can't reach. I mostly use the vacuum one, and then use the floor washing robot 2x a week or so. When my PT helper comes, she'll do a proper vacuum with a real vac cleaner, and mop with a real mop, so the corners will eventually get done. But like this, the house floors are really nice and clean all the time. So I'm happy.
Yes, I'm still homeschooling Sarah, and now thinking how to include Ben in our homeschool time cos he's so restless.
Alicia just had her permanent bottom incisors pushed the 2 bb teeth out
Now kept in a bottle. No need to see dentist, cos we sent her to the dentist when we saw the permanent teeth coming out from behind the bb teeth. Dentish said it's normal, and not worry abt it.

The first tooth came out around 2-3am in the night, and she woke me up to find a towel for her to place the tooth under the pillow, so that the tooth fairy will come and exchange it with a coin...hahaha...too much Charlie's and Lola

The second tooth came out when she was eating a Jumbu, and told us there was a seed ...hahahaha...

Mom2nat, Bboomer71,
Yeah lor, the thread used to be very fast moving (I think it was before most of our #2 came), and cannot catch up. How about BBQ (at my place???)
Alicia's Dad,
that is very generous of you. Anytime is fine, as in will try best to attend unless kid has class, that kind of thing

Hv u tried tingkang meals delivered to the doorstep? Not sure if the meals are healthy though...
Can't take tingkat meals. Me &amp; my hb both have severe eczema. Triggered by prawny stuff (often found in tingkat vegetables), and MSG, also often found in those meals. I don't spend much time cooking anyway. Attending to the kids takes the most time.
oh, sarah still in Prime Gym?? Wow, twice a week!! Ashley is suppose to go micro but we aren't able to bring her on weekdays, so she goes to intermediate on Sundays 10am to 12 noon.
Your life almsot like mine except i made Roomba work only once a week. And of course, the floor not as clean and the house alot more messier.
ya, hubby have to helped out with the kids' showering while i wash up the dishes at night. I cook during the short time frame when i come back from work n b4 the kids come back from the respective infant care and childcare centres.
A'dad/ PVL,
Janelle bottom incisors came off early this yr and another in May and there is no new tooth when the old one drop but after 2 weeks the new tooth sprouted.

I am quite surprised the new tooth coming so soon.
Hi Mummies and A's dad,
i m here. yes busy with d 2 kiddos. tdy ashrel turns 5 n i hv been a sahm for 5 yrs already, cant imagine..

i realised 1 of ash's tooth is shaky too..
Hi Priviledged &amp; sanrio,
Actually hor, i suspect dat when my kid goes P1, I may end up SAHM again coz i like spending time wif dem best haha, in spite of all the frustration sometimes
. For now, both my kids are in full time cc. and i have a familiar and good helper, so i'm ok to work.
As I am typing here, I am scolding Nat while coaching her homework!! Pek chek ah. Ask her wrtie a few words, she will play with eraser, argue, blah blah... fainted.... by the time she Pri 1, i still SAHM.. I dunno like wat liao!
Big Wave to all the Mummies and a Daddy!!!

Hee, I have "downgrade" to silent reader too! Anyway, just to post a picture of a cake that GG has baked. Isn't it just beautiful????

hazey, YESH!!! Very nice leh!!! Really envy Tyra to have such a pretty cake. We were full of WOWs when GG showed us the cake.
Giggler, nice hor??? I can't bring myself to cut the cake leh.. but Tyra keep on bugging me to cut it early... sigh... By the way, tagged some photos of Vane on my FB, go and download ok?

Shook, some photos of chen chen also...
Nice bumping into you today. But sorry was in a rush to go home then pick nat, so can't really chat. Aiyo, you really silent reader liao ah... Come and chat lah!

GG / Hazey
The cake is v beautiful!!!!

If I have no maid, I will get the robot too. But now i too spoilt liao, floor sticky I oso buay tahan. Last time no maid, only mop once or 2 times a week. Now is everyday. hee...

A'd daddy
BBQ, I love it, when??

My kid also does dat! Distracted by eraser etc. He quite blur, will keep forgetting to bring bag into music room, trip over nothing! etc. hurhur. Wat keeps me going are all those glimmers of hope... like how they sort of suddenly get it after a while (learning comes in spurts), or when they start to internalise wat u teach dem e.g. my kid will sometimes say "i can control myself" nowadays, instead of having meltdowns when disappointed. And then watching how far they hv come and grown...
Suckers are mummies! Of coz many times, i shout at dem too (and they learn to follow me unfortunately)...
Hi all,
Am still here in <silent> mode too. Glad everything seems fine for all of you.

Thanks for all the website links... will let ethan try them out soon. A contribution:

Hazey, wow! Such a nice cake! bet Tyra loved it.
Hi, has anyone bought those "beansprout" looking *ANTI-GLARE* table lamps in Popular?

They have that funny advert of kids studying chinese... then the lamp less glaring that normal lamps. Supposedly?

Wld anyone recommend them- not very cheap. Philips also has supposedly similar product at lower price. Not sure if I should get.

I read reviews of anti-glare lamps (other brands) and the main complaint is that it's antiglare cos it doesn't give off much light!
Alicia's daddy
The SIA goodies for the kids oso nothing fantastic nowadays
Ya man regretted din tell the air stewardess I wanna tar bao
Alicia's tooth came out w/o bleeding?
Yeah yeah yeah count me in bbq

Hmm... so fast Vane has shaking tooth. Did she knock agst smth or wat?

U scared of sun?
"i shout at dem too (and they learn to follow me unfortunately)... " same here

I think tis thread quite dead after mummies having 2 n more. Now I dun hv dat much time to surf the forum. Dinner oso can't eat in peace. Hv to eat n teach Chen Chen simultaneously
" Ask her wrtie a few words, she will play with eraser, argue, blah blah... " hmmm.... v familiar

Gorgeous cake!!! R all the parts edible? Fondant or choc?
Thx for the photos of Chen Chen. Your photography skill ichi ban. Err.... can send me original photo instead of the reduced size or not?
3M has that cute hello kitty lamp.. I too think it is a cool looking and good lamp.

Hi Mommies and Daddies,
been very busy with work n teaching the kids.. hope that everyone is well
I think all of us very busy too.

RE: BBQ meetup.
Proposed month : Sept (date: TBA)
Proposed Day : Sat evening (6-10pm)
Proposed Venue : My place (Jurong West)
Let's have an interest check:
1. Bboomer71 n family
2. Mom2nat n family
3. Koala n family

I will be very busy in Aug. Back to my travelling days again
Hi A's dad,
thanks v m for offering!

Is 26 Sep ok? Sep is an unusually busy mth for me. 1st 2 weekends, hubby on reservist
. 19 weekend, got family trip to M'sia.

Pot luck is it?
Hi, I am looking for a good transfer maid to take care of my toddler. If any of you are giving up your maid, kindly PM me. tks.
Hi hi, are your kids still drinking milk from milk bottle? I just weaned Vane off her bottle but in the end she's not drinking milk at all now. Worry of her calcium intake leh.
Both ashley and Chloe were off milk bottles for a long time already. They love milk and can drink direct from cup or thru straw from those packet milk. Alternatively u can introduce Vane to dairy products like cheese and yogurt.
our elder 2 still drinks from bottle once in the morning daily,
in their dreamyland b4 daddy carries them to school.

Can try those high calcium biscuits?
#4!?!?!? No Where??? hehehe...
#3 is just 14 mths old.

we gave them the "no-no" when they are awake,
by laughing at them... hehehe...
Thanks mummies for the replies.
I still thinking of buying new bottle for her cos I heartpain that she not taking milk leh.

Pigletz, I told her that I wont buy her another teat once the teat was spoilt and it's the TIME to stop using bottle. So when the teat spoilt, I threw all bottles away and asked her to drink milk from cup. She did that for a week, then this week, she didnt want milk at all liao, not even from the cup.
Hoho... paisey.. tot you preg again... must have misread.

Nat spoils teats regularly. Today she even poke her finger into the hole and told my maid "look auntie, MAGIC!!!" Wah piang!
**BLING** talk about food and I'll appear!

A's dad!!!
I wanna go bbq too!! can? CAN?

but sept is Mark's turn to travel, hopefully wun crash
hi to all new mummies...

r u talking abt FM? cos hor.. Jem who loves milk told me that the milk is yucky when i mix into cup... later i realise it's becos either chalky or got unmelted clumps thus not so nice to drink w straw. Then the problem disappeared after I put 1 less scope of milk powder.

Now, both Js drink fresh milk, cheese and yoghurt, no more FM. Tofu, broccoli and almonds are good source of calcium as well
keke... no prob.

"MAGIC" hahaha... then no more teats for her lor...

actually their milk powdered mixed milk smells yucky to me,
they prefers to drink with straw then direct from cup.
brenda / TLL
Same!! Nat told me the milk tasted different drinking it from a cup! Just like for us, we drink kopi from kopitiam glass oso different from plastic cup.
try this,
using her normal milk bottle with broken teat,
through the teat (or cut a hole),
insert a straw for her to drink from it,
(those macdonal's straw)
no excuess liao.
haiz~ talking about the kids' diets, i'm in those difficult phase now. The elder one starts to have lotsa opinions on the food he wants and the younger one is in the picky stage.

That's easy, but my boys will keep asking for it even we say no. Gareth will panic when he knows that his FM is finishing soon.

Gareth don't bites teats one. So that is not a threat to him. Think I will try talking to him again. He is a grown up boy with his own opinion nowadays.

kids'e diets. I think hor...Ruffybear very good, hehe, saw her fb and everyday also got yummy food for the family.

Can start catering business, I will be your 1st customer.
hahahhahaha... you are so innovative.
Well, this am, she refuse to drink from the broken teat liao. Then drink from cup, can't finish up! Sigh...

So cute!! Gareth really panic ah! HOho...
try weaning off the teat 1st.
*panic* is a strong word... hehehe...

with straw also refuse huh?
Or straw from the cup?
Some kids can't stand the "smell" of the FM,
Athena says her milk is "smelly" but taste good... hahaha...
Mom2Nat, Vane likes to bite her teat so I use that as an excuse to wean her off.

brenda,yes, it's FM lah. I feel heartpain that Vane doesnt want to drink FM anymore leh. It's like I deprive her from sthing that is nutritious.

TLL, you're very innovative!

pigletz, Gareth loves his milk so much??? So he'll inform you of the FM ss? Haha..

Yes, Gareth will get panic and want us to go buy his FM.

We tested him a few times becos we are hoping that he will drink the same brand as Gavin.

Got once we purposely finish up his and ask him to drink Gavin one, he got so upset and I have to get hubby to go buy in the early morning. Lucky we got a 24hr NTUC at our place.

Will try to use the straw trick and see if it works anot.

Yes, he will go to the kitchen to check once in a while.
