(2004/02) February Babes


Did you get my sms that day?

You coping fine ya?

Savea jaundice level dropped to normal?

With Avos in sch most of the time, it should be manageable for you. Can sleep while baby sleeps.

recent pics...

good to see u here

oh yes, i gotten ur sms. but i only managed to read it close to 12am, so didnt reply :p

how r u now? feel free to email me if u need an outlet yar?

Dorcas looks leaner now and Ying still the same happy cheery girl

I'm fine... hb will be back to work on monday (decided not to clear his leave now since i've already started gaigai-ing and with him at home only hogging the pc or dozing off on the sofa :p) yes i'm really thankful S can drift off to sleep by herself aft every feed unlike Baby A needs to be rocked / carried
now with S i'm still have time for nap n online shopping! hehehee...

not sure wats the norm level for jaundice but she was 12+mg/190+ when we left the hospital. now still having a little yellow tinge on her face. anyway she's due for her 2 weeks check tmr... no idea wats tat for. perhaps to check her weight gain n umbilical cord? getting sian of going to n fro the hospital but another excuse for me to go jln aft the check
i recall for Baby A we didnt even him to PD for any follow up (tho appt had been made). only went polyclinic for his Hep B at 1mth old.

glad to hear tat your baby is doing well

yes, wat PT said is true... if u want to bf successfully, really have to be determined and perserve. its tiring n "hardwork" only for the 1st few weeks. i'm now enjoying gai-gai with only diapers and a spare clothes in my bag
hi van

of course no need to reply the sms.

was just being curious if you rec'd it. :p

both girls are getting 'slimmer'. in fact, if you see their full body pics, ying is slimmer. No wt gain, but keep growing taller. i am beginning to question myself if I shd pump in more food. :p

hb dozing off on sofa? That's a familiar phenomenon in my house too! hee...

if total bfg, jaundice is normal. did avos have? dorcas had the yellowish tinge till past 6 weeks or so. as long as the reading is dropping, no cause for concern.
yes gorgor had jaundice till he was past 2 mths old
now S still has tat slight tinge, so i suppose they gonna prick her foot again tmr??

hmm did u said tat Ying was big for her age when she had her 4YO assessment? maybe now her body starts to slow down in her weight gain to stay in the average among her peers? eh also 4get ur family gotten the stomach flu viral not long ago leh... didnt lose weight already a blessing

oh yar, u can also give me a tinkle on our "sg number" if u want a chat yar?
Glad that your baby is growing well

Soon you'll be anxious to know the sex

When is your EDD? I'm scheduled for c-section on 28/03/2008. It will be good if baby is willing to stay in my tummy till this date. Quite similar to Jay's bday 23/08/2003. The date and year are the same...easier to rem

What do you think of this Mickey's bed?
Hi Gisele,
I would prefer the sailboat bed. But I think it is best to let Jay choose. If Ryan could choose his bed it will definately be a Thomas the train shaped one (BTW I have seen it for sale in SG).It would also depend on the theme you have chosen for his room.

the gals look gd. They are growing up to be fine young ladies

IF that side is sore best to express instead of latch on..till it recovers.. Breast shield is used for protection only.. I don't think there will be contamination..anyway I have but dun use also
The worst buy I did was get breast shields( to store leaking BM) when nursing the other side.. rather use disposable breast pad (PIGEON) is the best brand.
hi Pink
Great to hear from you. Hope everything is fine for you
How's the girls? From their pics, Sarah is really grown up lor. And Dorcas, like the Feb babes, all losing their kiddish look hor? No more like baby leh. Both of them got sharp pointy chins.

kekeke... I think you are right. with my half hearted ways, I also dun think I can bf for long. This time round could be harder or easier,depending on how we look at things. But then again, I will just go along with the flow. Not to pressure myself too much so that I can be a happy mummy and that = happy baby.

Hi Van
So fast gai gai liao? Your PT helper never shake head at you?
Yah hor, you reminded me abt going out with a full pack again!! Hmm....
How's Savea now? New pics to share? Must have grown a lot more. Tory says she likes baby (I have not told her abt mine yet) so i had this conversation with her...
Mummy: "You like baby then next time you help ma take care ok?"
Tory: "ok, i will. but but...but you have no baby what?! Only gu gu have."
Mummy: "Next time maybe have?"
Tory:" Go supermarket and buy?"

Hi gisele
My EDD is 9 June, and when I first saw the ultrasound, I thot I had the feeling it's a boy. See how my instinct turn out this time, though I was right with tory.

So qiao, the dates so similar? You chose it? Just curious, why elective c-section leh? have you thot of a name?

Personal preference - sailboat.
Mickey very white, like nothing special if we dun look hard leh. Then again, ruffy is spot on! Let Jay choose!!

hi ruffy
You mean milk from the bleeding side also can be consume?
I bought breast pads, but never used them. hahaha... no leakage cos too little. The supply dwindle off by itself in less than 2 weeks since i didnt latch on or pump. Some of my frens got to eat medication to stop milk flow.
Dear Mommies
A week has passed since Kyla started her AM classes. I must say this is a better routine for her. I am really amazed on how kids can adjust to changes so easily. As for me, still struggling to wake up so early every morning. I definitely need to take an afternoon nap. Hee..

Not sure if i should be saying this but .. i really hate to go back to Msia next week. The thot of going back to kampong made me feel constipated already! Sigh.. going back on Tuesday thru Friday for my FIL's 70th birthday. I hope this short trip will turn out pleasant. We will be meeting Kyla's 2 new cousins too. 2 baby boys, 10mos & 5mos respectively. I picked up 1 playskool walker-rider and 1 leapfrog learning table for the boys since we won't be back to celebrate their 1yo birthdays.

Haha.. thanks for saying all that to make me feel better on my weight gain. Lovely pix of the loving sisters! Dorcas has the gentle-lady look hor? Not much changesin Sarah though. I think both of them are going to be slim & lean just like their mommie!

Envy you leh! Always on hols! So where are you planning for Dec?

Yes, I am planning to take Kyla to Disneyland again in Dec when my SG friends come over for hols.

My choice will be the Mickey theme. Its still best for Jay to decide for his new room concept lor! Wah, such a coincidence on the birthdates!! Do you know 28Mar is my ROM date? haha!

Ya, surely a nice cool weather here! Absolutely enjoying it! Just curious, has Avos adopted the fluent chinese accent already? hee..

Happy for you that baby is doing great! Boy boy instinct huh? Does Tory prefer meimei or didi?
Hahaha.. wat's your reply after Tory asked to buy baby from supermarket?

recent pixs to share :
I am 100cm tall. Time to pay for all my mtr/bus trips.. but mommie said "no need"?

we juz came back from the parksons dept store n temp dropped to 10 deg cel with quite abit of wind *chilly*... A still telling me he doesnt want jacket to school!!!

good to hear tat Kyla is adapting well to her new routine

A still speaks mandarin with the ang moh accent, needs more time i suppose. he still saying "no chinese/swedish" when i speak to him. i'm glad enuff tat he's able to understand mandarin better and sings the songs with much enthusiam than b4. i think having an eng n chinese tr teaching concurrently does help him picks up the language much faster. even his eng also improving. i believe cos he used to speak eng only at home (limited vocab) and attended the swe daycare without learning any new words.

hahahha... interesting question from Tory
i suppose at their age they'll think everything can be bought at supermart ah?

our part time helper didnt bother much abt me lah. she had worked with quite a number of expats so knowing the infant/childcare n kids upbringing are different from the locals. she was surprised to see me taking cold dessert tho hehehehe... tat day aft S's 2 weeks check we went to a nearby mall for lunch. suay suay need to change diaper (diaper change area is usually rare here and even if there is see liao also dun feel like using :p). so end up i juz change her in the carrier aka rocker on a bench. aiyo tat draws alot of typical kaypohs standing ard to see and comment "wah baby so young! cord stump not even off yet!". but heck care, my skin is thick enuff to filter out their comments hahahahha...

i've sent an email to your yahoo account the link n password to our new webby leh... u got it? getting lazy to resize the pix again to put up here
juz a few which i juz uploaded yest:

a crazy fan of WonderPets, MingMing


our chubby xiao pang mei

when gorgor in good mood reading to meimei
Hi mummies,
whao all the cute pictures in the thread this weekend!

gd to know that Kyla enjoys the morning session. She is very dilligent in her colouring..can see that she is using both hands to colour :p Ryan still hates to colour.

Ryan is the opposite of Avos..will refuse to take off the jacket even though it is hot ..coz not so "stylo" without the jacket on.. S has put on quite a lot of weight hor..can see on her face that she is growing well. Very enduring picture of Avos reading to S.

Have just finished an exhausting week- Hb's birthday celebration and weekend playgroup(conducting myself).. Posted more of HB's 3d cake pics in my blog..
can take a look.. thinking of making these types of cakes for sale in the near future.
10C???? Still dun want to wear jacket? Dun Avos feel cold?

2nd xiao pang mei here? hahahaha.. Kyla is still xiao pang mei wor! Eee.. i can imagine the sight of the changing facility you went to! For me, i will rather change inside the baby rocker too! S is so chubby and adorable! Love that pix of A reading to S too! Such a loving gorgor!!!

Yeah, kyla loves to colour but not writing or reading.

Got to go sleep now.. wake up early tomorrow and going to meet her teacher for parent review. Have a feeling her report is not going to look too good. Will update again tomorrow!
Hi Linda,

jus peeping in here to say congrats!
Your EDD is the same as my best fren, who thinks she is expecting a boy. All the pp I know who are having bbs in 08 seemed to be having boys. My bro is expecting a boy in Jan and my sis expecting a boy in Mar :D Wishing you a smooth preg!

Hi mummies
Wow, last friday I just went to pay (again) for Tory's nursery in a church kindy. Wow... pay and pay lor. At the end of it all, my hb says get nothing back but papers (receipts). kekeke... Tory was very excited abt the new school and uniform though.

hi shimmrs
I also havent started paying for tory's bus fare kekeke...
Glad you are getting used to your new routine. So it will be another few more years in HK then? Kyla enjoys colouring!!
Dun worry abt reading and writing lah, my tory is another sad story. her colouring is so artistic that only she herself say nice. And she doesnt write much too.

Hi Van
Hi 5! Tory's fave is Ming Ming too!

kekeke... Yah, I remember when I brought tory out during confinement all swaaddled up, the aunties all clucking and shaking their heads away.

Yah, I got the link and password. Thot you might have some more newer ones you have not posted to the web yet. The hospital looks very new and shiny btw.

Hi folic
Hi Mummies,
how was your weekend? BEen busy with the boys and some new homebased business that I am trying out (playgroups)

gd to know you and baby are doing fine. When will you know the sex?
hi mommies!
juz when i tot we're used to the new routine, last week S had her 1st round of growth spurt, so feeding n feeding n feeding. now when i tot its over, she starts to have longer waking periods n has her "bedtime prayers" (eh oh ahs) b4 she dozes off
i'm enjoying taking care of a little baby again n how i wish she'll remain this small hahahahha...

also gotten a good news from hb yest. he's entitled to 6 mths papa leave! yeah!!! tho lesser than in swe but its good enuff. so we may stay in sg longer for CNY (so far planned 2 weeks) n have some domestic vacations during spring/summer
feels silly for him to take annual leave for hometrips. tat makes us hardly have time for holidays.

stepping into the 2nd trimester yar? soh your belly more n tell your bb to open legs wide at the gynae's

if i'm not given to deliver in the private hospital i wouldnt have agreed to deliver here
up till now i have no regrets loh. good environment n they r really natural birth pro, listen n respect my decision (never mention a word of epidural when i already told my gynae tats out for me during the antenatal visits). pretty ang moh style. indeed a good experience. btw, the delivery n hospital bill chalks up to S$12k and the 24hours stay for S's jaundice was about S$2.6k. tat explains why it looks new n shiny ah?

to avoid the aunties' nagging n spoil my gai-gai mood, i've started telling ppl tat S is 1mth old when we were out hahaha... i expect ppl to comment she's small, etc but so far they didnt... maybe doesnt want to upset me or i've wrapped her in too many layers n she looks big??? :p

how's biz?
dear mommies

Sorry for not having to "appear" in this thread for a long time! hee.. dun know wat i have been busying abt.. anyway!

Weather has been quite cranky these days -- hot then, cold. Kyla kena high fever yesterday. I discovered her piping hot body at abt 4am. Her temp was 40C!!! Panicked for a while but finally managed to bring down the temp to 38.6C after a short warm bath soak at 6am. Brought her to the doc in the afternoon. She has an infection on the right side of her throat.

Kyla is preparing for her upcoming xmas concert at school. She is very excited about it and she gets alittle upset when she cannot manage the song- Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. I hope she can complete the rehearsals for the concert. Pray hard she recovers soon.

Are you back in SG yet?
Its nice to meet you and your family on the 2nd day of your arrival into HK. Little Roy has grown so so much and he certainly resembled you alot. Hahaha... and Ryan is a total image of his daddie! Nice meeting Raph too and thanks so much for helping to fix up the coat/hat hanger at my place! Oh yes, you lost so much weight! ~ congrads!!! *envy*

You are superb lah! Can still go out shopping with one big and one small! Any new pix updates on both kids in your webbie?

How's your progress in your pregnancy?
just tis am i was thinking i havent been receiving email alert of new post here probably everyone is busy with parties n vacations at tis time of the year

how is Kyla now? she's adapting well to her new routine yar?

yeah, weather has been haywired here too. has been rainy the whole week n finally today managed to get a glimpse of the sun for couple of hours. tis am was freezing when i send Avos down for schoolbus. thankfully we have the big ang moh wagon to tuck S in. she slept like nothing happened

eh i'm not tat kang ho to bring both of them out on my own yet! by the time gorgor reaches home from school already almost 4pm, cant go out liao when he needs to go to bed ard 7+/8pm. so far i bring meimei out while gorgor in school loh. except weekends with daddy's help then we go out as family. will see how's the weather tis weekend, if its nice probably i'll bring them nearby otherwise we'll have to wait for papa return from outstationed.

their webby are updated every few days, longest is a week b4 another person ask for new pix again
Hi Mummies,
Just got back this morning. Busy unpacking and settling down etc. Will post photo to blog much later when they get dowmloaded

Have posted a travelogue in my blog- yet to be completed abt the 10 day trip - www.astromama.wordpress.com

Nice to meet up with you and Kyla. She is really lucky to live in such a nice place. Hope she is better now and the fever is gone.
hi mommies

Kyla has fully recovered by today. She had diarrhoea (strange - its odourless!) last night as well as this afternoon. I would think the 'heat' has been passed out? She finished her last dose of antibiotics today too. I am glad that the medicine worked well for her this time.

Yes, Kyla has gotten used to the new early bird routine by now. I noticed she is a happier kid now compared to before. As for me, too, has been leading a more "human-like" life now. Hee.. at least i get to enjoy morning breaky every morning!

Well, I have no doubt about your capability of bringing the 2 kids out lor since Avos is such a very well-behaved child. *full of envy*

Will take a peek at your webby later.

Its our great pleasure meeting you too.
hi mummies,
went to gorgor's school today for the kinder level christmas party. my eyes went watery when i saw him on the mini stage concentrating to give his best performance, singing loud and didnt feel shy at all. and daddy felt pretty upset tat he's not able to attend... :p

aft daddy's tis trip back to sg, we've more or less decided to rent out our flat *finally*
will put up in a service apt whenever we return. so our hometrip for the CNY will be a busy one... but still, hope we can meet up for couple of hours.

how's weather these few days? the temp here went up a little but it juz keeps raining *sigh* stucked at home, with the 2 sometimes angels sometimes rascals, last weekend.

daddy going to SZ tis thurs aft he returns from sg tmr midnite. too bad meimei's passport still not ready otherwise we would have tagged along n stay in HKG for couple of days
Weather has been rather cold these few days.

Wise decision to rent out your SG home to fetch some cash during this long period overseas. Does company pay for your stay in SG should you return on biz? We are looking at cheap hotel stay for the upcoming CNY period.

Oh.. it will be nice if you come to HK in future when your hb is required to go SZ for biz.. call me hor!

Good idea, lets meet up for a few hours with the rest of the mommies during CNY? My hb is working on the dates to schedule our return. Do you already have the dates in mind?
Hi mommies
Been very busy with work and the festive celebrations. Missed my gynae checks for 2 weeks and yesterday finally managed to meet up with our little one. And we have a boy in the making.

The grandparents were over the moon with HB being the only boy, and my mum was happy that I have "answered" to my hb's family line (old fashion hor).

Me and HB were seriously a little disappointed. But were glad that he looked very structurely well formed on the ultrasound.
Congrats! take good care and enjoy the moments with little one's wriggling ard b4 time juz zoom pass

sure buzz u if we're going HKG. if not how am i gonna kill time while hb is busy with work??? heheheh...

we've booked our flight to return sg on 1st feb and be staying for 2 weeks. but if meimei's passport not ready by end of the mth, the airline will cancel our bookings - booked since sept/oct liao :p so cross our fingers and continue follow up with the consulate.

nope, co doesnt pay for our accommodation for hometrips. we decided to rent the flat out partly bcos i dun wish to return sg unnecessarily (will stick to once a year hometrip) and at any time no longer than 4 weeks. so the rental is more than enuff for us to get ourselves into a service apt and i dun have to put up with the dust (especially always sinus relapse whenever i go back) and every few days cleaning. also hb always stays in a hotel (under co) whenever he goes back for biz trip. so i really dun see the need to keep tat apt which i already dun feel homed. more n more complain each time i go back :p

Right, i agreed with you. So good that your hb's company provide hotel accomodation each time he goes back on biz trip. My hb's local company don't. We are supposed to have our own home accomodation at home-base.

HB tried to make flight booking for Feb3~13. Awaiting for confirmation from agent.

Yeah.. hopefully meimei's pp will be ready in time!
hello mommies
How's everyone? Have not login for a while as I've been tied up with X'mas shopping and putting up Jay's room. We bought Mickey's bed as he has chosen. He managed to sleep in his room alone the first night but nowadays, he tends to wake up middle of the night and climb to my bed. I was too tired and lazy to bring him back to his room so let him be. To be honest, I was feeling kind of upset when he didnt insist to sleep with me on the fist night. Am I being silly?

He also went for his first time dentist this week and didnt wean abit which really caught me by surprise. Seems that my son has really grown up and I'm feeling abit 'bu she de'.

Congrats! So we both have boys
What is Tory's reaction of having a bro?

Saw your holiday pic this morning. Roy has grown so much...he looks alot like you hor. Did you do lots of shopping?

How are you? You seems very 'xing song' taking care of xiao pang mei
Savea must be a good girl. Avos is very attentive to mei mei ya. So sweet of him reading to her.

How's Kyla? Hope she is better now.
Dear mommies

Today is the last day of school for Kyla. Tomorrow will be the start of xmas holiday thru Jan3 ~ Kyla's birthday!!! School starts on Jan4.

Here are some blur video clips taken from my mobile yesterday during her xmas concert at school. Have a look when free yar? She played the role of the "Christmas Tree".

video : http://kylashim.blogspot.com/
pixs : http://picasaweb.google.com/shimmrs

Nice to hear from you! Kyla is fully recovered from her fever. She also just recovered from diarrhoea after taken 2 days of smecta.

Wow! Can you take a pic of Jay's roomie to show us here? Must be very nice! Show us ok?? I think you dun hv to be so upset when he insisted to sleep on his new bed on Day1! Thats becos he loved his new furniture! You should be happy that he has grown to be more independent.
Kyla has been sleeping in her own room now...
Er... occasionally she does ask to sleep in between us lor"

I browsed thru all the recent pixs in your webbie. I noticed Avos love to play cooking & baby yar? I like his room layout, very spacious and neatly decorated.
Kyla saw Avos in those pixs and she remembered he came to our house before!!! Hee.. do you remember? She put her hand over Avos' shoulders to take pixs?

Pink & Ruffy
I have done viewing your webbies too!
i was telling ppl that only if Baby A was as easy as meimei, i would have planned for #2 earlier

gorgor has been protective and dotes on her. even if he's not in a good mood he wouldnt vent his anger on her. last weekend he helped me to rock meimei to sleep in the rocker while i prepared lunch
i find tat he's more cooperative when papa is not in town.

more thoughts and emotional roller coasters to come!!! i always blame them on the hormones

so how u feeling in the 2nd tri? Has Jay been to your ante-natal checks? he is excited to see his bro?

oh yes, i still have the pix of them in my hp

A's school too started the festive holidays from yest till 8 Jan. at least i didnt have to wake up 6.30am for his schoolbus now. he does wake up 6ish tho, due to his internal clock but these 2 days i juz continue sleeping while he self-entertained

err... which site u visited ah? cooking n baby play was b4 meimei out leh. now his craze is on painting in his laptop (his "wonderful" daddy gave him an old functional notebook). but my hunch tells me he's gonna change his new "fav" activity again. his room is not spacious anymore aft we put the cot in...
unfortunately i cant visit bloggers sites

i like your short hair
look more "jing1 shen2"

we've gotten reply from the sg consulate here. meimei's citizenship is here but still waiting for her passport. with the citizenship, we can get an Doc of Identification for her. tat can act as her travelling doc until we return sg to collect the passport at ICA, ie if its still not ready until then. at least we have no worries with our flight booking now. so confirm we'll be in sg 1 feb unless my "boss" approves my leave

browse thru your link too. i find Roy resembles more of daddy and Ryan of u
I visited Avos site, not meimei's new site. I havent seen those new updates of him in SHA apartment yet ie the play-kitchen pixs. http://www.avos-ang.fotopic.net

I didnt keep meimei's site. I recorded all the babes' webbies under Kyla's blogger.

Ohh... How sweet of Avos! He seemed to be so understanding when daddy is not at home yar? Now I am really full of envy!!!

Err... was it roy resembles more of Ruffy and ryan more of daddy? haha..
Hi mummies
Festive season is here!! Busy with gathering hopping and planning.

Hi shimmrs
Long time no post!! I saw Kyla's photos!!! Very big girl now!! I like her school uniform! And she looked so sweet in her ballerina tutu. How's she in the class? Is she coping with school work? I agree with Van, you look more stylo with short hair!! Very young looking too, very hongkie...hahaha

Hi Van
So you rented out your unit in SG... Good too, cos you dun have to bother with cleaning and airing it when you come back.

Hopefully, meimei passport gets done soon enough for you to come back for CNY holidays!!!

Hi ruffy
My group of frens here were all excited cos of the currently 8 kiddos, only 1 boy. So they are happy that I am adding to the boy figure.

Hi gisele
Yeah, when the kid dun need us, we feel as if they have flown off the nest yah? Yet on the other hand, we kind of wish they grow up? kakaka.... me too with tory sometimes...
Tory is happy she's got a didi, cos she was "intoxicated" by my niece (who's got a bro too). At times she tells me she is happy she got a didi, but I doubt she really knows what it means.... I was kind of sad to give away all those cutesy girls clothes though.... we had wished for another girl...and I had a name for her also... so "elizabeth" will be for my grandchild if not a third child... HB says if he make it rich, we can have a third girl...but what if another boy??!! Arghh!!!

Hi pink
How have you been?
Kyla's always look so sweet and photogenic

I agree with the rest, the short hair look nice on you indeed. Does it require maitenance as compared to long hair? I've never have the courage to change my hair style for the past 10 years. I might try to cut it short during my six months maternity though.

Actually Jay's room is very plain, white wall and white furniture..hehe. Will post some pic when hubby have the time. I'm a pc idiot :p

Avos is really so sweet and well behaved. I really envy you. Got two easy children..a boy and a girl somemore. What else can we ask for

Jay went to the ante-natal check with me once. Was excited to hear the heartbeat and ask endless qsns. Haha nowadays those qsns that he ask is beyond me. Like 'how is baby form', 'why jupiter protect the earth from asteroid' etc. Most of the times I just brush him off and said 'dun noe' :p

How are you coping with a baby and young kid. Is it manageable with no help? I'm looking for a helper now but also trying to ascertain if I can do without one. I feel so uncomfortable of having a stranger staying with me...sharing the same toilet etc

Your child's name are so English...Victoria, Elizabeth. It's nice and classic

hello mommies
Wishing all a Merry X'mas!!! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Hi gisele
You are having 6 mths maternity? How nice...
You can try cutting your hair short before birth then if you dun like it, can have 6 mths to grow it out before returning to work. I kind of missed my short hair now tt it is longer, thinking to have it curled when I have grown it further... but wonder if it will add age?

WHo will be caring for the younger one after you go back to work? Actually I think it is ok to care for 2 kids ourselves, but we have to sacrifice personal time. Our initial plan was to send the helper home after her contract ends in Dec 08, then I will take care of the kids myself. But hb asked that i help him out in the business till another 2 years then I "retire"... I hope this will happen.

Some advise... dad is keen to name his son Maximus after a great warrior in some roman shows he had seen and like for a long time since b4 Tory. I thot it sounds funny esp the "maxi" part and wonder at the likelihood of the name being poked fun at in school...
Hi gisele
You are having 6 mths maternity? How nice...
You can try cutting your hair short before birth then if you dun like it, can have 6 mths to grow it out before returning to work. I kind of missed my short hair now tt it is longer, thinking to have it curled when I have grown it further... but wonder if it will add age?

WHo will be caring for the younger one after you go back to work? Actually I think it is ok to care for 2 kids ourselves, but we have to sacrifice personal time. Our initial plan was to send the helper home after her contract ends in Dec 08, then I will take care of the kids myself. But hb asked that i help him out in the business till another 2 years then I "retire"... I hope this will happen.

Some advise... dad is keen to name his son Maximus after a great warrior in some roman shows he had seen and like for a long time since b4 Tory. I thot it sounds funny esp the "maxi" part and wonder at the likelihood of the name being poked fun at in school...
Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas! - in case i didnt get to sit in front of the pc later. daddy is on his way back from SZ. dunno shld I be feeling happy or sian hehehe...

i do have a part time helper who comes in mon-fri 2-7pm. she helps me with daily groceries for dinner (i still dunno how to buy meat n fish here :p), cooks dinner and household chores (except changing sheets and laundry). i'm quite fussy n i think by the time she gets how i want to separate out the wash and put in dryer or hang dry, i'll do a faster job.

for the kids, so far only if meimei is sound asleep, i will then leave them together at home for couple of minutes while i'm downstairs to fetch gorgor from schoolbus. otherwise i rather bring her down together. tho many have told me tat i shld get the helper to fetch gorgor instead but i was thinking why i shld coop at home with meimei when she already has the whole morning with me. i really do hope to have 1 to 1 time with gorgor whenever possible. so tat 10-15mins is precious to us.

think if i were to stay in swe with zero help, the ones suffering will be the kids. they r the ones have to self-entertain most of the time while the busy mummy will have settle the chores and meals preparation. at least during weekends here, i always can ring up for food delivery services. i save the time in the kitchen for them (and myself
) pink_tulip & ruffy_happy shld be able to give u more better advise

is the movie Gladiators?? i like tat show too. actually i find all names can also be poked fun at if one is really mean. most impt u like the name and enjoys calling him loud
i suppose u'll call the baby "Max" for short instead of "Maxi"?
Hi Van
Sometimes, I hear you say things like "why shld I stay cope at home with meimei when she has whole morning with me...that 10-15mins is precious to us...." I feel very inspired lor. hahaha.... Again, I am guilty of spending less time with tory these days... she rolled her eyes at her asking me why am I so late every other night when I fetch her at my mum's place....sigh. Must try harder.

Curious why dunno how to buy meat and fish leh? THot can converse in Mandarin? Or too rowdy?

I asked hb, he says is Gladiators. I dunno cos I know enjoy such movies.
hahaha...of course will be calling him max instead of maxi lah, but maybe I still cannot get over the fact that i promised him he can name the baby if it is a boy (cos I got to name tory)... hahahaha. Chinese name will be Yi4 (as in perseverence. Daddy's choice again.

BTW,what's Savea chinese name ah?
Hi Mummies,
been busy with the two monkeys as Ryan's sch is closed for the holidays..

It is possible to cope with 2 and no helper.. if you get a PT that comes in once a week. My PT cos $50 for 4hrs once a week..all the major cleaning stuff however still need to do cleaning on your own during the weekday and the normal stuff. Multitasking and learn how to selectively ignore nitty-gritty is what I do

I get both the boys to help in the clean up- keep stuff, feeding takes 2hrs min for both. They are able to self entertain for 10-15 min at times..but still have to keep and eye as one or the other will be bullying each other. Cooking is limited to stuff that can set on timer or need minimal supervision - pasta, pizza, baked potato, japanese curry, chawamushi etc. Weekends we go out and eat or HB does simple cooking. Now that Roy is climbing windows have to make sure that he helps out in the kitchen also.. bring his toys in.. or else he will be doing dunno what monkey stunts where I can't see.

Could you PM/E-mail me your password for your kiddo's website tried keying in the word you gave the last time but can't view the pics...thanks

The name is fine.. but will call him MAX instead...of MAX.. or put it as a Second name..while you use your preferred 1st name for him ???

Busy comming out with newsletter for my playgroup... have been contacted by a local magazine.. will keep you posted on the outcome for it.
have emailed u the link n password

S's chinese name is Kai3 (triumphant/victorious) Xin1 (happy/joyous). the nurses at the hospital enjoy calling her Kai1 Xin1 (happy) tho - tat's one of the reason we chose tis name, sounds happy. same when we had A, i shortlisted 3 names and gotten daddy to pick from there :p i prefer strong names yet daddy prefers feminine for meimei

we can converse in mandarin but our limited mandarin plus different terms used in SHA, sometimes we rather use english and hope tat fellow understands. otherwise will be scratching head on the spot hahaha...

for marketing, i've tried walking ard the fish/meat section in the supermart, end up guessing which is the part i want to get / wat is tat fish called in SG. anyway we're blessed with tis helper (at least up till now she's good), tat we like her cooking and i didnt have to instruct her how and wat to cook. everyday she'll decide wat we going to have for dinner. unless we have cravings, i'll then get her to buy the specific ingredients and go thru the recipe with her.

btw, we've gotten meimei's passport n citizenship cert *finally*
Happy New Year Mummies!!! May the New Year bring forth more joy and happiness and health for you and your family!!!

Hi Ruffy
Wow, your day seems so full. So the boys fight? Really peifu you.
Wonder if and when my turn is next, will I be as at ease as you and Pink?

Hi Van
I see...It sounds as if you have a very good helper
How much do you have to pay for her services?

Kai(3) is a very meaningful word.

Wonderful!! So confirm can come back for CNY le!! *clap hands*
Happy New year to all mummies& Tods/babies

Nice chinese name for S.

Yeah..the day is quite full..also doing some reading up at night.. but have yet to finish all the books I bought last year.
Mummies, Happy 2008!

we're paying her ard S$260 per mth. so far the pay i heard of here is btwn S$180-S$320.

daddy has been complaining tat he cant write the kids' chinese name :p i told him if he wants easy one then might as well named them "yi yi" and "yi er" (one and two) hahahaha...

thanks. have replied your PM
hello mommies

Happy New Year! Wishing you and family a joyous 2008!

I'm so tired after spending one night at Westin for the countdown. Will write more later this week. Cheers
Dear Mommies & Tods ...

Happy New Year 2008!!!

Kyla had her 4th birthday party today... will post the new album here after its done.
hi ruffy
Wow!! Still got time to read?

hi Van
hahaha... baby's name gonna be Yi too. But too bad not yi as in ONE. kekeke... But hor, daddy also dunno how to write both Tory and Maximus' Chinese names lor. hahahaha
$260 is not too bad. Like having a cook at home wor!

Hi shimmrs
Hey!! Very lovely theme! Most children came dressed as princesses? So cute. Kyla looks very sweet in her Cinderella (I think??) dress. Did you hold it in the clubhouse? I was drooling at the jellies though. hahahaha
may i join this thread?
my son is also a 2004 kid.
his edd was end feb 04 but he poped out at 36weeks.
he is now in full day childcare while my ger (feb 06) is taken care by my helper at home.
i'm ftwm
hope to know more friends here and get advice.
Dear Mommies
Its Kyla'actual birthday today! No disneyland fun ... but we managed to meet up with Kyla's only singaporean classmate for lunch. Good that she has his company today so not so boring. Tomorrow will be her start of school. Prepared goodie bags for her to give to her frds at school.

Do you think its a nice party? I thought was rather pathetic, heehee. Yes, you are right! Its cindy dress. We got it from Disneyland store. I made the jellies and cookies for all my guests.

How many weeks are you in now? How are you feeling?

<font color="ff6000"> Welcome to join us, Wendy! </font>
I am a SAHM to a 4yo girl, Kyla. Currently stationed in Hong Kong.
Happy 4th Birthday to Kyla!

(Thankfully auntie still in time ah

unfortunately i'm not able to view the pix. probably another blogger kena blocked by the network again

cook plus helper with the general cleaning (vacuum, mopping, toilets and ironing (which i hate most!!!). cant ask for more liao hehehe...

my boy's EDD was early March but he decided to pop at week 37, on the 14th

i'm a SAHM/trailing SAHW in SHA now.

keep us updated on the progress of your little beanie. somehow i started to miss those wriggling feeling again hehehe...

Hi Mummies,
Very soon all of our babies will be having their 4th birthday liao

Welcome Wendy.

Viewed your kids pics. S really growing up very well.. xiao pang mei

Happy 4th Birthday to Kyla

saw all the photos.. very lovely dolled up as a princess.

Hardly have time to read leh..but have to.. coz need to keep up with the latest trend/ stuff to teach the boys.

Oh... my latest project.. parenting tibits...

Happy reading
