(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Thanks for the clarification. This blur mummy here doesn't know about streaming at all. I shall have a good chat with my gal tonite else she will continue to think she can blur blur go thru p4, like what she did for the past 3 years.

my boy currently has English, Chinese and Science. we are going to drop science after this term...not because it is not good (my boy loves his science instructor from this centre!), but because they syllabus they are offering is not inline with the one the sch is teaching ie they'll be teaching Matter in Term 2 while my boy is already learning Matter this term.

berries will be going 3hrs next year too for P5 (not sure if for every outlet).

my boy's sch will recommend HMT if all subjects are in 80marks and above. then next yr, can only keep HMT if pass HMT and all subjects maintain grading. .

i think there are benefits of taking HMT in sec sch too; and with HMT in pri sch, then taking HMT in sec sch will be easier to cope, no?
Yen Ling - Regarding use of algebra - I asked my girlfriend who is a ex MOE teacher. She said they will not mark wrong if the child use Algebra to solve the problem. But if the answer is wrong, no marks will be awarded for algebra working.

FZ - what formula did your hubby use to teach yr son? I dunno if my gal understand her daddy's teaching or not..hiaz

Avrilf - Based on my understanding of HMT at PSLE, the distinction point is only useful if you are applying for SAP sch. I doubt my gal can go SAP sch..LOLz.
That's what happens to my son's science tuition class. The centre teaches science in advance and even more in depth which I think they are served as additional knowledge.

I have gone through the materials and too, I find it too in-depth.
So instead of letting him to drop, I told him that just treat as as a knowledge class. Don't feel stressed in going there.

Thanks for the clarification. In this case, I think I will introduce to my son as he is very keen in learning new techniques in Mathematics.

I don't think I will let my son take as he don't actually like chinese and I am afraid he needs to spend even longer time to revise.

I just don't understand why can't the school teaches formulars whereby the kids can apply to solve all the complex problem sums. Instead my dd's teacher insisted that she should use "guess and check" method or models to solve the sums.
Leaving the parent to find other ways to teach their kids... its so confusing for the kids.

My dd also have 2.5hrs of Science each week in school. So i guess the school expect the parent to put in the extra hours.

Have not hear anything from the school about streaming...

Recently, i found out that my dd's teacher would asked the students to mark each other's paper after spelling test with black pen, and after that, the teacher will then go thru with red ink. And many times, her friend would made mistake while marking her paper and the teacher did not even notice it. Mummies, any comments on this?
we are single income, so as much as we love to let him continue with science, we couldn't. save it up for next year P5! lol.

for question like
'what is the smallest number if the answer is 800 when rounded to the nearest hundreds', my husband said 'hundreds'=100 so 100/2=50 and then 800-50=750. that is the smallest number.

'what is the largest number if the answer is 800 when rounded to the nearest hundreds', my husband said 'hundrds'=100 so 100/2=50; and in this case, 50-1=49 and then 800+49=849. that is the largest number.

sounds complicated to me ah. but after a few practices with this 'rule of thumb', then my boy starts to see the picture. -__-"

for rounding, i got him to under line the digits that needs to be rounded so that he can see clearer.

his test today....he told me he realised he put 33 as multiples of 4!! faint....

my boy also been told to use guess and check. he will come back and ask my husband for shortcuts. i think guess and check is a good method because if the kid does not know how to do, he can guess and check and try to figure out. in my boy's case, once he cannot use any methods to solve, he'll just give up and said it is difficult. didn't bother to guess and check and use approximation to derive answer.

my boy's class also do a fair amount of peer marking since P1. they are all kiasu kids, so they will look hard at the papers that their peers mark and point out any glaring mistakes. so long marks not affected, i let it be.
fz, my dd is the blur blur type.. wrong also marked wrongly also don't know until i check.

Actually, i have been relaxing till now. Since now CNY is over, its time for me to wake up too.
Hi Valerie,
I think the teacher just wanted to let the kids take note of what mistakes other students made and hopefully, they don't make the same mistake.

As when it is marked wrongly, even when papers are marked by the teachers, it can be wrong too. I have encountered a few times and I always ask my kids to double confirm with the teacher.

SO it is still the parents job to go through the paper.
science - I guess 2.5 hr weekly lesson is a norm here...really, I wonder if that is enough. Lately, my gal told me that some of the questions in the worksheets given by the schools were extracted from the assessment books which I have bought for her. Thus, now she is more willing to work on the asessment books. I told my hubby, the golden rule for learning science is not to rely on textbooks alone..

Maths - rounding adjustments = I leave it to my hubby to do the job as I think I confuse her even more with your formula..hiaz...Just now, my hubby said she seemed to catch the ball liao..I will test her tomorrow to see if she grasp the idea

Peer marking - I think it is common to do so in school..I am not too overly concerned esp if marks were not affected. But I will make sure my kid understand the error and highlight to teachers if needed.
I just realised that my son had only 2 hours of science lessons per week.

I never ask him if the teacher manage to finish teaching as the téxtbook is also slim.

Actually, I wanted my kids to focus more on the language subject as they consitute 100 marks each to PSLE, whereas science and mathematics only 50 marks.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Hi Mummies,

According to my son's teacher, they will focus on models in lower primary level so that they can have clearer understanding. As they move to upper primary (think is P5-6), they will be taught of different methods to apply on certain problem sums.
on the average, my boy spends twice the amount of time on Chinese than other subjects. he does 2 sets of assessment books per week (Set 1 all MCQs books, no compre; Set 2 is regular topical book), 1 set to follow berries syllabus and 1 set for sch syllabus. he does book reviews for me too and daily book reading. besides berries weekly, i signed him up for the sch's external vendor's creative writing for practice purpose and the sch has alternate week supplementary Chinese class where they will share a storybook and do activities in class. i am ok with the amount of time spent and if he can continue to 'not resist' Chinese and maintain his above 80marks, would like him to go on and take HMT because i feel that he should continue if he is interested since we are Chinese. :D so it's good to hear that chinese takes up 100%. i think there was one time they wanna reduce weightage, no?

last year, our least focus is on math. this year's math seems tougher. science has hence taken a backseat. :p

for english, i can't help much. lucky to be able to get a small group enrichment (1:6) and also his sch is quite strong in English. :D
I also just got a wake up call after looking at one of my girl's math worksheet. Foundation for her time table is bad so hence explains why she is struggling now.

I am worried for the compo which pulled her grades down. I guess besides getting help me too need to make her write. Thinking of a way to make her write without making her feel that it is a practice or extra work.

First idea is to do a scrapbook project on a photo then get her to write about the event.
CL - for time table I have been asking my gals to memorise 6,7,8 time table but she refuses..she said she will get mix up..so she did the traditional way..starting from 6,12,18, etc...hiaz

I supposed all P4 pupils are told to use pens for their writing right? I notice my gal tends to use a lot of the correction tape..hiaz..told her she is not being efficient. I need to go to bookstore to top up the correction tape refill..
Can anyone help me to resolve this without use of algebra?
The product of 2 consecutive numbers is 756. What are the 2 numbers?
I use guess and check to get the answer but I was wondering if there is another shorter or easier way to solve the problem. My gal is not numeral inclined so it is very hard for her to get the appropriate guess..she will be spending a lot of time test and trial..
chicken little,
yes! math in p4 is a drastic jump from p3. i surrender at P3 level and can see my husband struggling with p4 math. some he knows how to work out, but he is stuck at simplifying it and explaining to the kid.

my boy is now with Icreativelearner. it is a small group (1:6, 3 including him is from his school :D) 2 hrs session (small group, so more ex as compared to mindstretcher). each session they'll do all components of the paper including parts of paper 1. i like it that the teacher will have a worksheet teaching what is noun, adjective and dunno what other stuff, but is relating to grammar rules, as my grammar is rather poor. the teacher is quite experience and will entertain my boy's questions even at her rest slots before the next class starts.
we waitlisted for 3 mths, so quite lucky as i heard usually waitlist has little chance and people usually look for alternative instead of waiting. One of the most impt reason we opt for this is also it is a suitable time slot and location (near inlaws place) for us. mindstretcher does not have the slot we wanted. and no vacancies for their writers' toolbox (i waitlisted for 1yr!)

my boy is still using pencil in sch. he prefers to use pen and i let him use pen at home. he writes neater using pen while for pencil, sometimes cannot even see the word.

the product of 2 numbers, i also only know guess check method. my husband told him to estimate first in tens eg 30x30equal900, and 20x20=400, so number is between 20-30. then he divide by 2 (assume mid of pg 20-30) ie use 25x26 and work from there.

not sure if got shortcut method anot....will be a time saver!
FZ - I supposed guess and check is the method to use for this question. I also follow yr hubby's method. The key here is to able to make the best estimate and work from there..I think if I did not hint my gal..it will take her forever to solve this question
Chicken Liitle,
how about writing daily journal/diary?

my dd's teacher told the class, only those who has obtained "pen license" can use pen. To do so, they must have shown consistent neat handwriting. dd is working hard at it cos she can get quite untidy at times.
As for correction tape, how about getting her the erasable pen instead?

same same, my dd also used lots of correction tape, need to replace every 2 weeks. I rather she sticks to pencils!

is berries good? I heard they only cover creative writing like 1 compo in every 3 weeks?
my dd still struggling with Chinese, so far only got tingxie & yet her tingxie marks ranges from 70 to 80 only
my boy uses correction tape at 1 pc per month and he is only using pen at home!

for berries, they do compo not so frequent. berries is not as effective in upper pri, but i'm stuck with no other alternative. my boy can manage tingxie 90-95marks but he could not retain the words after a week. his recent class compo only got 18/30.

your girl with chinese tutor?
Berries - I was told that their standard is quite high. Will it be discouraging to students that are already weak in that language? I am thinking if I shd send my P3 gal to pte chinese tuition or Tuition center. Her Chinese tingxie mark is average ranging 70-80 too., and I am so disappointed. My expectation for Ting xie shd be ard 85 given that the lists are given out before hand. Her usual Chinese assessment (from the assessment books) are around 70 with the reference help from text book. Her killer is the sentence making and the compre..I have not even started her on Chinese Compo!!

As for my P4 gal, I allow her to use Pen at home and in school (permission granted by her teacher) as I need to get her to get used to writing in pen. She is very neat but unfortunately very slow..and with pen, she tends to be very careful and details in writing..I told her since her work is neat, she can just strike off the errors so that less time will be needed to use the correction tape. But she just won;t buy it..

Anyone of your having CA..Mine dun have. But I am giving them on my own based on assessment books even though they have weekly topical tests. At P4 level, there is no room for last min work..and burning midnight oil for SA1.
i find berries to have the standard that i like, but my boy even though started berries in k1, could not replicate what berries had taught him (ie could only retain some 70%...i have to coach him at home to make up the shortfall). maybe he probably do worse without berries, but his performance is going downhill (with the increase in standard in upper pri) and although berries teacher offered to have a separate session to run through his doubts, we couldn't afford the time to go down another day as his weekdays are packed. so we are thinking if private tuition will be more effective.

and today i found out that i actually did better explaining my boy's doubts than the berries teachers, who does not know how to use english to explain my boy's questions and kept using chinese to explain when my boy go ???. lol. i told him to approach me first next time and then when i can't explain, to go to ask berries teachers. told him that i am already handsfull with his science, now he still want to load me with his chinese, so now he better handle science by himself first and see how.

mine has mini-tests. math done and chinese after next week. no news on english and science yet, so we will try to cover chinese and science next week and english i just rely on his enrichment.

this year is really a great jump from last year.
what is the market rate for engaging MOE teacher to tutor Chinese? for home tuition, is 1.5hrs enough? and also go any holidays for tutors and what to expect in the weekly lessons? can request to include compo every 2 weeks or usually is weekly? can request use our own materials/assessment books??

FZ - Last year I enquired for my then P2 (normal chinese) and was quoted $40/hr for FT, experienced ex MOE Chinese teacher. *Gasp*..too ex for one subject and so I gave up the idea.

I think for pte tutor, we can be more flexi in our lesson planning and requirement i.e focus more on desired areas. One of the parents in my gal's class told me she got 2 sets of assessment for the tutor to alternate- 1 set for tuition homework and another set for tutor to walk thru during the lessons. Tutors may recommend based on the student standard.

I am still undeciding if group tuition is beneficial or indiv tuition is better for language..hiaz
mine will be English on 29 Feb and Math on 1 March. Chinese will have usual mini test after every 2 chapters. one was last week, next coming up is on 7 March though they already completed up to chapter 4 but the next test is not so soon.

MOE teacher I am not sure. But I think it ranges $25 - $40/ hr depending on the teacher's experience. As my girl does not like classroom setting for chinese and they write compo , compre every week except for the week they have to do oral there will be no compo.

So after this first term, we will be back to Home tuition. Got a teacher who charges $100/ 1.5 hours but my friend's daughter will be joining me and my girl so we will pay $50 each per lesson.
agree that $40/hr is expensive...so now thinking if can do 1.5hrs instead of 2hrs since now 1-to-1, should be enough? we need the tutor to focus on explaining the boy's questions and also oral and compo and compre...stuff which i feel that group is not so personalised. there is only so much time in a session that my boy can use to raise questions. if considering $40/hr ie $60/1.5hr lesson meaning $240/mth, is still managable for us. Berries is going 3hrs next year for P5 and fees about $200/mth.

yesterday i overheard how the berries teacher trying to explain to my boy the difference between 引导 and 辅导. she gave examples on how to use, but even though repeat a few times, my boy still could not understand the difference. when he came out, i told him the first is 'guide', second is 'counsel'. then he go 'ah....'; that berries teacher is from china, so could not use english to supplement her explanation.
can i join you also? heehee...i stay at the west too. :D your teacher is existing teacher?

i am trying to contact a teacher, but if she charges $100, then it'll be too much for us.
Bebe75 & Yawn Yawn: My son has to use pen to do his school work thus he finishes his correction tape very fast.

Bebe75: My son has tests but no CA. His SA dates are out thus need to plan his revision schedule.

Fz: I think if u are havining home tuition for Chinese, u should suggest composition practice once every 2 weeks.If u request to have it every lession, the teacher will not have enough time to go through textbook and assessment book with the child.
thanks avrilf!
1week textbk plus assessmet book (include compre)
alternate week focus on compo and oral.
sounds good!
hope the tutor can be kinder in her charges! LOL.
correction tape
My ds is p3 this year and started to use correction tape. To my horror, he tore the tape within 1 week of start of school. My gal uses correction tape and has never torn one. Now I ask him to use liquid paper instead. Cos I know if he does it again, I'll be very mad.

Chinese tuition
My kids have been in Berries since K1. In the context of Higher Chinese, I find the standard average. They managed to get > 90% for Higher Chinese exams quite consistently. I do not attribute this solely to Berries as my dh spent much time with them on revising Chinese as well. After being in Berries for 5 years, I decide to let them have a change. So I enrolled them in another centre which have compo and tingxie every week. My kids say the syllabus is tougher but my gal said she likes it - She said Chinese is her favourite subject so I gathered Berries did a good job of setting her foundation strong.
yes, which centre? good centres sometimes also need to travel quite far and also no ideal timeslot.

my boy with berries since K1 too and although learning Higher Chinese in berries, he did normal chinese in sch and managed to get >90%; but i did a lot of ground work at home too and also lower primary's chinese compo expectations is also lower. thinking of switching to private tuition and now trying to come to terms with the price we need to fork out; one of the reason we intend to go private is because we hope to sustain his interest in Chinese; he is currently in an 'angmo' primary sch, where Chinese is the lowest priority subject. told my boy that we'll try to stay at no tuition/enrichment for math and science if we going to go private tutor route for Chinese.

may i know if your kids' sch teach the 刻心 and 深广 chapter? my boy's class does not do it and they are supposed to be the best CL class of that level. is it normal?
the centre my girl goes to now which I will stop is good just that she is just not suitable for such class room based when it comes to language. They will do tingxie weekly, compre weekly, 2 weeks of compo weekly 3rd week will be a oral but you will still need to write down your thoughts for the picture conversation. Thus it focus alot on writing which I like but just too bad it does not work for mine.

The chinese tutor we are using will be charging $100/ per lesson. then divide by number of kids in the group. If you are joining us, it will be divided by 3. I have pm you to see if you are keen.
Yawn / FZ,
They are at Wang in Katong. Just started in Jan this year so cannot tell whether it's good or not. Private tuition is really expensive. My friend's ex MOE teacher, Maths tutor is $50/hr and she has to travel to her house - expensive and inconvenient. As my gal's Chinese has been quite good and she enjoys learning in group, will let her stay in the enrichment centre.
My son has been with Hua since K1 starting off with Speech and Drama. I like their weekly tingxie and qtrly revision exam.

However this year they have changed the tutor and for the first time, my son said the new one is not as good as the previous one. He did not complain last yr when they have changed 3 times before assigning the good one to his class.

The centre has transferred the good tutor to higher pri classes which pissed me cos she is supposed to have continued with his class.

I am thinking if I should change centre but it hard to find one that is good.
re: Chinese

I enquired at berries some weeks ago but I feel that compo not frequent enough. My dd's Chinese jialut jialut. Alternate week compo practice can still end up writing crap. Not that her paper 2 is any better lah. But those intensive kind I doubt she can tahan. Catch no ball also waste money. I really don't know what to do with her
yawn yawn
I went there to check out the place but 1. already location i find it not a condusive place for studying and 2. the boss is too arrogant so I striked them off my list
mom, maisy

thanks for your feedback!

your child with which teacher? any particularly good teacher or any teacher is fine?
hi yawn yawn, i think all the teachers are gd cos the principle is very strict with her teachers...any teacher who slack would be asked to leave...that was what i had seen happened

BTW, I am in search of a gd home tutor or tuition centre for p2 maths for my son...anyone has any gd recommendations to share? Thanks
mom welcome
I actually replied and asking where do you stay as my tutor is for west

Check out math concept too at goldhill if location is good for you. My think tank at jalan jurong kechil is not bad too

Oh i stay in the east....but could check out goldhill math concept as my son does TLL there too. Thanks! Anyone else has any gd recommendations, pls do post here for sharing..thanks
